Mars Conjunct Pluto | something's gonna blow, focus like a laser beam

Beneath the Water Lily by Christine-Muraton

We knew when Mars (how we get what we want, our will, action, initiative, anger) entered Capricorn back on March 17th that at some point during his Capricorn journey - since Saturn is hanging here until the end of 2020 and Pluto is hanging here from 2008-2024 - we knew our hero would have to face Saturn and Pluto. Although they are not together yet, thankfully.

He hit Saturn (obstacle, wall, limit, authority) back on April 2nd.

Today is the day he (as we) runs into a retrograde Pluto (transformation, life/death, rebirth, power, control). This energy has been in play for a few days - you may have already felt this - and will continue to be in play until early May. Since these bad boys are squaring Eris, too - this energy is even more potent.

Mars' Capricorn transit started within hours of his square (in Sagittarius) to the New Moon in vulnerable, compassionate Pisces - so we have been coming at this period from a place of weakness - we kind of started this leg of our journey on our knees.

At the same time we have had Mercury back and forth through Aries for weeks squaring this whole thing. Ugh! Indecision, roadblocks, frustration.

By Saturday both Mars (by conjunction) and Mercury (by square) will have moved past Saturn's obstacles. This doesn't mean we got what we wanted, although surely some people did. And we might not know what we are doing or going to do, but we probably know what isn't working by now.

If we can't have it, we know we can't have it.

Saturn is karmic so in some way these obstacles are the 'effects' of causes we ourselves set into motion. Maybe recently. Maybe long ago. Maybe long, long ago. Maybe in other lifetimes - our other lifetimes and our ancestors' lifetimes because we carry their energy and their stories forward.

Now, after finding out/and working through what we can't have - what we can't go back and redo - our limit here - here is Pluto.

Running into Pluto isn't like running into Saturn. This isn't a wall. This is more like a box of dynamite waiting for our angry, impatient Mars, who just happens to be the man with the match.

Our will (Mars) merges with the ultimate power (Pluto). As you can imagine this can be very potent destruction. Something is going down. This can be a good thing or a not-so-good thing.

This could play out in our lives with an argument as tempers flare around control issues.

People (including us) will be tempted to use drastic measures to get what they want. Think "the nuclear option" as a metaphor for whatever lies within Mars/Pluto potential.

We have the knowledge and power of astrology to see what is happening - to use our power for good. If something we are doing smells even slightly of manipulation or revenge or compulsion, stop, think that action through. Be certain of your motivation. Be awake.

I wrote about today's energy HERE - see Thursday. It might be hard not to get caught up in the heat of the moment. Think about that angry man (who doesn't even know he's an angry man) coming upon that box of dynamite. And we are also that box of dynamite (who doesn't know she's a box of dynamite) seducing that angry man. This is all going on inside us and in our personal world and in the collective.

We can choose to go higher and use this energy is healthy ways. And it is probably best to do something with this, rather than leaving it for other people to act out around us or upon us.

This is good energy for any project we need extreme focus, strength and ambition. This is good destruction energy. What needs to be broken down?

If we find ourselves angry today - go deeper with the feeling. What is this anger really about?

Our Mars journey through Capricorn doesn't end here. Mars will square Mercury on May 12th and then on May 16th Mars will move into Aquarius - where he will start answering to Uranus and Saturn. Uranus will be freshly minted in Taurus (and yes, this information sounds very similar to the Mercury information from yesterday MID-MAY is GOING TO BE HUGE) so Mars will be squaring him.

There will be break-throughs and breakdowns. We will talk about this more as we move through it.

For today - this is the serial/cereal killer energy (not a coincidence the Golden State Killer has finally been caught and by DNA with both Saturn and Pluto retrograde) we talked about the other day. It was only by virtue of my having procrastinated both grocery shopping and dishwasher 'button pushing' that I was unable to take out the entire neighborhood.

And we are building toward this weekend's HUGE "die or be reborn" Full Moon in Scorpio (ruled by Pluto)!

April has been uber challenging for many people - lots of stuff happening with maybe not much headway on the physical plane to show for all our toils in the end, but MASSIVE movement underneath if we are awake enough to feel how far we have come. 

So don't forget the Taurus Sun - take care of yourself, get your hands in the dirt, get a massage, prepare a meal with ingredients that have touched the Earth. This will balance us now.

xo all

There is also something in the energy here about a 'gracious defeat'. About not being a sore loser. About the way we handle things when we don't get 'our way'. The way we handle any need to throw up a white flag will be the energy that seeds the ground our next battle is fought upon. We have many, many wins ahead of us folks. We are playing the long game. In the grand scheme of things we aren't all that many years from the sandbox where we first learned to keep our cool (or not) when little Susie got the red shovel we wanted and took her victory lap around the playground. Do we lay in wait for our revenge (like the box of dynamite)? Or do we move on and go play on the swings. It's our choice.

Mercury Square Saturn | hard to think straight, writer's block, hitting the wall, frustration, words falling on deaf ears, tongues are tied up or should be, narrow mindedness

My Personal Silence by Natalia Deprina

Today (and this has been in play for a couple days and then will take a couple more days to unwind) we have Mercury (in Aries) squaring Saturn (in Capricorn) at 9 degrees.

This entire month seems like it has been Aries vs Capricorn - some kind of hurry up and wait thing - wanting to GO, wanting/having to STOP or wait or be sure. 

We had the first square (tension/challenge/frustration) between these two planets on March 11th, the second when Mercury was retrograde on April 4th and now the final square with Saturn retrograde.

Our communication/idea/sibling issue/transportation issue/Aries natal house issue hits the Saturnian wall/rule/limit/authority/responsibility.

With Saturn retrograde this is probably not a new issue - at least the Saturnian part isn't.

Mercury/Saturn is a tongue-tied aspect. We could say the wrong thing now or misinterpret what someone else is saying - keep this in mind. This makes me think we need to know what we are talking about.

It makes me think of loose lips sinking ships and tight lips making our heads explode.

It makes me think of trouble with authority. Trouble with rules. Trouble pushing our own agenda forward via language. Maybe stop signs involving a lack of credentials.

And remember we are Saturn, too - it could just as easily be a younger person/newer idea wanting to speed past us that we are putting the brakes on. We could be stopping ourselves because we just don't know what the hell to do or say or think.

We could hear a "NO" now.

We could say "NO" or be the one making a firm decision. Facts could be delivered that might not be to our liking, but keep in mind this is the FINAL square.  

Mercury is moving past Saturn after this. And then he is on a collision course with change-maker Uranus!

We may not be walking away from the table with exactly what we wanted here, but with Mars (action, initiative, anger, independence) meeting Pluto (transformation, life/death) in this SAME Capricorn house on Thursday - this energy is already in play now and continues in play until early May - changes/progress will come through our ability to keep moving forward.

On May 13th, Mercury (at 29 degrees Aries) will conjunct "anything-can-happen" future-focused Uranus and then finally (due to her/his retrograde Mercury was in Aries a long time) leave Aries for Taurus. And yes, that is just two days before Uranus leaves Aries for Taurus, too. There will be some kind of money/resources/values WAKE UP CALL coming in then. We will be required to answer the phone - start right now envisioning the Publisher's Clearing House guy with the balloons and the check.

In the meantime, if that rock we are trying to push up that hill keeps rolling back down and smashing us in the face it might be the time to put that particular rock (ie problem/situation) to the side for a bit. Ruminating/worrying won't help. Over-thinking, thinking too far ahead won't help. Talking it out could lead to arguments. Squares are tension points, but without them we would never get anywhere that really matters. No one said this was going to be easy.

So, on one hand maybe that rock is just not going up that hill.

On the other hand Mercury is going to move past Saturn (that hill). And it's not like Saturn (the hill) is chasing after Mercury. Mercury will be long gone before Saturn gets back to these degrees and Mercury is just a couple weeks from his meeting with revolutionary Uranus, so things that seem good and solid are not so good and solid.

Maybe we need this rock at the bottom of the hill. Maybe we can climb the hill faster without the rock. Maybe the rock isn't the problem, maybe we want to try climbing another hill. Maybe our rock is being turned into a diamond with all this pressure. 

For now, instead of trying to talk it out which will probably lead to angry words and frustration - or think it out - our brain is in a vise right now - it might be better to just step away from the situation and go and do something else.

Let the square unwind a bit. You know how a solution can suddenly come to you when you are doing something else. It could be something like that.

There could be an ending now. We might have taken an idea as far as it is going to go and we can see that now. It might not be the kind of ending the storybook would label as "happily ever after", but it will free up our focus in the long run. Mercury is the fleet-footed messenger and this is a fast transit. This will be in our rearview mirror in no time at all. We can count on that.

For now. Treat language as sacred. Mercury/Saturn speaks of karma and contracts and we want to be clear on what we are getting ourselves into. Commitments made now will not be unwound easily. 

This is excellent energy to get clear on our intentions.

Just keep moving. We are playing the long game now.

xo all

Mercury also rules siblings and transportation - which sounds random but really isn't.

DRIVE SAFELY. Avoid eye contact with that crazy driver tailgating you. Simply pull over and let him pass. We are Saturn, too.