Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of April 17th - another busy, potentially tense and eye opening week

dernier jour. by musicandphotography

This is another busy week - and they continue to get more tense, hectic and stressful from here as we move into May. We have multiple planets changing signs and another planet, powerful Pluto, stationing retrograde plus Venus's third and final tense meet up with Saturn.

Monday is all about Saturn. The Moon is in Saturn ruled Capricorn, the Sun is trining Saturn and then by Monday night Mars is inconjunct Saturn. That's a whole lot of serious! We can get alot done. Iron your big girl pants Sunday night and be ready.

The Capricorn Moon will have us get right down to business. Our emotions will be more practical, pragmatic and measured. In situations where we are the authority figure it would be a good time to lay out a game plan because the multiple aspects now could feel overwhelming if we are not organized. We should be able to keep a cool head and do what has to be done. Know that our bosses and authority figures will have alot going on - don't waste their time.

The Sun's trine (brakes off) to Saturn could bring recognition (Sun) for our past efforts (Saturn) - remember with Saturn, the rewards, recognition (and yes, consequences) come later. Success comes from hard work or putting in the time or doing what is right.

This is a good aspect for dealing/working/meeting with people in charge and older men (and your father or a father-figure) - remember the advice to be practical, pragmatic and take ourselves seriously if we want others to.

This is good energy to bring structure and organization to a situation - have you done your taxes? The deadline is extended to Tuesday this year, but get cracking today.

We also have Mars (in Taurus) sextiling (opportunity) Venus (in Pisces) at 26 degrees. This is a wonderful aspect for pouring energy (Mars) into what we love (Venus) and also for having confidence in creative projects. Masculine and feminine energy is working together now (date night?). The opportunity comes from loving what we are doing and taking action. The opportunity comes from the blending of the masculine (assertive) and feminine (receptive) energies.

By nightfall Mars (in his last move before he changes signs later in the week) inconjuncts Saturn. We have to make some kind of adjustment to move forward with that Taurus natal house situation (where is Taurus in your natal chart?) or whatever is going on with our Taurus ruled money, property, ownership or product. Something is out of balance here. If we are thinking we are the only one with the answer or the only one who can do whatever it is that needs doing - we are going to be one tired and pissed off puppy. Stop comparing how much other people are doing. Have I said before half the sky is moving backward? Something is probably moving too fast. Slow the whole thing down.

On Tuesday, the Moon hooks into the 2017 ongoing t-square by squaring Jupiter and Uranus and conjuncting Pluto. This is a big power play day. Political maneuverings will be in the news. Shake ups and surprises are likely involving all the themes involved : (Moon ruled by Saturn) career, goals, status, authority, structure (Jupiter in Libra) partners, clients, opponents, equals, specialists, travel, legal, foreign, political, educational, media, religion (Uranus aka Trump these days) sudden changes, shock, surprise, rebellion and finally (Pluto in Capricorn) death, rebirth, power, control, karma, transformation, divorce, reproduction, sex.

I realize this is a giant word salad so maybe not as useful and healthy as a regular salad - here I'll throw in some "kale", there, that's better - if you are not on your third cup of coffee and that was all too much to read - just expect there to be power plays. Forewarned is forearmed.

Also Venus, moving forward - if you get up early you can see her in the sky as the morning star now - squares the Galactic Center (which I'm going to do a post about at some point soon - just think black hole for now) some pattern or belief we no longer need, something that creates tension and stress, could become obvious to us now. Maybe we'll have one of those Oprah "AHA" moments. There could be an awareness of something we don't have to do anymore or some way we no longer need to be - probably something we've done since childhood to fit in and feel safe - what a relief!

On Wednesday, the Moon moves into Aquarius. The Sun leaves fiery Aries and heads into grounded Taurus to kick off Taurus season. Taurus can bring stability (although sometimes a lack of ambition or fire) to the space she resides in our natal chart. This space gets some light thrown on it now. Expect a post.

On Thursday - lots of action today - Pluto stations retrograde at 19 degrees Capricorn (until September 28th). Our power/control issues morph. It's probably time to back off a bit. This is about destruction as a kind of reconstruction. Yes, more "re"s. This is especially good energy for a detox or to start some kind of psychological counseling. With Pluto the gold is buried. So we are going to dig. We'll talk about this more later.

Also important today, the Sun hooks up with a retrograde Mercury as one planet enters Taurus and the other prepares to leave. This might bring our attention to a resource or idea we had overlooked.

A retrograde Mercury moves back into Aries. Here's my original post on Mercury in Aries "them's fighting words" - now we'll just be doing the whole thing backward and in high heels. Post to follow.

Take care when driving and in conversations, situations with angry people.

When Mercury (ruler of transportation) stationed to go retrograde on the 9th we had the United Airlines passenger injury which the United CEO called "re-accomodating" the passenger. His unconscious (and strange) use of a made-up "re" word was so appropriate, too, wasn't it? On the day Mercury stationed for his previous retrograde a few days before Christmas we had the Berlin truck attack. Both stations had complicated, potentially violent aspects connected to them, but the results were entirely different. Also notice last week Trump changed his mind on several important issues all within a few hours right after his Gemini Sun ruler Mercury changed course - could Trump change course again once Mercury stations direct on May 3rd? Of course. This isn't front page news with him, but something to watch for. 

On Friday, Mars moves from Taurus into Gemini. We will have more choices. Conflicts, especially verbal, could at times be part of the process forward and it could be three steps forward and two steps back - but here we go. With Mercury retrograde and ruling Gemini, Mars (our action, initiative) will be answering to a backtracking Mercury.

If something we thought was dead and buried suddenly springs back to life now - it would be a good idea to approach it from another angle.

Also on Friday, Venus has her third and final square with Saturn. Her first square was January 27th, then she backed over Saturn last week, retrograde on April 8th, and now here she is once again - hitting that roadblock, deadline, responsibility, obstacle, constraint. Have we figured this crap out yet? If not, this is the one final challenge before we move on. If we have, we will sail right over this one. The seas are still choppy though with Chiron still squaring Saturn - don't ditch the life preserver just yet.

There is only one void moon during work hours - Friday from 2:20PM EST to 3:45PM EST - maybe just take off early.

Saturday is Earth Day, the Sun is in the Earth Mother sign of Taurus and we have a government determined that climate change is a hoax. EPA chief Scott Pruitt thinks Americans look at the EPA and they see the IRS. No Scott, Americans see the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) as "protecting our environment" because that's what it does - where corporations see 'regulations', the people see 'protections' - such a smug jack ass.

Hug a tree, she needs us as much as we need her.

xo all

Venus Direct in Pisces | what have we learned, what's left to deal with

trapped by thefirebomb

Venus stations direct today. She is in Pisces squaring Saturn (in Sagittarius). She (as us) has been through her 40 day and 40 night journey to the heart of what really matters.

Venus rules love, money, our values, women, beauty, our self-esteem. So what have we learned? What really matters?

The story isn't over - she is still covering old ground, but the re-examination is over. We are off the table and the doctor is in the doctor's lounge having a cup of coffee.

She stations direct in a tight spot very close to Chiron (wounded healer) and squaring Saturn (time, structure, limits, responsibility). It may take a week or two for whatever it is we are dealing with to ease up, but we know what we need to know now.

Chiron teaches that some wounds can't be healed. Some ships have sailed and if we're on the dock - we're on the dock. If we're on the ship - we're on the ship. If we're on the beach - well ... lucky us.

Something is as it is here.

We can see/feel the space between what we think we want and what we think we deserve - it's the space between what we want and what we actually have. It might seem, to our eyes, that it is a very large space and what we want is way over there. But it is really as close as our last breath.

It is no coincidence Venus stations direct in Pisces. In Pisces we have the empathy and compassion to accept whatever it is that needs accepting here. No one is perfect. Not us, not anyone else. No situation is perfect either. No matter what other people's Facebook updates and Instagram snapshots would like us to think.

If there is something that needs to be forgiven, we can forgive. Remember we can forgive ourselves or another person and still value ourselves enough to not allow whatever is causing the pain to continue. Maybe this is the real lesson with Venus in Pisces.

When we say we will forgive, but not forget, this doesn't mean we carry the pain like a scar on our body. We don't "remember" so we will never find ourselves in this situation again (although we tell ourselves this). Because our next spin up the spiral may require exactly the same situation and our heart needs to be open. We are not a two year old learning the hard way not to touch the stove. The lessons are harder, and less black and white, now. We forgive because we know there is only love and lack of love (fear). There is really nothing to forgive. This can be a really hard thing to get. 

(I would recommend a self study course called the Course in Miracles if you are interested in this way of thinking. I have gone through it twice. It changed my life.) 

This doesn't mean we keep beating our head against the wall and not learn our lesson. Our lesson is learned. That money/love/values situation has evolved. We are moving on.

The fly in the ointment - yes this time there is only one fly - is that Saturn is squaring our journey forward until the end of the month. He has been squaring Venus for about the last week and will square her for another week, then he continues to square Chiron for another week after that. So moving on may not feel quite like we are moving on. It may feel like we finally reach our exit on the traffic jammed highway (whew, that was not fun) and we turn onto a country lane roadblocked with cows.

The good news about Saturn is we know how to deal with him. We know what he wants.

With Saturn we are going to feel the pressure. When I had my first "put on your big girl pants" job I drove to work everyday blasting Billy Joel's song Pressure. It made me feel better.

Saturn wants us to do the work. "The work" will vary but we know what it is. It's that thing we feel tired and overwhelmed just thinking about. Most likely we will have to handle it alone because usually Saturnian things are done in isolation.

Yes, other people will let us down. Friends will all cancel on the day of our "paint party" - not because we can't count on anybody else, but because we need to paint our freakin' livingroom ourselves - it's our job.

Saturn doesn't create the tight situation. He just draws our attention to the way we have painted ourselves into a corner. 

The greater the "pressure" we feel, the more the need to do the Saturnian work - ie end something (Saturn rules time and endings), work harder/do it differently (Saturn rules hard work), step into our responsibility (Saturn rules responsibility). You get the idea.

Something is going to have our full attention one way or the other.

There might not be any pats on the back for a job well done here. Maybe no one will even know what it is we have done. That's OK. We are not doing it for them. We are building muscles. We are going to look very good on the beach this summer. The next time there is a heavy load to lift it will feel lighter to us.

With Saturn the results and rewards (and consequences - please do the work, don't cut corners, be responsible) come LATER.

If, after 40 days and 40 nights in the wilderness we do not know what we need to know about that love/money/values/self-esteem late Pisces house/early Aries house situation we are only kidding ourselves.

It's right here in front of our noses. We know what we want. We know what matters. We know what we have to do or what we need to stop doing. It's just up to us (through Saturn) to do it.

xo all

I didn't get to that big picture post this week. Hopefully I will get to it this weekend.

On the immediate political front (Trump's chart, U.S.) I see what looks like Trump getting some wins (like last week if those are considered 'wins') then losses off and on through May, then it looks like greater anger and resistance toward him by June and by summer and into the fall the country is struggling with real, significant losses and he is being blamed and there is that major eclipse in August over the U.S. and Trump's chart - I am still not sure he is going anywhere though ... whether this is all about the Russia story or the military is hard to see - that's why I want to look at the other players' charts if they are online.

Also remember astrology is not so great for prediction and I can't see any chart except through my own eyes.

With Trump's chart (Mars on ascendant) he needs someone to fight - as long as it is Congress or the Democrats or the media or other business people or his wife - maybe he will be contented. When things quiet down there, with Uranus sitting on his Sun quiet and routine is not a comfortable state for him, he will need to fight something/someone else and his natal Sun is conjunct the U.S. chart's natal Mars, ruler of war.

I just finished his book 'The Art of the Deal' and now understand his philosophy better. He believes you go into a situation and create as much instability as possible (I've previously said he IS Uranus) - this creates a backdrop for negotiations where you will have the upper hand. So this is what he does. Keep this in mind.

In the meantime, remember, the energy YOU put into the world matters. People say to send the situation 'love and light' and that is good advice with the drums of war beating ever louder in our ears, but remember if we go home and kick the dog our words won't matter.

With Venus uber powerful at her station, through Monday especially, and so near to the healing energy of Chiron and in compassionate Pisces - we have greater access to that. Forgive some situation. Forgive that other person. Forgive yourself. See the world through this more compassionate lens.

(note the fact Venus, after a biblical 40 days and 40 nights, is reappearing between Good Friday and Easter Sunday in the middle of Passover)

This is how we begin to heal the world. It starts with us. It really does. The Goddess of Love is moving forward in her exalted sign of Pisces TODAY - love is in the air if we want it .... have a wonderful Easter. xo

Sun Conjunct Uranus | shock and awe

go slowly by mrs-pinkeyes

Since Uranus has been in Aries (2008) the Sun has caught up with him at some point during Aries season (late March-April) every year.

We'll have one more of these meet-ups next spring (and we'll have similar activities as the Sun squares and opposes Uranus later in the year) before Uranus moves on to Taurus.

For now this is about a light (Sun) being thrown on something unexpected (Uranus). This is a strong urge (Sun) to be free (Uranus). This is a flash (Sun) of genius (Uranus). This is shock (Uranus) and awe (Sun). In Aries, the push will be instinctive, fueled by passion or anger and self centered (either centered on self or selfish).

This aspect will often show us to what and to whom we are tethered.

This might be shown to us in a way that doesn't feel so good. But not necessarily. Uranus (the conductor of our fastest route from point A to point B) uses what works and sometimes the stick works better than the carrot. Sometimes we are not hungry enough to even notice the carrot

(although I'm betting most of us are hungry for a little more stability and security now).

Coming right after Vesta's (devotion, hearth) tension with Uranus earlier in the week this could be a continuation of that earlier dust-up or something new could require our attention.

We could meet this energy in the form of an actual person. We could meet someone new and unusual now or our new and unusual self or thingamajig could attract a person/situation that lets it shine or brings it attention.

It is always better to use this kind of energy rather than be used by this energy. So do something new now (and notice again I am saying DO and not START - notice the difference).

We are having a glow in the dark Easter egg hunt tonight (note we are NOT starting a glow in the dark Easter egg hunt business). Doing not starting.

It doesn't have to be some huge, ginormous thing unless this stuff is hitting our personal planets and points and if that is the case it will most certainly be some big, ginormous thing - much like the 'mother of all bombs' - gotta love the media's inability to reign in their language when faced with the choice between ratings/profits and consumer's sanity/drumbeat to war - just dropped by Trump and the United States - both charts triggered now.

I am going to look at the charts for Russia, Putin, North Korea and Kim Jong-un's this weekend. It is hard to glean enough data from Trump's about where all this is going since his chart is all over the place. Since Trump's one eighty on Syria, Eris's aspects (known as the Goddess of discord, although this energy which astrologers are just starting to figure out is feeling more like 'terrorist' to me - it is even a partial anagram - and terrorism takes root in that "not fitting in", "not being seen" energy of Eris - think Sissy Spacek in Carrie) since we are in Aries season and Eris is in Aries, Uranus aspects, again since we are in Aries season, and within all this unpredictable, off-course retrograde energy - things are uber stressful.

Today's Sagittarius Moon should help smooth out our emotions!

This is not a good time to go crazy and make a major change. The retrograde energy doesn't support it AND remember Uranus only cares about getting us from A to B via the fastest route, it doesn't care if we land on our ass or if the route (like my GPS when I get near a certain body of water and it urges me forward although there is no bridge) drowns us in the ocean. We will most assuredly wash up at point B, but we might not wash up still breathing. 

In other words - this transit is the impulse to quit our job, for example, but it doesn't provide any help once we've quit - the transit will be gone and so will our paycheck.

Unnecessary risks could put us in dangerous situations. We could damage (Uranus) our physical body (Sun). Uranus rules accidents and with my stellium in Aquarius (ruled by Uranus) I was one of the most accident prone children on the planet - my father said "put a piece of paper on the convention hall floor and she'll trip on it". I fell going down the stairs. I fell going up the stairs. I fell when I was sitting down - really, what the hell was that?! :) We could damage (Uranus) our reputation (Sun) - the way other people see us. Of course, even this could be a good thing if someone is relying on us too much and we let them down. Things are never totally bad or totally good. It's probably not a good time to confront authority though.

It is a good day to do something new. This energy is perfect for breaking free from old ideas and ways of doing things that are holding us back. It sounds hokey - but just be yourself. 

This is the time to do what is right for you. We don't have to throw the baby out with the bathwater to do this - get the baby out of the dirty water first. The baby may be keeping us up all night, but isn't a baby worth a few sleepless nights?! They are awfully damn cute.

Almost half the planets are retrograde - this is an internal journey - that's where the change starts now.

We have Venus stationing direct tomorrow in a VERY tight space, so I'll be back with another post. What has the last 40 days and 40 nights brought us? For most this has been about love and/or money lessons. What do we really value now?

xo all and Happy Good Friday!!

p.s. I just noticed Venus is trining the Moon today - kindness, civility and balance are the ways through today's energy! Back tomorrow.

disruption and discord ...

something more than a marvel by muszka

There is so much going on right now, some of which I wrote about HERE.

Instead of there being a fly in the ointment right now, there are a whole lot of flies, with maybe some ointment over there (Jupiter) the flies have not noticed yet. We could be the lucky fellow with our hands in that ointment or we could be the guy with the hand full of flies.

(Last night I got back in my car after a walk at the local reservoir. I felt something on my leg - I thought air from my car vent - and reached my hand onto my shin. I felt ... something HUGE ... well something VERY BIG ... well something BIGLY - let's just say bigger than a bumble bee and smaller than a tarantula. The size of something that doesn't probably should not exist in nature. I slung it off my leg, but then I couldn't find it. So, it's still in the car! Probably waiting to pounce. I thought about sending Olive in this morning to scope things out, but with Jupiter amplifying everything right now, the thing is probably larger than she is by this morning ... I may need a new car)

First we have a huge Full Moon this morning aspecting, well, just about everything.

We also have Eris - Goddess of discord, I always picture Angelina Jolie in Maleficent, sitting with the Sun (in warrior Aries) and opposing the Full Moon (in peaceful Libra). Eris is the part of us that is not accepted. She didn't get a seat at the table and she is pissed. We all carry Eris somewhere in our chart and since she has been in Aries (the sign of war) longer than any of us have been alive - she is pissed off for everyone (and I am channeling back to my 7th grade self holding a wobbly, near empty lunch tray and scanning the middle school cafeteria for safe shelter).

We also have Uranus (rebellion, shock, genius) squaring Vesta (devotion, home and hearth). This could be some kind of shocking or surprising situation that takes our focus off whatever it is we are focused on (devoted to). This feels like even more instability.

Remember we have four planets retrograde. Pushing ahead isn't going to work. Trying to swim upstream (do you look like a salmon? I don't think so ... well, maybe a little around the eyes) isn't going to work. People always give the advice to 'trust our gut' - but, this isn't really one of those times. Besides most of us are carrying winter bellies puffy from pastry. We need to do about 5000 sit ups before we can trust that thing to lead us anywhere that doesn't involve a stop for a glazed donut.

This is not the time to go off half-cocked (I wish the government employed an astrologer) because we can't count on negotiations to smooth things out later. Negotiations can't be counted on now - because with Mercury backing up in stubborn Taurus everyone will be digging in their heels. The next few days are very dicey with another shoe set to drop. Since we all know the shoe that dropped last week, this week's might not be pleasant (unless you're the guy with his hand in that clean ointment and I sincerely hope you are). All the planets are sitting very still in very precarious places and the one celestial body we count on to keep everything moving - the Moon - is about to move into Scorpio. The stage is set for someone to make a very bad move. We don't want to be that guy. Or the guy who reacts too hastily to that guy.

Think "re" now. If what you are doing doesn't start with the letters "re", maybe do something else. #kidding #notkidding

Am working on a big picture post for this week. xo all