the Libra Solar Eclipse New Moon | Part II - eclipse check-in and the relationship wound being the space where the light gets in

astrology forecast for today and tomorrow | Mars enters scorpio and trines saturn, let's double check our motivations, let's be responsible with the stuff we are unearthing

the astrology of the Solar Eclipse New Moon in Libra | October 14th, 2023 - uncomfortable disruptions, power struggles, endings, re-balancing relationships to re-invigorate and restore, new fated relationships, the relationship wound is where the light gets in, eclipse season begins, part I

WEEKLY ASTROLOGY FORECAST | OCTOBER 9TH to OCTOBER 15TH, 2023 - the eclipse spin cycle begins, first solar eclipse in Libra, the beginning of the end of imbalanced relationships and outdated contracts, navigating pushback, take your money seriously