BIZ Astrology for Friday August 15th - yes, it's Friday .. and it's summer .. but there's still work to be done

judy clement wall - focus print

Around lunchtime today Mercury (intellect, communication) moves into earthy get-to-work Virgo (where he will hang out for the next couple weeks) and the Moon moves into earthy Taurus, so any fuzzy thinking will give way to clarity and Mars sextile to Jupiter will give us the energy and motivation to get stuff done.

Mercury energy asks the question "what are we a voice for?"

This is powerful stuff. 

We honor Mercury when we speak our truth, when we think through our thoughts before we say our words, when we say more and talk less.

We dishonor Mercury when we are glib or hot-headed or rude, when we believe that talking about something is the same as doing it; when we say what we think someone wants to hear when it isn't what we really believe.

The "stuff" to get done will probably include paperwork, health stuff, pet stuff, talks about people we might work with, stuff around children, decisions, meetings, sales, writing - the pace will pick up.

Neptune has a nice trine to Vesta this weekend making it a great time for positive changes to our homes and work spaces. Our outer world reflects our inner world and just like inner work must show up in our outer world - the same holds true in reverse. By warming up our outer world, our inner flame must respond to meet it. Think graciousness and spaciousness now.

Some of my favorite feng shui workspace tips I have been given include:

1. Have a clear view of the entrance from our work table/desk - this allows us to see outside opportunities

2. Put symbols of future goals above our eye level - I like to keep a plant on top of a bookshelf to represent growth to me

3. Have organic materials in our workspace - wood, ceramic, wicker, crystals - this will make us feel supported

4. Draw attention to our achievements - frame awards, articles, diplomas - hanging them on the left side of the room is good, also have a light that reflects upward to increase our visibility (lighting  a red candle at our desk each day can help with this, too - ceremony is always good, life supports intention).

On Saturday our Taurus Moon will be opposite Mars and Saturn so situations will come up that allow us to look at 'what is really important to us' so we can focus on that. There is some ending stuff going on, too. The Moon is void of course for most of Sunday, but still feels like a good day for creative projects to me. Next week stuff heats up, so get some rest and have some fun this weekend, too!

BIZ Astrology for Thursday August 14th - Who Says Only Men Are From MARS Anyway

17th and Oak / Rocky Balboa Typography

Our Moon is still in action Aries and we've got Mars, in Scorpio for the last couple weeks, sextiling (60 degrees apart) Pluto. This is another day where the energy is robust and favors action. BUT maybe think about Rocky Balboa's decisive punches and grounded feet with this one - we want to be strong, focused and precise now. 

Today we have our independent Aries Moon lining up with independent (and rebellious) Uranus.

Uranus is the planet of rebellion and revolution and is in Aries from March 2011 through May 2018 (all Aries rising signs, Aries Suns and Aries Moons will find themselves questioning authority and find it necessary to move through life without social approval at some point during these years - who cares what everyone else thinks, not an Aries these days) - no planet is more unpredictable.

We could get some unexpected news. We could pick a battle that really costs us. Of course, if we are grounded we could get a real breakthrough. There is an aspect between Jupiter and Neptune today that could affect our ability to see clearly (it could also expand our creativity makers and artists!), so although decisive action is still favored today - if we find ourselves rocking the boat too much we will get wet, maybe quite wet.

Neptune kind of weakens the barrier between consciousness and unconsciousness - between ego and soul he makes us more vulnerable to illusion, but also enlightenment. With Jupiter's expansive powers making him more powerful - he could bring us mystical visions and a more compassionate heart now or weaken us with delusions. Anyone feeling a need to firm up some resolve with a 12-step meeting today, find one.

Also Venus is parallal to one of the 8 Uranian planets (discovered by German astrologers during the early 20th century) called Admetos. Admetos has come to represent something that is un-moveable, steady as a rock or something that has run its course. This could bring an ending to something creative or some kind of obstacle within a partnership. If something we thought was going one way suddenly does a 180 on us, we will just think of our argonaut Admetos and know we are on our own quest to find the Golden Fleece after all. We are always safe and supported.

TODAY IS A GOOD DAY TO BE THINKING ABOUT - Who are our people - where is our tribe? People say we are a combination of the 5 people we spend the most time with. New people will be coming into our lives soon - probably very soon - maybe this has already started. Feeling grateful for the ways the universe supports us will draw more universal support to us. Never be afraid to ask for support. We can never ask for too much.

BIZ Astrology for Wednesday August 13th - Forward Motion on YOUR Journey

studio 3 ten print by Suzanne Millius
The Moon moves into action Aries this morning

(after being void of course since last night - if you have overslept a bit, forgive yourself - void of course is the period of time from the moon's exit from one sign and her entrance into another - it's a slightly fuzzy period when it might seem that whatever we do or say is the wrong thing - luckily most of us pretty much slept through it this month).

This Aries Moon is trining

(an aspect formed when planets are three signs apart or approx 120 degrees - it's a point of ease and harmony, some might say luck)

Venus and Jupiter sitting in Leo so we are likely to get some clarity that we can take action on now. Aries is life force energy, the first astrological sign. There is nothing - then there is Aries. Aries does not guarantee victory (we don't get that kind of ironclad contract), but he does guarantee movement if we take up his challenge to be courageous.

Later today Venus will square Ceres and we may be reminded somehow this journey is OURS - this might take the form of a clash between family values and our own personal dreams. Know this is just life's way of bringing us back to our own center - what do we want now?

Mercury's movement this afternoon may require us to look at and take action on things that aren't working for us anymore - 80% of our business income comes from 20% of our business - how can we focus on the 20% - what gets to stay, what gets kicked to the curb. A small business's biggest asset may be our ability to pivot on a dime.

TODAY IS A GOOD DAY TO BE - getting clarity and offers or ideas about what to do now to get what we want.  Moon’s trine to Venus and Jupiter is a beautiful universal HELL YEAH (plus it's shark week)! But remember Aries is still the first sign, the kick off energy at the beginning of the race (and crisis sometimes follows Aries like a shadow) - there is still work ahead for us. And that's OK - we are here for the quest after all.

Today is a day for forward motion - it doesn't have to be a big giant leap - baby steps are totally allowed - but it does have to be NEW and it does have to require COURAGE - whatever we have on our plate that meets that criteria is where our attention can be rewarded now.