Saturn Stations Retrograde | the gift of uncertainty

Break by Djoe

Saturn rules structure. During his retrograde we will be going back and retooling and shoring up the physical structures in our life (including our bodies).

Saturn rules time. Time is on our side now. We just need to trust this. Patience is required. Saturn's retrograde offers us the time to "re-make" the structure of something before it is too late (Saturn comes home to Capricorn at the end of this year - have I said winter is coming, yes, I think I have).

It's a time to reconsider rules and obligations.

Since Saturn moved into Sagittarius in 2015 (through the end of 2017) our beliefs and commitment to our dreams has been tested. Saturn has been parked between us and our big picture beliefs and dreams for over a year now, making us work for everything. If we no longer fit in the space we are occupying or are holding on where our heart is no longer invested or if we are truly needed elsewhere - situations will arise over the next few months that make this clear to us.

Saturn might take certainly with him while he backtracks, but he leaves us with the gift of uncertainty. 

When nothing is certain maybe nothing is out of the question either.

"Instead of asking, 'What would I do 
if I knew I would not fail?' 
ask yourself, 'What's worth doing even if I do fail?'" 
Brene Brown

With the planet of "no" (Saturn) taking his siesta we might want to think twice before we say "yes" now. See if some responsibilities can be "re"shuffled. Check for cracks in the foundation. Balance the books. Take your calcium. Floss your teeth. Do the re's: "re"stabilize, "re"structure, "re"pair. Act legally and ethically. If we cut corners or let something slide seven years ago, the bill could come due now.

xo all

(Saturn will be retrograde through August 25th)

Mercury Trine the North Node | the words that take us to the next step

M by FredG

A trine is a 120 degree aspect in astrology. Two planets (or points) are forming one side of a triangle. They are working in harmony, stimulating each other toward increased activity and success.

We want (and always have) some of these in our natal birth chart. They are our subtle super powers. We can't see through a wall, but maybe we can see when someone is bullshitting us. We can't leap tall buildings with a single bound, but maybe we can leap over obstacles without getting mired in indecision.

Or we could think of them like a tool we are carrying in our pack for this lifetime. We need a screwdriver. We pull it out without thinking, we use it, it works, we put it back. It's something that's there. And it's helpful.

Today we have Mercury (communication, conversations, ideas, information) trine the North Node (destiny, our collective way forward).

The North Node is in Virgo (only for a few more weeks!) and Virgo is ruled by Mercury (at least until astrological study moves this rulership to Chiron - which I think could happen one day). So, this aspect is more powerful than it might usually be, although remember this is Virgo we are talking about - precise, practical steps. This aspect will no doubt encourage that.

Today's trine could be the quiet voice that urges us forward. This is the encouraging word that keeps us going. This is the word that tweaks our direction a bit. This is that thing we read at exactly the right time. So pay attention now. Trines don't jump off the shelf and announce themselves, "HEY YOU, yes, you, over here, listen to me!".

They are like that screwdriver. Except this time it's not in the backpack we were given at birth, it's only available to us for a short time - and if we are not paying attention we'll miss it. The screwdriver will float off to wherever it is screwdrivers go when we don't need them (partying in the junk drawer with the flash light probably).

Keep your eyes and ears open. The communication, conversation, thought or idea could seem like not much, but with a Virgo North Node little things are the big things. And with the North Node heading into Leo - where big things are big things - we need to cover as much ground now as we can. We need to get closer to what our heart really wants.

Also since the South Node (what we are releasing) is in Pisces, listen for ways we are still playing that game - playing the victim, playing the martyr, playing the rescuer, giving too much, avoiding the detailed work, escaping, getting lost in the fog - this shit is old and doesn't work for anybody anymore.

We are also at the First Quarter Moon (in Cancer) so let's give ourselves a break. It is naturally a time when we might want to hole up and nurse our wounds or retreat. If we are called to do that - do that. We never want to disregard our feelings. Even with all our subtle super powers we don't have to be superwoman. Superwoman died in the 90's. We have computers now. We don't have to know, do, be - everything. Trust me on this one. Let's be gentle with ourselves.

Live with the feeling - get rid of the story. Good words for a Cancer Moon.

xo all

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of April 3rd - backward is the new forward

the hill by imxamxillusion

This week we have Venus changing signs (back into Pisces) plus Saturn and Mercury stationing retrograde.

There is a whole lot of retrograde energy in April - backward will be the new forward!

First up on Sunday night Venus moves back into dreamy Pisces. Venus is very happy to be out of Aries and into a space where she is exalted. She will be covering the degrees she walked at the very end of January. 

I have written quite a bit about this Venus retrograde and one thing I am certain of is that by the time she stations direct (April 15th) we will have a clear head about whatever this is we have been dealing with involving our early Aries/late Pisces house themes and Venus themes - love, money, values, beauty, women. The fantasy will be dissolved. The real deal will be what we are left with. We will be certain of what really matters. We will be proven wrong for all those times we said we didn't know what we really wanted. We did and we do.

So, if something goes away now - let it go. If it's meant for us it will slip right into our hands. We won't have to leap off a building to catch it. The only way we can miss it is if we are holding onto the old stuff with a death grip and that probably isn't even physically possible - but in case it is - loosen up. We ain't dead yet.

On Thursday, Saturn stations retrograde. Saturn (responsibility, time, restriction, hard work, structure) moving backward until August means something will either 1. lighten up - if we are carrying a heavy burden or responsibility stuff will lighten up now (especially regarding the theme of our late Sagittarius natal house) 2. a responsibility from the past will return or 3. something that is stabilizing an otherwise unstable situation will give way. We'll talk about this as we move through it.

Mars trines (opportunity) Pluto. This is good energy to be ambitious. Actions taken now can transform tricky situations. Go deep - investigate. Take the lead. We've got this thing.  

On Friday, the Aries Sun opposes Jupiter (in Libra). This amplifies Jupiter's expansive energy and can bring success and accomplishment. Our confidence improves. We'll just be careful not to overdo something, let the good stuff go to our head and fall on our ass. A situation can be overblown and look better than it actually is. It could be pretty good though.

On Saturday, a retrograde Venus (in Pisces) squares a retrograde Saturn (in Sagittarius) - this is tension about something from the past. Likely involving a Venus theme - love, money, values, beauty, self-esteem, women. If there is something here we have been avoiding something will happen that can't be avoided. We'll talk about this later in the week.

On Sunday, Mercury station retrograde - we'll talk about this later. For now let's BACK UP OUR FILES!

The only void Moon during work hours starts Monday at 4:45pm EST. The Moon is waxing - this is a time of action. We'll talk about these aspects in the dailies as we move through them- the weekly forecast is good for an overview though. xo all

Mercury into Taurus | the essentials

walking like giant cranes by hellolikegoodbye
Today, Mercury (communication, conversation, thoughts, ideas) moves into steady, grounded (and fixed) Taurus.

Communications and thinking turn to practical things. The pace slows. It's back to basics.  

Taurus gets results through self-sufficiency, by bringing ideas and concepts 'down to earth', by being sensible.

This is not the time to enact complicated plans unless we want to make ourselves (and everyone else) crazy re-doing or rejecting them later.

Better to drill down to the fundamentals now.

Mercury is covering ground he will walk twice more - by the time we return to this space in a few weeks we will know where we stand having figured out just what we must have - what is essential.

When Mercury stations retrograde (in Taurus and then back into Aries) beginning April 9th the pace will slow down even more. Patience will be needed. There is a lot of retrograde activity in April and planets changing signs - so much will be in flux, hard to pin down and "re"-evaluated it will be uber challenging to stay on a complicated course. Are there things that we can do now to remove some obstacles from our path? Things will require extra time. Keep this in mind.

Rushing through ideas, conversations and decisions won't work well now. Take the time to think things through and get it right - life will encourage/force this process, so fighting it is futile anyway. If a person or situation is pushing us to make a decision we are not ready to make, events will conspire to give us more time. If we can't decide - we should wait. If we are the one doing the pushing we will be frustrated during this transit. Mercury likes to move lightning fast, but Taurus likes to stop and smell the roses. The upcoming retrograde will amplify this.

Straightforward ideas and communications are favored.

The fly in the ointment with Mercury in Taurus is its fixed nature. One of the reasons for the information slowing down is that everyone becomes entrenched in their position and digs in. Compromise becomes a four letter word and there aren't alot of choices. The answer is either yes or no, there is no maybe with Taurus. Our resolve is strengthened though.

The good news is we will all have more certainty by the time he moves into Gemini on June 6th. Have a nice weekend - so tired of the dreary rain here! xo all