Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of January 29th - eclipse season! - making our lives rich with purpose, cosmic course correction, what are we nurturing, what needs greater cooperation, breaking repeating cycles, a famous break-up, needs vs wants, mama drama, change, disruption, needing room to breath, the heart of the lion, something is eclipsed out of our life or out of our way

n by lunariya

ECLIPSE WEEK - so get extra rest and stay hydrated! Some of the major aspects for the week ahead are:

January 28th - Mercury square Uranus, Mercury square Eris
January 30th - Venus conjunct South Node opposing North Node
January 31st - Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo/Aquarius (11 degrees), Mercury into Aquarius
February 3rd - Sun conjunct South Node opposing North Node
February 4th - Venus square Jupiter, Mercury sextile Mars

On MONDAY, the Moon is in sensitive Cancer - we could be feeling more emotional. Maybe focused on home and family or real estate/renovation/home business. With an early trine (brakes off) to dreamy Neptune (strong in Pisces) - this would be a good day to make art, be forgiving, be compassionate, meditate, heal or just drift off course with whatever we had planned to do.

Anything that is all left-brain work with little need for imagination is going to be hard going today. The night could bring some disruptions and power plays with the Moon opposing Pluto, but we should be able to put whatever is happening to bed on a good note, if we stay awake until at least 11:38PM EST when the Moon trines benevolent Jupiter.

Keep in mind we are still being influenced by the weekend's square between Mercury (in Sagittarius) and Uranus and Eris (in Aries). This could bring unexpected news/information - some of it could provoke a response. Conversations/communications can be difficult. With Eris involved situations that make us feel "less than" or "left out" will be especially prone to pushing our buttons.

The Sun is in Aquarius now - detach a bit from whatever is happening. Take a breath. This aspect could also bring - innovative ideas, mental distractions, all of us being more prone to blurting out stuff we wouldn't normally say/express. Avoid over-reactions. With Mercury changing signs tomorrow, the conversation is changing anyway - so is what we are saying actually helpful? Maybe it is. Maybe it needs to be said now. But maybe the words can wait to be seeded into more fertile grounds.

On TUESDAY, the Moon (still in Cancer) squares Uranus while we are sleeping - possible disruptions and changes to our normal routine in the a.m. The Moon goes void from 11:40AMEST to 1:53PM EST then moves into attention-seeking, big-hearted Leo. We will need to be noticed, loved and appreciated. We will feel the build-up to tomorrow's BIG Full Moon - if we aren't already feeling it! In the evening the Moon trines (brakes off) Mars. This is a good time to take action on creative projects, play with children, be romantic, take a gamble - have some fun.

Venus (love, money, values, self-esteem, women, beauty) conjuncts the South Node of what we are releasing and opposes our Leo North Node (path forward). Maybe something here about releasing any idealized vision of what something we want or something we think will make us happy should look like. Or letting go of something we used to want/love to free up our hands for something else that is calling to our heart now.

An old love could show up to liberate us. Maybe a woman is saying good-bye.

Something here (Venus/Nodes of Fate) could connect to Saturday, February 3rd, when the Sun lights up this same space.

Tuesday night might be the best night to get out and walk in the Full Moon! Don't miss it!

WEDNESDAY is the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 11 degrees Leo/Aquarius. The Moon is a Blue Moon (second Full Moon of the month), a Super Moon (closer to the earth so appearing larger) AND a Lunar Eclipse (happening on the North/South nodal access). Did I say BIG?! And Mercury moves into Aquarius - making fast-paced Mercury very happy. Watch for a BIG post on Monday.

On THURSDAY, we start the day with a Void Moon - the Moon having finished its journey through Leo as we slept. Not a good morning to start something new or initiate anything we want "something to come of". A good example of this is Obama's second term in office, sworn in during a Void Moon, and now being steadily dismantled by Trump. A good morning for practiced, regular work. Expect a possible curve ball.

The Moon moves into organized and practical Virgo at 2:13PM EST. Good for well-defined work - dotting our i's and crossing our t's - a focus on our health, our pets or co-workers. For the next couple days we are better at dealing with the details of the situation. Our hands are more cooperative for physical projects.

In the evening the Moon squares Mars (traffic?) and then moves on to trine Saturn. Maybe strong emotions surface, maybe we have extra energy. A square from Virgo (Moon) to Sagittarius (Mars) could be tension between what we want/want to do and what we actually have/have to do or what is more practical. The later trine to Saturn (10:21PM EST) looks like responsibility/authority wins this round. We get satisfaction from doing what we have to do/doing a good job. Or maybe we are just worn out and fall asleep.

FRIDAY, may or may not be sunny enough to illuminate the groundhog's shadow (Groundhog Day/Candlemas) - wait, do we want him to see his shadow or don't we?! - but we could feel foggy with the Virgo Moon opposing Neptune in Pisces.

We are more sensitive and able to pick up energies from other people.

Our bad mood could belong to that guy on our left - yes, that guy, the one with those cool aviator sunglasses and the scowl.  

We could want to escape/sleep in/look for something we have lost, but we will most likely have to get to work.

The Moon sextiles Jupiter and trines Pluto in the late evening and Mercury makes some good aspects - making for a good date night or night to socialize with friends.

The weekend has some important aspects we will talk about in a later post.

Watch for the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse post on Monday! Remember days are when aspects are most exact, but events can transpire as the planets move into aspect and separate, too.

xo all

Weekend Astrology Forecast for Creatives | many irons in the fire, stay flexible, social until we aren't, holing up, unexpected news/information, words will not want to be contained, misunderstandings lead to arguments - eclipse countdown

.harekat by caspell

Let's start our look at the weekend with a gander (yes, I say things like gander now, I blame Saturn) at Friday.

The Moon is void until 12:40PM EST and then moves into busy/verbal Gemini (for approx the next 2 days). Mars made his move earlier in the day into Sagittarius (for approx the next 2 months). See Friday in the weekly HERE for more info on that.

Mars in Sagittarius (he hasn't been here in a couple years) will have us looking for adventure over the next two months. Taking action that expands us. Pushed (in our search for the truth) to confront stuff that doesn't line up with our worldview so that our worldview can widen. Sagittarius rules our big-picture beliefs which have a way of becoming actively more inclusive with Mars here.

Hopefully the truth changes us, rather than us changing the truth!

With Mars in Sagittarius - opportunity (Sagittarius) is generated through action, initiative and courage (Mars). Action (Mars) creates optimism (Sagittarius). 

For today, this afternoon - not so much in the morning, we will likely be busy. People (yes, this includes us) might be loud and opinionated. Clients could be demanding. Gemini Moon days fly by. The Moon begins to trine the Sun (in Aquarius) later in the day which is good energy for mixing it up with other people. Conversations should be lively.

Saturday's energy could be hard for anyone needing to make a firm decision or focus on something specific as Gemini tends to be all over the place.

It's good for commerce, talks, meetings, short trips. It's a good time to catch up with other people and talk to anyone we need to talk to 

before the Moon moves into Cancer on Sunday and we head back into hibernation/home for a couple days.

So good for brief and breezy exchanges of information, not the deep study/research of anything.

Since the weekend is a good time to be social and chit-chat, frustrations could arise if we try to resolve any complicated, important issues now - hopefully since it's the weekend that won't be on our agenda anyway! 

The BIG weekend news is the square/challenge between Mercury (uber active this week with news and information) and change-maker Uranus.

We had the Sun and Venus square Uranus two weekends ago, so there could be a connection with something from that time.

Stay open for changes to your plans and unexpected news/information. 

Open your mind to new ideas. 

We are easily distracted - other people could be, too, and let us down. 

We could say/hear something unexpected. 

Something unexpected could happen with a sibling. 

Double check written communications before hitting send and double think what you are about to say before blurting something out. 

Forgive others their inappropriate blurting (words will not want to be contained!) - keep in mind they do not have the benefit of astrology that you do! 

Misunderstandings could lead to arguments.

Mercury moves from Capricorn to Aquarius on January 31st (the same day as the eclipse!) so the conversation is preparing to shift anyway.

Next week, kicks off the first eclipse season of 2018 with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo (11 degrees) next Wednesday.

This is the book-end to the so-called Great American Solar Eclipse from last August and the culmination of whatever we started at the New Moon at the beginning of this month. I'll write a big post this weekend. With a retrograde Ceres conjunct the Moon - themes of nurturing, mothers, closing out 'a season' of our lives will play a part, too.

Some of the Capricorn heaviness of early to mid January has lifted but with both Pluto (through 2024) and Saturn (through 2020) settled into this serious sign of winter for a nice, long stay we might have to get a little comfortable with discomfort. The good news is with Saturn the ruler of our Capricorn house anyway - whatever area of life we are now saddled with 'achievement through hard work' will be an area we are perfectly equipped to do the heavy lifting. Don't toss your back out though - with Saturn holding so many cards, life is a marathon, not a sprint.

Back this weekend with the Full Moon post and a look at some big picture stuff!

xo all

Mercury Conjunct Pluto | the power of information, secrets are revealed, deep conversations, solutions, decisions, words come up and out, psychic communications, announcements, lucrative ideas

Complicated Relationship 2 by dim-baida
Since 2008, Mercury has been bumping into Pluto, and maybe even more importantly, moving past Pluto, once a year during Mercury's travels through serious-minded, ambitious Capricorn.

If you were born with these two planets sitting together (think Michael Jackson, Tim Burton and Robin Williams) you would have an intense need to communicate.

Mercury in Capricorn grounds our thinking and our language. We are held responsible for the words that come out of our mouth and the thoughts we put into our heads. We set verbal limits. We say, "no". Facts matter. Flowery speech isn't so much appreciated now, just cut to the chase.

(When my car broke down last week I called AAA. I was worried the driver wouldn't be able to get to whatever part of my car he needed to get to since I had coasted it into a weird, tight spot in my driveway during its death-march. I went out to meet him to tell him I would help him push it and to give him my insurance card, etc.

He said, "I know they tell you I need your paperwork, but I really don't. And I can get to your car, no problem. I will have it out of here in three minutes. You just go back inside where it's warm. I've got this."

I would have married this guy on the spot if I hadn't already been married. And actually when hubs came home and tossed his snowy boots on the bathroom floor a couple hours later, I debated trying to find the guy.

I think this is how good it feels to hear someone say, "I've got this" during Capricorn season when we can most appreciate it.

Hubs has now said this to me about 100 times since I told him this story and confessed to my unrequited love for the tow truck driver.

"Can you pick up dog food on the way home?"

"Of course, I can. Don't worry about a thing. Consider the dog food in the bowl. I've got this" - ack!)

Anyhoo, this is the Mercury - picture the serious reporter with the pencil behind his ear and his fingertips on the typewriter getting the important story out because he is doing his job - who meets up with Pluto today giving Pluto (transformation) a voice.  

Words will really deliver a punch now. Maybe even a knock-out blow. Keep this in mind.

This is good energy to verbalize something we have been carrying inside.

Now we are people dealing with other people here, so if we are the ones tasked with delivering a hard message, let's choose our words carefully then let's take responsibility for the other person's reaction. Even when we think it's "not our job". Maybe it is this time.

Secrets get spilled. Verbal explosions are also possible. What we do in the dark (Pluto) could be talked about (Mercury).

Words (Mercury) can be manipulative (Pluto). Thoughts (Mercury) compulsive (Pluto). An idea/conversation (Mercury) could become an obsession (Pluto).

Anything less than total honesty will have us twisting in a tangled web.

Maybe there is a conversation (Mercury) about other people's resources (Pluto).

Maybe a financial decision is made. Maybe a contract is signed

(keep in mind we might think we are signing in blue ink, but with both these energies answering to ironclad Saturn, we are actually signing commitments now in blood - don't stand up too quickly unless you are offered orange juice).

The best use of this energy is a deep mental cleaning. What needs to be said? Who needs to be heard? What words can be put to bed ... forever. Maybe let's start with our inbox. Let's clear that out.

The Moon begins the day (void until 8:30AM EST) in Aries moving off a conjunction to Uranus so Wednesday could kick off with an emotional roller coaster ride. Then she moves into "let's get comfortable" Taurus after lunch and reaches her First Quarter at 5:20PM EST with a square to our Aquarius Sun and then goes on to square Venus a bit later tonight. Fixed squares might have us digging in our heels. No one wants to budge. Intentions/goals set during last week's New Moon will meet their first obstacles now. Time to grow past them. Time to adjust.

xo all

Keep in mind the Mercury conjunction is exact today but has been building for a couple days and then spends a couple days unwinding itself and also see the weekly HERE because Mercury still has a few more stops before he/she is through here.