Today's Astrology Forecast | Friday, April 16th, 2021 - a light on what really controls us, are old fears still driving this train or is this us laying claim to our new purpose/power



The Moon continues her journey through fast-talking/fast-moving Gemini - trining Saturn at 3:52AM EDT and squaring Neptune at 11:52PM EDT. 

The Aries Sun reaches his exact square to Pluto at 26 degrees Capricorn. This is tension/frustration. Cardinal squares require change/adjustments. Aries/Cappy - the new vs the old. Our personal actions/goals challenged by authority/limits. Fears about what we are losing/might lose. Power struggles/manipulations. Obsessions.


The dark side has cookies and, what the bloody hell, they smell just like Girl Scout thin mints!

The most powerful way to work with a Pluto square with the Sun - because the Sun is ILLUMINATING - is to deal with the stuff that comes out of the shadows now. 

HERE is what really has power/control of us. 

The Sun (as us) is EXALTED in Aries. THIS is who we are. Brave. Passionate. We are nearing the end of the sign, so we are older/wiser than when we first got here. The square to Pluto/challenge comes late enough in the game that we don't have to run into the fray, sword flying, and get our head chopped off. This black/white, all-or-nothing, life and death feeling that something must happen a certain way - well, what if it doesn't. Squares to the Sun are ego threats and what bigger threat than Pluto (the grim reaper) to get our ass moving in a new direction - to show us the ways how we step into our authority/exercise control needs to CHANGE.


If there is a wall - no need to smash our head into it. 


Let's look ahead - the Sun's next move is a pow-wow with Mercury in a couple days and right now Mercury is trining (brakes off/no wall here) a retrograde Juno in Sagittarius. Use new/more hopeful words, even with tired situations. What can we agree on? The partnership/contract benefits from initiative/action/passionate conversation, maybe even a well-directed argument. 

The bottom line with the Sun/Pluto square from Aries/Capricorn is to notice how we are reacting to this external challenge and then acting from a more independent/authentic space. The real power in Aries, and the reason the Sun is EXALTED here, comes through a JOY OF BEING - think about the spring flower bursting through the winter-weary soil. Filled with light/enthusiasm to be BORN AGAIN - to be of the world AGAIN. Made to be starting/challenging, LEADING the charge.


If we are Pluto in this situation, squashing the Sun/light out of something/someone, needing to be RECOGNIZED - lured over by those delicious thin mints - we need to check ourself before we wreck ourself. Fist meets fist. 


If we are the Sun, and whatever is happening feels like it is draining us/killing us/taking our power away and we need to strike first/get ours before someone else does, again we'd better check ourself before we wreck ourself. Pluto don't play.


If we can see how BOTH these energies are really working within us - the stuff outside is what we have projected out there - we can learn a great deal now. Stay open. We don't have to control the situation. But we do have to respond/stay in our power. We can respond from a higher space instead of impulsively (or even childishly) reacting. 


Cardinal squares require new action. Adjustments. What is a better way through this? What is the Cappy authority - and remember we projected it out there in the first place, by not stepping into our own - really requiring of us? An Aries Sun must be true to herself/himself, but we usually don't need to end up in prison to do so. 


Pick your battles carefully now. 


Can you stand up for yourself/step into your authority without trying to control anyone else? 


We need to know who we are in this. We need to be standing in our own shoes. Check the monthly HERE for more info. Tomorrow is pretty packed with aspects and today will just roll into tomorrow (as today is apt to do, see how smart I am). Mercury will be squaring Pluto, AND there will be oodles of ways through that one. The New Moon that kicked off the new lunar year is making sure everyone knows that LIFE HAS CHANGED NOW. This isn't the Monopoly board of your childhood. You can't just win by buying up all the prime real estate. Power is being re-distributed. Chaos is redistributing power. But the old game is still out there. OUR response to the energies in any given moment determines which game we are playing. 

xo all

artwork by the talented wandering sally

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