Today's Astrology Forecast | Wednesday, January 15, 2020 - opportunities increase when resistance dissolves, spontaneity can pay off, be out and about, try something new

The Moon goes void at 7:11AM EST off a productive trine to Mercury (communications, commitments, agreements, getting it done). She will be void until 10:43AM EST - maybe giving the day a slow-start, if any crazy pops up just roll with it knowing it is much ado about nada.

After the void the Moon moves into Libra - we will feel nurtured by feeling balanced/socially active/partnered up/acting in harmony. In Libra she starts answering to a happy Venus who has just brought her individual loving into the 'collective love' sign of Pisces - a space she loves. 

Natal Pisces Sun people and Pisces rising people become more attractive now.

All of us attract what we want by working through Pisces - our ability to show compassion, create beauty, honor feelings, stay emotionally open, use our imaginations. In Aquarius it was our differences that attracted people and situations to us, in Pisces it is our ability to believe and honor our commonality.

Venus is exalted in Pisces. She can work her magic here. 

Opportunities increase as resistance dissolves.

The tricky part of Venus in Pisces is we need to know what we want now because the lines between us and other people, between acceptance and avoidance, between our money and their money, between love and 'what was I thinking' - can blur.

In Pisces, things that look too good to be true usually almost always are.

And what flows in can flow right back out again, so keep this in mind.

Venus moves right into an opportunistic sextile (2 degrees) with Uranus in Taurus today. Maybe here is where her (as us) month spent in Uranian ruled Aquarius can pay off.

It could benefit us to be spontaneous now. To get out and meet new people. We could attract new ways to make money/new resources/ new ways to feel more beautiful or more secure through unusual situations and people, by leaning into something new and future-focused.

With Uranus in Taurus if we can only feel secure when and if we have X,Y and Z - we are probably in for a whole lot of shakin'. This sextile with gentle Venus (Taurus ruler) in gentle Pisces, can help liberate us from these kind of "control" dynamics and create some clear space to allow something else to find us.

Pisces is mutable energy and connects us to the higher realms so let's stay flexible and ask life to bring us the highest and most loving connections. 

This is an opportunistic connection between power players Venus and Uranus in our Pisces and Taurus houses - how can we make the most of that? Collectively this is opportunities between love, money, our resources, values, self esteem, beauty and change, groups, friendships, the internet, the goals that bring us into connection with other people.

Late tonight the Libra Moon makes an opportunistic sextile to Mars (in Sag) - so time to make something happen/take action with your Sagittarius house theme or the collective Sagittarius themes of our beliefs, the big picture, what is foreign to us, travel, higher education, politics, the media, publishing, religion, legal issues.

So, although obviously I can't see your personal chart - collectively, we've all got some good aspects to work with today! With the Moon in Libra - a sign that squares Capricorn - we know she'll be clashing with the big boys soon enough, so let's work these good aspects while we have them.

xo all

photo by the amazing anyaanti

The Astrology of 2020 | Part II - a very long and complicated chapter about the unwinding of the patriarchy, the building of the Age of Aquarius (the age of the people) and how we deal with power personally and collectively continues ....

Part I is HERE.

I am going to do a post by sign, but let's take a step back first.

Where we are right now astrologically - is not that different from where we were in the winter/spring of 2018 - so why is so much changed?

One of the major differences between then and now, is last year when Saturn and Pluto were very, very close to each other - they had the South Node with them. The South Node is what we are leaving behind/what we have outgrown even though it may still feel comfortable. It opposes the North Node which is like a collective North Star - where our Earth family energy is heading - our best path for growth, and it asks us to do/feel things that are new to us, that make us uncomfortable.

So in 2019 we had the "beginning of the end".

At the same time Jupiter in his home sign of Sagittarius was offering everyone some opportunities - somewhat diluted or not as good as they seemed/or as good as we hoped - stimulated by his ongoing square to Neptune - but there were opportunities. Jupiter always does his job.

Then Saturn and Pluto stationed retrograde (April 2019) - we had major hints about what was to come, but for the most part (for those people activated by this Capricorn story) the death was postponed, maybe we had time to clean up our mess; to get our ducks in a row - maybe to prevent a big-bang style ending, but more likely to prepare ourselves for it.

Because keep in mind with these major energies - we are talking about major FATED endings, commitments/contracts ending (from many lifetimes and from our ancestors) and major course corrections to get us back on track; to lean us toward where we will be needed in the future - this stuff was in play whether or not we could see this happening.

Then our actions over the summer set our course - were we letting go or holding on, had we stepped into our own power or were we in a situation where someone else/outside authority was running our show.

Then in September and October, Saturn and Pluto stationed direct - for many people, now here was the death that was postponed. Powerful endings and changes. Now, not everyone was feeling this stuff in the same way - these are collective energies. But many people can probably relate to this.

I am seeing/feeling all of this as a collective, "humbling". In order for this patriarchal energy to shift, lots of us have committed - on a higher level and through the re-balancing of our 3D karma - to fall.

Probably many people lost/changed jobs in the last year, lost their voices in the world/the old ways they used their authority, our Cappy house themes would be life's field of play. We'll talk more about this as we move our conversation about 2020 through the signs.

Now, move ahead to January 2020 (and the end of December 2019 when the Eclipse cycle started) - badass Saturn finally meets badass Pluto - at a time when so much else is happening it is almost unbelievable! 

Now we are all feeling the shaky ground.

For some, the other shoe drops. For some, the pebble they got hit with last year is now a rock. If we haven't course-corrected we could be dealing with big changes now - the messes we didn't clean up, the stuff we didn't want to deal with or pushed under the rug might be hitting us over the head.

Others are dealing with a great deal of anger or regret or grief about what they have lost.

Still others are standing up now and stepping into their responsibility; into their own power. Maybe having to step away from tradition. Maybe even having to fight city hall!

It could have felt like our home, family, mother, mothering, a real estate situation, home/family business, country was threatened.

Pluto/Saturn is really a very long and very old story- as old as time itself - about how we deal with POWER.  Questions about how powerful we were then and how powerful we are now come up. Seasons of life issues/things outside our control with Ceres there. Maybe other people took over, while we tried to push back. If we were not personally affected in 2019, people close to us most likely were, so we could experience this through our relationships to them.

It may look like in 2019 we found out how powerful we are/aren't, but in reality it will be 2020 when we find out just what we are truly made of.

With all this Cappy energy, we don't get to skip any steps. We are probably going to need to save more and spend less and work within limits. And abide by rules. We are going to have to walk out talk and justify our confidence. This will continue.

Another difference between last year and this year and this is the difference between night and day is that now instead of that karmic South Node, we get Jupiter - our benevolent Santa Claus - moving through Capricorn.

He is going to work his magic by bringing us hope, optimism, expansion, answers, opportunities, win-wins and a path to a more authentic empowerment by the end of 2020.

With Jupiter now on the South Node, here is where the goodies earned through our Cappy house (by us in this life, previous lives and our ancestor's lives), but never delivered to us, can show up.

Jupiter on the South Node also helps us/requires us to release outdated beliefs and traditions. With the South Node moving into Sagittarius in May - this is going to be an eighteen month process.

And, as we move forward through 2020 and Jupiter moves off the South Node - Jupiter in Capricorn will become more and more about our next chapter - what we are building. And keep in mind in mythology Jupiter, brother of Pluto and son of Saturn - bestest both of them.

2020 is a foundational year; a BUILDING year.

If we can work our way through some of our limiting beliefs/fears, and we are and will - we have lucky Jupiter to help us!

We are halfway through January - the January Eclipse cycle is over and what did we learn?

Well, we didn't get into a full blown war - thank God and that trine to Neptune - that is very good news, obviously, because did the possibility exist (?) - well, I don't know, maybe, the astro was totally hairy!

But we did get very, very stressed/fearful energy coming at us very, very fast - and then things calmed down, so we could find this a repeating cycle as we move through the next six months to two years, in our own lives and the collective. So, we need to find ways to deal with this. To keep ourselves centered and not anxious/fearful. To keep our faith in the better world we are building.

Keep in mind (and if you are in the United States you will be more familiar with the history of the Revolutionary War) we are moving through the same energies that birthed the United States (our Pluto return 2022 - the culmination of an approximately 250 year cycle).

This next revolution won't be without challenges because that first one looked totally impossible until it was done.

We are going to need staying power.

Sometimes we will win by losing and sometimes we will lose by winning. We are going to need to prioritize what matters most. We are going to need to take care of ourselves and our supportive relationships. We are going to need to get rid of any remaining clutter and the crap and those old commitments that are making our life any more complicated than it needs to be. We have to somehow turn our focus to what is starting - even if that looks like a gigantic void at this point - and not on what is leaving/gone.

If we are still holding onto stuff that needs to go and looking in our rearview mirror, it is truly going to feel like it is 'eating you alive' and then 2020 will feel just like 2019. We can get caught in a cycle and waste this whole year! So, let's not.

The biggest repeating aspect of 2020 - we get three passes of this - is going to be Jupiter conjunct Pluto (first up in April) - this is going to be very rejuvenating energy!

And having this Jupiter/Pluto continuing to empower the Eclipse square to Eris - our outsider energy - means we need to bring everybody to the table this year.

Because whoever isn't at the table is going to be heard ... one way ... or the other.

xo  all

Back with the dailies again starting tomorrow and Part III when we look at this by sign then we'll start looking at the 2020 retrogrades because there are alot of them and they will be very significant

photo by the talented Art-de-Viant

Saturn conjunct Pluto | January 12, 2020 - is power cemented or traditions destroyed, maybe both is happening at the same time, the nuclear missile

Today we have:

Saturn conjunct Pluto (22 degrees Capricorn)
Mercury conjunct Pluto
Mercury conjunct Saturn
Moon (in Leo) inconjunct Mercury, Saturn and Pluto
Ceres conjunct Pluto
Ceres conjunct Saturn
Ceres conjunct Mercury
Eris (23 Aries) squaring everybody

We talked about these dynamics for the last couple years and in the monthly HERE and in the Eclipse post HERE.

There are two basic ways this could be playing out in our lives and in the collective.

1. limits/rules/authority is transformed - death (Pluto) of tradition (Saturn - the patriarchy)
or 2. authority (Saturn) is cemented - because this is happening in Saturn's sign - authority is made more powerful (Pluto)

And we may think we know what is happening, but with so many cycles ending/beginning with these conjunctions it will be hard to know.

What is really happening is we have both of these things going on at the same time.

With Mercury in the middle of all of this, the closed door meeting Saturn/Pluto might usually demand isn't going to be allowed.

Important news/information, intense communications and conversations will accompany this.

Mercury in Capricorn is straightforward. We will have the information we need. Keep in mind once we know, we can't un-know (or behave as if we don't know) - Plutonian changes are permanent.

This isn't going to just go away. Things aren't just going to go back to normal.  Because normal has shifted.

With Ceres involved there will be things outside our control here. Cycle of life issues will be activated/enforced. Ceres being Mother Nature means earth changes. Earthquakes/volcanoes/climate change. Mothering/nurturing issues (I had a Ceres/Pluto transit when I lost my beloved dog Olive last year and it was overwhelming, so if you have some major loss now you will need to give yourself plenty of time and space to grieve).

Happening at the same time as the waning inconjunct (rock and a hard place) of the Leo Moon to the Sun (with that Cappy pile-up conjunction), there will be something uncomfortable here that will require an adjustment. Maybe between authority/power and our Leo house theme or the collective Leo themes of - our ego/pride, creativity, children, our natural spotlight, passion, romance, recreation, our heart. It might feel that we just can't win.

The Saturn/Pluto conjunction is uber powerful. They last met in Libra is the early 80's (here's an interesting article on how power became unbalanced THEN - this was also the time of the Berlin wall coming down, cold war, nuclear energy, AIDS) and haven't met in Capricorn in over 500 years.

With the United States having her Pluto return in 2022 (first since 1776) as well as her Uranus return and Neptune squaring her natal position - during the 2020's we are in the throes of the energetics we had during the Revolutionary War, the Civil War and World War II - crisis/opportunity.

Life on planet Earth has never been for sissies.

For us, for now, what do we do? Well, we need to take care of our physical selves. We need to prioritize our supportive relationships. We need to focus on what is starting and not on what is ending. With Jupiter (our most beneficial collective energy) in Capricorn, too, and going to move through these degrees later on - we need to have faith. If things are challenging now we need to know that better, brighter days are ahead of us.

We need to step into our own power and responsibility and probably alot of what is happening in our lives that feels like limits and authority clamping down is pushing us to this space of self empowerment/self mastery.

We need to step up and into the energy of our Capricorn houses.

I am going to write a post by sign and here's an example for:

SCORPIO/SCORPIO RISING - this major, once in a lifetime event, is happening in Capricorn your 3rd house of communication, information, writing, teaching, learning, siblings, transportation and your local neighborhood. Pluto rules Scorpio so your Scorpian powers are getting an upgrade (ability to see what is beneath the shiny exterior of things, etc). Saturn will require that you work hard/use your powers responsibly. Paperwork/what you sign/commit to will matter. Scorpians are more comfortable operating in the shadows, but this is going to require you showing up, connecting with your local world and COMMUNICATING. You will step into your power and authority through your voice. The 3rd house is a fast moving space of ideas and and communication and commerce. We'll talk about this more in a post by sign.

The degree of 22 Capricorn is getting a major upgrade/upheaval. People with planets or points between 21-23 degrees of Cappy (and even the other cardinal signs through squares and oppositions) will feel the truth of this. Plutonian changes are permanent. The sky will be the limit here, as long as we are moving forward and not looking backward - which is a wasteland now. We could feel ungrounded because there is no grounding here (or we could be very grounded having prepared for this change from a space of mastery), but over time, and especially over the next two years, as we step into a more authentic power we will be astounded with what we can accomplish.

Back later with a post by sign.

Keep in mind with Mercury involved in all of this the information/communications that are coming in now - past few days/next few days - are SIGNIFICANT. Things might seem unexpected, but if we are honest with ourselves nothing that is happening now is anything we haven't been given notice about a long time ago.

Also keep in mind the waning trine to Neptune (powerful in his home sign, too) - we step into our power/responsibility - and this does NOT mean taking on other people's problems or committing to things that go against ourselves - and that's when the MAGIC happens. 

xo all

Photo by the talented YouAreViolentRed

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Cancer | Friday, January 10, 2020 - the mamabear vs city hall, important information comes to light, the pressure that makes diamonds, too much power in too few hands, the crossroads divides us

On Friday, January 10, 2020 at 2:21PM EST the Cancer Moon opposes the Capricorn Sun at 20 degrees giving us a Full Moon, happening so close to the Moon's nodes, makes this Full Moon a Lunar Eclipse.

Full Moons bring situations to a peak, a culmination, an ending or into the light.

It is, in our naturally occurring dance between the Moon and the Sun, a time of opposition.

Eclipses are cosmic course corrections. Things get eclipsed out or out of our way. We get a re-set.
Depending on your individual chart (if you have planets or points near 20 degrees of the cardinal signs this will be stronger for you) you may feel this Eclipse to a greater or lesser degree, but all of us get eclipsed.

The energy we carry for the collective - the energetic lineup when we drew our first breath - shifts.

We change and then we attract changing circumstances - and because there is no time and eclipses somehow work backwards, too - these changing circumstances can precede the actual eclipse!

The Moon is strong in her home sign of Cancer and this year opposing not only the Sun (like every Full Moon), but also Pluto, Saturn, Mercury, Ceres and Jupiter in rule oriented and icy cold Capricorn - it looks like the ways the world values work and ambition and competition and coming out on top could be a bit more than our Mama Bear can handle right now!

This is about the Cancer/Capricorn polarity AND the themes of our own natal Cancer/Capricorn houses. What house does Cancer rule in your natal chart - what is the theme of that house? What house does Capricorn rule and what is the theme of that house?

OK, so let's unpack the chart!

We have the Moon very strong in her home sign of Cancer (with the North Node). The Moon stands alone. Unsupported, so we could all be feeling some lack of support right now.

Cancer rules home, family, our roots, mother, mothering, our ancestry, real estate, country, patriotism, the root of the matter - our emotional security.

The wintry Cancer Full Moon is often called the Wolf Moon and it could certainly feel like the wolf, and he's brought his pack this year, is at the door!

We have the Sun conjunct Mercury, Saturn, Ceres and Pluto (and the South Node).

With the Sun conjunct Mercury - information comes to light. Expect an emotional reaction. With Ceres conjunct Mercury situations involving things outside our control or change of life/seasons of life issues could be highlighted. This could even be about a conversation with our mother or about mothers/mothering.

Saturn opposing the Moon is limits/authority/depression (I had transiting Saturn opposing my natal Moon last winter and it was very heavy - I was very grateful he didn't go retrograde there and give me a three-peat!). Pluto opposing the Moon is equally heavy - here is where we are forced to deal with deep/subconscious emotions including obsession, manipulation, control, power struggles and keep in mind these aspects are oppositions - so projected onto others/coming at us from the outside. With these two on their way to their exact conjunction on the 12th - are the power structures in our life and in the world being dismantled or are their crumbling pieces being cemented into place?

Ceres opposing the Moon could show up as emotional blocks, from us to others and from others to us. Maybe caused by too much to nurture. Or too much outside our control. Overwhelm. A world on fire. And we only have our one little hose ... and, look, it has a kink in it!

So, on the one hand we have all these planets combust/conjunct with the Sun, and on the other hand hanging out with icy cold Saturn and grim-reaper Pluto. If we are influenced by the company we are keeping, half the skies are hanging out with bullies and gangsters! Maybe we feel ourselves angrier/less giving/more "mean" spirited. Who are we keeping company with (also what are we looking at, reading and watching) and how is that influencing us now? This might be something to think about.

The Sun and Moon are squaring Juno, the partnership planet in relationship oriented Libra. This brings our attention via tension/frustration to imbalances within our relationships/commitments/contracts. Juno put up with alot of crap from Jupiter and always makes me think of the things we don't want to look at/what we squash into drawers and push under the rug to keep things looking tidier than it really is. If we are signing on the dotted line now, and some people will be, there could be something we feel is unfair built into the contract/commitment. Diplomacy/another review could be needed, and cooperation. With squares always the need to adjust. 

The Moon is trining Neptune, strong, too, in his home sign. This is waning (we are past this). So we are past the rose-colored glasses - the dream should be more grounded in reality at this point or it could have been discarded - or maybe we are still lost in the dream and just totally in over our head! Trines remove roadblocks. The brakes are off. Is this a good thing or isn't it? That depends on your situation. There is a way through this quagmire (the home, family, mother thingie) coming from your natal Pisces house and its theme. Collectively this is about - our imagination, prayer, meditation, forgiveness, help from the past, help from our ancestors, compassion, surrender, letting go, making art, making love, listening to music. Let go and let God. Please take a few deep breaths and send out prayers for peace and happiness ....

Uranus is standing very still in Taurus (and I am quite certain LEANING ON HIS HORN and gunning his engine by this point) preparing to turn direct just hours after the Full Moon (right after the Moon turns void). Once he stations we will have no retrograde planets. It will be full steam ahead. No second chances. No do-overs. The final train, or for Uranus maybe the final Tesla, leaves the station.

Venus is all alone in eccentric Aquarius, detached/outside the rules, maybe group-focused and feeling the stress of Aquarius ruler Uranus's strength at station.

Mars is moving through early Sagittarius, having missed last month's Sag party, and answering to an unhappy Jupiter, in Capricorn now and sitting on the South Node! He is used to going bigger and bolder in Sagittarius, but with Jupiter limited by Saturn, he needs to keep one foot on the ground and one eye on his reputation. With Mars sesquiquadrate our actions/choices at this time won't be totally comfortable. We could be impatient - anxious to get something/anything going or to make something/anything BIGGER!

Eris (chaos) is squaring the Full Moon from Aries - and note her square is still building to perfection. Didn't we have the shocker/monkey wrench already? The astro would point to this happening after the Full Moon. Don't want to say this and obviously since eclipses work backward, I could be misreading this, but, well, just saying it anyway.

At this Full Moon we could be feeling how we are outnumbered/out-manned/out-powered. Maybe our home/family/safety (theme of our natal Cancer house) feels threatened somehow.

All this Capricorn energy shows us imbalances with authority and authority figures - too much power in too few hands - and the way we use and have misused (and maybe even abandoned) our own authority.

There is a light thrown on what power can do and also on the finality of the choices we've already made or that were made for us.

We have all this PRESSURE.

I think the only thing we really have to fear here is new life being breathed into crumbling, old power structures as Saturn powers past Pluto in Saturn's home sign - not new in the sense of NEW (because this is all happening before Uranus stations direct), but new as in "same-old, same-falling apart", but still alive! Zombie World Part II - ugh!

Maybe the most amazing thing about this powerful Full Moon is that as big as it is, it will be overshadowed in just two days as Saturn meets Pluto (in the midst of all this Cappy energy) and we see if the power structures are crumbling - leading us to something more authentic/more nurturing - or if their power is being cemented?

(note Queen Elizabeth has a 22 degree Capricorn ascendant being strongly activated as Prince Harry and Meghan Markle announce their departure from all the pomp and tradition of royal life and make their way toward more authentic, more nurturing, and in many ways, yes, more vulnerable new lives - a perfect example of the best use of this Cancer Full Moon and the Neptune trine - letting go)

This weekend is the crossroads.

And the crossroads divides us.

Which path are we on now? The high road that will require open arms and an open heart and the ability to stay flexible and curious and admit when we are wrong and that we don't always know what we are doing, but are following our heart anyway or the low road where we are certain we are 'right' and the good old days were better and we just all need a stiffer upper lift and our boot straps. There isn't a right or wrong answer here, but our answers will divide us ....

Look at our brave mama bear Cancer Moon staring down the mighty and the powerful.

Let's not underestimate her.

And let's not underestimate ourselves either.

xo all

(I was one of tens of thousands of parents/grandparents at a vaccine rally in Trenton, NJ today protesting a proposed elimination of the religious exemption in our state. Since my sister-in-law lost a baby son two days after a vaccine that he had a terrible reaction to, we proceed with care in this area and the religious exemption is the only way we have left to avoid a vaccine that devastated our family. The rally was much larger than anyone anticipated. The legislators backed down and the Mama-bears won. It probably won't be vaccines that divide us in the months ahead, but it could be something like this .... )