Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of April 9th - part II

The Storm by Spiegellicht
The forecast for most of the week is HERE.

I thought instead of editing that post to include the end of the week I would just pop up a second post. I try to do a weekend forecast on Friday morning, but I thought this week's storyline, that feeds into the weekend, probably needed to be posted sooner.

I will do a New Moon forecast by sign later in the week.

Let's get back to the week ahead.

We begin FRIDAY with the Moon in dreamy, sensitive Pisces. She sextiles Pluto and then goes on to trine Jupiter (retrograde in Scorpio and answering to Pluto) - all before breakfast.

The Moon goes void at 7:27AM EDT off that Jupiter trine. The Moon is void until 11:25PM EDT when she moves into Aries.

So, Friday is not a good day to start anything new or launch anything into the world we want "something to come of" - maybe a good day to mail that tax return although Mercury is still retrograde so that could be debatable!

It is excellent energy - what better than a Balsamic Moon in Pisces! - for meditation, prayer, forgiveness, release.

It would also be a good day with that last aspect Jupiter trine to do promotional work, media, travel, teaching, deal with existing legal issues - any Jupiterian theme we started prior to March 8th.

Friday's energy starts the build-up toward Saturday's powerful Pluto/Jupiter sextile and Sunday's New Moon in Aries and Mercury's station.

We could be dealing with Piscean themes - healing, art, spirituality, endings - Scorpian themes - finances, loans, taxes, sex, reproduction, divorce, death, rebirth, intimacy - and/or our goals, career, authority situations.

With the Moon hitting Chiron at the last degree of Pisces - there could be something heavy or painful or that has us feeling emotionally vulnerable now. We, and other people, could be very sensitive - keep this in mind. Maybe something here about wounded-women or a mother-wound or something painful around not belonging or not fitting in. This is a transit. It is transitory. Feel it. Thank it for its message. Let it go.

While we sleep on SATURDAY, Jupiter moves into sextile (opportunity) with Pluto. Now we will see what this week's power plays have amounted to.

This is an important three-peat aspect.

We had this first on January 15th at 19 degrees Scorpio/Capricorn, then today at 21 degrees with Jupiter retrograde and then the final sextile will be on September 12th at 18 degrees with Pluto retrograde.

These sextiles will most strongly impact those with planets/points around those degrees.

This is about DEEP change. Fortune favors the bold with this one. Jupiter is expanding Pluto's power. Someone is making a big, bold move. There is opportunity here, but we will have to confidently act on it. This could be about our beliefs about what is possible.

Remember Jupiter is retrograde so this is still re-vision energy. This is about going back over an old opportunity or clarifying/adjusting what has happened since January.

What did you have going on around the middle of January the first time these two mega-energies danced together in Scorpio/Capricorn?

On SUNDAY Mercury stations direct (YAY!) at 4 degrees Aries. What have we learned since he/she stationed retrograde back on March 22nd?

Mercury will not start walking totally new territory until May 4th, but today's station at the time of a New Moon pretty much guarantees that whatever this retrograde has been about for us - NOW WE KNOW.

We have had plenty of time to re-do/re-work any impulsive plans or re-mediate any reckless language. Hopefully this has been time well-spent. We know we are older now, best to be a bit wiser, too.

Keep in mind Mercury still has that final square with Saturn (wall, rule, limit) - this time with Mercury direct and Saturn retrograde on the 25th.

At the same time we have the big New Moon in Aries conjunct "anything-can-happen" Uranus. I will do a post about this one, but wanted to put it into context with the rest of the week because the New Moon's shock and awe will be connected to the Pluto square the Sun we talked about HERE for Tuesday and Wednesday.

We will talk about the New Moon by sign in the next post.

What has changed in your life since Uranus entered Aries in 2011? Probably alot! The next few weeks will be our last push for more of that before Uranus moves into Taurus on May 15th.

Remember I am writing about aspects when they are exact, they are in play as they build and release, so events might not happen exactly on the days mentioned.

xo all

I will get back to our Trump series this week, too. This New Moon is conjunct Uranus (when I write Uranus just think Trump!) so he is likely to make a big move or be a catalyst for something explosive this week. Having a New Moon conjunct Uranus means in 6 months we will have a Full Moon (October 24th) conjunct Uranus, so anything he does now will likely reach a peak/conclusion then.

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of April 9th - transformative challenges, self-created crisis to learn how powerful we are, a darth vader projection, love, opportunity, potential, surrender, slips through our fingers, the run up to the New Moon blast-off

Crystal by asalisinasa

On SUNDAY we had the last quarter Moon - the waning square to the Sun - at 18 degrees in serious and ambitious Capricorn (Sun in Aries). Last quarter moons are different from first quarter Moons. It is still a time of stress/tension regarding choices - but now the seduction is to hold onto something that is ripe for release.

Maybe from habit or a need to stick with what we started - but there is something here now that is 'past its sell-by-date'. Something that has come as far as it can go. The tricky part can be recognizing it. The other tricky part is letting the energies complete and pull you back into yourself.

Capricorn can lure us into the past, back to old ways of doing things - old rules, old judgements, old crutches and burdens. And we have Pluto in Capricorn digging through the sludge, so this is not a comfortable journey. The Moon can shine a light on the discomfort here.

We have a bold New Moon conjunct Uranus in just seven days - we don't want to be carrying this old Capricorn/Saturnian fear into the New Moon's fresh start energy.

What burden can be laid down now?

Pace yourself.

On MONDAY, the Moon (she moved into Aquarius last night) will sextile - opportunity - Mercury in Aries in the late afternoon (3:16PM EDT). This is good energy for business and for communicating with other people including your groups and causes. We should be able to detach, really listen, be a little more articulate and not take things so personally. Diverse opinions/ideas are supported and will advance whatever we have going on.

On TUESDAY/WEDNESDAY, the Aries Sun squares Pluto (in Capricorn - we said this month was going to be all about Aries-Capricorn!).

This aspect makes me think of Darth Vader. It makes me think of earthquakes. Challenges and power struggles are likely. With Pluto/Sun squares this is about transforming some aspect of ourselves via tension/crisis. And the crisis is somehow self-created and self-perpetuated. Or maybe we are up against forces greater than ourselves - more powerful. Or maybe we are doing battle with a Scorpio person or situation (financial, sexual, life/death) - this would have to do with the hidden Scorpio in us we are projecting onto them, so we have to deal/work with it!

With Pluto (ruler of the 8th house) there is always stuff happening that we cannot see - so we don't know what we don't know here.

At the same time Jupiter (retrograde in Scorpio) is inconjunct - that rock and a hard place - that same Aries Sun. Mercury is deep in the final days of her retrograde journey through Aries. Whatever we are going 'back over' or re-fining through re-duction requires additional work. Jupiter can make any situation look bigger - sometimes better - than it actually is. Are we taking on too much?

In general we will be dealing with Plutonian situations - fireballs - finances, sex, intimacy, death/rebirth, reproduction, fertility (birthing struggles), 3rd party situations, power struggles, compulsions, obsessions, manipulations and the themes of our personal CAPRICORN and SCORPIO houses.

These energies can bring us into contact with incredible stamina - a kind of all-or-nothing Scorpio resolve. We just need to be sure (and with Mercury/Jupiter retrograde it is hard to be sure) we know what we are really fighting for/struggling with here or we could shoot ourselves in the foot. Win the battle, lose the war kind of thing.

EXAMPLE FOR AQUARIUS/Aquarius Rising - This is about your 3rd house (Sun in Aries) - communication, information, writing, siblings, transportation or some situation in your local neighborhood. There could be a verbal power struggle, maybe an argument. Maybe something contractual. And your 10th house (career/big life goals/public life - Pluto in Capricorn) - and yes, these could be two different things, but they will interconnect somehow. There is something behind-the-scenes you need to adjust to. Keep in mind that later in the week Jupiter and Pluto are going to form an opportunistic sextile as you take another look at something or clarify/re-assess it. This is all about a new public ambition or career goal you are moving forward. Your big dream still needs a few more tweaks. When Mercury moves direct at the time of the Aries New Moon conjunct Uranus at the end of the week you will likely get some surprising new information/decision/answer. This could be about the stuff that is happening behind the scenes earlier in the week. Stay flexible and able to adjust your goals to the facts/what is actually real right now.

Also on TUESDAY, Venus (love, money, women, beauty, self-esteem, our values and resources) trines - brakes off! - her lover-boy Mars. 

Venus is fat and happy in Taurus. Mars is lean and mean in Capricorn. To have these two working together is - how does Martha say it? - "a VERY GOOD THING". 

Our wants and what we do to get what we want are working together. This is good/great manifestation energy. Good for relationships. Maybe that thing we want moves a little bit closer as we attract it/take action

The Moon goes void on Tuesday at 12:06PM EDT for the rest of the day.

On THURSDAY, the Moon is in watery Pisces. We are more sensitive now - this began yesterday - and open to more subtle vibrations. 

Venus sextiles Neptune. This is smooth sailing. This is a healing, gentle touch. This is good shopping energy, good for beautification projects. GOOD DATE NIGHT. You could meet a dreamy eyed Pisces who will ply you with flowers and sweet talk. Let him/her.

Something should fall into place now or slip through our fingers.

If something ends now - it is meant to end. 

The blow should be cushioned; the fall into a bed stuffed with feathers. Maybe this is just because we are worn out from the battle (!), but whatever this is, if something ends now - it was always meant to end now. 

The journey to this point has BEEN THE POINT. Let it go. It is time. The 'opportunity' here comes through surrender.  

And, of course, as smoothly as something slips away something could slip into place, too - maybe a financial, relationship dream.

Know that whichever way the waters run for you now we are all playing a long game. We all win in the end. And if we are not winning, it's not the end. We've got this thing.

EXAMPLE for VIRGO/Virgo Rising - your Venus story this week plays out through your 9th and 5th houses - travel, higher education, weddings, politics, legal issues, the media, publishing, foreigners, everything outside your comfort zone, exploration, your beliefs and higher thinking and creative projects, your self-expression, what you give birth to, children, romance and recreation. The trine (brakes off) between Venus (what you want) and Mars (what you do to get what you want) tells you your creative applications geared toward moving your life outside your comfort zone are where you want to apply your efforts now. This is your best chance of success. Your assurance/courage increases as you journey forward through these energies. Neptune's sextile through your partnership house (Pisces) speaks of an opportunity now for a smoother, maybe more spiritual, connection with a partner or a partner's faith in you and their tender support (healing energy) for whatever is happening.

The BIG news and new adventure for all of us kicks off this coming weekend at the New Moon plus the high point of the month is on Saturday as Jupiter sextiles Pluto - for the 2nd of 3 times this year!

I will be back to finish out the week later today (time to make the lockets and I need some acupuncture on my shoulder/elbow this morning) and then will do a big New Moon post by sign later in the week. 

Note the Moon is Void ALL DAY Friday.

This looks like a week with many twists and turns. It is perfectly timed foreplay for the fresh start that begins at the end of the week!

xo all