New Moon in Libra Opposite Uranus | freedom to be yourself within your relationships, need for space, meeting someone unusual, existing balances are disrupted

Time against Sunset by hellolikegoodbye

The Sun and Moon meet up this afternoon, 3:12 PM EDT, at 26 degrees Libra. They will be exactly opposing Uranus at 26 degrees Aries.

This is powerful fresh start energy focused on our relationships (and the polarity themes of your natal Aries and Libra houses) - how do we remain true to ourselves, and express our authenticity and independence, within new and existing partnerships.

A new person could come into our lives (likely under unusual circumstances or the person will be unusual in some way) or a current relationship could get a fresh start.

This is a Libra New Moon ruled by Venus - it is not so much about breaking relationships bonds (although it could be) as it is about breaking stifling stereotypes and limits.

Whatever space within ourselves we have been squashing to please someone else is about to make an appearance and things that have been squashed don't always look so pretty. Venus likes to keep things pretty and it is her Moon, but Uranus is pushing another agenda. And it's one where we get to be ourselves within our relationships (Libra has great say here, too). This doesn't mean all by ourselves in the corner!

The Sun and Moon are conjunct asteroid Karma. Fresh starts and new beginnings have extra significance. Whatever is happening now probably has extra significance.

So, we've got this New Moon in beatific and balanced Libra wanting something new and balanced for us and this aspect to Uranus adding something jolting, surprising and dare I say liberating into the mix.

New developments could hit quickly, maybe from totally out of the blue and likely disrupt existing balances.

This opposition can also represent an actual person or group or system with Uranian qualities (think : genius, rebel, criminal) or maybe someone we are dealing with through the internet since Uranus rules that space, who is literally standing in our way.

This is wild-card energy. It could spark an uncharted direction for us or create abrupt change.

It could push/pull/drop kick us toward greater freedom. It could even empower us with a "cause".

Ruts can be escaped. Think about what would need to happen in your own life to create these kind of changes and then expect ... something else to happen. Ack!

You will feel this energy strongest if you have any planets or points in cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) near 26 degrees.

We have had Uranus in Aries for the last few years determined to wake us up individually. With this energy exactly touching the balance-seeking Libra New Moon energy today - maybe we can be waking up in tandem with other people now!

So we kick off whatever change is kicking off THEN we move toward finding balance. Fast starts require imbalance - think about the way runners standing at the starting line are all LEANING FORWARD. There is a reason they do that, but if they didn't MOVE and just continued to hold that position they would eventually fall on their faces, right?

Don't think too far ahead. Can we just open ourselves to new connections without worrying where all this is leading? Uranus says, "yes, try that for a change".

Here's a rundown by sign. If you know your natal Libra house check that - check your Sun and Rising sign and we could all resonate a bit with Aries since the theme is universal.

As always use what helps and toss the rest. Don't take my word for it since I am not looking at your individual chart and can't be guaranteed to know what I am talking about anyway. Your life is your own - especially with Uranus opposing the Sun and Moon.

ARIES (Libra 7th house) - a new relationship could be unexpected, an existing relationship could be shaken by unexpected circumstances. Mars is moving into this space on Sunday making this even more of a focus but giving you the energy to deal with it. This house is ruled by Libra you will likely need to cooperate.

TAURUS (Libra 6th house) - a new work obligation, co-worker, change in routine or change with your health could be unexpected or something within these existing themes is shaken by unexpected (or previously hidden) circumstances. Mars is moving into this space on Sunday making this even more of a focus but giving you the energy to deal with it. This house is ruled by Virgo you will likely need to cross your t's and dot your i's and focus on the details. 

GEMINI (Libra 5th house) - a new romance, children's issues, pregnancy or creative project could be unexpected or something within these existing themes is shaken by unexpected circumstances. Mars is moving into this space on Sunday making this even more of a focus but giving you the energy to deal with it. This house is ruled by Leo encouraging your need for play, creativity and credit. Be brave.

CANCER (Libra 4th house) - a new development within your home, family or change within your career that impacts your home and family life could be unexpected. Mars is moving into this space on Sunday making this even more of a focus but giving you the energy to deal with it. This house is ruled by Cancer so a focus on where and how you live, who you live with and how you balance this with your public/professional life is likely.

LEO (Libra 3rd house) - a new conversation, communication or information that comes in could be unexpected or require you to make a fast/unexpected decision. Your own decisions and words could shake-up other people. There could also be unexpected events within your local neighborhood or in the life of a sibling. Mars is moving into this space on Sunday making this area of life even more of a focus but giving you the energy to deal with it. This house is ruled by Gemini so an ability to do more than one thing at a time, talk, teach, learn and keep things moving comes with the territory.

VIRGO (Libra 2nd house) - a new development with the money you earn, your existing resources, your values or self-esteem could be unexpected (good or bad) or events involving other people's money - spouse's income, loans, debts, taxes, inheritance - could impact your own income, values or self-esteem. Mars is moving into this space on Sunday making this area of life even more of a focus but giving you the energy to deal with it. This house is ruled by Taurus so steady, practical use of existing resources is helpful.

LIBRA (Libra 1st house) - this kicks off a brand new chapter for you in regard to your appearance, brand, public identity or style of living - events could be unexpected or the speed of events could catch you off guard. Mars is moving into this space on Sunday making this area of life even more of a focus but giving you the energy to deal with it. This house is ruled by Aries so action, initiative, courage and passion will move this forward. You might have to do the heavy lifting yourself.

SCORPIO (Libra 12th house) - a new development behind the scenes, secrets kept or revealed or an unexpected event regarding a background issue, possible influenced by a 6th house health or work issue comes to light although some information may still be unavailable. This is time to plan and ready yourself for change, but maybe wait a bit before acting on what you know if you can, since you don't have all the info/energy you need. Mars is moving into this space on Sunday making this area of life even more of a focus but giving you the energy to deal with it. This house is ruled by Pisces so imagination, prayer, spirituality and creativity will help - addiction, drifting off course and lies will just create more fuzziness.

SAGITTARIUS (Libra 11th house) - something new with friends/groups, your social life could be unexpected or other people's reaction to something you "put out there" could be surprising (good or bad). Mars is moving into this space on Sunday making this area of life even more of a focus but giving you the energy to deal with it. This house is ruled by Aquarius so staying true to yourself, trying something new and unique, while remaining detached from outcomes within your social activities should help.

CAPRICORN (Libra 10th house) - a new development within your career could be unexpected and out of the blue or a home/family issue could hit unexpectedly that impacts your career. Mars is moving into this space on Sunday making this area of life even more of a focus but giving you the energy to deal with it. This house is ruled by Capricorn making you more ambitious, goal-oriented and able to exercise patience (time is on your side) with whatever this is you are dealing with.

AQUARIUS (Libra 9th house) - a new development regarding higher education, foreign matters, legal issues, travel, media, publishing, a wedding could be unexpected. Mars is moving into this space on Sunday making this area of life even more of a focus but giving you the energy to deal with it. This house is ruled by Sagittarius so optimism, honesty and generosity pushes this situation forward. Avoid carelessness and impatience.

PISCES (Libra 8th house) - a new development with your shared resources or other people's money or intimacy is unexpected. Power struggles or a power shift within your relationships is possible now as these changes kick off. Mars is moving into this space on Sunday making this area of life even more of a focus but giving you the energy to deal with it. This house is ruled by Scorpio so having the courage to go deep and really look at and work with these complex issues will move this forward. Avoid control issues and manipulation.

Get grounded - we have moved from an earth sign into air so this is important - always make affirmations from a  positive place (positive meaning certain).

It is a good idea, since the New Moon is literally a blank sheet, to work in a clean, uncluttered space and maybe right after a bath or shower. Alone is probably best. Doing this with someone else, even when you appear to have the same agenda, could dilute your own personal best outcome (which is the only thing you have any power with here).

I find affirmations are most effective if I speak less on New Moon days so my words will hold more weight when I need them to. I usually burn a white candle to help me focus and thin the veils between me and me. It also helps to channel ancestral energy a bit since I am always thinking as I move my story forward, their story moves forward with me.

Write your affirmations down by hand in cursive, we want the letters all connecting and flowing together. Speak the words out loud. 

I used to write my affirmations on strips of paper and put them into a bowl of rice so I could mix them around every now and then with my fingers if things got stagnant. Last year I decided to burn them. I have written them on rocks and buried them.

This month I'm going to write my affirmations

(astrologer Jan Spiller recommends writing 10, but I have found myself stretching to do that or writing the same things every month which feels silly, so I have worked my way down to 3 which feels like a powerful number to me)

on my chalkboard while burning a white candle - when the candle burns out, all by itself - don't burn your house down - I erase the words first and then clean the blackboard with water.

Some people store them until the corresponding Full Moon (in this case during Aries season) and burn them then. Do what feels right.

I don't think it's terribly important what we do with our writings as long as we are not pulling them out and checking on them all the time. Setting intentions is like baking a cake - checking on how things are going just slows things down.

We are not handing a honey do list to the universe! We are lining up with the universal energies of creation here.

And I wouldn't be sharing them with other people, which also feels like it dilutes the process or pulls them into our story. I was writing them on my blog for a few months, as examples for people, and that definitely wasn't helpful.

Then - and this is the important part - release your attention from your words knowing your intention is known. 

Know these things are already yours.

xo all

The Moon goes void after the New Moon so wait until at least 9:41PM EDT tonight to do your intentions or until you see a sliver of Moon in the sky (can be tricky with weather). The Moon will be in alignment with fortuitous Jupiter for the next couple days, so get this done!

Mercury into Scorpio | secrets come out, uncomfortable conversations, mining for gold, research, solving puzzles, truth, dead and buried

Deep by Sarachmet
The planet of communication (Mercury) ingresses into the sign of power, transformation and secrets (Scorpio) until November 5th.

This is excellent energy for deep (Scorpio) investigation/research (Mercury).

Instead of learning/thinking/communicating about a little of this and a little of that, now is the time to go "all in" with a subject we are passionate about.

Our mind can focus. Multi-tasking will be harder because our intellect will want to sit with one thing for longer than we usually do.

Maybe we will finally get that crossword puzzle done!

I recommend the Netflix series Mindhunter for Mercury in Scorpio season. Good. And smart. And dark. Not for everyone, but I (Scorpio rising) am engrossed. Also, I love (and miss) the late 70's - sniffle.

We will be getting to the bottom of things and will not be satisfied with Libra's (Mercury's last stop) conversational civilities. We'll want to know, and think/talk about, what is really happening. It won't always be comfortable.

The hard truths won't be blurted out spontaneously - we will have to dig for them. Decide first if you really want to know what is hiding underneath because Plutonian authenticity is not only transformational - it is permanent. There is no going back to "not knowing". Mysteries can be solved. The truth could come out. Secrets can be languaged and spoken out loud.


Difficult conversations will create deeper levels of intimacy now. If you are dating someone and you have sex (also Scorpio ruled) with them you can never go back to not having sex with them even if you never have sex with them again. The intimacy is still there. It will be like this with our words now. 

And once we know the information - we own it. It's our move (with Scorpio the move might be internal). It changes who we are and we ignore who we are at our own peril.

Careless language (disrespect for ourselves and others) and our careless treatment of other people's words (and their reaction to ours) will be karmic. Keep this in mind.

There could be battles for mental supremacy and mind games during this transit.

People prone to manipulation could be extremely effective (or someone will finally see right to the bottom of what we are doing - maybe that someone will be ourselves). This is a time to take a good, long look at what we are really seeking when we are trying to make a situation/person behave in a way that pleases us. Think about it. There are gold nuggets to be mined now. Even tiny specks can be used to create great fortunes. Scorpio rules our inheritance.

The fly in the ointment here is that we might think we are mining for gold when we are really just obsessing on the same old same old. Scorpio rules obsession and compulsion and our minds could easily go there now. Notice it. Don't judge it. Think about - "what does it mean that I keep thinking about this?". Scorpio rules death, too. It's not only what we dig up, but what we put into the ground that matters now.

Maybe some words/language/story needs to be put to rest.

Almost as soon as Mercury gets into Scorpio he/she connects with Jupiter (tomorrow) also recently ingressed into Scorpio.

There could be some big or over-the-top news/information - maybe an exaggeration or maybe a truth shouted out loud. It might be hard to tell which is which if we only listen with our ears, but our Plutonian instincts (stronger in some people than others, but we all have Scorpio and Pluto somewhere in our charts) will recognize the TRUTH now.

There is a message this week (or maybe last week) about what this first leg of our journey through Jupiter in Scorpio will be about.

I'd say "pay attention" but Jupiter will make it hard to miss.

xo all

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of October 16th - commitments, intimate conversations, big news, shocking news, curve balls, a tipping point, buttons get pushed, decision time

paciwaucie2. by polish-girl

Big Libra/Scorpio focus this week, so it will be all about our relationships, partnerships, agents, clients (Libra) and power, money, intimacy, reproduction, death, rebirth, other people's resources ie debts, inheritances, loans, taxes, spouse's income, etc (Scorpio). It will be about the themes of our natal Libra and Scorpio houses.

On MONDAY, the Sun (in Libra) sextiles Saturn (in Sagittarius). Sextiles are opportunities, but if we blink we miss them. I don't mean we have to proceed quickly, not with this one - with Saturn time is always on our side. But when a door opens easily or things fall together without a whole lot of struggle we might not even notice something has shifted in our favor. We don't always take advantage of the good energy. It slips away ...

This sextile is about making a commitment, stepping into a responsibility, dealing with an authority figure or working with a mentor. It is about something solid that puts us on more stable ground. Working toward our goals in a self-disciplined way is favored and can bring lasting rewards. Our relationships and/or Sagittarius themes could be highlighted - travel, higher education, media, publishing, weddings, political issues or legal issues.

Today's waning Moon is in organized and service-oriented Virgo and trining (brakes off) Pluto (in Capricorn) - good for getting work done, helping others through our own inner strength and releasing attachment to clutter - paperwork, emails, unfinished business that will never be finished and hangs over our head like incomplete homework assignments, situations that have trailed off ...

On TUESDAY, Mercury moves into Scorpio (post to follow) until November 6th. Here he/she will give voice to truth, spill some secrets, engage in some intimate conversations - words could be transformational. We will be discovering new information, exploring it and processing it ...  deeply. No one will be satisfied with light chitchat or superficial answers. If we ask someone how they are doing we should be prepared to hear something beyond "fine".

Now, this transit lasts a few weeks and with the Moon's move into Libra mid-morning we might not feel Scorpio's intensity with our communications until the Moon moves out of Libra and into Scorpio later in the week.

The Moon is void until 1:35PM EDT. Don't start anything new or send anything out into the world you want something to "come of" before that time. If you are filing a late tax return - this morning would be the perfect time to mail it (since you don't want anything to come of it!).

On WEDNESDAY, Mercury conjuncts Jupiter - both recently ingressed into Scorpio. We can expect some news now about what Jupiter's transit through Scorpio will be about. A big news day. Conversations are expansive and/or there are many of them. This is wonderful energy to begin a new course of study. Here is the forest (Jupiter) and the trees (Mercury) - the big picture and the small details - working together. Words, ideas, communications could have a SUBSTANTIAL IMPACT.

On THURSDAY, we have the New Moon in Libra (post to follow). With both the Sun and Moon in opposition to unpredictable Uranus (in independent Aries) - this New Moon is a definite boat-rocker.

The focus for some people will be on their relationships - there will be break-ups and spaces that get broken open. This New Moon cycle promises abrupt changes. Maybe something starts faster than we were expecting it to. Maybe a snap decision is required or news or changes hits us out of the blue. We could meet someone very unusual now - an Aquarian or someone with Aquarian traits (think genius, rebel, criminal).

Curve balls will be thrown. Have your mitt ready. It could be exciting or rattling or both.

This Moon might encourage us to do something totally out of character, especially if we have been repressing something that needs to be expressed. Take a deep breath and think it through. There will be a way to handle this without tossing the baby out with the bathwater. But probably that bathwater has to go. Expect rebellion.

With the Aries/Libra polarity triggered - this could be about us incorporating something new (Uranus) into our identity (Aries) or more freedom (Uranus) within our relationships (Libra).

What this energy really wants is to break through the stagnant spaces and dishonest civilities in order to create true balance. A tipping point is reached - something is going over. We will know what isn't stable because it will be shaking. Financial and emotional investments will be weighed out.

There is an inconjunct (something that can't be reconciled) to wounded healer Chiron bumping into our tender spaces, childhood wounds, vulnerabilities and fears. I will do a post by sign.

The Moon goes void at 3:12 PM EDT.

On FRIDAY, the Moon (in Scorpio) will conjunct Mercury in the morning - here is where those conversations get more intimate, our focus more laser, our thinking more in line with our emotions and goes on to trine Neptune in the early evening - healing, creativity, less boundaries.

On SUNDAY, Mars joins the Libra party adding energy (maybe enthusiasm and initiative, maybe anger or blunt force) to our New Moon situation. Mars is in his detriment in Libra - unstable and creating movement through other people. So if we need to get mad or take some action, but we don't, then other people might act this out for us by getting mad at us! Or they will take some action we are subconsciously wanting to take. We will unconsciously trigger this.

(Did I ever write about the Saturday morning I had three different people 'give me the finger' within two hours - three different traffic situations and before you go thinking I must need driving lessons - which I might actually since I still can't parallel park without at least a dozen moves back and forth - all three times I had the right of way. Really. I felt like I had one of those "kick me" signs on my back except I guess it would have been a giant hand with a giant extended middle finger on my front bumper.

This was many years ago and I took this as a sign to get my ass back to the house and park my car. Today, I would be looking at what the hell I myself was so annoyed/angry about and how I should go about expressing it ... and then, yes, get my ass back to the house and park my car.

Now, I have Mars opposing my Sun in my natal chart so can trigger all kinds of tension/anger/enthusiasm within other people unconsciously to get myself moving. When I needed to leave banking I had a gun to my head during a robbery and a crazy stalker situation happening at the same time. But we all do this to varying degrees.)

Decisions must be made. And yes, with all this Libra it will be harder to make them as we weigh all the options. Situations could conspire to force our hand.

xo all

Venus into Libra | beauty attracts, finding peace, justice, judging a book by its cover, people-pleasers, relationships finding balance, more diplomacy needed, comb your hair

let me kiss it better by muszka
Venus comes home to Libra early tomorrow morning, a sign she rules. The planet Venus was named for the Roman Goddess of love and grace; named Aphrodite by the ancient Greeks.

This transit (until November 7th) makes Libra Suns and Risings, who are already naturally attractive, even more so - both physically attractive and more able to attract what they want/need.

Everyone's Libra house gets more attractive, too (what house was Libra in when you were born? what is the theme of that house? do you have any planets or points in Libra - Venus will be hitting them over the next few weeks).

We will be attracted to what we find 'beautiful'. We will be attracted to what we find 'just'. We will be attracted to what we find 'peaceful'. And these are the qualities people will find attractive in us and our work in the world.

These are the qualities we'll want to bring to the table (and yes, flowers that would be a good thing to bring to the table now, too) to attract whatever we are wanting to attract now, particularly in the area of life housing your natal Libra and within our relationships.

Get dressed. Comb your hair. Appearances matter. This might sound shallow, but Libra isn't shallow. This is more about caring for ourselves and for the people we come in contact with. Wanting things to be nice for everyone. This can be a bad thing when taken too far, so don't take it too far. Libra makes it look easy, but that's her talent. She is a cardinal sign charged with starting a new season - far from easy!

The potential for peace within our relationships increases as we move from critic (Virgo) to diplomat (Libra).

The potential for people pleasing increases, too. Balance is the key now. 

Making life too much about the other person is Libra's shadow side. It's easier, or I should say, lazier, to just give in to something to have "harmony" than to work out the win-wins. 

We need to honor ourselves as well as the other person. It's simple, but not easy. If we think balance is easy we should stand on one leg for a while! 

People with a more Aries nature - Libra's polarity sign - used to putting themselves first might need to do pretty much the opposite for awhile. 

Venus in Libra can offer our relationships a fresh start if we can let go of the petty grievances and nitpicking. Seeing the other person with new eyes really is possible here.

In Libra, there is power in groups and alliances - but the emphasis (for now) is on the shared human experience of connection rather than on what might emerge later. It's not the time for thinking about how it will all play out, what we are getting or giving. It's just the time for the experience. We come into real harmony when we can see each other clearly. We don't have to always agree with each other. Agreeing isn't step two or even step one hundred and two.

We dishonor Venus with vanity or idleness - this doesn't mean she wants us to be busy though. Busyness is often an excuse for dishonoring the very things we need to do to take care of ourselves (busyness dishonors our businesses, too!).

Venus takes care of herself!

We dishonor Venus when we gossip or mistreat relationships - when we don't take care of our physical selves and surroundings, when we just live with the mess, when we pollute our bodies with crappy food, when we allow our values to become corrupted, when we ignore our passions - we are the caregivers of what we are passionate about in the physical world.

There is a reason we are attracted to the stuff we are attracted to! It needs to be honored with our time, attention and resources.

People with strong Libra energy in their natal charts will almost always be evolving toward equal, powerful partnerships.

We have a New Moon in Libra in a few days with the Moon opposing freedom-loving "anything-can-happen" Uranus. Check your natal chart for 24-28 degrees of the cardinal signs - Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn - if you have planets or points, you will almost surely feel this one. We will talk about this next week.

For today, we still have Mercury sextiling sober Saturn. Our words are our bond now. If you need to talk with some kind of authority figure this would be the time - just use serious language and speak with authority yourself. Step into your responsibility with your language and communications. Speak to a mentor. Take what you hear seriously. Walk your talk. This is where the opportunity (sextile) lies now.

Mercury Sextile Saturn Trine the South Node | a conversation from the past, old ideas gain traction, grown-up conversations, write it down, putting some sibling rivalry to bed, chatting up the neighbors

untitled by la-child

Coming off yesterday's square with Mars (still in play), today's Saturn sextiles (opportunity) communicative Mercury while Mercury is trining (brakes off) the South Node in Aquarius.

This is good energy for advancing old ideas/information/conversations.

Maybe something said in the past can be said/shared in another way now - a solid, practical, cooperative way - and bring new energy to the table. Maybe an old grievance can be released. Maybe it allows us to release our detachment or distance from someone or from a situation we need to move closer to.

Information that comes in now that connects to the past in some way will be what to follow up on. This is good for business communications that require give-and-take and CLOSING THE DEAL. Mercury is in Libra and wants everyone to just "get along" and act fairly. Kindness matters and works, too. Conversations with authority figures can go well.

If you need to make a decision now rely on your past experiences and think long-term.

This is great energy for writing projects. 

The Moon is in sensitive Cancer and at its last quarter - if we can avoid taking serious information too personally and think before we speak - our words can make real headway. This is also a good day for communicating calmly with siblings or local neighborhood (Mercury) situations (especially older situations that are keeping us detached from other people) and making real progress.

xo all

Mars Square Saturn | what we resist persists, slowing this freight train down, roadblocks, feeling over-burdened, judgements, doing our best with what we have, wonder woman vs catwoman, differences are inflated, banging our head against the wall, not a good day for a fight

a cloud dropped by crocodililachrymae

Today, we have Mars (in Virgo) squaring Saturn (in Sagittarius) at 22 degrees.

This is our energy/initiative - what we are doing to get what we want (remember Mars is just coming off his dance with Venus) - hitting an obstacle. We talked about this for the last couple weeks. Something is restricting our actions. Maybe our responsibilities are onerous now. Maybe we need to suppress our anger and we just want to blow up. Think about the California firefighters trying to stop (Saturn) the fire (Mars).

At the least there is frustration here.

Our reactions to differences with other people will be out-of-proportion to what is really happening. Save the heart to heart talks for another day. Things could seem worse than they really are now.

Patience will be required - and we learn patience by practicing patience. The more we try to rush and push the more Saturn will stand firm. There is divine timing with all things - keep that in mind now. Saturnian obstacles turn out to be good things in the long run. They make us stronger. 

If you are procrastinating about something think about why you aren't taking action. Is what you are doing really in line with what you are wanting?

With Saturn we have to think/act long-term. We have to be consistent. We have to get up every morning and put our boots on and trudge off to do our work. Yes, even in the snow and the rain and when we were up all night binge watching Netflix.

We also have Venus inconjunct Uranus - a desire toward something new or different but some kind of impasse with that. And Venus squares Black Moon Lilith - poor Venus is having a very bad day.

Black Moon Lilith though is not only squaring Venus but trining (brakes off) that same Uranus change-maker. The disruptive woman is disruptive on steroids now. Venus in Virgo says be polite, be good, be virtuous, be quiet. Lilith unleashed in Sagittarius says life is big and messy and out of control and I am not going to take this patriarchal/be a good (and quiet) girl bullshit anymore!

We could actually find ourselves in a good girl/bad girl situation with another person now or this could just play out within ourselves. The situation isn't totally black and white though. Both sides have their strong points and their weaknesses and the real story can get lost in the telling of it. Especially if we are shouting. Or not talking at all.

In the end Saturn will win the day. His rules/restrictions/time frames cannot be trampled.  

We will do the work and get through this somehow. We will do the best with what we have. We are getting really good at that.

Don't look too far ahead with anything today. Stuff is changing too fast.

xo all