the meaning of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus | Friday, November 18th, 2021 - the eclipse spin cycle begins!


On Friday, November 19th, 2021 at 3:57AM EST, the Taurus Moon will oppose the Scorpio Sun at 27 degrees - giving us this month's Full Moon, our annual Full Moon in Taurus. Happening so near the Moon's nodes gives us a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse (partial).

Taurus is ruled by Venus and rules our collective 2nd house of everything money can buy and everything money can't. She rules finances, love, stability, security and comfort. She rules our values, our resources and also represents Mother Earth. Taurus energy is nurturing - it brings us back to ourselves. On the flip-side, Taurus can also represent fear based/scarcity thinking when our security is threatened (real or imagined), focusing us on all the reasons something we want to do won't work or all the reasons we can't have what we want. Taurus energy is stubborn (like the bull) or passive (like the cow).

We either own it (whatever "it" is) or it doesn't belong to us.

Like all Full Moons, this is a Sun/Moon opposition. The Sun is in deep, dark, transformative Scorpio and the Moon is in earthy, grounded Taurus. Full Moons represent fullness, peak power, endings - that moment of our breath when our lungs are full just a second before we begin to exhale. 

With Scorpio, something hidden is brought into the light (Full Moons bring things to light, but with Eclipses some things are still hidden, so there will be things we won't know with whatever we have going on). Eclipse events are fated. We could feel a loss of control with whatever is going on. What we value might feel threatened. A situation could be stimulated involving our use or avoidance of power. With Taurus, we turn toward the present moment - what already exists. Can we appreciate/take solace in what we HAVE? We move closer to what brings us comfort now - nature, food, touch, our physical senses.

Now, let's unpack the chart! 


The Moon in Taurus opposes the Sun near enough to the Nodes of the Moon to give us a Partial Lunar Eclipse. This is the first Eclipse of the Taurus/Scorpio axis that starts in December (in two weeks we will have the LAST Eclipse of the Gemini/Sagittarius axis that is finishing up). So this Eclipse has the potential to be a kind of 'kick off' point for the new axis which will be in effect for 18 months - we will be focused on making life more simple/changing our VALUE SYSTEM (what we value and how we feel valued) and burying what is dead/moving away from what is too complicated/paying off our debts.


Lunar Eclipse Full Moons are different than regular Full Moons because they are happening on the Moon's South Node - the Moon is full but the Sun's light is blocked by the Earth. So although things are still concluding and 'coming to light' other stuff is hidden, too. Nothing is exactly as it seems. Eclipses are cosmic course corrections. Things get eclipsed out or out of our way. 

Like a computer being rebooted after a change to its operating system - we get a RE-SET.

The time in between these two eclipses (the next one is in two weeks) is kind of like being in our washing machine spin cycle. It's not the time to take out the wash unless we want a soggy mess. Stuff isn't finished. We have to let the machine (the set of eclipses) do its work.

So, if you can, save the big-bodacious moves until after that second eclipse in two weeks. Let things unwind a bit. Let's let the Eclipses work their magic first. See where the washing machine spits us out and what we have to work with. Plus we'll be clean and smell like fabric softener sheets without polluting the planet and our immune systems by actually using them.


The Taurus Moon reaches fullness at 27 degrees Taurus. This is TIGHTLY conjunct fixed star Algol - considered by some to be the most malevolent star in the Milky Way Galaxy (sounds like fun) and also interestingly enough the name of an early (first?) computer language/program that initiated 'algorithms' (started in 1958 and published during the mega Aqua conjunction of 1963 - a time famous psychic/astrologer Jeane Dixon stated would be the birth of the Anti-Christ). Not saying Algol/algorithms is the anti-Christ consciousness, but I'm not saying it isn't either. Interesting (slightly out-there and not religious) post about all that in the works.

This is also tightly conjunct the degree of the United States natal Wuhan/Pandora conjunction in the 6th house of health/work and EXACTLY opposing Biden's natal 12th house Sun (the transiting Sun conjunct his natal Sun) with Mercury on his natal Mercury, Mars on his natal Mars, the South Node on his Ascendant, North Node on his Descendant/Uranus conjunction of "the other" (!), asteroid Wuhan opposing his natal Narcissus, too much to list. BIG stuff happening for him and with the ruler of his Scorpio planets in his 8th house of death/transformation that looks physically challenging for him, keep in mind his chart is all about 12th and 8th houses death/endings plus that Uranus Descendant (the U.S. also has a natal Uranus/Descendant)  - Biden bringing us "the other" - and for the United States now and over the next 6 months as this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse plays out and we move through the United States first ever Pluto return.

The Full Moon squares Jupiter in Aquarius. This is waning/unwinding. This is in the past, but near enough to the Eclipse to still be in play. This might speak of a big opportunity. Or maybe something not quite so grandiose that we have somehow exaggerated/caused to balloon out of proportion. With Jupiter ruling the South Node and Vesta EXACTLY conjunct the South Node, maybe an old hope/faith/wisdom/what we BELIEVE is being shaken up. Or maybe our NEW focus/devotion (that Sag house) is causing challenges/tension or maybe it is - keeping in mind this is a Taurus Eclipse - something about the way we OWN what we OWN that needs to shift. Also the empty leg of the Taurus/Scorpio/Aquarius T-Square landing in Leo, reminding us of the need to stay in our heart, shine brightly, bring ourselves to the world and hold for the world what we came here to carry.


The Moon trines Pluto making whatever is going on more intense/feel like 'life and death', but also more able to EMPOWER us if handled correctly. I know many people who have had surgeries/important health tests this past week.

The Moon is conjunct asteroid Sedna who can bring challenges, especially health challenges or situations where we have been 'cut off' from stability/what we used to know or count on - particularly when we've ignored what we 'didn't want to know'. This might also be looked at as repeating that separating square to Jupiter - an opportunity to create lemonade from lemons or maybe something that looked much better or worse than it actually was/is.


Venus, ruler of Taurus and so ruler of this lunation, is in Capricorn and trining Uranus EXACT. She is also applying to a sextile to Mars. Both smooth aspects. That trine to Uranus speaks of change/progress/the future. The NEW is being set up. The sextile to Mars speaks of serious/focused action. 


New money, new values, new relationships, new beauty, new self-esteem. 


Venus is walking her upcoming retrograde shadow now and we will be back here two more times. Whatever this is, it won't be all squared away until next year. We have been mentally preparing (North Node in Gemini) the last year and a half for the physical changes of 2022 and 2023 and starting with this Eclipse we will begin to physically EMBODY the changes.

To bottom line this one, and although I used to be a banker, I really hate bottom lines - this is a POWERFUL portal for a timeline shift. 

An extremely potent one. 

This will influence the next two weeks, six months, 18 months and even 18 years. Although this is a partial Eclipse it is a VERY long Eclipse. And this is the FIRST Eclipse of the upcoming Taurus/Scorpio nodal axis and the way something starts is the way something goes. 

Often during Eclipses we are making very serious decisions - or the people around us are - or very serious situations are playing out. 

This is the first Eclipse of two, so hold on loosely. Stay flexible.

Venus is in sober Capricorn and ruling this Eclipse, so take care of your responsibilities, treat people respectfully - yes, even people you don't agree with, a world full of people who agree with us would suck big-time, trust me on this - focus on what you love/value/what matters most. With Venus in Capricorn until the end of year we will be working to make Venusian issues MORE STABLE. 

Mercury (in Scorpio and opposing the Full Moon) is trining Neptune - kind of dissolving our Scorpio obsession/focus. Taking the bite from our words, but also the certainty from our minds. Certainty is so 2019 anyway, right?  This is good energy for heightened intuition. Prayer/meditation/imagination is powerful. The right words come to us. Just stay away from narcotics and alcohol because the effects will be greatly heightened.


Balance your books. Organize the money in your wallet. Get/give a massage. Take a bath. Bake some bread. Hug a tree. 

The next Eclipse in two weeks will be a BIG one, too, and pull us back to the Gemini/Sag North and South Node axis of the last 18 months for one final BLAST - minds will change/old beliefs and old judgments must be released. 

It will be let go or be dragged time. 

xo all

Today's Astrology Forecast | Wednesday, November 17th, 2021 - explosive change, power struggles and breakthroughs



The Moon is in Taurus now - the sign of her exaltation. We are nourished/nurtured by more traditionally nurturing things - a warm bed, a soft touch, good food, security, time spent in nature, time spent with what/who we value/love, all the good stuff money can buy and all the good stuff it can't.


The Moon is challenged though, busier than a Taurus Moon likes to be. 


She squares Saturn at 1:19PM EST, trines Venus (ruler of Taurus) at 7:38PM EST,  meets up with a retrograde Uranus at 9:44PM EST and opposes Mars at 10:20PM EST. Oh my.


At the same time, fiery Mars (in Scorpio) has moved into his (once every two year) opposition with anything-can-happen, future focused, but chaotic Uranus - currently retrograde in Taurus. This is a release valve on some heavy duty pent up sh*t. THIS IS BIG. Oppositions, are like Full Moons - and keep in mind we have the Taurus Full Moon in two days and within this lunar cycle - they bring a cycle to peak energy, and sometimes to a conclusion. 


The Mars/Uranus opposition takes us back to the Mars/Uranus conjunction (meeting) on January 20, 2021 (this was Biden's inauguration day in the United States, so something now is in a way a culmination of his Presidency). If something BIG was going on in your life at that time, most likely some part of that story or a similar story is happening now - this week/last week/next week. 


Sudden changes/breakthroughs are possible. With Uranus retrograde, there is something #new, unexpected, but also #not new, not unexpected about this. Stuffed energies are made explosive under skies like these. The resulting dynamite can blow things up - (keep in mind the permanence of Plutonian landmines) AND also uncover hidden valuables/old gold.

This is one of multiple opportunities in November to TAKE OUR POWER BACK.

With Scorpian energy pulled into the mix situations involving power/control/intensity/obsession/something that has felt like life and death are possible. Also literal Scorpio themes - taxes, insurance, merged money, other people's money, intimacy, sex, reproduction, third party situations, the theme of your natal Taurus and Scorpio houses.

Collectively something now might bring a reminder (in our face because Mars makes things personal) of what we have given up for safety/security/comfort and what this extra emphasis on safety, this avoidance of surprise/change, something we NEED for aliveness as much as stability, has brought us in terms of the deadening of human experience. Remember the point where 'time runs out' is BEHIND us. We are past the point in the game where we always died before. This doesn't mean we can't still die, because guess what, we were always going to die. This whole year and most of next is all about the Saturn/Uranus square. The old vs the new. Responsibility vs freedom. What will we give up to be safe? What will we give up to be free? And it is easy to lose sight of the ways freedom has never been really free and that taking responsibility doesn't mean passing the buck to some greater authority and then blinding following their rules. This is tricky stuff. Not black and white. Life isn't for sissies anymore. It never was. 

Anyhoo, today's Saturn/Moon/Mars/Uranus (people with planets/points near 12 degrees of the fixed signs will probably be feeling this strongest) might speak of control issues coming to a head. What we can control and what we can't is visible to us. Uranus brings break-ups, break downs and breakthroughs. Earthquakes. Surgically excising what is no longer needed. Again, the only trine - smooth flow - is to Capricorn (Venus) - big girl/boy pants on (which means us taking responsibility for our actions/choices), being serious with what we love/value, taking responsible action. Our natal Cappy house theme giving us somewhere to GO.

Something else to keep in mind because we talked about this year's Saturn/Uranus square (which is applying now) is that this year's other big repeating aspect is applying, too. Saturn sextile Chiron. This is Aquarius/Aries - always an opportunistic combination, but now housed with Saturn/authority/stability and Chiron/wounds/healing. The meeting ground between both the collective/group (Aquarius) and the individual (Aries). The meeting ground for freedom AND responsibility. The way through the Saturn/Uranus being through Aries. The individual. Courage. Initiative. Taking care of ourselves. Standing up for ourselves. Being ourselves.

Drive safely. Be precise. Don't toss babies out with dirty bathwater. This is POWERFUL energy to make real and lasting (permanent) change. These are fixed signs/dug in and sometimes we have to be/feel backed into a corner to take the action that needs taking. Just keep your finger off the trigger unless you really want to kill something. Because you just might.

xo all

artwork by the amazing shahab68

Today's Astrology Forecast | Tuesday, November 16th, 2021 - an intensity of purpose


The Moon continues her journey through Aries. We are nourished/nurtured by passion, action, anger, starting something new, initiative, time alone, time spent with men.


She makes an opportunistic sextile to Jupiter at 8:55AM EST (good for expansion, group situations), inconjuncts the Scorpio Sun and goes void by 10:50AM EST off a challenging square to Pluto. She will be void until 9:18PM EST when she moves into Taurus the sign of her exaltation and home to Friday's first eclipse of the season and precursor to our upcoming (18 month long) Taurus North Node. 

The inconjunct to the Sun is this month's Waxing Inconjunct. 


One final adjustment before Friday's Full Moon. Scorpio/Aries. Mars was the ruler for both these signs until the discovery of Pluto, and they form a natural rock and a hard place like two similar/dissimilar sons. Aries is the energy of starting. It's impulsive/wants to move. Cardinal fire. Scorpio is fixed water. Focused/deep. Slower. Deliberate. 


So maybe we are needing to move quickly with something or maybe we are pushed to go deeper/merge/purge. Adjustments are required. Nothing is totally settled here/nothing works perfectly. Scorpio's modern ruler is Pluto - and that late morning square kind of colors the day with power struggles, obsessions, manipulations, something that feels like life and death.

The way through this emotional pressure is today's Sun/Pluto sextile at 24 degrees of Scorpio and Capricorn. This aspect will allow us to tackle the Moon/Pluto challenges. We are more determined/ambitious/able to do things that are messy. Things we might not really want to do, but that have to be done. The competing Plutos will give us an intensity of purpose.


This is also the day Vesta (what we reverse/hold sacred/dedicate our energies to/what keeps us up at night) moves into high-flying Sagittarius. She will be here until the middle of January when she joins Venus in Cappy (big post on Venus's upcoming retrograde will be up soon). 


In Sagittarius, Vesta's focus WIDENS. She brings our attention to bigger-picture issues. Wisdom, faith, truth. Having her out of Scorpio will help those whose focus has become too dark or too obsessive (the Sun's move at the end of the week will help, too). The fly in the ointment here is when "truth" becomes fanatical. We believe it, so they must, too. Vesta's extreme focus creates "tunnel-vision" and maybe we don't allow ourselves to question/swerve/be curious. The last 18 months with the South Node in Sagittarius has shown us how well any kind of "know-it-all/preachy" thinking/doing/being works - to cut right to the end of that chapter as the world splits right in two - it doesn't! 


Legal issues, foreign situations, education, politics, religion, your natal Sag house theme all become more of a focus for the next couple months.

For today, let's see if we can take advantage of the Sun/Pluto sextile. The Sun is answering to Pluto now, so really powering this one up. Our power/focus/certainty increases. We are blending the light and the dark. The known and the unknown. We can step into our power/authority without triggering the typical resistance from others. Keep in mind we still have the Moon/Pluto square and that long Void Moon to make things wonky and stressy, so let's avoid needing to show/prove how powerful we are in any kind of dark/manipulative ways. Play to your Capricorn. Avoid Darth Vader-y moves/situations.


With Pluto in realistic Cappy and running the day, whatever you are doing, make it something PRODUCTIVE. 


I think we can get alot done even with the Void Moon.

xo all

artwork by the talented Tomasz-Mro

Today's Astrology Forecast | Monday, November 15th, 2021 - warts and all



This weekend was a productive blur and when I sat down to write the weekly tonight I realized we have major aspects EVERY single day. Alot is going on! We are building all week to Friday's first Eclipse of the season - a Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus - our first Taurus Eclipse and maybe a preview of what the North Node in Taurus (December 22, 2021 through July 12, 2023) -  will be cooking up for/with us. 

For now, let's talk about Monday and then I will do dailies plus a BIG Full Moon Eclipse post where we'll also talk about the upcoming nodal shift - wake up Taurus and Scorpios, we're looking at you!

On MONDAY the Moon is in Aries. We are nourished/nurtured by passion, action, anger, starting something new, initiative, time alone, time spent with men. 


She will sextile Saturn at 1:59AM EST and move on to meet Chiron and square Venus at 4:05AM EST. 


The Moon (our emotions, our lunar story) is pulled into and AMPLIFIES one of today's BIG aspects - Venus at 8 degrees Capricorn squaring Chiron at 8 degrees Aries. People with planets/points in the cardinal signs near 8 degrees will be feeling this aspect strongest.  


Squares with Chiron are triggering/painful.  


The Moon, as us, is feeling all the ways we aren't enough. Maybe old fears around being able to take care of ourselves/stand up for ourselves or be ourselves. Then Venus, meeting up with the Moon and squaring Chiron pulls in our relationships, money, career, values, self-esteem. Situations conspire for us to feel what we are lacking. Support, money, approval, etc. Our insecurities/vulnerabilities are felt/visible. Old wounds, older than we are, are triggered. 



At the same time the Sun at 23 degrees Scorpio is squaring Jupiter in Aquarius. People with planets /points near 23 degrees of the fixed signs will be feeling this one strongest. Any Sun/Jupiter portal can bring an ego boost/confidence/pride/luck. We just want to be careful, and I know I always sound like your grandma warning of dragons and DOOM, but, still we need to be careful not to overdo something. Physically hurt ourselves (that Moon in Aries can make us prone to rushing or acting impulsively). Over-promise. Exaggerate. Count chickens that haven't hatched yet. The Sun in Scorpio can help us stay focused and avoid scattering this energy, but Jupiter always has a tendency toward more being more. 

A mixed bag kind of day. We've got that early sextile to Saturn (an ease through being responsible, taking things seriously, doing our job) and we have the Sun/Jupiter - although this one is a square, Jupiter is still generosity and luck - so, we'll have some kind of bandage for what hurts. We feel the pain, won't be able to avoid dealing with our vulnerability/insecurity, but we'll have somewhere to go with this - Sun/Jupiter, Scorpio/Aquarius - we shine through generosity, adulting, stretching a bit, being a real person warts and all. 


Also keep in mind the Venus/Chiron is cardinal (wants to start/seed something), Venus is about to start working her repeating/retrograde Cappy degrees, the Moon is waxing (growing) and in "let's START" Aries - what needs to get going? what needs our action/passion?

xo all

artwork by the talented Flauart


MONDAY - Venus squares Chiron, Sun squares Jupiter

TUESDAY - Sun sextiles Pluto, Vesta enters Sagittarius

WEDNESDAY - Mars opposes Uranus

THURSDAY - Mercury trines Neptune

FRIDAY - Venus trines Uranus, Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus (27 degrees)

SATURDAY - Mercury squares Jupiter

SUNDAY - Mercury sextiles Pluto, Sun enters Sagittarius