Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn | July 16, 2019 - karmic chickens coming home to roost, secrets exposed, releasing grief, releasing old and deep fears, who's got the power, a good job can't hug you back, the death of the McMansion

On Tuesday, July 16th the Capricorn Moon opposes the Cancer Sun at 24 degrees giving us this month's Full Moon - happening conjunct the Moon's Nodes (Capricorn/Cancer) gives us a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse (partial). 

Full Moons bring energy to a "peak"; to a culmination, maybe to an ending. Eclipses eclipse something out. We get a cosmic reset, much like a computer being turned off and back on and the program that uploads at restart is a little bit (or quite a lot) different than the one we ran on before.

Eclipses change us, and we, (vibrating differently), change our circumstances by attracting or repelling what our new self lines up with.

If you have planets or points on or near 24 degrees Capricorn/Cancer the area of your life impacted will look very, very different over the next six months (or the area of life ruled by the ruler of that sign/point). 

With the Moon conjunct Pluto (and widely conjunct the South Node and Saturn) and the Lunar Eclipse energy amplifying something that's already amplified AND setting up the big January 2020 energies and Eclipses - this is BIG. We had an Eclipse conjunct this degree in mid-July 2000. Some people will see similar themes activated now. 

Let's unpack the chart.

Mars is past his square to Uranus, but the square is still active. So here is the potential for fast change. He is approaching his trine to Jupiter, so things can get bigger/more expansive quickly. Whatever this is it pushes us into new territory. Venus (in Cancer) is exactly opposing Saturn (in Capricorn). This is important. Remember we had Mercury and Mars do this and now it is Venus's turn as she moves through Cancer and begins to oppose the karmic pile-up in Capricorn of the South Node, Saturn and Pluto. Eris is exactly square the Sun and the Moon (!), so this is disruptive. The North Node is trine Neptune and Venus is approaching her own trine to Neptune.  

The ONLY air in the chart - no wonder we can't think straight or make a decision - is Pallas in Libra. Yes, Pallas is STILL in Libra! Relationship patterns. Relationship strategies. With Pallas squaring the Moon/Sun something needs to CHANGE. Squares to the nodes speak of a skipped step. We can't go any further without this ADJUSTMENT. In Libra, even wise-warrior Pallas can get indecisive and with Pallas exactly squaring a retrograde Saturn at the time of the Eclipse - relationship commitments from the past are likely part of the Eclipse story.

The Full Moon conjunct Pluto could bring secrets into the open; the truth to light.

Pluto is retrograde - something from the past needs to end/die. We either transform/clean up the mess or the tower falls. And I am not saying "or" as if we have a say in the matter. We probably don't. If the base is rotted the structure collapses. Capricorn endings could just as easily be the end of a limit/restraint/rule/commitment/authority. An earth sign - the ending could be a physical thing although the greatness of its impact might only be felt in hindsight. 

The theme of our natal Capricorn house - the theme that is in play through at least the beginning of 2020 in our life gets a major reshuffling. Pluto is ultimate energy - absolute light (honesty), absolute darkness. Power. Control. Loss of power. Loss of control. 

With the Moon conjunct Pluto situations might feel like life and death. Sometimes because they are. But most likely because a part of us is dying. Outgrown Capricornian identities are being shed. Rules. Limits. Bye-bye. Moon/Pluto and then that square to Eris may speak of powerful feelings/situations around women. 

With Venus exactly opposing Saturn - what we want/love/value comes with a hefty price tag. Commitments. Responsibilities. We talked about this last week. The fast change (Mars/Uranus) coming at a cost. She is almost close enough to the Sun to be blown out (combust), but I think an exact opposition to Capricorn's ruler at the time of an Eclipse keeps her in the game. With Venus about to trine Neptune and conjunct the North Node and with Saturn trining Neptune - we have magical, spiritual assistance here to make this whole thing work out. We just have to let go of the old dead thing. We have to clean up the mess. We have to polish off that old commitment.

If we are stepping into a new commitment/responsibility now - it won't be easy. That Saturn opposition to what we want means work.

(many wealthy, successful people have challenging Venus/Saturn aspects in their natal charts - Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Oprah - facing powerful old-school opposition/the way things have always been done - it's worked for them, it can work for us, too)

The trines to Neptune and aspects to the North Node (plus 2019's Neptune sextile Saturn - we won't have this one forever!) speak of powerful forces moving us in a new direction because the stuff behind us - the ground that used to be beneath our feet - isn't even there anymore! We are counting on structures and abiding by rules that don't even exist. Those timelines are finished.

Neptune forces development of deeper values through sacrifices and a sense of loss/grief. Sometimes with Neptune things can mysteriously vanish (like my first post!) and the more we shut out any recognition of our spiritual gifts the more we become overly concerned with protecting all that we own as exclusively ours - the more screwed up everything gets and the more scared we feel as things dissolve. What is really happening is our unlimited energy is trapped.

So, HERE, this eclipse is where the trap door gets opened.

We won't likely be dropped onto a bed of feathers because then we would never get up and the point of everything is to KEEP GOING. It's unlikely to be a bed of nails either. Keep in mind those intense Moon/Pluto emotions that stimulate our body to feel every cataclysm/death we (including our past lives and the ancestral DNA that we carry) have ever suffered.

It will all be OK in the end.

Eclipse events are fated - whatever impact we have before or after is probably out of our hands now. The facts must be dealt with. This stuff will play out over the next 6 months.

At its core this is a Cancer/Capricorn Full Moon with the North Node in home and family focused Cancer - see my Nodes posts HERE for more on that. The old structures that are no longer "home" MUST change.

Where I live in Central New Jersey they build these mega-houses we call McMansions. Big house. Little bitty piece of land. Back when my mom lived with us, the year leading up to her death, the nurse who visited us told me how she often went into these houses and they were mostly empty. Which sounded sad, but almost made sense to me, because what the hell do you do with all those rooms and those mega-entryways and sky-high ceilings (not to mention the upkeep costs interfering with someone's ability to buy furniture). The McMansion - is a perfect representation of the kind of shallow, Capricorny thing that is ending. We all have a McMansion somewhere in our life ... the shallow, empty space that is self-destructing as we move toward a more authentic space.

The problem is it might not feel like a shallow empty thing - it might feel like the thing that is holding us up. It isn't. The completion/ending is inevitable. This sense of doom and gloom that is out of proportion to the situation is us being triggered by our history (or our past lives/ancestor's history that we carry).

If it feels like the sky is falling, take a walk outside.

It is probably still up there.

We are actually stepping into a more powerful position as we work through these power struggles through the end of 2019. We are working our piece of the puzzle that moves the collective into the New Age. There is no way we can get this wrong.

To sum it all up - this is a major ending/culmination/beginning WITH some Plutonian deep truth dug up and brought into the light. We see the man behind the curtain or maybe why we do what we do because we are the man behind the curtain. Relationship power dynamics will play a part as well as our Cappy/Cancer house themes or the collective themes of our life in the world, being hard-headed vs home/family, being soft-hearted. We move toward something more authentic and VALUABLE. 

Note this intense and possibly destructive Eclipse is followed a couple days later by some soothing, forward-leaning Venus aspects. So whatever ends/changes it is likely our attention quickly moves to what's next.

xo all

the weekly post will be up on TUESDAY

Weekly and Full Moon Eclipse Posts are coming ... Today's Astrology Forecast 7/15/2019


The Weekly and Eclipse post I wrote on Sunday has vanished - so funny/#notfunny it included the word "vanish".

Note to self - nix the word vanish and toss in the words "lottery winner" during the re-write.

I will get it reposted today. It's HUGE.

In the meantime here is our weekly heads up list and a forecast for MONDAY.

TUESDAY - Lunar Eclipse Full Moon conjunct Pluto, Venus opposes Saturn
THURSDAY - Venus trines Neptune and conjuncts North Node
FRIDAY - Mercury retrograde moves back into Cancer
SATURDAY - Mercury (retrograde) conjuncts the Sun
SUNDAY - Venus opposes Pluto

On MONDAY the Moon is moving through sober Capricorn on her way to oppose the Cancer Sun and conjunct the South Node (and Pluto!) early tomorrow evening EDT and bring us the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn.

Her only aspect is a liberating and future-leaning trine to Uranus (in Taurus). Change is good. The Moon in Capricorn means we are nurtured by being goal-focused, having our crap together and making PROGRESS, so keep moving. Knowing an intense Eclipse with Pluto is coming would make this a good day for purging, de-cluttering, clearing space and getting more emotionally settled.

xo all - back after shipping and banging my head onto my desk a few times with the NEW POST.

photo by the talented friday-forever

Today's Astrology Forecast | July 13, 2019 - the gold nuggets we missed the first time, an adventure, a need to look under the hood, plan a healthy escape tonight, all day void Moon tomorrow so get some rest before the Eclipse


The Moon in Sagittarius will trine Mars at 9:30AM EDT, conjunct Sag ruler Jupiter (retrograde) at 4:10PM EDT and go void at 9:30PM EDT off a square Neptune (retrograde). She will then be Void until Sunday evening (7:04PM EDT when she moves into serious Capricorn).

The trine (brakes off) between our adventurous Sagittarius Moon and Mars (in Leo) speaks of enthusiastic action, fun with children (or our inner child), stepping outside our comfort zone - taking a risk. Then she hooks up with Jupiter (retrograde in Sag) - maybe a previous opportunity - some potential gold we never mined - is back on our radar.

The Moon in Sag can make us more optimistic this time around, but since this lunar day will end with a square to confusing Neptune we might only be able to take this thing so far before that Neptunian tension/frustration kicks in tonight - we are tired, things too dreamy and impractical, our intuition less sharp, the facts get fuzzy, we are overly sensitive - our enthusiasm dissolves. Seek a healthy escape from reality tonight.

Tonight/tomorrow we stop pushing. We are letting things flow. Expect time to be stretchy. 

We also have Venus (in caring for what we value) Cancer semi-squaring Sedna. We talked about Sedna during the Full Moon in May. Semi-squares are like baby squares - they might represent an intuition about a future square (tension/frustration) - like a little warning. Sedna is where we get into trouble when we can't see something is too good to be true. When we don't want to look under the hood. The square to Venus in Cancer makes me think of a  purchase for our home (maybe something we are considering now) that might not work out the way we are expecting. Maybe we order something on super-sale and think we are getting a bargain, but then it doesn't do what we need it to do.

There are millions of ways this energy could play out.

Sedna is in Taurus, so answering to Venus and Venus is in Cancer so answering to the Moon - all the lunar stuff we just talked about.

So, some potential future tension may factor in to today's events. Take this as a little heads up to be prepared - this isn't a stop sign, but a flashing light off in the distance we are able to sort of/kind of see. We might end up there and we might not.

What we are investing our time/attention/resources/money into now should be given a second look (Mercury, and just about everything else is retrograde so things are getting a second look anyway) if it seems too good to be true/too EASY.

Note - the Moon will be Void on Sunday until she moves into Capricorn at 7:04PM EDT and we start to build toward Tuesday's Lunar Eclipse Full Moon! So rest on Sunday because Sunday night we are back in the saddle folks!

xo all

photo by the talented anyaanti

Today's Astrology Forecast | July 11th, 2019 - a whole lot of water, shake ups and break-ups, keep a cool head but keep your head out of the sand, bold independent action is healing, fast change that gets attention, we've been here before


The big news today is we have Mars (in Leo) squaring Uranus (in Taurus).

Fuses can be short. Impulsive actions are possible. This is EXACTLY the kind of energetic you want if you need to make a bold move that shakes things up. Do you need to shake things up?

Uranus is about break-throughs and break-downs and break-ups that push us into the future. With Mars in Leo seeking attention and wanting what it wants (hopefully heart-filled desires and not just a gamble/thrill/applause) and keeping in mind Mercury is retrograde and we are between two powerful kick-ass eclipses - the most powerful still to come - volatile situations will require extra caution.

The Moon in Scorpio (answering to Pluto now, co-ruler of Mars) is going to sextile Saturn, trine Neptune, trine the Sun and go void at 8:28PM EDT off a sextile to Pluto - all harmonious aspects!

With the Cancer Sun (plus North Node!) trining the Scorpio Moon and trining a retrograde Neptune in Pisces - we have a Grand Water Trine forming for a few hours this afternoon (around noon EDT through 3:30 PM). If you have planets or points around 17-19 degrees of the water signs you will best be able to take advantage of this. Flow. Less resistance. Mostly this is good. The Moon is waxing - this is about growth. No boundaries. You take your creative vision to the bank - ka' ching.

The fly in the ointment with the Grand Water Trine is a potential tendency here to feel an exaggerated need for dependency/mothering or we psychologically isolate ourselves from the harsher aspects of reality (we spoke about this in the weekly and yesterday - about the need for caution, but also the need not to stick our head in the sand and pretend nothing is happening - the water will drown us now).

This is alot of WATER. And alot of water is very powerful. How big do you want/need this thing to be?

The best news - the Grand Water Trine is forming a Kite aspect with Saturn/South Node (in Capricorn - always this year pulling us back to that Capricorn house and our natal Capricorn house theme). They are opposing the Sun/North Node and sextiling the Moon and Neptune. Three trines, two sextiles and one opposition. So, yes, now we have sober Saturn stabilizing/limiting the whole thing. But also making it REAL. Making us less likely to drift into lalaland with all this water. We have focus. And yes, it also brings up responsibilities/commitments/limits and with the South Node here and Saturn retrograde, they likely have a connection to the past.

We've been here before.

If we take something on now - it will bring fast change and the need to live up to responsibilities/make a commitment/work with certain rules. It will also shift us (especially on the inside) in magical ways and could be very positive.

Mars MUST get past this square to Uranus. It's fast. It's jolting. Then we move on. And just before he squares Uranus he trines Chiron - so healing through bold, independent action is possible now and leads to greater liberation.

It's tricky energy (but familiar and the water in our body knows this). 

We have unconscious (all that water) help now as we connect with our past, our ancestors, the angels, God - and even Saturn throws us a lifesaver. The resistance is helpful.

Compassion is needed. Forgiveness is needed. The Moon is in Scorpio sextiling Pluto - we are diving deep.

xo all

photo by the talented fly10

Today's Lunar Forecast | tension, power struggles, the dead won't stay buried, the cat's out of the bag, going deep, all's well that ends well, watch for synchronicities, a light is thrown on our best path forward, stepping into the light


The Moon dives into Scorpio at 5:29AM EDT - we are nurtured through Scorpian themes for the next couple days - intensity, intimacy, power, the resources we've merged with other people, other people's values, other people's money, our spouse's income, loans, debts, taxes, inheritance, sex, reproduction, death/rebirth, third party situations.

She will square Mercury and then Mars after lunch before opposing Uranus at 4:20PM EDT.

We are dealing with fixed aspects now, so we could all be more stubborn and entrenched in our position. Tension. Stress. Deep conversations. Arguments. Power struggles. It will be easy to feel pushed, push back and get into a tussle. With that Uranus opposition, the crap we have been repressing, could explode rather spectacularly at any time.

(keep in mind today's energy will feel alot like tomorrow's Mars/Uranus and Sunday's Sun/Pluto - so the whole week is pretty volatile - we will need to balance keeping a cool head (good idea) with burying our head in the sand - not so good)

Finally the Moon will trine Venus at 9:28PM EDT, so it looks like whatever is shaken and stirred today will lead to greater balance, love, beauty, self-esteem or maybe we shift toward home/family to lick our wounds.

We also have the Cancer Sun meeting the North Node at 17 degrees. We talked about this in the weekly, but let's repeat it here:

A light (Sun) is thrown on our best path forward (North Node).

It could be a bright spotlight we can't miss or maybe it's a tiny flicker that catches our eye and pulls us over to investigate a new direction. 

We might receive some confirmation we are on the right path now. Or a gentle shove in a direction we hadn't before considered.

This could be in response to all the lunar/emotional challenges today - us stepping up and stating "this is where I am going."

There is also a wide trine from the Moon to Neptune today that echoes and supports our Neptunian assistance later this week and really all year. Meditate. Go for a walk. Paint. Listen to music. Dance. Show compassion. Take the higher ground. Our past/ancestors/God has our back here.

We are in-between eclipses with Mercury retrograde uncertainty is likely.

xo all

photo by the amazing anyaanti

Weekly Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of July 8th - changing our mind, changing our direction, passionate words, breakdowns and breakthroughs, ego drama, preventing accidents and impulsive moves, following the path home, report card time, daddy issues, a battle of wills


This is a HUGE week. AND we are in-between eclipses in the eclipse spin cycle, so anything can happen - BIG changes ahead folks, brace for impact!

SUNDAY - Mercury stations retrograde
MONDAY - Mercury retrograde conjuncts Mars, Chiron stations retrograde, Venus squares Chiron and sextiles Uranus
TUESDAY - Sun opposes Saturn
WEDNESDAY - Sun conjuncts the North Node
THURSDAY - Mars squares Uranus, Sun trines Neptune
SUNDAY - Sun opposes Pluto

We have Mercury and Chiron both stationing retrograde. With the Sun opposing both Saturn and Pluto some situation reaches THE END OF THE LINE and with the Sun conjunct the North Node - here is our future - a more authentic future that feels like it makes us more vulnerable, but is actually the only, truly safe path - CALLING US HOME.

Mars - in loud and proud and ego-driven Leo - squaring an "anything-can-happen" Uranus tells us if we have been thinking about a BIG change (following our heart) - HERE is the courageous energy to make it happen, on the other hand - HERE is also the impulsive energy to burn a bridge, damage our reputation or make a very careless (possibly hot-headed) and costly mistake.  

There are multiple aspects this week, advising us to keep our EGO IN CHECK. 

We might have to eat some humble pie this week - let's hope it's key lime.

Fuses will be SHORT.

The Sun (in caring Cancer) is trining Neptune (in peaceful, compassionate Neptune) at the same time - can we choose the path of the peaceful warrior? Can we bring compassion to this situation? Neptune is helping us all week - our dreams, our guides, our imagination, our ancestors.

With Mars squaring Uranus and the Sun trining Neptune maybe something/someone could threaten some action and then the situation could dissolve or maybe they (or we) might back down. But there is so much other energy around endings and beginnings, and we are in the eclipse spin cycle, it is impossible to get clear on what will happen this week!

Let's unpack the aspects/transits and take a look at some possibilities.

On SUNDAY - Mercury stations retrograde at 6 degrees Leo. She/he will move back into Cancer on July 19th, station direct on July 31st at 23 degrees Cancer and then get back to 6 degrees Leo on August 18th (squaring Uranus!) and begin covering new ground. Until then we are doing the "re's" with our early Leo, late Cancer natal house themes. With Mercury retrograding in a fire sign we are re-thinking, revising, reviewing our actions, our passions, what our heart wants, what makes us proud, maybe a collective Leo theme like a creative project, children, romance, recreation.

We are moving toward some of the biggest decisions of our life, but we aren't quite there YET. A retrograde Mercury pretty much eliminates our ability to be certain. Between now and the end of July prepare for delays, mechanical glitches, misunderstandings PLUS conversations, situations and people from the past to re-surface.


The Moon is in Virgo today so answering to Mercury and we have this month's Waxing Sextile between the Virgo Moon and the Cancer Sun, so there is an opportunity here to improve/fix/re-examine that Cancer situation - home, family, mother, mothering, family business, home business, renovation, relocation.


We have Chiron stationing retrograde. So, now we have Mercury, Chiron, Saturn. Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto ALL retrograde. If we were a book, this would be a review chapter for a complicated storyline, that requires the reader get a re-fresher before proceeding while at the same time introducing new characters and immensely important new plot-lines! Whah!

Chiron (in Aries) is going back over all the hurts/healing since January.

He squares Venus (in Cancer). Our Venus themes of love, money, our values, beauty, self-esteem (and women), already emotionally felt in Cancer (wanting to feel safe) might make us feel more vulnerable now. Difficult home/family issues are stirred up. Situations can transpire to show us any lack of balance, love, beauty, money or resources in our life. Hurts will connect back to very old spaces and other times we didn't feel safe - maybe woundings through our maternal history.

At the same time something is hurting, Venus (ruler of Taurus) is sextiling (opportunity) Uranus in Taurus.

So, NEW avenues are opening up for money, resources, self-esteem, changes to our values (or our natal Taurus house theme). What do we really want? New attractions are possible now. Change is good.

A retrograde Mercury is meeting fiery Mars.

Words can be used as weapons, and will likely have their roots in old situations. Choose your battles carefully. Our language is confident (hopefully not boastful). We are thinking/re-thinking on our feet now. Fast decisions are possible. Our words and actions are working together, but with Mercury retrograde we might make a move without really thinking it through.

We could change the way we are doing something. We could change our mind about a decision. We are re-thinking our actions.

We need to choose our words carefully and we need those words to be assertive!

I said this is a BIG day, right? I think this day will wrap-up OK thanks to Venus/Uranus, but it will take some frustrations and challenges to get us to OK. We've got this thing, don't worry!

On TUESDAY, we have a big annual aspect. Once a year the Sun and Saturn line up in exact opposition and hand us a report card.

We could hear a "no", we could say "no", hit a limit, have to deal with some kind of burden. A light shines on WHY we are being blocked and what obligations remain. We are being pushed in a difficult direction.

Saturn/Sun can also limit self-expression or bring father/authority issues. The opposition comes from something outside ourselves (appears to) - the action of another person or a situation it seems we cannot control.

At the same time we can see the way our own actions/thoughts have set ourselves up here.

This energy might not feel good. Saturn can be depressing because it is quite literally like a weight pressing down on us.

I am not going to write again about the need to 'step into our responsibility', work hard, do the right thing, yada yada. We know this. And we are just as likely to get off course by stepping into someone else's responsibility, working too hard or neglecting the other muses. Saturn isn't everything and he doesn't run every show as much as he'd like to (although for today he kind of does).

We are all so busy that generally speaking our highest ideal is not to have to do anything. We work so we can take time off from working. We do it today to be free tomorrow. Something is very wrong here, but for today I am too tired (and stiff-necked - ugh) to think too long about this. Of course, with a natal Sun/Saturn conjunction I do not often encounter Saturnian limits outside myself - I am much more likely to encounter a person/situation ready to hand off their own overloaded bag to me and/or to spend my time figuring out new ways to overburden/limit/commit myself.

We can honor our commitments. We can finish what we started. We can take responsibility for the situation we find ourselves in without judgement.

And yes, this could be a good situation, too - it's report card time!

We can resolve to move forward in a more responsible manner in whatever area of life we feel this pressure. And remember that 'in a more responsible manner' will have different meanings for different people.

On WEDNESDAY, the Sun meets up with the North Node (our collective way forward) in Cancer.

A light (Sun) is thrown on our best path forward (North Node).

It could be a bright spotlight we can't miss or maybe it's a tiny flicker that catches our eye and pulls us over to investigate a new direction.

We might receive some confirmation we are on the right path now. Or a gentle shove in a direction we hadn't before considered.

Cancer is ruled by the Moon, so think about where the Moon sits in your natal chart and what house is ruled by Cancer. That's your sweet spot.

On THURSDAY, Mars (in Leo) squares Uranus (in Taurus).

This is tension/frustration making us more accident-prone, easier to anger and liable to take impulsive action. We are pushing for something to happen or re-acting to something that is happening.

This feels like an earthquake.

If we have been wanting to make a disruptive change, THIS is the energy to do that.

But, if we are feeling the need to make some impulsive move we have never thought about before - we might want to sit with it/think it through before we do something we might regret later. Uranus pushes for change and liberation, but won't be around to clean up the mess when we fall on our ass.

With Mars in Leo - our pride can be easily wounded now and coupled with Mercury retrograde's meeting with fiery Mars on Monday - if we are in a situation where we are taking alot of crap this could be the week we just lose it.

We want to keep a cool head, but our head shouldn't need to be buried in the sand to do that. Note to self- get a fan.

We might have to take assertive action (Mars) to be seen/respected (Leo) - just be sure you are coming from a heart-centered and not an ego-centered space.

There are two trines to help us through this. Mars is trining a recently retrograde Chiron, and the Sun is trining Neptune. With Chiron in Aries - we act self-sufficiently/stand up for ourselves in a healthy way - we heal through independent action, through courage. With the Sun (in Cancer) trining Neptune - we act with compassion, we pray for answers, we meditate for a peaceful solution. We bring our highest self to the situation - ask your guides/angels/ancestors for help!

On SUNDAY, the Sun opposes Pluto. The Sun is in Cancer, but the Sun is the ruler of Leo and our ego. So here again we have a power struggle to shine our light/to be seen. Maybe something dealing with that home/family situation. Maybe career related.

Pluto's job here is to clear the way for our solar energy (inner radiance) to emerge without letting our short-sighted ego try to run the whole show, so it could bring us a battle of wills. Powerful authorities and uncompromising situations that put us in our place. A crisis of our self-esteem. Changes might be forced upon us now. This is really a self-destructive aspect, because we are projecting our shadow onto someone else, but we might not be able to see this!

This aspect can also bring tremendous focus and extreme experiences. Secrets can be exposed.

Remember this week is leading us to a big Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn next week conjunct Pluto.

Hang on loosely everyone!

Back with the dailies and we will flesh this complicated week out as we move along and add in the Moons! Get some extra rest this week - I think we will need it.

xo all

photo by the amazing anyaanti