Mercury opposing Uranus | snap decisions, surprising news

nomad 2 by M0THart

Today (and into tomorrow) we have Mercury (in Libra) opposing Uranus (retrograde in Aries).

On the plus side this transit can make us aware of alternative ideas and other people's points of view. We can hear or read something that shakes our world view a little bit (or maybe alot if it's hitting our planets or points) and makes us go ... hmm. Before we know it we have sold all our possessions and moved into an RV ... or maybe not.

This energy can play out as a snap decision we have to live with for a long time. Keep this in mind.

This doesn't make the decision good or bad.

If we are a person who normally likes to think things out and weigh the pros and cons - this can be challenging.

If we are a person who will sit on a fence until the wood rots and we get splinters in our backside - this could be a good thing.

This could also show up as 'sudden' (Uranus) 'news' (Mercury).

Stay flexible and ready to pivot.

Stay objective.

A Uranus opposition can trigger something exactly the opposite of what we are expecting. At the same time we will be able to see how other people's 'stuff' is impacting all of this - it isn't just about us. The good news is we will know where we stand now and can move from here.

Probably the news isn't totally unexpected - just not what we were hoping for. 

Remember with transits I write about them when they are exact - this energy could play out for us within the last couple days or within the next couple days.

xo all

There is also a nice trine (brakes off) between the Cancer Moon and Neptune today - this feels like good energy to stay in and focus on home and family. If you played hookie today I wouldn't blame you.

Mars and Pluto Conjunct | Vesta into Leo

she painted fire by mar-jus
Mars and Pluto meet up in Capricorn today. This is a pretty destructive war aspect.

Take care with this energy. What we physically do today matters.

If we have something that needs to destroyed, this would be the time to do it (even shredding papers that represent something that needs to go bye bye could be an effective use of this energy).

Let's keep a cool head. There are positive ways to express anger and we can find them. Control issues will be hard to ignore now though.

If there is something we need to do that scares us - here's that booster shot of bravery needed to take action.

There was more about this in the weekly forecast.

Also, Vesta (dwarf planet like Eris and Pluto) moves into Leo.

We associate Vesta with the Vestal Virgins of ancient Rome. Charged from childhood (age 7-10) with keeping the sacred hearth of the temple burning, the Vestal Virgins were supposedly also required to remain chaste for their 30 year careers.

In recognition of their unending devotion to the flame (working round the clock if needed) that kept their civilization alive they were also given the unique freedom that came from being "unowned" by men.

I think it's very interesting that she heads into "attention-requiring" Leo today (until July 2017) amid all this challenging energy (and tonight's final debate).

This can be a wonderful transit for artists - especially good for creative devotion and creative passion. Vesta can help us bring our wayward creativity and passion back into our core selves.

I'm going to do a post about this. I just wanted to pop out a few words this morning.

xo all

Venus into Sagittarius | a yearning for adventure and embrace of potential

the archer by Amy-Sun
Today, Venus rises from murky Scorpio into 'sky's the limit' Sagittarius. We might not feel this energy right away with all the planetary stressors this week, but it's there.

Sagittarius Suns and Ascendants (1st house cusps) get more attractive now - both able to attract what they want/need and easier on the eye.

All of us get a visit from Venus in our Sagittarius houses (what house or houses carry Venus energy in your natal chart?) and those houses get more magnetic.

Sagittarius is the sign of the archer.

If we were archers -

we would gather our energy.

We would pull back our bow.

We would take aim.

We would hold our bow "in tension".

This holding position is important to landing our arrow where we intend it to go - to hit our target.

(of course, if we are in some kind of life and death battle with that arrow then I guess we just let it fly and hope for the best, but most situations we are facing are not quite so dire)

The same way an archer's "in tension" allows her arrow to hit her mark, our own "intentions" release our energy where we need it to go.

Intentions are not wishes; they are not hopes - wanting to do something is 180 degrees from intending to do it.

Intention releases the potential that makes things happen.

So, we have Venus (love, women, beauty, what we value, our self esteem, money) moving into the sign of "potential".

Experience is more valuable than stuff with Sagittarius.

Venus will be in Sagittarius through November 10th - experiences will be valuable now.

Money (Venus) spent on travel will be well spent. Money (Venus) spent on other Sagittarius themes - higher education, legal issues, weddings, politics - will probably pay off, too, in the experiences we get back.

The search we began when Venus dove into Scorpio continues. But now instead of looking at the stuff that is underneath, the underpinnings none of us really want to look at, she looks way out into the horizon at the stuff we might one day meet up with.

Sagittarius is the sign of faith. Do we have faith that better days are ahead for us?

This season Venus is even more powerful because she will be in 'mutual reception' with Jupiter - Venus in Jupiter ruled Sagittarius and Jupiter in Venus ruled Libra. This adds extra oomph. We don't want to sit this one out!

This is excellent energy for artists and creatives to reach for something else, to work with something/someone foreign, to learn something new, to stretch. 

We attract what we want and need by optimistically embracing potential now. We don't have to know how this is all going to turn out, we know there will be adventure here - if we embrace what we do with an adventurous heart.

Yes, it's risky. And Sagittarians have been known to fall on their ass and even off a cliff now and then. But is there really any alternative to not trying?

This is the season of faith and potential for all Venus ruled themes - love, money, women, beauty, self-esteem, our values. How are we going to use this energy?

Remember the archer.

The archer stays focused and holds herself "in tension" through all the noise. 

We have our bow drawn and we are focused on the target, but suddenly the dog barks, the phone rings, the guy next door starts blasting Adele and you know we have to stop and listen to that.

(and sometimes this noise can last a while and sometimes life sends us noise to test our intentions and see how badly we want something or sometimes the noise could be there to delay us because there is something better for us later or other people's arrows need to line up with ours)

Because once that arrow is released, it is released. There is no grabbing it midair and straightening that baby out.

(unless you have some super power that I would be totally jealous to find out about)

We have to have faith enough to release the arrow anyway.

Bulls-eyes can be highly over-rated.

Sometimes it's the missed targets

(did you know the word "sin" was originally an archery term that meant - "to miss the mark")

that lead to the best adventures!

Remember even rock solid things, and actually especially rock solid things, will turn to dust eventually if they are allowed to just sit there. Shake things up a little. Reach for something new.

xo all

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of October 17th - keep busy, be prepared to duck, if something has to explode let it be confetti!

the unexpected by MOTHart

On Monday, the Moon will be void in Taurus from 10:45am EST through the end of the day, so if we need a specific result from something we are doing either get it out there early or postpone until Tuesday. It's a great day for practiced work or to give ourselves an extra day off for the Full Moon weekend. Don't overspend or overeat today. Get outdoors. If we have to rush we will working against this energy - stop and smell the roses ... or at least slow down and have an extra cup of tea before getting to work. The need to make an adjustment could come through a conversation or communication now.

On Tuesday, the Moon is still void until 10:30am EST. Venus leaves Scorpio and heads into Sagittarius (through 11/11). Sagittarius peeps become more attractive - both visually and able to attract what they want/need. Our Sagittarius house is more able to attract what we want, too!

With Venus in Jupiter ruled Sagittarius and Jupiter in Venus ruled Libra - these two planets are said to be in "mutual reception".

This will make Venus themes (love, women, values, money, beauty) and Sag themes (foreign, travel, higher education, legal, weddings, politics, media, religion) super-charged for the next month.

Any word sandwich you can make with these themes (and the themes of your own Libra and Sagittarius houses) will have extra energetic support - legal advice or media exposure leading to more money, travel connecting us with love or beauty - you get the idea. Balanced exchanges will benefit both parties now and with Sagittarius ruling the great, big world out there - the sky is the limit with this stuff!

With the energy building toward tomorrow's exact meet up of Mars and Pluto this could be a good start/launch date if you are hatching something you need to take off like a rocket.

on Wednesday, Mars and Pluto hook up at 15 degrees Capricorn. These guys last hooked up in Capricorn on November 11, 2014 and before that in 2012 and before that ... well, not in our lifetimes! Mars and Pluto are a war aspect. We will be seeing many people's shadows here. Let's avoid that dark alleyway frequented by those scary clowns we were talking about. Although in Capricorn this is more likely to have connection to authority than the circus - don't speed, don't litter (please don't litter), don't tell your boss what you really think about her new shoes.

This is great energy to push for what we want, to be ambitious - it is very explosive though - keep in mind the Capricornian model of integrity and honesty. Maybe something started two years ago could fall apart now, to make room for something else or be pushed to the next level.

So, a new story for the actions we need to take with our Capricorn house (Capricorn is going to be even more important as we move into the next few years) and the conclusion or next level for something from two or four years ago. Initiative, anger, passion, commitment, courage are the buzz words here. This is powerful energy so if it hits our chart and we don't use it, it will show up in our lives through other people or situations. We will have more control if we use it rather than are used by it.

If we need to be brave about something now - well here we go - WE GOT THIS THING.

So we've got Mars (anger, courage, initiative, war) and Pluto (death, destruction, rebirth, transformation, karma, power) in Capricorn, ruling authority and career and the structures that underpin our society AND we've got the 3rd Presidential debate (ugh!) AND we have Mercury opposing Uranus. 

on Wednesday and Thursday, Mercury (in Libra) opposes Uranus (in Aries) - this is some kind of surprising or shocking news, probably within relationships (partners, collaborators, competitors, etc).

Hang on to your hats, folks! It's crunch time. Hopefully they will surprise us by canceling the debate. If the show must go on - success will come to whoever uses their power and influence most wisely (no big surprise there though!).

The Moon is void Thursday morning until 11:30 am.

On Friday, the Moon will be in emotional (and security focused) Cancer opposing that Pluto and Mars conjunction and squaring Jupiter - we could be very emotional or insecure with whatever has been happening this week. Reactions can be overblown.

On Saturday, the Sun moves into Scorpio where we can start to heal and go-deep. Lots of aspects for the weekend - I'll do a later post. This is another crazy week. Buckle up. Buy the wine NOW.

xo all