Today's Astrology Forecast | Tuesday, May 25th, 2021 - going deep before going wide


The Moon is in deep Scorpio now. We are nourished/nurtured through intensity, getting to the bottom of things, research, intimacy, psychology, power. Our focus might be on Scorpio themes - finances, merged monies, reproduction, sex, birth/death, secrets, mysteries/crime, third party situations. 


She trines Mars at 6:00AM EDT (brakes off), Neptune at 11:00AM EDT and goes void at 5:19PM EDT off a sextile (opportunity) to Pluto. She is void until 10:39PM EDT when she comes out of the Scorpian depths into the bluer skies of Sagittarius.


Today's Scorp intensity is a prelude to tomorrow's BIG Lunar Eclipse and with the Moon touching both Scorpio's ancient and modern rulers in smooth/easy aspects, should be productive/opportunistic.


Scoprio rules secrets and the stuff we've stuffed and don't want to look at/feel. There are opportunities for real intimacy here if we can let go of our need to control/manipulate whatever we have going on. If we, or other people, are dealing with emotions that are out of proportion to the situation - don't judge this. Know we are actually interacting with the energies of older/deeper storylines we are accessing through this Eclipse portal. These triggers are karma - which are simply the energetic consequences of our prior thoughts/actions/experiences. We don't have to completely understand what is happening (although truths could be revealed now), to allow the energies to move through us/release these stories/cords from our bodies. 

Allow this day to flow and notice the Moon's move into Sagittarius tonight - see if you can feel the optimism/hopefulness/confidence/wisdom of THAT regardless of your external circumstances right now.

xo all

artwork by the amazing Lin Jinfu

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