Today's Astrology Forecast | November 29, 2019 - words are sticky, walking our talk, commitments, avoiding regret or guilt trips, responsibilities, practical accomplishments, nurturing, loving through any grief

Today is all about our serious Capricorn Moon.

Cappy Moons can sometimes make us feel like there is no soft place to fall, like mama has gone to work and the kids are home alone. We are just expected to man-it-up. We are nurtured by doing the right thing, being responsible, taking care of business.

Next month's Cappy Moon will be an eclipse on Christmas night!

The Moon is uber busy now and we probably will be, too - sextiling Neptune while we slept (all times EST) - putting a solid foundation under our dreams - sextiling Mercury at 3:39PM - walking our talk, commitments, intense conversations, signing on the dotted line, dealing with sibling issues/local community/transportation issues - Mercury is in the final degrees of his shadow period, walking this ground for the third time (how much clearer do we expect things to get?).

Then the Moon hooks up with Saturn (4:16 PM) - reality, authority issues, stepping into responsibilities, this can feel heavy - and finally goes void off her hook-up with Pluto (10:56 PM) - the final/final, the death/transformation, power.

So take yourself seriously today.  

Keep in mind - words are sticky. Say what you mean and talk about what you DO want and not what you don't. Don't allow your words/thoughts to box yourself in.

Avoid looking back. No wallowing/regret. No guilt trips. Look AHEAD. The future is so bright it would hurt our eyes if we could see it all - maybe that's why we can't.

Venus conjuncts Ceres (in Sagittarius) so nurturing stimulates love/love overcomes grief. Cycle of life issues can be handled more harmoniously/diplomatically/lovingly now. We are expanding, stretching ourselves, moving into new territory/new beliefs together.

Jupiter is now at the final degree of his home sign - actually conjunct with an asteroid named "Truth". What do we believe now? What do we have faith in now? This is the home stretch for something. He will be in Capricorn by Monday - whatever is being solidified now is going to stick and expand.

There is positive, forward motion. Maybe it's time to set into order what feels disorganized or chaotic. The Capricorn Moon is growing. Nothing easy happens in Capricorn, but the stuff we build gets built to last.

xo all

photo by the amazing aufzehengehen

Today's Astrology Forecast | November 27, 2019 - the morning after, easier to figure out the right thing, what's real comes with us, old triggers around love, money and self-esteem pushing us toward something new

The Moon continues her journey through fiery Sagittarius - squaring a retrograde Neptune at 6:37AM EST (avoid over-doing, pay attention to your dreams) and then building toward her final conjunction with Jupiter in his home sign for 12 years (exact tomorrow morning) - Jupiter will be in Capricorn on Monday folks.

An hour after his square to the Moon, Neptune stations direct at 15 degrees Pisces - after his five month retrograde (he stationed at 18 degrees).

Sometimes when Neptune stations direct, it's like the morning after we have what seemed like a great idea and now it doesn't seem so great anymore - the delusions/illusions of the last few months/weeks are swept out to sea. This can bring a kind of melancholy (or maybe for some a relief). At the same time fresh creativities are being birthed and the dreams that need to move forward can. By tomorrow - Neptune will be more stable, the Moon will have moved into practical Capricorn - we will know what is real, from what is not real.

If we have been having trouble figuring out what is the "right" thing to do - that is about to get a whole lot easier.

As Neptune moves forward he will make an opportunistic sextile to Vesta (in Taurus). Some issue/situation involving our resources/money/values or self esteem - can shift now. The dreams that are meant to move forward with us and the stuff we are devoted to that we can hold in our hand/the stuff that keeps us up at night working together. This is a repeating aspect we will have again in early February. We are harmonizing the spiritual realms and the very ground beneath our feet.

Keep the focus. Keep moving forward.

At the same time we have Venus moving into her own painful square with Chiron. Money issues, love tangles, self-esteem situations - whatever is hurting has its roots in older/deeper woundings. Venus will move on to a trine with Uranus by tomorrow (smooth change, nice surprises) and the Moon will be making some nice aspects, too - so tomorrow is another day, so to speak.

The Moon is waxing (growing). The Cappy pile-up is GROWING, too. Jupiter is in Sagittarius for only a few more days. By tomorrow, our heads will be clearer and  all systems really are set to GO. No more excuses. There is a gift being offered to you through your natal Sagittarius house theme - it may not look exactly the way you were hoping it would look, but an ADVENTURE is being offered.

There is an open door somewhere.

xo all

photo by the talented RaphaelleM

New Moon in Sagittarius | November 26, 2019 - the new adventure, a wise beginning with some surprises, adjustments, agreements reached, win-wins, healing, expansion, learning and more than a little luck

On Tuesday, November 26, 2019 at 10:05AM EST, the Sagittarius Moon meets the Sagittarius Sun giving us this month's New Moon and our annual New Moon in fiery Sagittarius.

Sagittarius is a mutable sign. The mutable signs prepare us for the change into the next season and this Moon really has her work cut out for her!

New Moons are the time to set new intentions and working with Sagittarius themes (and the themes of your Sagittarius natal house) NOW allow the natural energies to work with us. As the Moon waxes (grows) over the next two weeks, and really over the next 6 months, so does whatever our intentions set into motion.

Sagittarius is a fun-loving sign (ruled by Jupiter and ruler of our collective 9th house) that rules travel, freedom, adventure, legal issues, higher education, politics, the media, good luck, faith, religion, weddings, optimism, truth seekers, boldly going where no man has gone before, THE QUEST  -

it also rules carelessness, taking shortcuts, thinking we are right, making assumptions, throwing pink paint on problems and looking at something else, overconfidence, impatience and superficial fluff.

Besides the monthly lunar energy of "new beginnings" this particular Moon has its own relationship with the other players in the heavens based on its position. That is where the real juice of any particular New Moon can be found.

So, let's unpack the chart!

The Moon/Sun are just past their inconjunct to Uranus and trine to Chiron. Something about this fresh start is unexpected - maybe not exactly what we had planned and we have had to or will have to adjust - and also this is somehow healing; maybe able to make us more self-sufficient or require us to step into our personal authority, learn to deal with our anger/passion issues.

Since the Moon and Sun are past these aspects (just barely though) this stuff could be in the recent past.

The Moon/Sun are moving quickly toward a meeting with Pallas (the Moon gets there today and the Sun gets there on Saturday) - wisdom, new strategies, focusing on greater optimism and greener pastures and the BIG-PICTURE are pulling whatever we are starting now FORWARD. 

We can make wise, informed choices even as we adjust to whatever surprise or future-focused change Uranus is/has tossed our way. Pallas is sextile (opportunity) Juno in cooperative, balanced and diplomatic Libra. Agreements are reached. New relationship chapters begin. It's a win/win.

The Moon/Sun are exactly semi-sextile Mars. I had been taught semi-sextiles were problem aspects like inconjuncts, but I haven't found in my own work that to really be the case. I usually find them bringing in some kind of balance (kind of opposite of the way inconjuncts bring us the rock and the hard place). In this case with Scorpio (Mars) and Sagittarius (Moon) it suggests the Moon (and Sun) providing optimism to Mars more cynical maneuverings and in reverse, Mars (in Scorpio) bringing depth and discernment to any tendency of the Sagittarius Moon to take something too far or to move solely on faith or bravado.

Jupiter rules Sagittarius and so rules this New Moon.

Sitting at the Galactic Center (black hole at the center of our Milky Way Galaxy) he really powers this energy up. Having just had a nice chat with Venus - we will look at her next - and almost finished with his year-long journey through his home sign (Jupiter brings the goodies at the beginning of his transit through a sign and at the end) - he is in an excellent position to provide luck, expansion and abundance now.

Venus, powered up from her meeting with Jupiter at the Galactic Center moves into real-deal Capricorn just hours before the New Moon. This makes the stuff we attract now more stabilizing/more sticky. More tangible. We can hold it in our hands. Kiss it good-night. Take it to the bank. Keep in mind Cappy requires work and living up to responsibilities/taking things seriously.

Mercury is direct at 14 degrees Scorpio, a degree he/she walked retrograde back on November 15th, so something now could connect back to that time. This is his final walk over this degree so something we were dealing with (maybe through re-vison, etc) at that time could change course/move forward at this time. And she/he is moving toward that flowing trine to dreamy Neptune on Thursday

(third time's the charm with that conversation/information or sibling/local community/transportation issue).

So, this is a fresh start for our Sagittarius house theme - a smart new beginning that broadens our experience and/or expands our reach or beliefs - with a surprise twist coming from our Taurus house theme and some healing/learning coming from our Aries house theme. Partnerships/other people create opportunities and win-wins.

With the ruler of the New Moon moving through the Galactic Center - almost anything is possible!

Collective themes here are Sagittarius (new, smart and strategic beginning) - travel, higher education, weddings, politics, legal issues, the media, publishing, foreigners, everything outside your comfort zone, exploration, your beliefs and higher thinking, Taurus (forward-leaning change, surprise) - our resources, money, values, self-esteem and Aries (healing) relationship with men, a man or the masculine, anger, passion, initiative, autonomy, independence. These are the collective themes - the themes of your natal chart may be more personally relevant.


As always, write your New Moon intentions down by hand in script. Use strong ink and a clean sheet of paper. Do this in a quiet, respectful manner in a clean space. Light a candle.

Trust the process. We have used our words to cast our S-P-E-L-L.

People always say that affirmations "only work if we take action". And this is true, but not in the way some people think because the affirmation is action.

It sets the energy in motion.

Words are not just words.

If used properly, in the right frame of mind, they line us up energetically with the thing we are seeking.

The New Moon is a time of darkness.  

Think seeds in the ground. Our words are our seeds.

We won't have a Sagittarius New Moon with Jupiter in his home sign for another twelve years folks - let's not waste this one!

Set those intentions. Know that life has heard you. Know these things are already yours.

xo all

Weekly Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of November 25, 2019 - love and money vulnerabilities are triggered, the revised dream is moving forward, New Moon brings new strategies to expand our reach and get lucky, third time's the charm and here we go

SUNDAY - Venus conjunct Jupiter, Mars opposes Uranus
MONDAY - Venus into Capricorn
TUESDAY - New Moon in Sagittarius (4 degrees) conjunct Pallas
WEDNESDAY - Neptune stations direct, Venus squares Chiron
THURSDAY - Venus trines Uranus and Mercury trines Neptune

Another busy week with a whole lot of emotional intensity!

We start the week with the dark (balsamic) Moon in Scorpio now - a contemplative/investigatory kind of energy.  

SUNDAY'S forecast is HERE and keep in mind the conjunction of Venus/Jupiter (attracting luck through faith/our beliefs) like all conjunctions is the start of a new CYCLE, this doesn't all happen on Sunday - we are just getting started with this! Happening in Sagittarius - a fire sign - we are going to have to take action to get the most out of this one, but it will be worth it.

On MONDAY, Venus (love, money, women, values, self-esteem, beauty) moves into Capricorn. Moving toward a square to Chiron on Wednesday - whatever is hurting here - the fix is Saturnian (ruler of Capricorn). Take it seriously. Do the work. Clean the bathroom. Yada, yada.

Capricorn is the sign of structure and discipline. In Capricorn season (winter) these are the qualities that kept our ancestors alive. When Venus visits this space of the heavens these are the qualities that help us attract what we want and need.

Capricorn Suns and Risings get more attractive now (more able to attract what they want and easier on the eye). Our Capricorn houses (natal) become more attractive, too.

This is the time to get serious with Venus ruled themes. There is beauty in a balanced checkbook. Make a budget (even if it means we give ourselves a cash allowance each week and stop spending when it's gone). Check our insurance policies - do we need more insurance? Do we need all this insurance? Can we find our insurance policies if we need them? Do we have the right paperwork in our car? And this doesn't have to be about insurance, of course, but you get the idea.

Where are we investing our resources - time, esteem, money? What are we getting back? Are we putting a whole lot of time into one thing, but all our revenue is coming from this other thing?

Sometimes this is ok, but maybe it's not. It's time to check in with ourselves.

Venus in Capricorn is an excellent time for organizing our finances/business so we can attract more money that sticks. We recognize we attract what we earn (ie if we've attracted it, we HAVE earned it), so we get to KEEP it.

(we really only have to earn everything by the sweat of our brow if we believe we do, although with Venus in Capricorn there will be sweat!)

Tradition will become a focus - the way something has always been done. This doesn't mean we have to continue doing things the way we've always done them, and in fact we have to watch out for being too rigid now and denying ourselves stuff that feels good. 

With Venus in Capricorn we get more serious about love, too.

If a relationship isn't going anywhere, this can be the transit we cut it loose. Our focus returns to what is real. We attract stability and longer lasting success/love/money by finishing what we start and honoring our commitments. Venus will be in Capricorn until December 20th.

On TUESDAY, the Sagittarius Moon meets the Sagittarius Sun at 4 degrees giving us this month's New Moon - approaching a conjunction with strategic Pallas; a smart and expansive NEW BEGINNING kicks off. This date also is exactly one month before the Solar Eclipse of December 26th, 2019, and sometimes eclipse events trigger one month to the day before or after. We'll talk about this one in the next post! It's a BIGGIE!

On WEDNESDAY, Neptune stations direct today at 15 degrees Pisces. Pisces people and anyone with a strong Neptune or planets from 15-18 degrees of the water (Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces) and mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) will feel this change of direction, although maybe not immediately. Stay grounded. Stay sober.

Neptune is challenging and remember with challenging transits sometimes all we have to do is survive them. Sometimes we just have to absorb the energetic shifts. We evolve through that. We just have to be still standing or sitting or laying down (just not in a big, old wooden box) when the transit is over.

Neptune rules our imagination, dreams, spirituality, escape, addiction, art, illusion, delusion, intuition, healing, hospitals, connection, compassion, sacrifice, the things put away, the ocean, the things we do last, the 12th house, the sign of Pisces. Like steam from a hot shower forming on a clean mirror he fogs up whatever he contacts, doubly so when he is moving backward (from our perception here on Earth) which he has been doing since late June.

For people touched by this, and for everyone to some degree, especially since he has been very strong in his home sign of Pisces since 2012 (continues through 2025), this retrograde has been a process of something dissolving/fading away/dealing with the past and endings. He had been squaring Jupiter keeping expanding things from getting too big too fast, but also dissolving faith/luck.

Now that he is direct - there is forward motion with something here, forward motion with our DREAMS.

We could also be more intuitively sure about something that isn't totally logical.

His first contact direct will be when Mercury reaches 15 degrees Scorpio on Thursday and gives us a nice smooth water trine. Compassion, connection, forgiveness. We are going with the flow now. YAY for that.

Also on Wednesday, Venus (freshly minted in Cappy) reaches her exact square to hurting/healing Chiron. We could be feeling vulnerable about any professional/public insecurities/rejections or facing painful situations involving the theme of our Capricorn natal house.

Are we going to stay limited/stuck by our own wounds?

I don't think so because on THURSDAY, Venus moves out of her painful square and into a smooth trine with forward-leaning change-maker Uranus. This speaks of NEW financial/relationship potentials that are pulling us forward. Change is good. This may not all be looking exactly the way we thought it would, but that's OK.

At the same time Mercury moves into her/his third trine with Neptune - third time's the charm here because now BOTH planets are direct and moving forward.

The conversation/information/idea may not be totally new, we've been here before in some way - but an issue we have been working through since the first trine on October 15th is moving forward now.

AND the Moon is waxing (growing), so HERE WE GO!

xo all - back with the New Moon chart tomorrow night

photo by the talented Ilona Shevchishina