Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of September 17th - expect the unexpected, breakthroughs and breakdowns and actual breaks, getting the message/answer, words can hurt, insecurities are triggered, disruptions to agreements, the payment comes due, moving into a season of cooperation and a point of balance

Autumn II by LaylaRouge

This is another big week. And yes, I say this alot but this is still another BIG week!

Let's look at:

TUESDAY - Mars squares Uranus
THURSDAY - Sun conjuncts Mercury
FRIDAY - Mercury enters Libra
SATURDAY - Sun enters Libra, Equinox, Mercury opposes Chiron
SUNDAY - Sun opposes Chiron, Mercury squares Saturn, Mercury trines Mars

Keep in mind the dates listed are when aspects are most exact, but events can occur as they are building or unwinding, so use the dates as a general guideline for anything other than the Moons.

On MONDAY, at 7:07AM EDT the Moon enters Capricorn focusing us on Capricorn themes - our career, work in the world, goals, structure, our fathers - for the next couple days. We are focused on our responsibilities and getting things done.

She trines Uranus at 10:57AM EDT - we are more comfortable with unusual/innovative people or situations. Maybe technology (or astrology!) or our groups feel supportive or allow something to move forward this morning. By 12:25PM EDT the Moon moves into her monthly meeting with sober Saturn bringing structure and organization but also a tendency to be more cautious and inflexible.

NOTE - we only have a few more days with Mercury in Virgo so whatever needs our decisive and practical thinking/planning - get on it. Once Mercury moves into Libra on Friday our thinking (and communications) may be more diplomatic and charming, but also more indecisive.

On TUESDAY, Mars squares Uranus for the third time in four months.

Life is either coming at us or something is coming through us. This is excellent energy for a breakthrough, but also a breakdown so be careful of accidents (I am especially looking at you Virgo risings, but this energy can make all of us klutzy!).

AGAIN this is taking us back to mid-May and early August when these two powerhouses previously squared each other. We had the square with both planets direct, then with Mars retrograde and Uranus direct and now with Uranus retrograde and Mars direct.

Maybe some change has been slowing approaching since May and now here it is. Maybe this is another surprise in a series of shocking surprises. Maybe some story reaches a culmination point now. Abrupt changes and breaks are possible. Because we haven't had Uranus in Taurus for 80 years we cannot rely on past experiences now - WE HAVEN'T BEEN HERE BEFORE, so we don't know what the outcome will be. We don't really know what we are doing! And neither does anyone else!

This would be the time we make some crazy ass move we might (?!) regret later, but more likely, hopefully, since this is the third of a three-peat pattern we can control our own impulsiveness with whatever we are dealing with. Unpredictable anger is totally predictable now.

And keep in mind it is the job of Uranus in Taurus to rattle our security!

At the same time we have had Mars squaring Venus. This is the boys and girls not playing so well together. This is the masculine and the feminine in crisis and under tension.

Life on planet Earth is not for sissies folks.

On WEDNESDAY, the Capricorn Moon makes nice with both Mercury and the Sun (brakes off) - in Earth signs - this is good energy for business communications/conversations, making commitments, finalizing plans, working on something real and tangible. At 1:10PM EDT the Moon goes Void off that trine to the Virgo Sun, so it's a good afternoon to get things done and shine a light on current projects - not a good time to start anything new. 

The Moon moves into Aquarius at 7:52PM EDT. Our attention likely turns to Aquarian themes for the next couple days - our groups/the collective, group activities, our causes, the goals that bring us into connection with other people, the future, technology, liberating change, being uniquely ourselves and moving beyond existing boundaries.

By Wednesday night the Moon is squaring Uranus (in Taurus) and then moves on to conjunct a potentially pissed-off reactive Mars, so not such good energy for interacting with other people. Best advice - stay off Facebook!

On THURSDAY, the Moon squares Venus, so the problems interacting with other people from last night could continue into the morning.

At 9:52PM EDT, Mercury catches up with Sun at 26 degrees Virgo. We have this aspect a few times a year as Mercury tells his/her story. We had this last on August 8th and before that on April 1st. This time we get the stage of the Mercury/Sun cycle that is similar to a Full Moon - something comes to light, to a culmination or to a conclusion.

A light shines on the information. A message comes in. There are facts, yes, real facts and clarity here.

On FRIDAY afternoon, 1:13PM EDT, the Moon goes Void off a square to Jupiter and will be void until SATURDAY morning. If the last couple days have been stressful - remember the Aquarius Moon has us reacting to all the fixed planet placements - maybe make it an early day!

At 11:40PM EDT, Mercury moves from logical Virgo into diplomatic, but indecisive (the problem with being able to see both sides of the story!) Libra.

So, to be successful our words are more polite now. We need to listen. If we want our communications to hit their target we need to make the other person feel listened to.

Conversations become kind of a dance here. We wouldn't tear off our dance partner's trousers and leave them standing there with hands covering their under shorts and last shreds of their dignity.

We wouldn't tell them they are a crappy dancer even when they step on our toes and smudge the tops of our favorite shoes.

A type of kindness and civility prevails on the dance floor. We smile. We talk about the things everyone can agree on. With the floor spinning beneath our feet we still manage to find common ground. That is the energy that moves communications, ideas and conversations forward now.

Mercury is going to fly through Libra (through October 9th) - so expect your natal Libra house theme and the collective Libran theme of our relationships/partnerships to be CRACKLING!

With Mercury in Libra and Libra squaring Capricorn we know Mercury is going to square both Saturn and Pluto over the next few weeks as well as oppose Chiron in Aries. First up will be the opposition to Chiron on SATURDAY (maybe painful news or conversation) and then a square to Saturn on SUNDAY that could bring some kind of written contract/commitment or some limit via a conversation or communication. For some, the upcoming squares could bring sibling/local community/transportation issues.

On SATURDAY, the Moon enters Pisces at 8:27AM EDT making all of us more sensitive and vulnerable over the next couple days, but also more compassionate. Boundaries are thin. Our focus could turn to Piscean themes for the next couple days - what is hidden or put away or done behind the scenes, secrets, the ethereal realms, imagination, hospitals, spirituality, addiction, healing.

The Moon sextiles Uranus (the opportunity comes through the new and unusual and by being ourselves) and Saturn (the opportunity comes through handling our responsibilities and doing the right thing) before mid-afternoon EDT.

At 9:55PM EDT, the Sun moves into Libra bringing us the Fall Equinox a day with an equal balance of daylight and dark.

The Sun begins to fall (weakens) as we move into longer nights and shorter days. It is the opposite down under. The Sun is considered in his detriment in Libra. Libra's focus is on "the other" and the Sun (Leo/ego) wants to focus on himself! In Libra the Sun needs the cooperation and attention of other people to fully develop. 

The Sun in Libra is excellent energy to focus on beauty - where is the beauty in our life?

The Sun immediately joins Mercury in an opposition to Chiron in Aries and the Moon is in emotional Pisces! Ouch! Communications are sensitive. Words can be painful. News/information that comes to light could hit us where it hurts. An insecurity is triggered. 

On SUNDAY at 12:46PM EDT Mercury (in Libra) squares Saturn (in Capricorn). It is hard to communicate with other people/partners. Maybe there are limits to what can be said or news/information that has come in limits what we can do. After this week's reveal of the facts (Mercury/Sun) maybe here is where we deal with what we can't have. This would not be the time to ask someone for a favor. Maybe we are dealing with authority - bottom line we are restricted. The answer is "no".

This energy could also bring us to a solid written contract/commitment or be a relationship (Libra) vs career (Capricorn) issue.

At 1:23PM EDT the Moon conjuncts dreamy Neptune in dreamy Pisces - we want to escape! Great for making art, meditation, healing. Our sensitivity is through the roof. Let's be gentle with each other. We also have the exact Sun opposition to Chiron now - ouch - more reason to be gentle to each other and to ourselves.

Then at 9:23PM EDT Mercury (in Libra) will trine Mars (in Aquarius). This is our words and our actions working together. We have to work within the confines of that Saturn square (the wall), but now the energy comes in to put a cooperative plan to work. Our mind will be active and our tongues sharp, so don't forget the need for Libran balance and diplomacy to move things forward now. With Mars in Aquarius our actions should be new and innovative. They need to be liberating - yes, even with that Saturn square - let's think this thing through! We can do it if we work together.

(and yes, I know I sound like Mrs. Davis your kindergarten teacher - but everything we really need to know we learned in kindergarten anyway, right?)

That about lays out the week. Keep in mind Venus (in Scorpio) is walking degrees she will walk two more times and she is opposing unpredictable/liberating Uranus - in play for most of the rest of the year AND we have never, in our lifetimes (unless we are in our 80's or older) had Uranus in Taurus opposing Venus (ruler of Taurus). AND at the same time she is squaring the North and South Nodes of Fate (karmic situations) and opposing Mars and Mars is moving toward his third direct hit with that South Node next week. There is alot happening here and we can't look to the past to predict the future because we haven't been here before. If we are counting on something Venusian - love, money, values - to work out the way it did before we can't be sure of that. Our trajectory has changed! The good news is things that didn't work before might be worth another try now.

OK, that's it for the weekly. Back with some dailies. Don't let the cray-cray make you too cray-cray. Stay in your magic.

xo all

Astrology Forecast for Creative | today and the weekend ahead - illusions and delusions, use your imagination, take some independent action, exploration, words are powerful

wish we explored by Dark Gomo

We talked some about THURSDAY HERE.

We end the week with alot of Mercury activity - so we will probably be busy with lots of ideas/information/communications.

We have Mercury (home in Virgo) opposing Neptune (home in Pisces).

This would NOT be the time to sign a written contract or make a verbal commitment. We won't have all the facts. Information will shift. Don't make any assumptions. Our rational thinking dissolves or maybe our carefully choreographed something-or-other drifts off course. Best to wait with any major decisions. Mercury is moving fast now and will be out of Neptune's slippery grasp in a couple days.

We also have Mars (in Aquarius) sextiling (opportunity) Chiron (in Aries). There is something here about taking action even when it hurts or taking care of something that hurts with action. 

If we have a physical problem this would be a good time to seek out a new therapy, etc. This would be a good time to try a new tactic/action and to have that action be helpful/healing.

So our brain may be on drugs right now, but our actions - and life can likely use any action we take here - can create a healing opportunity. With Chiron in independent Aries (and answering to Aries ruler Mars in Aquarius) - there probably isn't someone coming along to save us. We are going to have to pull our own ass out of that well. And we are probably going to get out in some kind of unusual manner that is unique to us. Be brave. Do you. Take action from a place that honors yourself. Don't squash anyone else in the process.


We also have Venus (in Scorpio) sextiling (opportunity) Saturn (in Capricorn). Remember the water signs sextile the earth signs which is why we need to have an emotional reaction to create something real and solid and lasting! This is great energy to stabilize (Saturn) a relationship (Venus). This is great energy to stabilize (Saturn) a financial situation (Venus). Money/energy invested now will pay off later. Time put into something we care about now will pay off later.

On FRIDAY, the Moon is Void all day - we haven't had an all-day Void Moon in awhile.

This would not be a good day to start anything new. Not much will come of things that come up, so if you need a mental health day, which could be a good thing with that Mercury/Neptune influence, now might be the time to take it - you shouldn't miss much that amounts to anything later.

The Scorpio Moon has gone void off a sextile to the Sun in Virgo - this would be a great day for some kind of detox, cleansing. We can use that waning Mercury/Neptune for powerful (remember both planets are in their home signs so functioning well) creative work, healing, prayer, meditation.

At 8:54PM EDT, the Moon moves into Sagittarius focusing us on Sag themes for the next couple days - exploration, the big picture, our beliefs, travel, higher education, weddings, politics, legal issues, the media, publishing, foreigners, everything outside our comfort zone - maybe taking Friday off and traveling this weekend would be a good idea! We might find we are too busy to do this though.

At 10:23PM EDT, the Sag Moon will sextile (opportunity) Mars (in Aquarius). Remember the fire signs sextile the air signs - which is why we need to take action on our thinking/ideas to get the opportunity! Things will be lively. Great for a social gathering.

On SATURDAY/SUNDAY we have Mercury (remember he is strong and moving fast through his home sign of Virgo) trining (brakes off) powerful Pluto. We, and other people, will be passionate about our ideas and able to communicate in powerful ways.

Our words (Mercury) are powerful (Pluto) and deep.

Let's use them wisely. This would be excellent energy to make a speech or write something/learn something transformational. Ideas are influential.

Mercury has just moved past Neptune. He has cut through the bullshit/illusion.

Now he/she trines (brakes off) Pluto and then moves into an opportunistic sextile with Jupiter (in Scorpio). We can connect the dots and see the big picture. Great for promotion, media, investigation, digging deep. Our gifts of communication, our ideas, our speech, maybe our reach - expands. Just avoid reckless words and making preachy sermons. I would imagine preachers will be connecting with alot of people on Sunday morning.

At 10:15PM EDT on Sunday, the Moon reaches her First Quarter Square with the Sag Moon squaring the Virgo Sun. Whatever started at last week's New Moon reaches its first tension/crisis. This is the big picture vs the details. Make some tweaks.

The Moon goes Void until 7:07AM EDT on Monday morning when she moves into Capricorn focusing us on Capricorn themes - our career, work in the world, goals, structure, our fathers - for the next couple days.

So we will begin next week with a sober Capricorn Moon heading toward Tuesday's 3rd square between Mars and Uranus!

xo all

Venus 's Upcoming Retrograde in Scorpio/Libra | what do we really want/love now, what do we REALLY value, temptations in the desert/dessert and are we too focused on what isn't ours? part I

toxic city 04 by Art-de-Viant

As I write this Venus is moving through 1 degree Scorpio.

She is going to move forward until she gets to 10 degrees Scorpio (October 5th) and then she is going to station retrograde and begin moving backward through Scorpio (from our point of view here on Earth). On Halloween she will get back into the sign of Libra and continue moving backward until she gets all the back to 25 degrees Libra (November 16th) and then she will station direct and start moving forward - walking again, this time direct, all the degrees she has walked before.

So the degrees from 25 Libra (which Venus first walked back on September 3rd when she kicked this whole season off) through 10 degrees Scorpio are the "hot" spots for this retrograde. She won't be covering entirely new ground until the middle of December when she sextiles Saturn and moves past 10 degrees Scorpio. Whew. Got it?!

Anyone with planets and points between 25 degrees Libra and 10 degrees Scorpio as well as people with planets and points between 0-10 degrees of the fixed signs (because Venus will square Aquarius and Leo and oppose Taurus) and between 25-29 degrees of the cardinal signs (because Venus will square Cancer and Capricorn and oppose Aries) will probably feel this retrograde strongest, but we will ALL be impacted - particularly within the themes of the houses in our chart that Venus visits and revisits AND through the themes of the houses she rules in our natal chart AND within the more general themes Venus rules - love, partnership, balance, money, our values, our resources, women and beauty.

If our age is divisible by 8 (she makes a complete journey every 8 years) this retrograde might affect us more. And for all of us what was happening in our life, with our relationships and with our money and self-esteem 8 years ago?

Until Halloween she will be moving through SCORPIO. So, let's tackle Scorpio first.

Scorpios (and our Scorpio planets/houses) will be most directly impacted.

Venus in Scorpio is about the way we merge with other people. In Libra we meet another person, maybe we like the way they look, maybe we like the way they make us look, we cooperate, we come into a balance, maybe we fall in love. In Scorpio, things get deeper and messier. Maybe we merge our physical bodies and have sex. Maybe we merge our money via a joint bank account. We get to know the stuff about the other person/situation that isn't quite so "pretty". We get to look under the hood. Sometimes we go too deep, too fast and lose sight of land or even ourselves! Things get complicated, sometimes even toxic.

Venus retrogrades are typically times when events transpire to show us what we value

Relationships are tested

The way we handle our money (and other resources including the planet Earth) is tested  

The retrograde period itself (October 5th - November 16th) isn't really a time to make major changes - it's not such a good time to start a business or love relationship that we want to last, for example - it's a time things happen to get us to clarity so we can take action, if we choose to, when Venus is direct (November 16th).

Venus asks us, "what/who do you love now? what/who do you want now?".

With Venus in Scorpio - the ruler of our 8th house of other people's money/other people's values and possessions - we will surely be figuring out where we have been too focused on what isn't ours. This will also be about the way we handle power - either by abusing it or avoiding it. The ways we obsess and manipulate to get what we want. The ways we merge ourselves and our resources and how all of this is working out for us.

She rules both Taurus and Libra (yes, the Goddess energy is like most women, capable of managing multiple energy streams at the same time) - with Taurus energy she rules the earthly realm - plants, flowers, nature's food - that which nourishes us body and soul - with Libra she presides over social interaction, relationship, art - everything that makes the world more beautiful.

She balances Mars (although women are not really from Venus and men are not really from Mars, it is rather energetically accurate for the feminine and the masculine - it is not a man/woman thing though we all have both energies within us).

We dishonor Venus with vanity or idleness - this doesn't mean she wants us to be busy though. Busyness is often an excuse for dishonoring the very things we need to do to take care of ourselves (busyness dishonors our businesses, too) because Venus takes care of herself!

We dishonor Venus when we gossip or mistreat relationships. When we don't take care of our physical selves and surroundings. When we just live with the mess. When we pollute our bodies with crappy food. When we allow our values to become corrupted. When we ignore our passions - we are the caregivers of what we are passionate about in the physical world.

While she is in Scorpio she is going to oppose Taurus - Taurus will face something from the outside - a "me vs you", maybe an ending, a culmination, maybe a confrontation - maybe with a woman, maybe with a Scorpio or another water sign. Taurus gets the opposition.

While Venus is in Scorpio she is going to square Aquarius and Leo. Aquarius and Leo get the tension/crisis. They get the square that requires the pivot.

Scorpio gets the full impact (and anyone with those 0-10 degree placements). What do we really want? What do we really value? How do we share what we have with other people? How do we take what other people have? How to we merge with other people? Are we too focused on what isn't ours? There can be situations that bring us to a brutal honesty with ourselves here.

Common advice during a Venus retrograde is to not buy any luxury items (they will probably not bring us what we are wanting them to), not to make any drastic physical changes - so no dramatic haircuts, not the best time to start home renovations because you might not like what you get and have to redo it later, not the best time to start a new love relationship because when Venus walks back over the same area the relationship could fall apart.

It is a good time for things from the past related to Venus to reappear (yes, all retrogrades are "re" periods) in our lives - something that comes back to you now will most likely be more karmic clean up than opportunity though. Old loves. Old passions. Sometimes we might re-discover a love we had lost ...

I think with Venus retrograde in Scorpio (for 40 days and 40 nights which sounds familiar although we are more likely to be tempted by dessert than in a desert) we might have to face some kind of TEMPTATION. We could seduce or be seduced - and this doesn't have to be about a person, but it might be (it could also be about an idea or an object)!

We will talk more about this in Part II with Venus's morning star/evening star cycle and Venus in Libra and then in Part III we will take a look by sign.

xo all