Today's astrology Forecast | Wednesday, August 11th, 2021 - pushed off the fence, being practical and digging into the details, what is your next solid step? use the void to rest



The Moon continues her monthly journey through organized/service-oriented Virgo. She opposes a retrograde Neptune at 3:15AM EDT, meets Venus at 6:15AM EDT and goes void off a trine to a retrograde Pluto at 7:21AM EDT. She will be void until 4:08PM EDT when she moves into Libra.


The Moon's conjunction with Venus and trine to Pluto echoes Venus's (our money) trine to Pluto (their money) today - this is Virgo, so be practical/pay attention to the details


Small fixes - financial, relationship, self-esteem will pay off over time.

This is also the day Mars squares the Nodes of Fate. 


Tension/frustration. We can't move/will feel the squeeze until we make a decision/have a plan/speak up. 


Keep in mind that North Node in Gemini is now answering to a newly practical Mercury (he comes home to Virgo today, which I wrote about rather long-windedly(?) HERE ). The South Node - our entrenched beliefs, hopes that haven't materialized, the big foggy picture - is what we are moving AWAY from. We are headed toward something smaller/more local. We are asking new questions, making new choices.

Maybe we hear something and we need to ACT on it. Now. This is NOT about jumping and the net will appear (that's the South Node!). This is about small, practical steps. Check into something that interests you. Talk it out. Think it out. Work it out. What is your next solid step? Mars squaring the Nodes says we are at a crossroad and need to make a move/swerve around an obstacle/get off the fence and we will be STUCK UNTIL WE DO.

Yesterday's Mercury/Jupiter - BIG NEWS - opposition brought news here in the U.S. that the Senate has passed a trillion dollar infrastructure bill. There has likely been some news in your own life, too. Today Mercury, on his/her way out of Leo, will cross Donald Trump's ascendant, so I would expect some news about him, too. 

Keep in mind the long void Moon today and avoid it for starts when you need 'something to come of it'. Expect wonk that comes up during the void to blow over.

xo all

artwork by the talented Ivan Vostryk

Today's Astrology Forecast | Tuesday, August 10th, 2021 - big news, reviewing old ideas and opportunities, one last hurrah before the reality check, don't overpromise or buy everything they are selling



The Moon is in Virgo now - we are nourished/nurtured by crossing our t's and dotting our i's, organization, practicality, taking care of our health/our work/our pets, being of service. Keep an eye on any tendency to be critical, trying to fix what is 'just fine, thank you' or doing something out of the worry of what might happen if we don't. Her only aspect is a smooth trine to chaotic Uranus at 1:38PM EDT making us more comfortable with change/the unusual. Do something different. Lean into the future.

This is also the day Mercury, at the end of Leo - and we have the Moon, Venus and Mars all answering to Mercury right now - opposes a retrograde Jupiter. 


Oppositions (think Full Moon here) bring conclusions/results. This might involve the culmination of a decision, announcement, plan. Words can be public/maybe over-the-top (don't over-promise or believe everything you are hearing). Maybe our language/news makes us lucky/optimistic. There is the potential for BIG news/conversations and it could be positive or will be.


Today's aspect could take us back to an opportunity/idea/conversation from mid-January 2021. Where have we gone with this? Has it expanded/paid off?  Is it all we thought it would be or do we need to be doing some re's here - revise, rethink, review, remake, remove, etc. 

Keep in mind Mercury is heading home to Virgo tomorrow, so he/she will take whatever expansion/whatever BIG Jupiter comes up with and dig into the details/nuts and bolts of it. It will get grounded in reality pretty quickly (a good thing). 


The Moon is waxing (growing) something in your life should be, too. Time to start. 

xo all

artwork by the talented Claudia Tremblay

Weekly Astrology Forecast for Creatives | August 9th - August 15th, 2021 - a big decision/result, a collective karmic turning point, rocks and hard places, small practical progress, knowing our value and what is valuable now



MONDAY - Mercury inconjunct Pluto, Venus opposes Neptune

TUESDAY - Mercury opposes Jupiter

WEDNESDAY - Mars squares the Nodes of Fate, Venus trines Pluto, Mercury enters Virgo

FRIDAY - Mars inconjuncts Saturn

SATURDAY - Venus inconjuncts Jupiter

SUNDAY - Sun inconjuncts Neptune, Mercury squares the Nodes of Fate, 1st Quarter Moon Scorpio

As our old lives fade away and our new roots take up the water we are going to need, let's keep things as simple as we can. Keep an eye on our finances/resources. Stay practical. Problems will arise and we are going to need to ACT ON THEM practically and realistically. They will be fleeting and forward-leaning if we do or drag us back into the past if we don't. There will be uncomfortable/incomplete situations we are just going to have to live with. Do we care enough to make things better? Have we veered pretty far off course? This week we are going to find out!


Let's take a look and then I will pop back in during the week with the Moons.

MONDAY - Mercury @ 25 degrees Leo inconjuncts Pluto (retrograde) in Capricorn, Venus @ 22 degrees Virgo opposes Neptune (retrograde) in Pisces


Mercury (our thinking, communication, conversation, ideas, local community, siblings, tech, transportation) hits a 150 degree 'rock and a hard place' with powerful Pluto. Mercury in Leo is loud/proud needs attention/appreciation and Pluto in Cappy is established power and not moved by any of Leo's theatrics/passions. This one will require an adjustment with our words/thinking. This would not be the day to be dealing in any kind of fixed way with authority (the authority is unlikely to adjust), etc - make another choice, use your grown-up voice.

And then there is Venus - ruler of Taurus and Libra - love, money, relationships, our resources, our values, our self-esteem, women, beauty - standing across from Neptune - modern ruler of Pisces and the ancient ruler of Jupiter - our imagination, spirituality, connection, no-boundaries, water, escape, victims, sacrifice, addiction, illusion, delusion, the things we put away/put behind us/do last, hospitals, healing, our undoing. Venus is in careful, cautious, dot your i's and cross your t's Virgo and imaginative/drifting Neptune is strong at home in Pisces, but retrograde. Money/our resources could be a source of fantasy/confusion.


We might anticipate water, getting wet, something feeling washed up, grieving any losses fully.


Drowning in anything is Neptunian trickery.

I am a Neptune expert, but he still gets me.

One of the Virgo (where Venus is), Pisces (where Neptune is) TRAPS is avoiding reality because of the whole perfection thing. We will never be perfect enough or have enough money or enough love, yada, yada, so why bother at all. It is a good excuse to 'escape'. 


Oppositions are culminations and often bring results. Results with Neptune are often kind of dissolving/disintegrating, so there's that, too. Maybe something we have been trying to fix (Virgo) ends. A loss of a pet can happen with a transit like this one if it touches our chart or mirrors a natal aspect. A job might dissolve or a resource/source of income could end. Neptune also brings compassion/forgiveness, so there is that available, too, for ourselves and other people. Maybe what we've seen as a problem/flaw can be released/dissolve.

TUESDAY - Mercury @ 28 degrees Leo opposes Jupiter (retrograde) in Aquarius


Another opposition and we know oppositions (think Full Moon here) can bring conclusions - this might involve the culmination of a decision, announcement, plan. Words can be public/maybe over-the-top and oriented toward the future. Maybe our language/news makes us lucky/optimistic. Jupiter's retrograde energy speaks of old beliefs/hopes, even old commitments to groups and friendships. It's Leo season - we are collectively and personally living through the drama days of this year's Uranus/Saturn clash - personal freedom vs collective responsibility. Mercury/Jupiter can bring overwhelm, so clear your slate a bit and give yourself some air.


WEDNESDAY - Mars @ 7 degrees Virgo squares the North Node in Gemini, Venus @ 24 Virgo trines Pluto (retrograde) in Capricorn, Mercury enters Virgo

Mars square to the Nodes of Fate speaks of an action we must take to get around an obstacle. Are we moving backward or forward? Here is a crossroads, so what's it going to be? This could be our action in response to whatever Mercury/Jupiter has 'announced/decided'. Gemini is the way forward - small, local, the questions more important than thinking we have all the answers, staying flexible, keeping it light, taking care of the details, our Gemini natal house theme. 

Don't be afraid to change your mind, ask a question, question yourself, make a new choice, tell a fresh story, look at fresh perspectives and new ideas, try new things, take a class, teach a class, do something within your local neighborhood, call your sister (or brother or cousin), start that book, start that business, make it smaller, travel/shop/sell more locally, get a new computer, get a new car, open your mouth! A good mantra with that Gemini North Node is something like, "when I am willing to listen and learn from the other person, I win."

With Venus trining Pluto - here's where our practicality is paying off. We've been through the loss/disappointment, but here is something solid/real. What we think we are worth is what we are worth. This is an empowering aspect. Good for dealing with authority. Step into your responsibility. Be reasonable, but don't accept peanuts.


Mercury then enters her/his home sign of Virgo and quietly/realistically empowers Mars and Venus.

After swimming in the emotional waters of Cancer and then getting burnt out fast in fiery Leo, Mercury finally comes home to Virgo! This is especially good news for Virgos and Geminis (Sun and Risings), but EVERYONE'S natal Virgo house will benefit. With Mercury in Virgo, our thinking, writing and communication will be more practical and commonsense. We will be all about the details. Nothing gets by Mercury in Virgo.  But lots of things get dismissed. If it's not real/not factually stated/if it doesn't work - it's outta here.

This is an excellent transit for organization, cleaning, paperwork, taking care of our health, the ins and outs of our work and daily routine, our pets. We will see all the little problems, but still need to avoid nitpicking. Leo to Virgo is 'creating to critiquing' and that is natural/cyclical, but with everything all of us are dealing with this year we need to be gentle with each other.

The biting criticism (that will look to us like practical advice) that is right on the tip of our tongue might need to be swallowed sometimes. Gulp.

It may be hard to see the forest for the trees - but with the South Node in Sag - it is THE TREES that matter now anyway. The details. One thing at a time. Lists are good. Practical ideas, solutions and fixes can pop right into our head.

Pay attention to your language - we want to be precise now. We want to honor Mercury (trust me on this, he can cause us oodles of damage and danger when we don't). 

Think about what you are thinking about. Watch what you are watching. What you are reading, talking about, hearing - will matter now. Virgo rules our digestion - what we put in will be what we get out and impact how well we can function. 

Notice how you verbally get in your own way - use unnecessary negative words (like saying something "isn't bad" when you mean it is good), double speak, babble, gas-lighting, lies. Avoid that "sorry" thing some people say moving through life. We aren't really sorry anyway right - so why are we saying it.

Words are powerful. They are some of the most powerful tools we have to move through life on planet Earth - let's not hold ourselves back by tossing around stuff we don't mean/don't want to have/don't want to be. Virgo is about practicality, pie in the sky language won't be helpful.


FRIDAY - Mars @ 9 degrees Virgo inconjuncts Saturn (retrograde)


So, Mars (as us, our actions/passions/initiative/anger) has made some kind of move/decision to get things going and then runs right into a retrograde Saturn through a 'rock and hard place' inconjunct. Our practical actions require an adjustment to the old rules, our collective responsibilities, our groups, friends, the future, our own uniqueness.

SATURDAY - Venus @ 27 degrees Virgo inconjuncts Jupiter (retrograde) in Aquarius


More adjusting and now it's our wants/desires, resources, relationships, finances, self esteem adjusting to our old hopes/beliefs, collective dreams and old rules/groups. More Virgo/Aquarius 'rock and a hard place', bottom line - learning to live with uncertainty.

SUNDAY - the Sun @ 22 degrees Leo inconjuncts Neptune (retrograde) in Pisces, Mercury @ 7 degrees Virgo squares the North Node in Gemini, First Quarter Moon Scorpio/Leo @ 23 degrees

Another inconjunct! More adjusting. Leo/Pisces, ego vs self-sacrifice. And now Mercury squares the Nodes of Fate - the roadblock/crossroads - are we moving forward or going backward? News, information, conversations that pull us forward by putting our back against the wall/requiring decisions/plans. This is also the day of the First Quarter Moon - Moon's first square since the Leo New Moon the week prior. This is Scorpio, so requires us to merge/purge, go deep. Avoid power struggles/ego clashes.


This week's inconjuncts will require adjustments and the acceptance of things not going just how we want them to go. The oppositions will brings results/maybe endings and the we will probably be responding to that. Multiple personal planets squaring the Nodes speak of decisions/information/action made at a crossroads. Collectively we are at a TURNING POINT. Mercury's move into Virgo will quiet down some of the drama and bring more practicality. The only easy aspect - the Moon will have some smooth moves, don't worry! - is that Venus/Pluto trine, no small plus if we can deal with things practically and know our worth! This is all fleshing out the New Moon in Leo story we talked about HERE

xo all - back with some dailies

artwork by the talented Charlotte Hintzmann

saturday Night Mystery - the astrology of the disappearance of Summer Wells


This is a recent case I looked at for an online missing person's group. 


This little angel is still missing ...

On the late afternoon of Tuesday, June 15, 2021, a beautiful little blonde-haired five year old named Summer Moon Wells, after a day spent swimming in a local park and running errands, was in her yard helping her mother and grandmother replant some flowers into new/larger pots outside the grandmother's trailer. Her father was at work some distance away. Her three brothers were in the family's small home on the same property playing video games in the dining room. 

At some point, the time is kind of iffy here, Summer is done with her plantings and wants to go back into the house with her brothers. 


Her mother washes Summer's hands inside grandma's trailer. Grandma gives Summer some candy and Summer heads across the yard and toward the front door of their tiny home. The area is mountainous, extremely rural and densely wooded. Summer has been warned to never leave her yard (not to go further than her yard swing) and she never has, according to both her parents. Her mother watches Summer enter the house and then returns to her own mother to help her put on a knee brace (the grandmother had a knee injury and the errands earlier in the day included her hospital visit and a stop at the pharmacy to fill a prescription). 


According to Summer's parents, her brothers saw Summer enter the house and go down into her basement bedroom (which she shares with her parents) to play with her toys. 


Within minutes Summer's mother, Candus, comes into the house and asks the boys, "where is Summer?". She calls into the basement. Summer doesn't answer. Candus goes down into the basement and Summer isn't there. She exits the basement through an exterior basement door (she doesn't remember if the door was locked, although it is usually kept locked) and calls for Summer who doesn't answer. I assume at this point she is running around looking for her and the boys would be, too. Candus calls her husband at work, he says in a full-blown panic. He leaves work to head home and Candus calls 911. The bottom right chart is the chart of the 911 call (the only chart with accurate houses), the other charts are birth charts (times unknown) with the transits for the day of  Summer's disappearance. 


After weeks of exhaustive searching by the police and Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, beautiful little Summer Moon Wells has not been found. 


Suspicion has been on the parents, particularly her mother. We can see the Moon (mother, and also Summer) at the top of the 911 call chart, so the disappearance and both Summer and her mother become publicly 'known'.

The first thing I was thinking about with the 911 chart was that this year's ongoing Uranus/Saturn square was exact this day and Uranus was conjunct Ceres (so Ceres is also squaring Saturn). Uranus/Ceres might speak of a situation with a detached or erratic mother or an accident in nature (Ceres representing not only mothering, but also Mother Nature/the natural world). 

But once I had some birth dates and saw Candus's natal Vesta (sacred focus)/Persephone conjunction conjunct Summer's Sun and Candus's natal Chiron/Ceres EXACT opposition my focus turned from an erratic mother or an accident in nature (although obviously it's still a possibility that Summer ran off and got lost, ie accident in nature and she did have an unusual mother) and toward a possible abduction. 

Astonishingly, Candus's own mother (the grandmother who lives in a trailer on their property) ALSO had a daughter (a grown daughter, Candus's sister) - who disappeared one night after going out with friends and was never seen again. Two missing females in the same family sounds suspicious and is certainly unusual. But we've seen family wounds/unfinished storylines passed on through our DNA/charts and Chiron's placement speaks of very old familial woundings. Candus's chart connects her wounds to the Ceres story and her daughter to Persephone (Ceres daughter stolen by Pluto into the underworld). The myth is too long to go into here, but have a google if you are unfamiliar. Maybe we'll talk about it in part II.

Once my attention turned to a possible abduction I started looking through the child predator database (it is mind blowing how many sexual predators are in rural Tennessee) and I stumbled upon a suspect. I am not going to name him, although I do use his most closely named asteroids in some of the charts. 


We will just call him "F". 

Let's start with Summer's chart.


Summer was born with an EXACT Jupiter/North Node conjunction (conjunct our suspect's named asteroid). They oppose her EXACT Vesta/Uranus conjunction. She has a tight Pluto/Venus conjunction, a tight Persephone/Part of Fortune/Eris conjunction and an EXACT Ceres/Nessus conjunction. All look dangerous in hindsight. Her natal Chiron sextiles her Pluto/Mercury. On the day of her disappearance we have transiting Jupiter (remember her natal Jupiter is tied into her North Node of Destiny) EXACT on her Ceres/Nessus conjunction (Nessus's origin story connects to kidnapping, attempted rape and trusting untrustworthy people). Transiting Nessus is on her natal Chiron (the wounding). The Sun opposes her natal Saturn. Transiting Neptune is on her South Node connecting whatever is going on to loss/old, ancestral loss.

Candus, Summer's mother, was born with an EXACT Chiron/Ceres opposition - very specific in this case, tied to an old wounding around the loss of a daughter. She has a tight Vesta/Persephone conjunction on Summer's Sun (probably her mother did keep an eye on her and maybe always worried something could happen to her). On the date of her daughter's disappearance Uranus/Ceres are conjunct Candus's Sun. They are squaring transiting Saturn and Candus's natal Vesta/Persephone conjunction. Transiting Venus is conjunct her North Node of destiny EXACT (so opposing her south node) and squaring her natal Saturn. Transiting Vesta is conjunct her Ceres. Transiting Nessus is square her natal Part of Fortune. Transiting Persephone (daughter) is conjunct her natal Chiron (the wounding).


I realize this is all alot of astro-babble, and I could go on and on, but the potential nightmare scenario, the Ceres/Persephone/Pluto storyline, activated through Nessus and laid out in their natal charts is triggered on June 15, 2021. 


Let's add in a possible suspect. 


His birth date is listed on the sexual predator website. We'll call him "F". There are many connections in his birth chart with Summer's named asteroids including one tightly conjunct his Jupiter - ruler of his Neptune/Sun conjunction. His Neptune (loss/endings/past-life stories) EXACTLY opposes his natal Persephone. One Summer-named asteroid is tightly conjunct his natal Venus - which is EXACT on Summer's natal Tantalus - an asteroid that represents teasing desires with connections to heinous and unforgivable crimes. This degree was being transiting by Pluto which would magnify any compulsions toward Summer. "F"'s natal Tantalus is conjunct his natal Lilith EXACT and EXACTLY squaring his natal Eris, so very much an outsider/rule breaker energy. The Sun was conjunct his natal Nessus the day Summer disappeared (the Sun takes us to the perpetrator in the 911 call chart). The transiting North Node was conjunct his natal Persephone, South Node on his natal Neptune. Transiting Chiron was conjunct his natal Eris. Transiting Jupiter is conjunct his natal Pholus (the cork out of the bottle centaur). Transiting Juno is conjunct his Sun and his natal Juno is conjunct his natal Ceres. The Uranus/Ceres conjunction of June 15th is tightly conjunct his Part of Fortune (destiny) and squaring his natal Jupiter. 


The police should definitely be looking into this guy (and, of course, this is only a hypothesis based on the natal charts and transits).

The 911 call is made at 6:26PM by Candus. 


We'll talk about that chart in next Saturday night's post and unpack some of this without all the astro-babble. 


We'll also see if anything points us in another direction and look at what might have happened ...

xo all