Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of October 30th - rules, regulations, pressure, deadlines, asking for help, remaining open and vulnerable, honesty, letting go, conclusions, the real value of what we are left holding, truth

used goods by lans-bejbe

I am a little under the weather today with two store orders to get out on Monday, so will jump right to the big stuff and do the usual dailies during the week!

The larger celestial happenings start on THURSDAY when Saturn (in Sagittarius) squares Chiron (in Pisces) at 24 degrees.

The Saturn/Chiron square has been one of 2017's biggest aspects and this is our third go-round. We also had this square on December 28, 2016 (21 degrees) and April 30, 2017 (27 degrees). And Saturn and Chiron will square each other again in 2018, but by that time Saturn will be in Capricorn and Chiron will be in Aries - so the story will have shifted.

Squares are tension and change our trajectory. This one could hurt. Maybe we get a 'no' from an authority figure. Or maybe we are required to step into our own authority and say no. It's a good time to remember we learn from experience not from success or failure.

The results of our actions are sometimes out of our hands.

Maybe some obligation or responsibility or debt needs to be lived up to. Maybe some rule is rubbing us the wrong way or limiting us.

Maybe something about whatever hurts here feels familiar. How are our beliefs impacting this situation? What is really true here? When I see Saturn (time) and Chiron (wound) together I think of the old adage "time heals all wounds". Maybe this applies. Or maybe this will apply later.

The good news - and this will sound familiar from last week when Mercury sextiled Pluto! - is that Mercury is trining (brakes off) Chiron at the same time Chiron is squaring Saturn.

Mercury (in Scorpio) is our way through this tangle.

Honest and open dialogue. Thorough research. Deep communication. Conversations about the very stuff we don't want to talk about. The hurt could be something humbling here.

This is the most direct route to the assistance/guidance we need. This is where the buried treasure lies. There could be alternatives, resources and possibilities we hadn't thought about. At the very least there is room for understanding if we allow ourselves to be exposed and vulnerable - and yes, I realize the nights are getting chilly and this is the last thing we might want to be!

The Moon will go void at 12:03PM EDT until midnight. Not a good time for launching anything new or sending anything out you need something to "come of". 

Late FRIDAY/early SATURDAY we have the Full Moon in Taurus (Sun in Scorpio).

The Sun and Moon are squaring Ceres (in Leo). The Moon will be sextiling (opportunity) Neptune (retrograde in Pisces). The Sun will be trining (brakes off) Neptune. At the same time Venus (in Libra and the ruler of Taurus and this Full Moon) will be opposing Uranus (in Aries). And Uranus will be trining (brakes off) Saturn. We'll discuss it more thoroughly later in the week - this could all be about one thing for us or play out in multiple situations.

Full Moons are culmination points. They bring things to light. They brings things to a conclusion. They send us howling into the night.

The positive aspects with watery Neptune tells us that anything running through our hands now (dissolving) is meant to go. Its release will free up our hands for more solid holdings. 

With Uranus (the unexpected) opposing the Moon's ruler Venus whatever is coming to light or concluding now could be surprising or pull us off into an entirely new direction.

Some people will get lucky. Something could reach its maximum value now.

Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius and I am going to stop writing we are moving into the Age of Aquarius and just say we are in it! I think we can all feel this. There is no "normal" anymore. There is only change and resistance to change.

That square with nurturing Ceres tips us off to potential tension regarding motherhood or growth or security issues.

Again the Taurus/Scorpio contrast between what we have and what we want/need/don't have. We will talk about this later in the week.

Will be back with the dailies.

BIG xo all

Note - Pisces Moons on Monday (beginning mid-morning) and Tuesday are excellent energy for dreaming, creative work, connecting with people on a deeper level - also to drift off-course. Keep this in mind. 

Venus Square Pluto | Mercury Sextile Pluto - wanting what we can't have, wanting what someone else has, wanting more, deep thinking, honest communications, what our yearnings are trying to show us

shhh by theluckynine
See the weekly forecast HERE

Today, we have Venus (strong in Libra) squaring (tension) Pluto (in Capricorn) at 17 degrees with Mercury (in Scorpio) sextiling (opportunity) Pluto. If you have been watching the beautiful waxing Moon, it probably won't surprise you that we also have the first quarter Moon (in Aquarius).

Pluto squares are about power, passion, control and truth.

Maybe we don't have something we want and with Venus we will be feeling the space that sits empty/maybe stagnant with our longing - there could be manipulation, obsession, compulsion, power plays involved here.

These are the emotional reactions that tell us something deeper is going on - within us. We have squashed something down that we don't want to look at and now it is rearing its head in misshapen ways. Likely coming out through relationship issues, financial issues or issues involving women (or beauty/aging). Calling out for attention. Calling out for communication.

Maybe we want more than is even possible from a situation/person. Maybe we are comparing ourselves to other people. Maybe our ambitions with something are not in line with divine timing.

Whatever this is, the opportunity (sextile) lies with today's Plutonian contact with Mercury (communication, conversation, local environment, siblings, transportation, information, thoughts). Something from that Mercurian word salad, most-likely the "communication, thinking" themes present the real opportunity for growth here.

This isn't so much about getting what we want as it is about looking at why we really want it. Venus has been a big player in 2017, none of this is really new news. It could be a fresh situation though. Maybe not.

Think through what is happening. Think about what you are feeling. When have you felt this way before? What is this current situation really stirring up? What are you really afraid of? Maybe this kind of thinking process is enough. Maybe this thinking needs to shared/communicated with another person, though not necessarily the person you are dealing with (if that is what is happening).

Maybe a mentor or authority figure (maybe an actual Capricorn person).

Maybe after working it through ourselves mentally, an honest/open discourse within the relationship/other people involved will allow us to figure out what is really going on. The energy may not be quite ripe for a solution, but maybe the tension (the square) can be diluted enough that we can all sleep at night.

Today's energy could push yesterday's optimism into the "punch drunk" territory. Keep this in mind. 

We also have the first quarter square Moon (in Aquarius). Whatever started at last week's New Moon - and something ALWAYS starts, the reason we set our intentions is to have some input - hits an obstacle.

With Aquarius we could need to consider outside points of view or maybe what we are doing isn't meeting with the approval of others. If we are feeling defensive or defiant - take a breath. This might require some flexibility and Aquarius is fixed air - not wanting to bend. Can we bend without breaking? Without losing control? Not because we are doing anything wrong, but because maybe there is a better way we can't see through the dense Aquarian "know-it-all" energy.

And yet we need to follow our heart here. This isn't about tossing away our authenticity, but let's stay flexible. We can't bend so much we snap in two like a twig, but we can't remain so stiff we will surely break anyway. The first quarter Moon is the time of adjustment. So adjust.

The Aquarius Moon every month is good energy to work with people via the internet and attend to independent online work.

xo all