Full Moon in Sagittarius - keep your head

up above by affont

The Full Moon is at 1 degree Sagittarius on Saturday. It has multiple 'stressy' aspects that I talked about here.

If you have natal planets in the early degrees of mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) I would suggest calling this weekend a wash-out - it's supposed to rain for the 7th straight weekend here in New Jersey anyway. Grab a good book (hell, grab any book) and stay in bed. It will take super human efforts not to get embroiled in something.

Otherwise be prepared for the possibility you will want to:

1. choke the living daylights out of someone

(I was going to say 'choke the crap' but decided that sounded crude - plus 'living daylights' leaves the other person unconscious which could be our aim with this energy - they will fight back though, so this unconscious thing probably isn't going to work)

2. run away with your dog since she's the only one who really understands you anyway

(not that I know about this - sniffle)

3. totally lose your cool over some strongly held belief - don't talk politics with anyone now, stay off Facebook!

Anyhoo, don't say I didn't warn you. If you must go out and/or be around living things with less than four legs - I would suggest trying to be on the same side as the person you are with - creating a 'you and me against the world' type of weekend might work ... maybe.

This is most definitely not the time for a heart to heart with anyone you haven't been getting along with or for bringing up some thorny issue from the past. Zip. It.

As always Full Moons are powerful times for energetic shifts so please get out and walk in it - just don't walk into the local pub and start a brouhaha

and yes, I say things like brouhaha now - you got something to say about that?! 

xo all

Sun into Gemini - time to get moving

color of the wind by anita anti

On Friday, the Sun moves from earthy and stable Taurus into airy and fluid Gemini.

Gemini energy talks. It listens. It questions. It perceives what isn't said at all. In short, it doesn't miss a trick. With so much to see and so much to do and so much to communicate - there is not a moment to waste on any of those roses we were smelling last month.

Ruled by Mercury (standing very still and powerful in the skies right now preparing to go direct on the 22nd), Gemini is the sign of quick wit, unending curiosity and a short attention span.

My sister has a loaded Gemini house and can appear quiet at times. In conversation, she nods and makes eye contact but her mind has raced ahead to something else - she already knows what the other person will say or do next and how she will respond, so she is studying their eye color and trying to decide if they are green or hazel or making a grocery list in her head or calculating the square root of the number on a sign that just caught her eye.

(in high school when talking to boys on the phone, she would watch TV with the phone in her lap, and pick it up once in a while to say "yeah" or "hmm" - I'm pretty sure they never noticed)

Since Gemini rules information we will have alot coming at us over the next few weeks.

Gemini (the twins) is the sign of duality - of black and white, of feminine and masculine, of truth and lies. Nothing will be totally one way or the other or quite what is seems now. We will be faced with dilemmas and changing viewpoints. In the end contradictory thoughts and things can come together with this energy.

We all have ideas about how things are supposed to look and work that we've carried since childhood (and before). We have these beliefs and then we, subconsciously, look around for the things that support these beliefs and that's what we notice. Then our beliefs gets reconfirmed and strengthened. Even though these beliefs are no truer than someone else's beliefs that reflect the opposite thing.

With the Sun in Gemini and all of us burning Gemini fuel - we can give ourselves permission to embrace a more wide open receptive state. We can move against the beliefs we've been strengthening since childhood if they no longer suit us. We can give life permission to not make any sense for a while. If we are confused we are doing something right.

See what house holds Gemini in your natal chart - this space will be communicating with us now. Things will be busy.

We have a Full Moon the day after the Sun's ingress into Gemini, then the Gemini New Moon on June 4th and then another Sagittarius Full Moon on June 20th. So, whatever is happening with Gemini in our charts will complete in some way with the first Full Moon, then something starts with the New Moon and then another ending in late June.

Starts and endings will be fast and furious, but permanent .... that's questionable. xo all