Today's Astrology Forecast | Wednesday, April 28th, 2021 - better vibes, optimism, a second chance is opening up, an opportunity that smells like sweat



The Moon in Scorpio sextiles a retrograde Pluto at 6:38AM EDT, then goes void off a square to Jupiter at 8:31AM EDT. She is void for a New York minute - well, 4 of them - moving into fiery and optimistic Sagittarius at 8:35AM EDT. The intensity/bigger-is-better, but almost too much, and probably, yes, too much, will be much easier to handle once the Moon gets into wide-open Sag and immediately sextiles Saturn. 


So, we are pushed or maybe we slide, ready-or-not, into something BIGGER (maybe even overwhelming), but it should settle down a bit/stabilize/create greater security. Good things come over time with Saturn.


We will have to be stepping into our responsibility though, and with the Moon's next move a square to confusing Neptune, very late night, keeping our feet on the ground/maintaining our boundaries and sobriety/avoiding our usual escape maneuvers/having decided, now deciding to not look back, may all be necessary. 


Don't kid yourself - this IS an opportunity, but this IS going to be a whole lot of work/responsibility/pressure.

In other parts of the skies, we have Venus and Mercury edging away from their square (tension/frustration with rules/limits/responsibilities) to Saturn and toward their trine (smooth flow) to powerful Pluto. The Sun, following in their Taurus foot prints is set to meet Uranus (surprise/breakthrough), square Saturn (the stop sign/limit/new rules) and then make his own trine to Pluto (personal power), 


so something here almost feels like A SECOND CHANCE. 

For today, things should lighten up with the Moon's move into Sagittarius


Our optimism/hopefulness increases even with this heaping plate in front of us (which I hope for all our sakes isn't loaded with carbs and sugar, America's metabolic problem certainly a huge driver of virus excesses here) - which probably smells like opportunity, but looks like work or, maybe, vice-versa. The Full Moon happening AFTER Venus/Mercury met Uranus and squared Saturn and BEFORE the Sun does, and nobody reaching that smooth trine to Pluto before he stationed retrograde is the whole story in a nutshell. 

We'll talk about that next post.

xo all

artwork by the talented Fernanda Suarez

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