Today's Astrology Forecast | Friday, December 20, 2019 - talk it out early, challenges with goals/work/authority, relationship tension, giving what we want a little space, falling in love with something else

Our Moon in partnership-focused Libra will sextile Mercury at 9:22AM EST (send the email, talk it out, connect with a sibling, local community or transportation issue) do this early in the day, because things get more challenging as the Moon moves into her testy squares with Saturn (3:07PM EST - authority, responsibility, limits) and then Pluto (6:23PM EST - power plays, control, manipulation) making the later part of the day better for solitary work.

Last night Venus (love, money, beauty, women, our values and self-esteem) moved into Aquarius (through January 13th).

Aquarius Suns and Aquarius rising (Aquarius ruler of first house of your natal chart) get more attractive. Both easier on the eye and able to attract what they want (Venus).

All of our natal Aquarius houses become more attractive, too.

Our Aquarius house is a space we experience and evolve through Aquarian energies. Maybe by experiencing unexpected situations and unusual experiences. Maybe by being able to detach and get enough distance from something to be able to see it clearly. Maybe through flashes of genius or rebelliousness. Maybe through chaos. Our natal Uranus placement (ruler of Aquarius) and its contacts will tell us a more complete story.

Now, we have Venus moving into/through this space.

As she moves through Aquarius she will make contact with not only any planets/points we have in Aquarius, but also the planets/points we have in Leo (by opposition), in Scorpio and Taurus (by square) and other planets, too (by sextile, trine, etc).

This is where knowing our natal chart can come in handy.

As a collective influence, for all of us, Venus moves out of Capricorn (the rules) and into Aquarius (the space we let go of the rules).

Beautiful Venus drops her briefcase full of "shoulds".

She takes her hair out of its tightly constructed bun and shakes her head. She kicks off her too-tight, office-ready pumps. She wears whatever she wants to wear now. She can do whatever she wants to do now. There is no one to impress in this new space. There is no one to answer to.

Now subconsciously we all feel this 

(even though there is a hell of alot of planets in Capricorn, including the Sun tomorrow, and Saturn is home in Capricorn, so we don't get to drop all responsibilities, obviously

- a kind of relief as Venus disentangles us a bit from what is required of us to be 'acceptable'.

Maybe we start to notice (attract) things we would have otherwise missed. The strange and unusual will catch our eye now. 

We will be attracted to things/situations/solutions/people that are different.

Ruled by unpredictable Uranus, Aquarius is the space that is hard to forecast. When we step outside the rules (Uranus is outside Saturn's boundaries) our outcomes become less predictable, too.

Venus (beauty) in Aquarius (unique) allows us to see the beauty in things we wouldn't normally regard as beautiful. What would it take to see our crooked teeth as beautiful? our messy house? a real loss?

Wouldn't it take detachment? Wouldn't it take an ability to step back a little farther from whatever we are looking at?

To see the big picture -

(maybe those slightly crooked teeth have allowed us to evolve, as we grow to appreciate them, from mumbling our words through a mostly, un-moving mouth to speaking our well thought out opinions clearly and emphatically - maybe without those slightly crooked teeth, we would have learned this lesson in an even bigger, more painful way).

To see what other people, who are not closely connected to the things we are connected to, are seeing

(that messy home looks like a busy, happy family lives there).

To see the future -

(that loss now is creating a space something bigger and better will be filling in five years).

Detachment is one of the gifts of Aquarius (and also one of the curses if taken too far - think about technology that detaches us from reality).

Venus's transit here allows us to step back from what we are usually most attracted to. When we step away we can see things we couldn't see before. And keep in mind people (and situations) could step away from us a little bit now to get a clearly look, too. This isn't a permanent disconnection (unless it is) - this is a transit remember. It's a part of the process. A kind of 'sowing our wild oats' part, where we all need a bit more space. A part we skip at our own peril.

Aquarius is the genius, rebel, criminal, humanitarian - the outsider.

This is a good time to step outside of ourselves and view our situation more dispassionately. To be more objective. The energies at play now will assist us. If this was someone else's situation/life we were looking at what would we see?

Venus is about what we want.

Can we step away from what we want just long enough and just far enough to give everything and everyone some fresh air? to gain some different insights? to try something else.

With Uranus in Taurus answering to Venus and Venus in Aquarius answering to Uranus - the two planets are in mutual reception now, which empowers them, but will also make their square stronger when they aspect each other on Sunday.

How can it be 5 days until Christmas?!?

xo all

photo by the talented MATZU

Today's Astrology Forecast | Thursday, December 19, 2019 - just when we need to take the decisive action we aren't sure what is true or what we want, but we still have to take the decisive action or something like that, trust your instincts

Today's Virgo Moon went void off a trine to Venus while we slept (EST) - forward movement on our goals/ambitions, details/questions around our values, resources, love or self-esteem and then moved into Libra at 5:04AM EST.

In Libra, she moves into a square to Jupiter (in Capricorn) at 11:33AM EST bringing some possible tension/frustration through other people/partnerships or with our goals, authority, limits.

Mercury (in Sag) squares Neptune (in Pisces) at 16 degrees. Foggy, sloppy or lazy thinking/confusion or expansive imagination/spirituality - depending on how we look at this and how we use it.

Maybe something is exaggerated/too good to be true or feels like a sales pitch.

Squares are tension/frustration so this could be challenging information regarding a Sag or Piscean subject - travel, higher education, weddings, politics, legal issues, the media, publishing, foreigners, everything outside our comfort zone, exploration, our beliefs and higher thinking or what is hidden or put away or done behind the scenes, secrets, the ethereal realms, imagination, hospitals, spirituality, addiction, healing.

The fog has rolled in. The sand has shifted.

We will need to think twice about what we are saying/communicating. Misunderstandings are possible. The truthfulness of whatever we are dealing with will be complicated.

We could be lied to or we could be the one spinning a tangled web.

Treat what you hear/read/experience now with a sense of curiosity - ask yourself - "well, isn't that interesting?" - stay curious. People, including us, will think they know more than they do. Things can look better, or worse, than they actually are. It would be best to read this post, and everything else you are consuming via language now, with more skepticism than you normally would.

The best news today is we have Mars (in Scorpio) sextiling Saturn (in Capricorn) at 19 degrees - note, Saturn is almost out of his retrograde shadow (20 degrees), but not quite - so although he has been direct for a while, we are still working through old story-lines within our Capricorn house theme or the general, collective themes of our career/public face/goals.

So, although Mercury/Neptune will tend to lead us off-course, Mars/Saturn will get to the crux of things/will get us to the truth.

We don't have to know exactly where we are going to take decisive action. Drive/ambition can help us to work through complicated tasks.

Here is the energy to make solid progress on a long-term project. Putting our head down and just doing it sounds about right with these energies. With Saturn, the rewards will come later.

So, the Mars/Saturn grounds us in reality - our actions and our goals/authority are working together to provide OPPORTUNITY and this makes today a GO, just keep in mind everything won't be quite as it seems. With a big Neptunian contact we want to avoid avoiding. We don't want to just dream this day away. 

What do you need to do? The Moon is waning and this week is filled with great closing aspects - what needs to get done.

Also keep in mind our Moon's move into social, balanced, aesthetically-focused and relationship-focused Libra. Time to get out and about. Maybe do some holiday decorating. If shopping, just keep in mind that square to Jupiter and don't over-do it.

Tomorrow, Venus will move from Capricorn (the rules) into Aquarius (the space we let go of the rules), so even as the Moon in Libra moves through the squares to the Cappy planets, she will be helping to lighten things up!

xo all

photo by the talented oprisco

Today's Astrology Forecast | Wednesday, December 18, 2019 - getting it done, the details vs the big picture, courage, confidence, adjustments, partnership opportunities

The Moon in "let's get organized" Virgo is uber busy today. She opposed Neptune while we slept (focus on the details, the small picture - to avoid confusion/overwhelm) and goes on to sextile Mars at 11:14 AM EST (our motivation returns), trine Saturn at 11:56AM EST, trine Pluto at 3:28PM EST and finally square the Sag Sun at 11:57PM EST tonight.

We can get alot done today. With the Moon in Virgo it's about the details and putting one foot in front of the other. That sextile to Mars (in Scorpio), early in the day, creates opportunities to push through resistance/take action/get to the bottom of things. Trines to the Cappy pile-up indicates a time for smooth interactions with authority, our goals, our structure and security.

Good energy for making decisions and stepping into our own authority.

Our monthly Last Quarter Square will create tension/frustration/the need to adjust between the details and the big-picture/our optimistic vision.  

There is a reality check here.

Our Sag Sun is approaching her annual crossing of the Galactic Center - are we where we want/need to be with whatever we have going on? How have our beliefs changed in the last year?

At the same time we have Mercury (in Sagittarius) sextiling Juno (in Libra) at 4 degrees. Conversations/communications within and about partnerships and our commitments/contracts can create opportunities.

With Mercury also ruling the Moon today (in Virgo) and the Moon moving toward her late night square to the Sun - we could need to make some compromises/adjustments. Stay flexible. Keep your mind OPEN.

xo all

photo by the talented LidiaVives

I didn't get to the weekly this week, but I will try to get back here tomorrow and catch things up!


Today's Astrology Forecast | Sunday, December 15, 2019 - moving toward whatever is falling into place, faith in a better future, making the call, expanding our reach, the goodies are outside the box right now

The Moon moved into fun-loving Leo last night where she squared Uranus (a need to be flexible, unexpected change of plans) at 4:01AM EST and will trine Mercury (fiery and creative conversations) at 3:17PM EST.

The big news today is Jupiter reaches his exact trine (brakes off) to anything-can-happen Uranus.

Last week's Venus/Saturn/Pluto was heavy and maybe depressing. Cycles ended and new cycles began. With the Moon waning we might only be feeling the endings though. In my own life, many things ready to die/fall apart, did.

Today's Jupiter/Uranus coupled with our Leo Moon should help re-light any fires that last week's events put a damper on. This energy is inventive and forward-focused.

With Jupiter, we have to have faith/optimism. With Uranus we have to be ourselves. What is the theme of your Capricorn House? What is the theme of your Taurus house? There is powerful flow between these houses RIGHT NOW.

Collectively this is about our careers/public life, our fathers, our foundations and our money, our resources, our values and self-esteem. We all have access to these themes!

Uranus can get us from point A to point B very quickly. Unexpected doors can open. With Uranus retrograde, something from the past could get re-invented. This energy will be in play for a couple more days and we still have the Sun in the blue skies of Sagittarius until next Saturday!

This is an earth trine - so something real and practical can fall right into our lap.

With Uranus, it will be future-focused and almost certainly 'outside the box' (or maybe group-focused). With Uranus retrograde, it could be something with its roots in the, probably recent, past. BUT this does NOT mean we go back to the past. If we have done this before - it is a NO GO.

Jupiter in Sag made alot of promises last year, now in Cappy and especially with this contact to change-maker Uranus in 'take it to the bank' Taurus, he can actually get to deliver the goods!

In Cappy and Taurus - this could be about financial security. The long term building of something that expands our reach. Uranus in Taurus is busy changing our values, allowing us to see the way our self-esteem connects to our finances, changing the ways we make and spend money and revamping our natal Taurus house.

Keep an optimistic outlook. A small thing is not a small thing now. It is a SEED.

The glass is half-full - I know this hasn't been easy lately for many people, but there are multiple reasons to predict positive changes ahead and LIBERATION.

Jupiter/Uranus can provide spontaneous and fortunate opportunities. We only need to be ourselves, stay flexible (things may not play out exactly as we expected), not be afraid to get our hands dirty and walk through the doors that open now.

With Jupiter we have to have faith.

xo all

photo by the amazing Julie-de-Waroquier