Jupiter trine Neptune, Pluto trine Mercury | slippery slopes, healing energy, news, what have we been neglecting, meditation, release

untitled by oprisco

Let's start with the Jupiter/Neptune because this is a repeating aspect this year. Astrology is the study of patterns and archetypes, repeating aspects should have our attention.

These two planets are trining each other on December 2, 2017 at 11 degrees, today at 16 degrees (with Neptune exactly on my natal Jupiter and exactly squaring my natal Neptune) and finally on August 19th at 15 degrees.

The brakes are off between our Scorpio (Jupiter) and Pisces (Neptune) natal houses. What are their themes in your natal chart?

In my chart this is happening between my 1st and 4th houses - so this would be my physical body (and I am sick) and my home/family/roots (where I have alot going on and my plumbing is leaking in multiple places - so appropriate, and I wouldn't be surprised if the ancestors of that thousand ant colony that walked into my kitchen last year make an appearance).

Jupiter stretches our boundaries and then Neptune dissolves them. 

This can be a very good thing where we fall right into something WONDERFUL

or something like quicksand and we are very quickly submerged, all depending on what we have going on in our life and how closely this is hitting our planets/points.

This is excellent healing energy. This is excellent "dream come true" energy. We are manifesting through our emotions now.

With Jupiter in Scorpio though we just need to be sure this is a positive dream and not an obsession/addiction because it could be hard to see the difference now. 

We can more easily connect with collective consciousness. This is excellent energy for meditation - to take care of ourselves. With Uranus in Taurus now - our health (especially our self-esteem) really will be our wealth.

Connect with nature. Get into water.

If you have someone in your life prone to addiction, this is tricky energy for that - reach out to them now - connection heals addiction. Our own addictions/escapisms could become more visible.

If we have to push we are moving against the currents today. Let it be. The "no limits" comes through faith now. Trust.

Jupiter and Neptune are going to trine benefic Venus late next week - something with that home/family/security situation is going to slide into place. Is this a good thing?

We might find ourselves getting (once again) what we don't want. 

Trines are closed circuits - the brakes are released, yes, but only between two (or three next week with the Grand Trine) specific points. 

This one is in water (Scorpio/Pisces) so we are dealing with our emotional/intuitive energy. 

If the loop is healthy, with Jupiter/Neptune, it will expand in healthy ways, and we will feel that. 

If it's unhealthy we will feel that, too. The trine allows us the uncomfortable gift of unraveling something and letting it GO.

(I am feeling sick and "full" and so is my home/family right now and this is happening on multiple levels - it is not a coincidence I have been obsessing on ancestry.com and did the 'help a family member when my help wasn't requested' thing I used to do, but thought I had stopped doing and caught this bug doing it - the "savior" complex I use to keep myself separated from other people and create situations where I get to "lose" and get to "avoid" my own stuff at the same time - yippee me - plus I have been needing to move for YEARS - I think this house is sick of me)

Trines remove roadblocks. If the roadblock IS the problem, then great, things improve. Things slide into place. If the roadblock has been holding the problem at bay - things might appear to grow worse, but really it is a closed loop and we can only deal with what is already in here.

While we have the trine energy, working to remove the block - forgiveness, compassion, etc -  is VERY helpful, especially knowing we have that Grand Water Trine with beneficial Venus approaching!

We also have Mercury (in stable Taurus) trining Pluto (in stable Capricorn).

If the Mercury energy is hitting your chart there will be news/communications/decisions made involving goals/career/authority issues. 

There could also be a dealing with a woman or about love, money or beauty themes likely tied to the home, real estate, renovation, family, parent, security issue - look for a turning point.

If something about our material life has been neglected - we don't balance the books and bounce a check now, etc - we will know about it. We are required to deal with this. This is another trine - brakes off - another closed loop. Although it might look like something is coming from outside of us really we are only dealing with what we have already put in here.

And with Venus building toward her opposition to Saturn - exact tomorrow - we can tell alot about our lives, and about ourselves, by what we have, and don't have, going on right now.

xo all

today's energy is powerful manifestation energy - our words and our emotions/intuition connecting us to collective consciousness, to fate - even if you do not meditate regularly today would be a good day for something like this - anything that feels like CLEARING THE SLATE is helpful, too.

Grand Air Trine | use your words

more than wanted by muszka

Today, we have the Sun trining the Moon (Gemini/Libra) and the Sun trining Mars (Gemini/Aquarius) and the Moon trining Mars (Libra/Aquarius). That's alot of released brakes in air signs making this a good time to do what air signs do best -

communicate, ask questions, gather information, think things through, plan, detach, network, be CURIOUS, connect with other people, write it down, listen, send the email, get the word out, WORK THINGS OUT between people using our words.

Air wants to move - the information needs to come out

Get busy!

Trines are so smooth we might not even notice the things that are falling into place, but something is. With Mars involved some action/passion on our part will be required.

Venus is starting to move into her square with Saturn, so this is probably not about us getting everything we want ... at least not just yet. Saturn is presenting a limit, a responsibility, an authority figure - with Venus in Cancer - this could be about a home, family, safety, security, home business, real estate, renovation, parental/mother matter.

Alot of the activity now is connecting us back to whatever it was we committed to in January and what we do with the energy now will help determine what we have to work with in August. Right now Venus and Mars are like two people between a rock and a hard place. Come August they will be brakes off, too. But we have to take some action now, make some decision about WHAT WE WANT so we can make use of the energy that slides into place then.

And yes, there is a whole lot of road between May and August. We will travel it together people!

We have only a few more months with the North Node - our way forward - in heart-centered Leo. If we still don't know what we want it is likely to become very clear to us.

Also keep in mind Mars is walking degrees he (as we) is going to walk again while retrograde and then a third time moving forward. The stuff that we have going on now, the stuff we are DOING, matters because we will be going back over it. I will do a post by sign about Mars upcoming retrograde in Aquarius because it is going to be important.

We are going to have seven planets (including Chiron) retrograde at the same time this summer - to say things are NOT going to be full steam ahead would be putting it mildly.

For now, keep your attention on what is working. 

xo all

Jupiter opposite Mercury, Sun trine Mars | is there an answer here somewhere? when mental stuff is making us mental, we know what to do or will by the end of the week or maybe I just think we know what to do, trust seuss

The Wine Box by xBassxHarmingx

Today we have Mercury (communications, information, ideas, the metaphorical trees), at 16 degrees Taurus, opposing Jupiter (expansion, the metaphorical forest, sometimes luck), retrograde at 16 degrees Scorpio.

This could be a time of greater optimism and greater confidence. Maybe we are thinking (Mercury) big (Jupiter). We could feel more social. Our words more enthusiastic (and less practical).

Our ideas bigger and bolder now ...

maybe bigger than our wallets, our resources, the time we have available.

Because remember this is an opposition.

We are looking at the trees, but the forest is pressing in on us, too. Or we are looking at the forest and a tree branch hits us in the eye. We might have misinterpreted something because we have been glossing over the facts and now here they are and we can't not see them. We could have over-promised and now that is biting us in the butt. We could easily over-promise now.

We (or someone else) could be all talk and no action.

Mars in "let's just over-think this whole damn thing" and/or "I know it all" Aquarius won't be much help. Mars could be procrastinating here or just as likely, and just as unwisely, pushing forward ANYWAY.

Reality can be challenging now - we are just a day or two past the first quarter square from that big New Moon and we have moved into Gemini season. Options are in-flux, but to keep looking for more and more information will just make us more a part of a world gone completely mad with data.

We know what we know. What we know is enough.

(I sound a bit like Seuss somehow, don't I?)

It's time to adjust. 

And with Mercury in Taurus - what we own - we could be talking about important stuff now.

Of course, with Jupiter doing his retrograde thing in deep, dark Scorpio - if we have been focused like a laser beam and working on narrowing our sh*t down, the best use of those energies, this could be the time we make a decision, have one of Oprah's "aha" moments. AHA!

The temptation to expand too much or share too much or promise too much or think too much or say too much or SIGN OUR LIFE AWAY would be tempered by Scorpio's narrowing of Jupiter's lens. I hope for your sake, you have been down there with the pen light I suggested weeks ago and not a big old spotlight like I have, not often being one to take my own advice.

The more focused we have been the more this energy will be expansive and helpful. We can see the forest through the trees now.

More good news (or news to make us even more over-the-top) the Gemini Sun is trining (brakes off) Mars (in Aquarius).

Maybe here is the part where we know (Mercury) what we are doing (Mars).

The opposition to Jupiter makes me a bit wary of saying this because I could be exaggerating the importance of the trine and ignoring the opposition!

I don't have any answers because I have been wielding the spotlight folks. I see too much. If that is you, drill down to the stuff at the bottom of the pile. It will be the uncomfortable stuff you don't want to look at. Like the bill you forgot about that is now DUE and covered up with the junk mail. Also Pluto has been sitting on my Mercury for months. It is hard for me to write good news even when the news might be good. Might. Keep this in mind.

Also Mercury is going to trine Pluto (in serious as a heart-attack) Capricorn - so take whatever you are saying/thinking/SIGNING seriously now. 

xo all

The Moon is void today from 10:55AM EDT until midnight ...there is more about today's energies in the weekly HERE - check Wednesday