Grow Your Business With Collaborations or when one plus one equals more than two

From our earliest days in the sandbox we have always gotten more done

(think roads and bridges and tootsie roll toll-earning sand tunnels here)

and had more fun, when we did it together.

The problem is that most crafty, creative people I know (including myself) were not really "meet me in the sandbox" kind of kids, but more "sit in the corner and color" kind of kids and some of us have translated that need to work alone

(and yes, alone work is very productive at times)

into solo businesses that could really use a jolt of "something other than ourselves" from other creative professionals.

(yes, I will overuse parentheses and quotation marks in this post and cannot be stopped)

The right collaboration may be the match you need to get your fire started!

1. Look for equal partners and know what you are offering - unbalanced partnerships will probably not work out well for either person

(if you are looking for a blog collaboration, unless you are an incredibly amazing and prolific writer - and if you are, help, I need you - you might be better off approaching a blog with comparable blog readership numbers to your own to trade off posts)

2. Limit the scope of your collaboration in the beginning

(get your feet wet together to see how it feels, you can always extend your work together as you build trust and things work out)

3. Make agreements simple. Put things in writing. Establish clear protocals for changing, extending or unwinding things.

4. Be considerate and appreciative of each person's workload and keep communication lines open

(One of the amazing artists I work with on the Polarity locket always called me "her manufacturer" to the customers that bought her locket. It bothered me a little. Well ... it bothered me alot and when I finally talked to her about it- of course, she had no idea I was feeling the way I did since she could not read my mind- we worked it out and have continued to collaborate and remain friends)

5. Goodwill is essential and this means you want the other person to benefit from the collaboration as much as you do.

There are unlimited ways to do this - you could create a postcard with a small handful of other sellers and each could agree to send the postcard out with any orders, you can set up a blog advertising ring with other blogs where you place your ad on their blog and they place their ad on yours, you can collaborate on an actual product

(like the amazing piece shown here which is a collaboration between jewelry designer/maker 3squares and fabric designer Jan DiCintio of Daisy Janie)

you could make team treasuries where you promote each other, have feedback sessions where a handful of sellers offer advice and positive reinforcement to each other, do trunk shows with local sellers, etc.

There is something about combining our energies that allows that energy to grow in really huge and exciting ways - ways that you can't foresee when you start this adventure together.

Lots and lots of good can come from this collaboration thing. I find that the best things sometimes take the most energy - you likely get more out of trunk shows than post cards for example.

(and yes, bad things can happen, too - there are no guarantees of happy endings anytime we interact with other people, no matter how many contracts we sign and promises we make)

If a collaboration sounds right to you at some point you have to act to get the ball rolling. You may have to get a little scared. Maybe even a lot scared ... you just have to do it.

(feel the fear and do it anyway, good book btw)

The first artist I asked to do the locket series with me that I did not really know was Jessica Doyle. And if she had said 'no thanks' (the next person I asked said no thanks) who knows what would have happened. I might have stopped right there.

(I know that I shouldn't have, but I might have, I am rather wimpy that way at times, although I like to think I would just keep on keeping on like that little energizer bunny that I am in my head)

And I am glad I didn't - give up, that is. And I think you will be, too.

(trust me, I am a professional collaborator - hopefully the FBI is not reading my blog - and I know these things)

adventurer print by fifiduvie
necklace by 3squares

GIVEAWAY - Of The Fountain Hand Stamped Leather Necklace! CLOSED


True Random Number Generator (

Min: 1
Max: 197

Of the Fountain is the ingenius little leather shop of Mandy in Boston.

After graduating from the Art Institute of Atlanta in 2009, Mandy moved from her hometown of Atlanta (Acworth), GA to the-foreign-country-that-is-Boston.

Mandy loves to be able to make things for others and know that these things have a home waiting for them and says YAY to non-accumulation!!

(don't we love that!)

From her best selling luggage tags to her amazing leather jewelry, her shop has some wonderful personalized gifts for the holidays!

We are so lucky to have a wonderful Of The Fountain piece for this week's giveaway.

One lucky winner will receive this beautiful LOVE stamped leather necklace!


Visit Of The Fountain and check out her amazing work - then come back here and leave a comment letting Mandy know which piece is your favorite!

For additional entries:

(5) Twitter this post
(5) Blog about this contest; linking to this post
(5) Follow my blog

Let me know if you have done these things so I can give you additional entries. This contest is open to everyone.

Enter by midnight, Sunday, November 7th! Good Luck! CLOSED

secrets of halloween past or where have all the scary kids gone ....

This picture from the Artisan Collective team blog has me thinking that Halloween used to be alot more scary

(and I mean really scary, like Paranormal Activity 2 promos, Miley Cyrus wrapped around a stripper pole, my fondness for reality television and stirrup pants all rolled together scary)

and actually picturing these things all rolled together is kind of grossing me out, but kind of also making me hungry for the leftover spaghetti in my fridge which I will be devouring when I am finished with this post.

(yum yum)

Anyhoo - just look at these kids - would you open your door for these kids?

(yes, even that Little Rascally one in the front who is probably holding a hatchet or a sickel or something equally deadly, but all sweet-little-farmboylike just out of frame)

I don't know where Jen got this picture, but I never see anything this scary on my front steps on Halloween ....

although truthfully I don't see much of anything on my front steps on Halloween anymore.

Last year I gave up on the invisible trick or treaters

and this has nothing to do with my natural inclination to lock myself in the house, peek out from behind closed blinds and ignore the doorbell.

(I don't know what has happened to them, but we get less and less every year - I think because we have a driveway that is longer than 10 feet and the kids are just way too tired to walk all the way to my front door having been driven everywhere in a comfy-cushy Landrover since the day they were born or they've heard that hubby likes to give bags of pretzels, sorry kiddies, I know pretzels suck, but I can't convince him of this

I put a bowl on my front porch and went to bed- I counted the bags of pretzels first and there were 20 bags. In the morning there were 17 bags. So we probably had 3 kids who each took 1 bag .... sigh ...

In my day we would have dumped that entire bowl in our pillow case, ran like hell and then come back later to check for refills.

The only thing we didn't like was when people gave us taffy, not sure if this was just a Jersey thing, people would have boxes of saltwater taffy from the boardwalk and give out individual pieces like tootsie roll size for Halloween - yuck - and pennies - we really hated pennies.

Anyhow, am hoping for some really scary costumed invaders this year and I'm thinking its time Olive wore something scary, too and not her usual cutie patootie stuff, and it looks like I have exactly 96 hours to figure it out ...

... stay tuned

Kick Starter - Project Olive Tree with MatchStickGirl

I have been doing Kiva donations for a long time as part of my creative tithing commitment and recently the amazing Estella from StaroftheEast made me aware of a great site called Kickstarter which helps launch creative projects

and a creative project hoping to be launched and looking for funding from the incredible photographer Frances J. Melhop of Matchstickgirl.

You have likely seen and been inspired by her amazing photos on Etsy:
well, Frances has a dream and her dream needs a kickstart:

Frances lives in New Zealand making her amazing photographs and has been dreaming for 10 years of flying to Italy and using the oldest and original photographic techniques and equipment

(a pinhole camera, Kodak box brownie and monorail - head under the darkcloth - she will shoot black and white 5x4 inch sheet film and 120mm roll film)

to photograph the amazing 1000 year old Olive trees of southern Italy.

(they are protected and very fairytale - so gnarled and twisted they appear to have human bodies and faces interwoven inside the trunks)

Her project is looking for Kickstarter funding and Kickstarter is a place where for as little as $1.00 we can make donations to other creatives

and it is another great use for our creative tithing dollars - helping the dreams of other creative professionals come true definitely puts a fire and energy to our own!

Frances has 9 days to reach her dream (Kickstarter projects must get full funding or they are cancelled). Here is a link to Matchstickgirl's dream if you can send a little of that Olive tree fairy magic her way!