between eclipses ....

owl and pussycat by the little fox

We are now in the two week period between the September eclipses. With so many important transits this week, I wanted to add a little more info to the weekly post (the same post that, yes, I am thinking of ending and, yes, I see the irony in this).

Let's unpack this a little more. First we have expansive, big picture Jupiter (in earthy, detail oriented Virgo where he is not super comfortable - imagine you just ate a Thanksgiving dinner in your skinny jeans) opposing Neptune (in watery Pisces, where he is uber comfortable - now imagine you just ate a Thanksgiving dinner in your jammies).

(Hmm, I am not sure what all this Thanksgiving talk is about - we do suddenly have 6 wild turkeys wandering around the reservoir where I walk most mornings. I have to resist the urge to toss them into my back seat and protect them until Black Friday - and now that I think about it, they can earn their keep by clearing the garden of the tiny worms that have ended our kale season ... )

Before Jupiter was discovered in the mid 1800's, Jupiter was considered the ruler of Pisces (now he rules Sagittarius). This opposition lasts for the entire month of September and is exact (strongest) on Thursday. Then it starts to unwind itself. If your stomach (digestion) or skin (think bacterial overgrowth) is in some kind of distress right now - this is probably why.

Now normally Jupiter vs Neptune would have us lost at sea in a beautiful pea-green boat. And we might be. But with Jupiter grounded in Virgo and Saturn moving into Sagittarius (answering to Jupiter, but also adding a little more lead to his boots) we should be able to tell the fantasy from reality. If something appears too good to be true now. It is.

We also have Mercury turning retrograde in Libra (ruled by Venus barely back in action since her own lengthy and challenging retrograde in firey Leo this summer - when our relationships were tested over liony - how is this not a word? come on spellcheck!) issues of pride "who's in charge here?" and fidelity "where's your loyalty?". Then we have Saturn (in watery Scorpio) moving into firey Sagittarius (ruled by Jupiter). And I almost forgot asteroid Juno (marriage, commitment) moves into Libra (where power is often given away) so we've got power imbalances coming up again ... and loyalty issues, sound familiar?

So what does this mean for you? Well, that will depend where all of this hits your natal chart. For Libra the Jupiter/Neptune opposition is a 12th house event (hidden potential, secrets) so Libras could have the urge to go public with something or something that was recently rather inconsequential could become a major focus or some kind of secret fantasy or hope could peak (although this might only happen in her head). For Virgo, the Mercury Retrograde is a 2nd house event - so she will be rethinking her earned money, does she have what she needs, if a Virgo has been making emotional or financial 'sacrifices' they will come up for re-evaluation now. For Leo, Saturn's move into Sagittarius (thru December 2017) is a 5th house event - her house of self expression, creativity, children, love, fun - so extra effort and focus in these areas will be needed for her to get what she wants.

You can see how all of this is different for everyone and these scenarios (and all general astrological predictions by sun sign you see anywhere) do not take into account the time of your birth, they assume you were born at dawn and they use a whole house system with one sign per house and do not take into consideration your actual houses. This is why having your own natal chart handy is important if you are interested in this stuff.

In general we are facing a time of being "lost at sea" (we see the literal examples of this in the news everyday) although there is solid ground  in sight if we take the time to look for it and think things through, compassion works miracles now - a time of  needing to slow down our communications and certain actions, we are relooking at relationships (again) and beginning (again) the longer term changes of Saturn into Sagittarius.

While task master Saturn has been in Scorpio, he has been reinforced by Pluto in Capricorn (since Saturn rules Capricorn and Pluto rules Scorpio) making the last two years very challenging with the energy favoring the powerful and those "in control".

In Sagittarius (ruled by expansive, benevolent Jupiter, the only planet larger than Saturn) Saturn's structure will be different. I'll write about this later.

This is almost certainly the most powerful month of the year - we all will need patience and the willingness to support each other through the ups and downs. Any space in our life we are feeling over-zealous will be a space there are more possibilities available if we can just get out of our own way. Let's try to relax into what life is offering up and - yes, I know this is easy for me to say since I am not in your exact situation, that's why I'm saying it - instead of obsessing over how we think things need to play out.

See what is changing in your life. Beginnings and endings during eclipse season are designed to get us 'back on track' with our original purpose for being here. If they have you on the mat, hold on, October is coming! xo all

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of September 13th - the Changing of the Guards ....

"Creation comes from an overflow, so you have to learn to intake, to imbibe, to nourish yourself and not be afraid of fullness." .... Anais Nin

We are now working with the New Moon in Virgo solar eclipse energy (we have a much bigger lunar eclipse in two weeks!).

The beginning of this week is an excellent time to set intentions (if you haven't already) for Virgo ruled themes.

We are pushing forward now with our work situation, our health, paperwork, stuff with co-workers or employees, what's happening with our pets and we are getting organized. It's fall clean out time - closets, inboxes. We have big trash pick up in our town next weekend and it couldn't have better timing. I am ready for it!

("ready" in my world means I have made a mental list of what I am ready to hasta la vista - next comes the paper list - no point rushing into anything people - and then comes the part where I get hubs drunk so he doesn't notice the pile of crap I dragged to the curb and he actually leaves the stuff there until the trash man comes also I forgot to mention the part where I ice my neck after dragging the crap to the curb)

MONDAY to WEDNESDAY the best results come from focusing on other people. Partners, clients, agents, competitors - if we need to reach out to someone do it now. If someone wants to partner with us this week it could be a good thing.

There may be something that we don't get now or something that doesn't happen - that's OK. Even though it feels like something we wanted we will see later that something better is moving toward us.

There may be something karmic working itself out with another person around Tuesday - take a breath.

We can't see the whole picture yet. If we have some kind of important meeting with someone on Wednesday there is some "out of the blue" energy at play this day so expect the unexpected. Bringing the unexpected ourselves to this meeting or conversation could be a good thing, but maybe not, it's our call. If what is happening involves love, or women, or money or beauty it would be a good thing. 

(also you need to back up your computer RIGHT AFTER YOU READ THIS!)

On THURSDAY we have multiple changing of the guards!

First, Mercury stations retrograde at 15 degrees Libra so the Libra house of our chart will require us to consider both sides of something. There will be delays and revisions over the next few weeks. This is Libra, so politeness and civility matter and pay dividends. All the usual re's apply - re-do, reconnect, rethink, repeat, revise, redesign, recuperate, repair. We know the drill by now.

Then the Jupiter in Virgo opposition to Neptune retrograde in Pisces becomes exact - this is our dream for our work crashing into the reality of actually doing the work. This is also the energy of an unlimited expansion that could be positive or negative depending on what is expanding! This is still Virgo season so doing what is right in front of us, doing our best and taking care of those tiny details will get us the best results with whatever this energy churns up. This opposition is exhausting many people. This is the when we get so overwhelmed with everything we have to do (much of which is all in our head) that we just look at cute cat videos on youtube all afternoon.

But the big news, especially for those weary late degree Scorpios is that Saturn enters Sagittarius where he hangs his shingle until December 2017 (you might remember his brief  appearance here from December 2014 - June 2015).

So what is happening this week? We've got a mixed bag of - our dreams vs. our day to day reality - a time to pause and reconsider - and a BIG shift in our responsibility and focus.

This is the time to take stock of our next steps.

With Saturn moving into Sagittarius we will be stepping into new responsibilities and pointing our arrow in a new direction (please don't point that thing at me and please don't shoot your eye out)!

I'm going to do a post about what this will mean for your creative business later on this week, if I don't toss my neck out dragging the old dishwasher to the curb ..... xo all