deep iN THE ECLIPSE SPIN CYCLE now .... mercury stations retrograde - slow down, venus catches up with neptune and then moves into aries, the sun meets the north node shining a light on a new, more authentic path forward

weekly astrology forecast | March 25th - March 31st, 2024 -lunar eclipse in libra and then into the eclipse spin cycle we go, unexpected opportunities this week

the astrology of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra | March 25th, 2024 - the woman-partner-mother stands alone, a chapter ends, changing our relationship rulebook, RESOLVING VERY OLD BATTLES WITH OURSELVES THROUGH OTHER PEOPLE

weekly astrology forecast | march 18th - 24th, 2024 - spring equinox! a Mercury retrograde preview week, dissolving agreements, powered and empowered, reality checks, opportunities to attract something better and relationship pivot points

today's astrology forecast | Monday, March 18th, 2024 - words matter so pay attention, there's a green arrow here somewhere, moving forward or on from whatever we have been picking apart and losing sleep over