Today's Astrology Forecast | Thursday, April 1st, 2021 - the old fires up the new, choosing a new direction, what needs fixing, what needs forgiving/forgetting

  The Moon is in lighter/brighter Sagittarius now. We are nurtured/nourished by adventure, widening our scope, optimism,...

Today's Astrology Forecast | Wednesday, March 31, 2021 - dialing into the details/facts, letting an old love go, moving toward new passions, making a different choice

  The Moon in Scorpio is busy today, but mostly smooth aspects should make today (and tomorrow and most of Friday) easier...

Today's Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Tuesday, March 30th, 2021 - looking under the hood, coming unstuck, taking responsibility for something new, a path to more stable money and relationships

  The Moon is in Scorpio now. We are nourished by power/collective resources/merging/purging/diving deep. Our emotions...

Weekly Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of March 29th, 2021 - April 4, 2021 - healing old wounds, opportunities with love and money, our way forward gets shored up, our thinking/the story changes

  MONDAY - Sun conjunct Chiron, Mercury conjunct NeptuneTUESDAY - Venus sextile SaturnWEDNESDAY - Venus sextile North Node,...