Today's Astrology Forecast | Thursday, January 9, 2020 - confronting our fears and insecurities, attention on home and family, partnership tension as imbalances are spotlighted, one last shot at something else

Now the Moon has changed gears, coming home to her own sign of Cancer, building toward tomorrow's Full Moon Lunar Eclipse when she reaches 20 degrees and opposes the Sun (and Mercury, Ceres, Saturn and Pluto!).

We are more sensitive with the Moon in Cancer. Nurtured through our focus on home and family/country and security.

Today, she will sextile (opportunity) a retrograde Uranus (change, the future, the group, the cause, technology, disruption) at 8:11 AM EST and later oppose Jupiter (feeling either really good or really not so good/amplification, maybe home and family vs work and the outer world) at 6:59PM EST.

A piece of our Full Moon puzzle reaches exactness as both the Sun and Mercury (their own conjunction will be exact tomorrow) square Juno in Libra. Here is frustration/pressure focused on our partnership/marriage/relationships/contracts. With both Mercury and the Sun in Capricorn - something could come to light/out into the open that causes tension/disagreement. Communications can be tense or focused around what is imbalanced.

Remember these aspects (other than the lunar) are not just in play for one day - relationships have been and will continue to be points of stress as we move through these changes.

If we have no support, if we are dragging around relationships/and old contracts that are past their 'use-by' date - we are going to feel like we are being eaten alive now and into 2020!

Things are really starting to tighten up here. With the Moon and Jupiter opposing each other from their perch on the North and South Nodes - we are at an important crossroads. The Moon is waxing so this is a time of action/expansion. Uranus's sextile with the Moon this morning is his last exact aspect before he stations direct tomorrow right after the Full Moon.

One final shot at something else. 

With all this Cappy, there is alot of pressure/depression here. Take care of yourself.

Back tonight with the Full Moon post!

xo all

photo by the talented aufzehngehen

Today's Astrology Forecast | Wednesday, January 8, 2020 - a mixed bag, compassionate language, ideas ripe for picking, are we capitalizing on some old luck or does it seem our luck has run out, a time of energetic re-balancing

How is everybody doing as we head into (collectively) the most intense astrology of our lifetimes beginning tomorrow?

Today is a mixed bag.

The Moon (in Gemini) squares Neptune (in Pisces) at 3:27AM EST. It gets hard to see what is real, but on the other hand we can be dissolving limits WITH OUR WORDS now. Talk. Pray.

Keep in mind the future isn't a dystopian nightmare or a utopian paradise - and it isn't determined UNTIL it's happened anyway!

Don't expect things to be perfect. Don't expect things to fall apart.

Stay open. Stay curious.

What story do we want to be telling ourselves?

With Venus in hard aspect to the Nodes - it could be a time of important choices and commitments that can't be delayed. We have to do the best we can with this. All these Cappy planets are telling us to be practical, to get rid of the old crap so we can build something worth keeping. With the Gemini Moon inconjunct (rock and a hard place) the Saturn/Pluto conjunction we won't have all the answers/facts that we need to have to feel safe and secure and none of the choices will feel just right, but maybe that's OK (and if that's what's happening then that is OK) - maybe the "knowing" is not what we need to move through this experience right now.

The good news - Mercury (communication, contracts, ideas) is sextiling (opportunity) Neptune (our dreams, imagination, spirituality, healing). Practical conversations are healing. Practical commitments move the dream forward. We need to be speaking from our heart.

from the Monthly HERE:

Mercury sextile Neptune is subtle. This is good energy for visionary ideas and language. We might wake remembering our dreams. Ideas are AVAILABLE for the right person - the person who can make them REAL - to pick them like apples in an autumn orchard. This is good for learning (Mercury) through osmosis (Neptune), so would be a good time to hang out with the smartest person you know! Compassionate (Neptune) language (Mercury) is helpful (sextile). Siblings may be illusive or confusing. But Mercury in Capricorn is giving us a Neptunian dream a structure to work with. Again this whole thing is subtle, but available. Talk to other people. The opportunity comes as one thought/conversation/idea drifts into another. People with planets/points near 16 degrees Capricorn or Pisces will feel its influence most. 

And at the same time the Moon will trine Venus (in Aquarius) at 5:15PM EST - it feels good to talk/communicate with our peeps, with people who think outside the box, to embrace unusual ideas.

Jupiter, (he will move through the most important degrees at the end of 2020) in Capricorn, is showing us there is a bigger/better future ahead of us.

In the meantime, Jupiter is moving through the karmic South Node - ending things we have been overdoing/that have gotten overblown, leaving behind beliefs that no longer serve us. This can be freeing or add to our feelings of unsteadiness. We don't have to know where we are going from the space of what we are leaving behind.

If we are woke (and I know you are woke!) we will be able to see the ways our beliefs/philosophy are not in line with the truth that is right in front of our eyes.

For some people, Jupiter over the karmic South Node can pull in our very old (past lives/ancestral) Capricorn luck. For others it may seem their luck has run out (for now).

This can also be a time when old opportunities re-present themselves or people from the past (maybe people we used to work with, have authority over or they had authority over us) reappear. Jupiter here can strengthen old structures.

This is a time of re-balancing.

There is so much going on, my head feels like it might explode just writing about it. And, still, every time I want to write about Trump and collective events, I get the intuition to keep it personal. This is playing out in our personal lives, too, and this is where our power is. This is the space we can create change. We are evolving away from the age of competition and war toward an age of cooperation and peace.

It is important right now to get enough sleep. Stay hydrated. Eat well. Avoid drugs and alcohol and sugar. Pray. Meditate. Listen to music. Make art. Be charitable.

Friday's Full Moon Lunar Eclipse has a trine to a powerful Neptune in his home sign - we have the angels and the ancestors helping us as we move through the next few days that set up our year ahead.

The Moon is waxing. The Sun is in Capricorn. Take action on your goals.

Hold on loosely.

xo all

photo by the amazing anyaanti

Today's Astrology Forecast | Tuesday, January 7, 2019 - pushed and pushy, maybe something we didn't see coming, making the dream real, help from our ancestors

Today's Moon in curious and communicative Gemini opposes Mars (in Sagittarius) at 2:05AM EST. Boundaries are pushed. Our actions/our words might feel rushed/sped up. Avoid being too pushed or pushy. Avoid gossip.

The Sun (in serious and ambitious Capricorn) perfects her sextile to dreamy Neptune today (16 degrees). Limits somehow aid our creative efforts. Responsibilities prevent us from "escaping". Here is the Cappy/Pisces energy of "making the dream real", we had in play most of last year. Maybe we have to sacrifice something (end something) to get something else. Maybe we are taking concrete steps toward a dream. There is OPPORTUNITY here/magic/help from the ancestors.

Take practical action with whatever feels unstable/not solid. Give compassionate/artistic license or offer prayers for whatever feels limited/already structured/controlled by outside authority.

The Moon is waxing. The Sun is in Capricorn - what are we building?

Mars, while opposing the Moon, inconjuncts Uranus now, so there could be actions we didn't see coming. Maybe adjustments required involving our money, resources, income, purchases, our values and self-esteem. This week, as we build toward a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Cancer and a whole host of important celestial meetings - some happening for the first time in over 500 years - is not for sissies, so take care of yourself - get enough sleep, stay hydrated, meditate/pray.

Jupiter is connecting with the South Node all week, so karmic endings/beginnings, re-balancing of situations, re-connecting with past-life/ancestral souls - what is happening now matters and will impact the rest of the year - with Jupiter's tendency toward excess and exaggeration though it will be hard to separate what is important from what is overblown.

See the monthly HERE for an overview - everything through at least the 14th is pretty much in play now.

xo all

Today's Astrology Forecast | Monday, January 6, 2020 - the biggest astrology week of our lifetime begins, the eye of the storm, get done what needs to get done

Our Moon in Taurus squared Venus at 4:07AM ET (tension/frustration/need to adjust around wanting what we don't have or maybe between liberation/advancement and what we want to hold onto) then trined Saturn at 6:07AM EST before going void off a trine to Pluto at 7:07AM EST.

She will be void for most of the day - moving into multi-tasking and communicative Gemini at 9:11PM EST.

Those practical trines make today a good day to get alot of things accomplished. Work with what we have/are committed to. Good for working with authority and stepping into our own power and responsibility.

Time gets stretchy.

In Taurus, where the Moon is exalted she continues to perform during the void, but this would still not be the best day to start something brand new.

When the Moon moves into Gemini tonight - more options begin to open up. Be curious (we are practicing one of 2020's mantras!). Ask questions. Talk. Think. Write. Gemini is mutable air - stay flexible.

In Gemini, the Moon is going to oppose Mars (action, anger, warrior) and stuff starts to get more INTENSE.

This is when the biggest week in astrology in our lifetime really gets started ...

A heads up that no one really needs at this point because we would have to be living under a rock to not see this is a volatile world right now. We are in between two powerful eclipses, headed toward the meeting of Saturn and Pluto, with both our erratic planets, Uranus and Eris, preparing to station direct.

The world (and this is going out both in the collective and in our own lives and bodies) is literally and figuratively on fire.

A major evolutionary shift in humanity has been well under way for years (especially since the end of 2012) and now we are at a great turning point/end of the line - at both a personal and a collective level. Ready or not here is where we restructure our lives, our society and our world.

We are at a crossroads.

And the crossroads divides us.

With the astrology of these weeks in January indicating major events playing out now and the stage being set now for them to play out later, it will be important to keep our bodies nourished and hydrated. Get extra sleep. Pray/meditate. Exercise until you sweat. Get outdoors. Turn off the wifi when you go to sleep. Try some mindfulness exercises/or EFT. Somehow build some extra time into your day, so you don't feel any more rushed and hassled than you have to.

We need to keep a cool head and and an open heart.

I am not going to write a weekly - you can read the days ahead in the monthly HERE - the major events of mid-January may be felt the strongest THIS WEEK as they are building.

Back later today with more 2020 and we'll work our way through this.

Hang in there. We are building a new world. where everyone can survive/thrive, and yes, this will be built through the unraveling of the old hierarchical one. It may seem impossible. But it isn't only possible, the energies will all line up to support this. We just have to do our part and this is much, much more about keeping an open heart than a stiff upper lip. Hang on very loosely. We can do this.

xo all

photo by the talented nylonjuvenile