Today's Astrology Forecast | Saturday, January 9th, 2021 - limited information, focusing our attention, words are powerful, what we do can get us what we want, balance


The Moon is in hopeful/optimistic/bombastic Jupiter now. We are nurtured by adventure, stretching a limit, stepping outside our comfort zone, taking something to the next level, foreign people and situations, our faith. She is all opportunistic sextiles - with Mercury at 9:14AM EST, Saturn at 10:38AM EST and Jupiter at 2:17PM EST. Some great Saturday aspects.

This is also the day Mercury meets Saturn (2 degrees Aquarius) and Venus (in Cappy) trines Mars (in Taurus) at 1 degree. 

Mercury/Saturn might be limits on what we can say or the information we can receive. Mercury meeting Saturn in the sign of technology (Aquarius) - sounds just like Twitter banning Trump and Google Play ditching Parler. This can also be a verbal commitment - etched in stone by serious Saturn in fixed Aqua. Or our feet held to the fire via an old commitment. Maybe it's time to limit our tech time which is so addicting/unproductive/manipulative. Words are powerful and sober. Think twice and speak once. Watch what you say on social media because you will be held responsible for it/limited by it in some way.


Saturn will focus our attention (Mercury), so notice what you are watching (absorbing), reading, thinking and saying. It matters.

Today's best aspect is the Venus/Mars trine. 


Capricorn/Taurus. Solid earth. Excellent building energy. Here is where opposing energies - the yin and the yang can balance each other out/work together. What we do (ie the action we take) gets us what we want. With Mars in Taurus answering to Venus this is even more powerful. Money/resources/relationship moves now can be solid/sustaining. A couple caveats might be - we need to be thinking long term because these aren't fast moving energies, we need to be practical and we need to take other people into consideration. This ain't no independent Mars in Aries, no more. Just sayin'. :)

xo all

photo by the talented simsalabima

The astrology of the covid vaccinations | part II - the USA shots begin as Mars meets the USA natal Chiron on an eclipse!


Part l is HERE

So, now let's take a look at the USA's charts. We will look at the chart for the first USA vac and then see how it connects with the USA natal. 


The USA public vaccinations begin as transiting Mars hits the USA natal Chiron, transiting Chiron squares the U.S. natal Jupiter (U.S. chart ruler) on a Solar Eclipse! Whah!

Let's unpack the charts!

The top chart is for the first USA vaccination - at 9:05AM in Brooklyn, New York - this was the date of the Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius (a new quest) - I wrote about it HERE. We can see the chart has a Capricorn rising which makes Saturn, at 29 degrees Capricorn, the chart ruler for the vaccination event itself. Now, Saturn rules Capricorn which is a good thing although the 29th degree itself is considered an anaretic degree - accidentally weak/exhausted at the end of a sign - it often speaks of a desperate situation/a 'Hail Mary' play.


Moving right into the second chart - the first chart is pretty much all there in the Eclipse post - mostly a good Eclipse forecast (but Eclipses are tricky times to predict) with the exception of that dissolving/sometimes disappointing square to Neptune from the Eclipse Moon and Sun. Not a small thing in the vac chart since we are talking about a virus (Neptunian condition).

The first thing we see in that second chart - now here we are comparing the USA birth chart to the chart when that first vaccination is happening -  is we have Mars  EXACTLY conjunct the USA natal Chiron (wounded healer). 


The transiting North Node is conjunct the USA natal Mars - the future/fate. Mars on the U.S. natal Chiron speaks of action toward healing very deep/old woundings - remember the "event" that stoked this whole fire (the mid-January meeting of Saturn and Pluto at 22 degrees Cappy) happened on the U.S. natal asteroid Narcissus which is squaring the Mars/Chiron.

Healings related to our collective narcissism, through Trump/through covid. As well as the learning, which may come now and over time, that there will be some things we are probably going to need to just learn to live with. 20 degrees Aries is also the degree of Biden's natal Sedna - she is going to play a BIG role in part III of this series as we decipher this stuff without all the astro talk. So, we have Mars meeting the USA's Chiron and Biden's Sedna at the time of the Eclipse/vaccination kick off. Biden's chart is about to be impacting the U.S. chart the way Trump's has been for the past four years, so this is important.

Transiting Sedna is conjunct the USA natal Wuhan/Pandora conjunction on fixed star Algol (known as the most malevolent star). She is trining those Cappy planets - Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn and squaring the USA Moon (the people, not all of whom trust/want the vaccine). 


Transiting asteroids Pandora and Wuhan (two significators or tested stand-ins for the virus/pandemic) straddle the USA mid-heaven with transiting Narcissus opposing transiting Chiron. So, all the players are interacting, which is probably a good thing, but the interactions are complicated.


Transiting Venus - ruler of the USA's natal 6th house of health - is in the 12th house sextiling the USA natal Pluto, so there is alot we can't see here/can't measure/can't know. But we can see that chart ruler Saturn's very next aspect is an opportunistic sextile to Venus - this is good news since he rules the chart and she rules the USA natal 6th house (health). It does indicate this is going to take some time, but also that the opportunity to Venus - that 6th house- comes through Saturn, still in Cappy at this point, but at that anaretic degree (although a sign he rules), so we might say exhausted and tossing a 'Hail Mary' play. We could look at this as a weak government (that anaretic Saturn) imposing its authority on the people's daily lives/health (that 6th house), too. Nothing is set into stone and both the USA and UK vac programs started during a volatile Eclipse season, so this is all very karmic (meaning the result of a cause already set into motion) and unpredictable.

Both charts - and this is still in play now - have that dissipating square to Neptune. 


Which also makes it hard and we might say not possible to know for certain what results to expect. And both the UK and the USA have major challenges to their natal charts in the months and years ahead.


Keep in mind that every history book we have ever read was lived by people who DIDN'T KNOW WHAT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN. They had to just give things their best shot (no pun intended). And that, that 'living on'/doing the best they could do without knowing the outcome, is what PRODUCED the right outcome. Knowing the outcome ahead of time would have just screwed it all up.


We don't have a crystal ball, but astrology can be put to good use. The North Node - our guiding star - is in Gemini. The questions are more important than the answers. And sometimes with the North Node in Gemini our biggest screw-ups come because we ask the wrong questions.


I have become more and more interested in the asteroids/dwarf planets in the last couple years. 


It is believed in astrological study, celestial bodies are discovered when we are ready to work with/know their energies and then synchronistically named. I have come to see them/their stories (told through their myths, by researching their placement in historical charts and by what is going on in the collective at the time they are discovered) as fragments of culture, held within our DNA - maybe a physical representation of that so-called junk DNA - so above, so below - or that 95% of the universe that is dark matter. 


It is mega-important to note Chiron is active and activated in both charts - the wounded healer whose orbit takes him between Saturn and Uranus (Chiron in our natal chart shows the wounds that have a history longer than our lifetime). Saturn and Uranus are the co-rulers - Saturn/ancient, Uranus/modern, of the sign of Aquarius, whose age we are in/moving into.


Keep in mind, and this is VERY IMPORTANT that 2021 is going to be DEFINED by Saturn and Uranus's three-peating squares to each other AND Saturns three-peating sextiles to Chiron. This is not a coincidence.


Chiron travels - and his orbit is quite wonky - to the outer planet of Uranus (think - our higher hive mind, the memory of the ancestral traumas we carry that our lower mind has forgotten, outsider/alien territory/futuristic, non-dualistic energies) and then comes back into the fold and literally penetrates Saturn's orbit - which is our REALITY.


You can read the story of Chiron HERE


Astrologers have come to associate Chiron with very old woundings (multi-generational) that cannot be healed - we work with what is given to us/make the best of it that we can. A great example is a recovered/recovering alcoholic who becomes a counselor for other recovering alcoholics. Or maybe a better example is a closet drinker who effectively counsels recovering alcoholics - the healer who can heal others, but not herself. At our best we interrupt the wounding/let the light in. At our worst we continue/worsen the cycle. It's not so much about healing the wound as in learning to live with it in the highest possible way. And hopefully stop the continuation of the wounding into the next generation. On the one hand, when we are born we are literally created through our past lives into someone who lines up with this problem and on the other hand (and this is probably all the same hand) we are handed this problem ancestrally with our job being to 'figure this sh*t out'.


Chiron's own wound was healed through compassion/sacrifice when he gave up his own life to save Prometheus. Chiron was a great healer though, long before his own un-healable injury and considered the father of the Greek's medical art. I have seen his transits bring healing. And, of course, his story - the un-healable part - involved being pierced/shot with an arrow that has been laced with poison. And since we are talking about vaccinations, we will keep this in mind, too. 

The USA natal Chiron is at 20 degrees Aries.


If we see this as our nation's wounding - natally, so likely of the unhealable variety - what does that tell us about the nature of the wound? Signs are divided into decans and 20 degrees Aries is the very end of Aries decan two. According to astrologer Marina at Dark Star Astrology (you can read the post HERE) "this decan is where Aries gets regal, for here we have the King, Princess, Dragon, etc. These people follow no leaders and work best as their own boss or taking command over others." Astrologer Austin Coppock calls Aries decan 2, "the Crown", and says, "applied magically, this decan has tremendous power. It is the power to generate the world of your choosing and to be its sovereign. It is the key to creating realities that do not obey the laws of the collective reality field in which they exist.” Interesting his use of the word "crown" since corona also means crown and "key" since Chiron is known as the key (and its symbol looks like a key), but of course we are always seeing what we are looking for :)


What also caught my eye with these charts was dwarf planet Sedna and I think here is the real story of what is happening. 


We will talk about her in part III. 


Less astro babble in this last one and we'll look at what this could all mean and some thoughts on where this might go ...

xo all

Today's astrology Forecast | Friday, January 8, 2021 - passion that embraces rules and structure, an ongoing argument, a need for rest



The Moon continues her journey through sister-sign Scorpio. She sextiles the Sun at 11:10AM EST, trines Neptune at 11:13AM EST and goes void tonight, at 8:58PM EST off a sextile (opportunity) with Pluto. 

Her sextile with the Sun, this month's Waning Sextile is Scorpio/Capricorn at 18 degrees. Sextiles are little portals of opportunity, like most opportunities, take a little efforting on our part. If we have anything near 18 degrees of these two signs, the energies are more fertile. This is passion/intensity that embraces structure/authority/the rules. The structure is strengthened. The passion given a solid form. 

She immediately trines Neptune - our intuition/dreams. This feels like all one thing with the Waning Sextile. Good for meditation, prayer, compassion - intense and realistic action toward our dreams. The ideal being made real.


(for some people, this trine will be about conspiracies/delusions - not all conspiracies are delusions, but Neptune trines are sure times for creative/imaginative/idealistic people to get sucked in - so much of this current conspiracy energy is trauma projected outward .. as we move through the next couple years, hopefully learning it is safe not to split and dissociate, we won't need so many of these to make sense of things - this 'not splitting' is going to be the harder/higher ground though). 


That final sextile tonight with Pluto - who rules the Moon while she is in Scorpio - speaks of power/transformation. Merging/purging. Financial deals. We are comforted by murder podcasts. Getting to the bottom of something. Make up sex.

We have both Mercury and Venus changing signs today. 


We talked about that HERE - see January 8th. The conversation changes/shifts. What we love/value changes. Our finances change. With 3 inner planets at the 0 degrees of different signs this week - something is STARTING. 


The New Moon next week will really energize this. 

When Mercury gets into intellectual Aquarius he/she will almost immediately square Mars at 1 degrees Taurus. Tension/frustration. How to start/what to build. This is fixed energy, so everyone is dug in/doesn't want to budge. Mercury is in the sign of the future/change that is often erratic and Mars in the sign of maintaining. So this could be an argument about finances/values. Conversations/words/ideas/information around change might feel like a threat to our security. Working our way through life's squares (and there are a gazillion of them this January) makes us stronger, but avoiding unnecessary arguments can be a good idea, too. 


Because of Mercury's upcoming retrograde - whatever this tension/frustration/argument is, it probably won't be a one-off though, so not so easily avoided.


We'll be back here on February 10th.

That trine to Neptune can be draining. Use that void Moon tonight to rest/recharge. Our immune systems need extra sleep now. The Moon's move into optimistic Sagittarius tomorrow should feel even better. 


Back to wrap up the vac.

xo all

(late yesterday afternoon as Uranus - think Trump here, with Uranus on his Sun/North Node and Mars on his ascendant, life has perfectly pre-fit him for these roles - was opposed by the Scorpio Moon, the astrology of what we spoke of yesterday  - "this can also be secret/back door maneuverings to avoid damage to what we own/value" - Trump, convinced by those closest to him of a need to act to save his presidency/legacy gave a speech condemning the people who stormed the capitol. So instead of greater liberation or chaos (Uranus), that powerful Moon in Scorpio had her way. Politics aside (no mention of how these people were 'wound up'), this is a chance to see that opposition to Uranian energies - because they are changeable in the first place - are not like oppositions to more stable energies, even when housed in fixed signs. With Uranus in Taurus - we can use what we value/already have/want to maintain to help stabilize things should we need to, also keeping in mind this stuff can be used to keep us 'in line'. Maybe no big eye-opener there, sounds like common sense since we are talking about Taurus, but good to keep in mind as we work through the Uranus squares in 2021.)

photo by the talented Tanja Moss

Today's Astrology Forecast | Thursday, January 7, 2020 - wth just happened part two, surviving the next 24 hours, getting to the bottom of things


The intense Scorpio Moon took over while we slept. Can things get any deeper/darker/"my dick is bigger than your dick" than yesterday ....

The Scorpio Moon will oppose Mars at 4:14AM EST, square Saturn at 7:54AM EST, square Jupiter at 11:15AM EST, oppose a retrograde Uranus (Trump!) at 3:15PM EST and finally Black Moon Lilith. 

First that opposition to Mars - and the Moon in Scorpio is answering to Mars - anger/aggression/obsession/deep resentments. Defensiveness. Unresolved issues projected outside of us. The pot is boiling. The pot is boiling over. These are fixed signs. Dug in. 


Then the squares - tension/frustration - to Saturn (authority/limits/rules/restriction/depression) and Jupiter (expansion, taking something too far, BUT also truth, honor, justice). The Moon in Scorpio wants to go deep/get to the bottom of things/figure out what happened, with that square to Saturn- heads can roll. 


This can also be secret/back door maneuverings to avoid damage to what we own/value.

This ends with an already intense and challenged Moon opposing "anything-can-happen" Uranus. He is still retrograde, so this won't be a totally new thing, but this can be like a sudden liberation/ending. Snap goes the camel's back. Pop goes the weasel. What just happened? Did we just burn the bridge/our fingers/the house down? The future is fast approaching, The future is HERE.

At the same time Mercury is again parallel Pluto - words are powerful. Secrets can come out. Words can hurt/maim. Our truth is weighty. This is powerful backdoor conversations/deals. We'll poke our eye out, or someone else's. Thinking/feeling something like, "I could never kill anyone. Oh no. I may have to kill someone." Not literally of course. But something could feel very life and death. It most likely won't be.


We lived through 2020, so please let's survive this freaking week/first two months of 2021.

Now Friday and Saturday the Moon is all smooth sextiles and trines. This should feel better.


Let's just weather the next 24 hours and then we all get a gold star and a cookie. Stay safe. No dark alleys please.

xo all


photo by the talented koksuel