Mars Trine Jupiter | no guts, no glory

Mars (in Gemini) trines (brakes off) Jupiter (retrograde in Libra) at 14 degrees.

Trines are easy aspects between planets and points. Things fall into place. Things work together.

Mars (action, independence, courage) trining Jupiter (expansion, luck) is a time when action makes us lucky. With Mars in Gemini and in mutual reception to Mercury (ruler of Gemini) in Aries (ruled by Mars) it could be our words that need to be bold. Humor works, too.

With Jupiter it is easy for things to be exaggerated - to look better than they are - but that's OK. Even if the light at the end of the tunnel is a train (it isn't) we can still use the light to see what's coming and get out of the way. It's the action that creates the win not the situation.

This is stable momentum we can use to move ourselves forward. Remember Jupiter is still retrograde in partnership oriented and balance loving Libra and Gemini offers multiple options and could scatter our energies - we need to focus. There is one best way forward now.

Instead of casting a wider net, we'll be better off spear fishing (and I don't like my analogy so much here, but I think it drives home the point - ouch). Get specific and take action.

Don't be afraid to try something new that is calling to your heart - yesterday's transit is still in play but now we add a little Jupiterian erergy and enthusiasm - "bigger is better" "do I feel lucky?" - action into the mix.

Be confident. We got this thing. xo all

Mars Square Neptune | Mercury Trine Saturn - think things through

full of butterflies by flowerpottt

Today we have Mars (in Gemini) squaring (tension) Neptune (in Pisces). This could feel like a push to take some kind of action that is unclear, that we are apathetic about or that squares our 'dream'.

With Mars in Gemini and Mercury in Aries - mutual reception and strengthening each other - this is the time to question/discuss/think about where all this is going. It's not a good time to let ourselves get "talked into" something. Boundaries can be needed now. Stuff that is hidden will be pushed into the open. Stick to the truth now.

Saturn and Jupiter are both still retrograde. Venus and Mercury are still covering old ground. We could be tired and this square could exacerbate that. Remember the way forward now is Leo. What does your heart say about this (our heart will need a say in all decisions now)?

With Mercury (in Aries) trining (brakes off ) Saturn (retrograde in Sagittarius) - sensible plans and actions move things forward. This transit can help us "say the right thing". It could be a good time to get advice from an older or more experienced person. With Mars and Mercury in mutual reception and that square to Neptune making things foggy this is not the best day to make an important decision unless our head, heart and gut are in agreement. Ask questions. Think things through. Get clearer.

xo all

Full Moon in Scorpio | truth bomb

portfolio by aufzehengehen

Late last night we had the final, of three, meetings between Uranus (sudden, unexpected, liberating) and Mercury (news, communication, information).

So here is the truth we haven't wanted to look at. And now we have to. The first of these meetings was on March 26th, so whatever is revealed now will relate back to that time frame.

(for those following U.S. politics, remember what I've said before - Uranus is Trump - #funny #notfunny)

Uranus's conjunction will make today's Full Moon in Scorpio even more illuminating.

Remember what Full Moons do - they bring something to light, they bring something to a conclusion.

At the same time Scorpio's ruler Pluto (in Capricorn) is trining the Sun (in Taurus). Trines take the brakes off - so whatever has been holding something back is removed. This could be a good thing if we are trying to move forward with something and a not so good thing if we have something to hide.

Scorpio Full Moons are excellent times for deep intimacy. They can also be painful - but know we are strong enough to face any truth/culmination that is revealed now. We have been prepared for it. The pain makes sure it gets our attention and that it evolves us - but let's not get stuck in it. Even pain can be comforting in its own warped way if it is familiar. So let's keep moving. We are strong enough to put down the false (but maybe comfortable) narrative we have been carrying. Our burden lightens.

Juno has stationed retrograde, just yesterday, right next to Pluto - loyalties are shifting, commitments are up for re-evaluation, power dynamics within relationships are tested.

Scorpio rules the 8th house of other people's resources. What does that make you think about now? This is Taurus season - all about what we own. This Full Moon shines a spotlight on what really belongs to us and what doesn't.

Scorpio rules deep transformation - what needs to shift? If you have planets or points near 20 degrees Scorpio, Taurus, Leo or Aquarius you will probably feel this Full Moon energy the most. Resolve to be strong. There is a "meant to be" quality with the way this is all unfolding. Trust it.

For everyone - get outside and walk in it. This is excellent energy for things to come unstuck.

xo all