Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of January 17th - here comes the sun .... in wintry Aquarius - uncertainty, second thoughts, expect the unexpected through the rest of January

marina by bubbleguN-oo

Another intense week. Mercury is still retrograde until the 25th, when he stations direct and begins to move forward once again. The route a retrograde Mercury journeys this week, a direct Mercury will travel next week! So whatever happens now might un-happen or switch on us next week. Take things slow. Expect the unexpected.

With Jupiter also retrograde and hanging out with the North Node of our collective fate this is a big transition period - new jobs, relationships, people and spaces moving on, death and birth.  

Opportunities to connect and re-connect with people and situations continue.

On MONDAY we have a cozy Taurus Moon trining (brakes off) Mercury (retrograde in Capricorn) and sextiling Chiron - let's be patient with ourselves and others and give people the benefit of the doubt. This would also be good energy for healing rifts by making amends and accepting others' apologies.

Venus in Sagittarius squares the North Node and Jupiter in Virgo. There is some kind of tension that requires us to change something about a financial, love or values situation. Maybe something we have outgrown needs to be released. Maybe something we haven't yet grown into comes up close and personal a little earlier than we expected. Virgo asks if maybe we already have enough on our plate right now. Follow what is unfolding here. One step at a time. Even good things can get overdone with this energy.

The best use of Venus square Jupiter energy might be to socialize and have fun (if you can play hookey or if you have the day off for Martin Luther King Day maybe just do that). Don't go shopping and overspend though or eat the entire box of Krispy Kremes.

If we are determined to work, Mars in Scorpio (trine Neptune) could see our most productive actions focused on Scorpio (other people's money, sex, death, birth) and/or Neptune (creativity, healing, stuff that is hidden, research, spirituality) themes.

aquarius magnetic locket by polarity
TUESDAY'S Gemini Moon is great for communication, talks, and the flow of ideas - there is an aspect to Neptune that could make things a little fuzzy or sad maybe - stay focused on the present moment. Neptune is quelled with meditation (or try coloring or long quiet walks in a familiar space) although Gemini's buzz will make quiet-time a little more difficult than usual. Another good day for research.

On WEDNESDAY the Sun moves into Aquarius and we all start burning the fuel of the genius/rebel/criminal. Here we take those Capricorn rules and see them not as they are, but as they could be.

Aquarius is the sign of the humanitarian. It rules the time of year our ancestors ventured out into the cold to check on their neighbors. It can also be the space in our chart where we over-give and wear ourselves out. As we move from the grounded energy of Capricorn into Aquarius air it is also a good time to get sick - and especially come down with a head cold. Do whatever it is you do to bolster your immune system.

(at the recommendation of a friend I started putting 3-4 drops of garlic oil in each ear at the first signs of a cold - hubs says it's like sleeping with a pizza, poor fella - in addition to taking vitamin C every couple hours that day and 4 drops of oil of oregano in a tall glass of water - it seems to work very well)

Aquarius sun season is a good time to say yes to social obligations and activities - just stay hydrated and wash your hands :)

Stuff gets complicated beginning Wednesday when Mercury begins a two week long conversation with Uranus (change, rebellion, revolution) and Pluto (transformation).

First he squares Uranus in Aries pulling us back to the Uranus/Pluto square (freedom vs control, stability vs revolution). On Friday, Mercury joins Pluto. Direct confrontations can create permanent endings. Or maybe something just ends. If we commit to something now, it can also be pretty solidly fixed and we might want to adjust it next week when Mercury is direct, so if big decisions, purchases, deals, etc can be pushed out a couple weeks when we have our bearings and can tell where the chips have fallen, that might be better.

Remember the way through is still Virgo - small, measured steps will get us where we need to be. Whatever happens - matters of security and freedom will likely be overwhelming.

(if you are like me you might have started to work with some of these aspects last week, and of course, we will revisit them next week when Mercury goes direct and makes his way through these degrees ... again!)

Venus enters Capricorn on Saturday - love, money, our values - we get serious. We have a Full Moon in Leo on Saturday - this one culminates the New Moon from August 2014 so something from that time finishes up or with all this retrograde energy is back in play somehow - the Ferguson police shooting of Michael Brown/ state of emergency declared there, Robin Williams suicide, stock market decline, ISIL airstrikes, the shooting of Cecil the lion - whatever was happening in our own personal lives the summer before last .....

I'll do a Full Moon post later in the week. xo all

your creative business and the astrological generations | feeding your customer's Pluto - Part II

blossom by aaron mcpolin

Part I about the Leo and Cancer generations is here

Next we have the Pluto in Virgo generation (born 1958-1971).

This is the generation charged with transforming work (computers), health, and habits. These dates roughly correspond to what the media calls Generation X (the slackers?!, NOT).

This is a very self-critical, detail oriented group; a large part of this generation born into the energy of the tumultuous 60's have both Pluto and Uranus (sudden change, genius, rebellion) in the same sign and house since they were traveling together in those days. This makes some area of their lives especially volatile and challenging. Many were also born with Neptune (spirituality, escape, drugs) in Scorpio (potential self-destruction) and a smaller number (1964-1967) with Saturn (road blocks, control) in Pisces (see Neptune above) tossing an extra dragon or two at them to be tamed, befriended or succumbed to.

There was an article in the Guardian recently about the high death rates from suicide, alcoholism, depression and drug use (findings knocked the Princeton researchers 'off their chairs') in this age group. Astrologically, some of the reasons are glaringly obvious. Pluto and Uranus conjunct in Virgo is very likely to bring digestive problems, allergies or immune system issues - we are learning more everyday about gut health and the gut/brain connection with researchers finding there are very real connections between depression and the bacteria we have and don't have in our stomachs. Neptune in Scorpio could be escape leading to self-destruction and Saturn in Pisces a very real need to escape! Toss in the fact they live in the U.S. where Virgo themes are way out of whack - too much work, poor diets, healthcare driven by the drug industry and we have a recipe for some very real, and yes painful, transformations.

Virgo is the sign of the worker, the servant, the craftsman, precision, idealism, the perfectionist. Virgos gain dignity and self-respect from being good at something that is of use to other people. Virgo searches for the tiny torn thread, the inconsistency, the stuff that is glossed over by others - always seeing the flaw, the space for improvement. This generation can "see" reality (maybe a little too well, too much reality can be a rather despairing space to carry!), but has a harder time "accepting" it. They can fall into an idealistic trap - wanting things to be just so and things never living up - that they can appear the opposite of idealistic!

If your creative business services this group - think about some of these Virgo buzzwords. What do they need/want now?

If you have a product based business this is the generation who will appreciate your product's value, it's attention to detail and the skill needed to produce it. Think quality. This generation is tasked to roll up their sleeves and create the future in an increasingly eco-focused, multicultural and technology addicted world. Things involving these buzzwords in some way will likely appeal to them.

Anything that helps them relax, enjoy, appreciate, forgive (especially themselves) will appeal, too.

Pluto and Virgo are health focused; the first generation to embrace gyms and turn activewear into everyday wear. This isn't about staying young forever like Pluto in Leo - this is more about staying healthy and functionable. So anything that helps them keep on working will appeal to them.

They are middle-aged now and having been tasked with a lifetime of noticing everything that is "wrong" and with a second lifetime of work still ahead of them (no retirement for these folks like their parents had - sorry Virgos) many are tired, so anything that feels like a "reboot" or "reprieve" or "relaxation" will appeal, too.

(I am using alot of Mercury retrograde buzzwords but this makes perfect sense since Mercury rules Virgo!)

The Pluto in Libra (1971-1984) generation is here to transform the Libra themes of relationship, balance and partnership. The first generation to grow up with mostly divorced parents and mostly working mothers, they coupled up early and embraced Facebook friendships and texting. They carry the lessons of fairness, cooperation and compromise; the ability to walk in the other person's shoes. Justice. Beauty.

Libra is the sign of the arts and Pluto in Libra's ability to be in 'relationship' with everything gives them a strong connection with art and music. As youngsters they often found connection with others through these areas and probably still label themselves and others by musical and artistic styles and tastes.

Libra rules balance. Unlike the previous generation they will most often prioritize relationships and partners over their work. They will seek out balance and fairness. They might attract the opposite so it/and they/and us (universal energy) can be transformed.

If your creative business services this group - think about some of these Libra buzzwords. What do they need/want now?

Many in this generation are raising young children now. People raising young children often spend more money on their children than themselves and you could focus your business on the kids, of course with Libra's ability to see both sides of an issue and flipflop with the best of them - they will soon be asking themselves, "hey what about me?" and need to splurge on themselves once in a while, too - so your business could be about the 'splurge'.

What would someone who prioritizes relationships, art, music and balance need when raising young children or splurging on themselves? Where does your work/business come in? What can you offer here? Remember these people are hands on creative and often have limited budgets - maybe think DIY kits and budget friendly anytime classes.

This generation wants things to be beautiful. They love Pinterest and Instagram. They connect with others through beauty and art and music. This is where they will be looking. With so much clamoring for their attention, you will need to stand out. This generation likes balanced relationships between equals something to keep in mind if you are a coach or teacher.

Up next post the Pluto in Scorpio and Pluto in Sagittarius generations and your creative business.

NOTE - this series is about generations and generalities. The house placement of Pluto for each individual person has an important influence, too and isn't covered here. And we are all connected so the energy each individual carries impacts all of us.