Today's Astrology Forecast | Tuesday, May 11th, 2021 - New Moon in taurus, detaching from mommy/nurturing/food issues, keeping a cool head, focusing on the future



This is the day the Taurus Moon meets the Sun (2:59PM EDT) and sextiles Neptune (5:26PM EDT). We talked about the New Moon HERE.

This is also the day Mars, at 11 degrees Cancer, squares Chiron and sextiles Uranus.


With Mars in Cancer and the Sun/Moon in Taurus, we want to be comfortable/nurtured. 


As Mars moves into his square with hurting/healing Chiron wounds from the past are reactivated. Old times we weren't safe/comfortable/nurtured/fed will be stirred up by new situations/encounters. 


With Chiron in Aries, the situation might be something about trying to care for/protect someone that doesn't want our care or maybe we are wanting someone to take care of us in ways we need to be providing to ourselves now.


With the Sun/Moon on Black Moon Lilith, old memories of being cast out/not fitting in can surface. Our actions will probably revolve around staying safe and the ways we 'stay safe' via Chiron's journey through independent Aries are changing. We are all grown up now. Do we really need mommy or a seat at the cool kids table? No one had the perfect mother/nurturing. No one had the 'cool kid' table security, not even the cool kids.


Mars/Chiron here can also energize old familial anger, and with Mars in Cancer, it might come out in passive-aggressive or unhealthy ways. Notice when you are triggered - feelings are out of proportion to the situation - know this is activating an old story (likely through our maternal heritage) that you may or may not remember, but are still carrying. Emotional wounds are ONLY incomplete cycles of experience. Nothing more. Nothing less. If something, again that is out of proportion to the situation at hand, is producing anxiety know this thing you are fearing HAS ALREADY HAPPENED.

Mars sextile (opportunity) with Uranus speaks of a way through the pain. 


Focus on the future. Detach emotionally from the situation - step back, use logic. Note - this isn't about running away, but fight or flight aren't really our only two options. Do something else. Uranus in Taurus is changing our values/the ways we acquire and hold onto the things we need. This is tricky stuff, but something to keep in mind. We might be fighting to hold onto stuff we don't even want/need anymore.

Take care of yourself. Eat foods that came from the earth. Take care of your gut/digestion.


Gabor Mate has many youtube videos about detaching from emotional triggers that might help if you are especially activated now.

Breathe deeply into your precious life on this beautiful planet. Let the New Moon work her magic.

xo all

artwork by the amazing Catherine Graffam

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