Weekly Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of June 10th - wanting to move into the new, but something from the past isn't finished with us yet, reality bites, living to fight another day, offering compassion, the way forward becomes clearer, a week of coming attractions so pay attention


MONDAY - Sun opposite Jupiter
TUESDAY- Mars conjuncts the North Node
THURSDAY - Mars opposes Saturn and trines Neptune
FRIDAY - Mercury conjuncts the North Node
SATURDAY - Mercury opposes Saturn and trines Neptune
SUNDAY- Jupiter squares Neptune

This is a very intense week (next week is, too).

Both Mars and Mercury are meeting the North Node and opposing the South Node/Saturn while trining Neptune. The Sun will oppose Jupiter early in the week and then the week ends with Jupiter squaring Neptune.

This is a 'fate train' week folks and we already bought our tickets!

Whatever we have playing out with that Cancer situation we have been talking about - our natal Cancer house theme, home, family, mother, mothering, home business, family business, real estate, renovation - is pushing us into our FUTURE. 

Conversations, communications, our actions will have us leaning into that and a more authentic way of moving through the world - it might feel at first more vulnerable and less safe (maybe because of what we have to let go of to make this thing work), but it is actually the only truly safe thing. We are coming home. Literally. Figuratively. To ourselves.

Some of this week's transits will have us wanting to jump into something NEW while other transits will SLOW us down (maybe stop us in our tracks) to either ensure we are doing things right or because we have been avoiding letting go of something that has to go and now this thing is biting us in the ass. The pressure is building.

Mars/Mercury oppositions to Saturn indicate a re-balancing of karma, an ending via actions/news - focused on our Capricorn house theme, career, work in the world, father, interactions with authority, our goals. If we have been holding onto stuff here that needs to go this time period is going to be more difficult. We are going to hit challenges and roadblocks. Reality bites.

This is all foreshadowing next month's eclipses and the big 2020 energies. Pay attention to the issues that are arising now because we aren't done with them. Points are being activated that later transits will STIMULATE. We are going to have to breathe through this.

On MONDAY - the Gemini Sun will oppose Jupiter (retrograde in Sagittarius). The Sun will bring something Jupiter has unearthed either INTO THE LIGHT or toward a culmination now.

This could bring a positive, enthusiastic result. Previously, unconsidered options could come into view. Opportunities.

We decide to grow and so we do. This sounds like magic because life IS magic.

Jupiter tends to be beneficial, but is actually expansive, so watch for excess. Maybe we are ambitious, but our ambitions have no where to go, so we are going to have to talk/communicate our way toward something with a bigger potential. You have to be in the game, to win the game. Conversely, maybe we are too pushy/greedy or dealing with some kind of excessive behavior in a public way. Avoid preachiness. Watch your boundaries. Stay in your own shoes.

The Sun is barely moving past his square to Neptune, so we could be kind of "blindly optimistic" now or maybe our faith is being restored. We are coming out of the fog. Everything is how we choose to look at it. Gemini is all about choices. If you don't like what you are seeing/hearing/thinking, look again.

What else do you see?

The Moon is making her 1st quarter square Virgo/Gemini - it's a time to make corrections, fix what can be fixed, look at the details, the wording.

On TUESDAY, Mars (our actions, initiative, passion, anger) meets the North Node (our collective way forward, our future) in Cancer. We are in the right place at the right time. Our actions/passions are pulling us forward. Last year at this time, almost to the day we had the opposite - Mars conjunct the South Node (what we were releasing). This is one of many reasons we can see last year's results are not an indicator of this year's POSSIBILITIES.

On THURSDAY, Mars is going to oppose Saturn and trine Neptune. Mars will never win a battle with Saturn, especially this year with Mars in his detriment in Cancer and Saturn strong at home in Capricorn.

The Mars/Saturn opposition (two malefic planets) is a violent signature. It can show up as bullying, anger, frustration and conflict - so stay safe.

Our actions hit a wall.

Sometimes there is an ending. Maybe someone leaves. Rules. Boundaries. Authority issues. Avoided reality will bite us in the ass now. If anything CAN stand in the way of our forward movement - it will.

The trine to imaginative and compassionate Neptune (your Pisces house theme, too) is the way through this roadblock. Prayer, meditation, creativity, fantasy, escape (live to fight another day?), our dreams, insights, intuition, inspiration. We won't be able to control everything that is happening - there are connections to our past and things done behind closed doors. We are going to have to take the actions we can and release our grubby hands from what we can't control. The course of action that avoids a bad situation could be the best course. Offer compassion - be kind.

On FRIDAY, Mercury is doing what Mars did on Tuesday. Here is the news, information, conversation that moves things forward.  We are communicating our destiny. Talking about where we are going. We could hear just the right words now. Here is our North Star - "move in this direction" something is going to say now. No dwelling on the past.

Then on SATURDAY, Mercury is doing what Mars did on Thursday. We meet some kind of verbal/contractual limit (Mercury could also have us dealing with sibling issues, local community issues, transportation/equipment issues). We say or hear a "no". Again there is a trine to Neptune pointing the way through all of this. News might upset our plans and need our attention.

On SUNDAY, Jupiter squares Neptune. This takes us back to mid-January. Hope springs eternal. Something here probably isn't totally realistic, but that doesn't mean there isn't an opportunity in here somewhere if we can get past the fluffernutter. Maybe this is growth for that Neptunian path this week's challenges are pointing us toward. So, now we really can't miss it. What an aspect for Father's Day.

It's a BIG week and sets up other big weeks, so pay attention. Here are our coming attractions. Our actions and words are driving us forward even as we meet roadblocks and minefields that will have to be maneuvered.

Back with the dailies as we muddle our way through this one! Keep in mind that helpful trine to Neptune - inspiration, intuition, compassion, avoidance (living to fight another day).
xo all

photo by the talented uglybug

NEW MOON IN GEMINI | Monday, June 3, 2019 - new options, new stories, changing our mind, more than one way forward, seeing double, time to notice what we are noticing, diplomatic strategies, defending our choices, pleading our case, a fresh insight that requires our courage and initiative grabs our attention and won't let go

On Monday at 6:01AM EDT the Gemini Moon meets the Gemini Sun at 12 degrees giving us this month's New Moon in, you probably guessed it, Gemini.

Strangely enough for a sign that is all about making connections, this New Moon isn't really making any!

Gemini is all about the movement of information and ideas. Gemini is about choices and multiple anythings. Commerce. Exchange. There will be more than one thing to talk about now, more than one thing to do, more than one way forward. With no other planets making any tight aspects this Moon is all Gemini all of the time.

Things started now could move forward very quickly, although maybe not in a totally straight line. 

Change can't be stopped folks!

Information (and remember there is a quantity over quality thing happening now - use discretion, check things out) will be coming at us from all sources. We won't be bored for the next month that is certain. If you need a mental health break now and then - take it.

Ruled by Mercury and ruler of our 3rd house, Gemini rules our growth through the exchange of information, through contact with our immediate environment, through language. Gemini reigns over: the flow of information, technology, communication, our mental processes, conversations, stories, lies, our local community, our neighbors, our siblings, our transportation.

Gemini is the first air sign of the astrological year - a sign of the mind, the archetype of the "teacher" - the storyteller. If you are a Gemini Sun sign this is basically the way you process life. As soon as you learn something, and you are naturally curious and learn alot of "somethings" - you simply must pass it on. Gemini has more to do with questions than answers. She has been mentally exploring and noticing stuff her entire life.

Gemini is perspective. What we notice becomes what we think about, what we talk about, what we act on.

What we notice becomes who we are.

It's a good time to notice what we are noticing. Of course, we would probably have to stop for a moment to do this and we won't be able to - because we will be so busy!

Let's unpack the chart.

The Sun/Moon are widely squaring imaginative and illusive Neptune, so we have to continue to double check information. Situations could be foggy and choices prone to disappearing. They are also widely opposing Jupiter - both of these aspects are building and will be exact next week, so let's look at them.

The Sun will exactly square Neptune on June 9th - this could make us tired/sap our energy, maybe secrets come into the light then. The Sun will oppose Jupiter on June 10th, this could be too much of a good thing (or something like greed), but can also bring us bounty and good luck. With the Sun squaring Neptune at the same time we'll have a magical (and tricky) t-square to talk about as we get closer.

The most exact aspects in play right now are a trine to Pallas (in Libra) and a semi-square to Vesta (in Aries).

The trine to Pallas in Libra (brakes off) speaks of diplomatic strategies and goodwill that will factor smoothly into our New Moon beginning. Compromises/seeking balance within our relationships. Communications and ideas will take other people/partnerships into consideration. Maybe people are talking about what they want/need.

The semi-square to Vesta in Aries (start or warning of a potential crisis/tension) speaks of the New Moon's beginning challenging (Aries semi-square) what we hold sacred (Vesta). With Mars (Aries ruler) in Cancer - maybe we will have to DEFEND what we are doing/saying/thinking. This could actually be a good thing because it will force us to dig more deeply (Gemini can be kind of superficial and there is a building square to Neptune) into our ideas/choices. Should we still be dedicating our time/attention to this? Do we still believe in that? Do we actually know what we are talking about?

Mercury (ruler of Gemini and this New Moon) is sextiling Vesta. This is  gentle, but opportunistic. Here is a nudge in the new direction, some way through the choices. Here is what is most important to us. Focus on this. With Vesta in Aries it could require courage/initiative. It could be a new idea that grabs our attention and won't let go.

Keep in mind New Moons are times in the dark. We can't see where we are going with this yet. Gemini is mutable air - things are in flux.

Mercury is comfy, cozy in her home sign at the time of this New Moon, but is quickly (within hours) going to leave Gemini for sensitive Cancer. So we move quickly from our intellect/head into our emotions/heart.

We will be feeling what people are saying. Our own words will be impacting other people emotionally, too. Feeling vulnerable will quickly be part of this New Moon's beginning.

Mercury will move on to square Chiron (in Aries), so it is likely some words/thoughts could be painful. Whatever this is it won't likely be bandaged up by us (or someone else) saying just the right thing - with Chiron the pain is the healing. Thinking about - "why do these words hurt? what is familiar about this?" and then maybe having a good old cry - yes, one of those big, old ugly ones that make everything a fuzzy, black, mascara-y blur - might just be more healing than trying to fix whatever has just been re-wounded with some Betadine. This wound is too old and too deep for that.

We are probably still a couple days away from the waterworks though.

For now, set your intentions! 

And get what you can get done NOW - mid-June looks especially gnarly with Mars opposing the Cappy line-up (prepping everything for 2020), Mercury will meet Mars three times during her/his upcoming retrograde and THIS WEEK is one month before the first summer eclipse - events often happen one month before the eclipse dates, so this New Moon in Gemini's new chapter is uber important.


This is a great time for affirmations for Gemini themes - movement, flexibility, wit, communication, logic, social graces and ease, siblings, local issues, teaching/learning, mental anxiety, areas of life where you are seeing double or doing two things at once, our nervous system, hands, wrists, arms, shoulders and our lungs.

AFFIRMATION TIPS: get into a good frame of mind - always make affirmations from a  positive place (meaning both happy and certain) - write your affirmations down by hand in script, speak them out loud - then release your attention from them knowing that your intention is known.  

Know what you seek is seeking you (Rumi). 

Know these things are already yours.

xo all

I have my sister in town and took a day trip on Sunday and didn't get to the weekly. I will try to get to it over the next couple days or we will run this motha' with the dailies this week!

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of May 27, 2019 - inaccurate information, fuzzy thinking, rose-colored glasses, avoid over-promising, our minds expand, not a good time for important decisions, better energies by the end of the week when we are commiting to what we want

A late posting this week due to the holiday here! I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend.

WEDNESDAY - Mercury squares Neptune
THURSDAY - Mercury opposes Jupiter, Juno conjunct the North Node
FRIDAY - Venus trines Saturn,
SATURDAY - Venus trines the South Node
SUNDAY - Venus trines Pluto

On WEDNESDAY, Mercury (flying through Gemini) is going to square imaginative and illusive Neptune (in Pisces). This could feel a bit like that LONG Mercury retrograde through Pisces in March - was March two months or two years ago? Conversations could be confusing.

It can be hard to separate fact from fiction. Information can be inaccurate.  

Our thinking will be fuzzy and so will the details.

Things could sound better than they actually are. Little white lies could lead to major problems. Avoid them. Check your language. Stick to the facts. Embellishments are not our friend now. Boundaries will be thin - it will be hard to separate our thinking from the guy standing next to us. People who tend to drain us anyway could be especially exhausting now.

Pay attention when driving. No drinking. No drugs. Our minds are already altered.

The Moon will be in courageous Aries urging us to take a risk. Just don't bet the farm on any half-baked idea we can't tell is half-baked because our thermometer is broken.

MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ALL THE FACTS before making any kind of public or important statement/decision. Most likely you won't, so wait a few days.

The energy is excellent for creative writing, meditation, music, art and healing words.

With Mercury set to oppose Jupiter on

THURSDAY keep in mind things can seem better or bigger than they actually are now. Mercury is out of bounds and has taken our logical mind with him/her. That's ok though.

It is a time of positive thinking and optimistic language (just don't veer into the little-white-lie category or over-promise). Over confidence can cause problems but the extra jolt of confidence this transit provides most people can be a good thing.

Again this would not be the best time to make an important decision. We have a New Moon in Gemini coming next week - let's wait until we get into that energy.

Excellent energy for planning a trip, course of study, opening our mind to new ideas. With Juno connecting with the North Node our future is somehow being tied to our committed long term relationships - which brings us to

FRIDAY, when Venus gets practical with a trine to stable Saturn.

Here is our reality check for this week's confusion.  

Here is where we are committing to what we want.

Love, money, our resources, value and self-esteem - it's all good. This is Saturn. Play by the rules. Exercise patience and self-discipline. Excellent energy for dealing with authority figures and stepping into our own authority. The stuff that needs to move forward to stabilize a situation is. 

On SUNDAY, Venus will trine Pluto - adding passion/power/transformation to what we are committing to. If something is done, it's done. Stick a fork in it. We are merging our money, love, values, resources - going deeper.

So through mid-week is a little confusing - things might seem better than they actually are, we might not be able to trust what we are hearing/reading/saying  - the end of the week is more stabilizing and forward-leaning especially in regard to our natal Taurus house theme and the general Taurus themes of our money, our resources, beauty, self-esteem and values.

Back with the dailies!

xo all

Heads up the Moon will be void until 2:32PM EDT on Tuesday and the Moon is void almost all day Thursday (goes void at 11:08AM EDT until the next day).

photo by the talented anyaanti

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of May 20th - fresh information, answers come in, choices and changing points of view, avoiding babble/babel, thinking without over-thinking, exciting changes, buttons are pushed, an old wound is triggered, changing what we can and accepting what we can't


We move past that red-hot mess, emotional Scorpio Full Moon and the energy starts lightening up- especially after the middle of the week! The middle of the week looks a bit challenging, but the holiday weekend looks good (no guarantee about the weather though).

TUESDAY - Mercury conjuncts the Sun, Sun and Mercury enter Gemini
WEDNESDAY - Mars sextiles Uranus, Neptune trines the North Node
THURSDAY - Mars squares Chiron, Mercury sextiles Chiron

On TUESDAY, the Sun moves into Gemini on the same day Gemini's ruler Mercury moves into Gemini and meet - kicking off a new Mercury cycle! They won't stay together for very long though because Mercury is FLYING. We talked about this in the Full Moon post for the weekend.  

Information/an answer comes to light. Clarity. A choice is illuminated. Our mental faculties are ON FIRE. The lights are flipped on. 

We will feel a difference in the days ahead as information and communications switch from turtle pace (fixed earth) to rabbit (mutable air).

Increased choices, conversations and ideas will start to flow.

We won't put everything to use, Gemini can be rather chatty, so some stuff will just move in and out, but the change in momentum will be noticeable.

Keep in mind with Gemini there are more questions than answers and the information might be unreliable.

But easy, adaptable conversations, suitable for the moment, can pull everything forward now.

With the Sun and Mercury both in Gemini this is an excellent time to catch up on our communications. Who do we need to talk to?

During Gemini season (until the summer solstice on June 21) life is busy. Gemini energy talks. It listens. It questions. It perceives what isn't said at all. In short, it doesn't miss a trick. With so much to see and so much to do and so much to communicate - there is not a moment to waste on any of those roses we were smelling last month. We are off to the races!

Ruled by Mercury, Gemini is smart. It is the sign of the quick wit, unending curiosity and short attention span.

Since Gemini rules information we will have alot coming at us over the next few weeks. It would be a good time to learn to use the notepad on your phone is you haven't already. For some people, and for all of us at some times, Mercury will highlights situations with transportation issues/computer issues or siblings/cousins/local neighborhood.

Gemini (the twins) is the sign of duality - of black and white, of feminine and masculine, of truth and lies. Nothing will be totally one way or the other or quite what is seems now. We will be faced with dilemmas and changing viewpoints. In the end, contradictory thoughts and things can come together with this energy.

We all have ideas about how things are supposed to look and work that we've carried since childhood (and before). We have these beliefs and then we, subconsciously, look around for the things that support these beliefs and that's what we notice. Then our beliefs gets reconfirmed and strengthened even though these beliefs are no truer than someone else's beliefs that reflect the opposite thing.

With the Sun in Gemini and all of us burning Gemini fuel - we can give ourselves permission to embrace a more wide open receptive state. We can move against the beliefs we've been strengthening since childhood if they no longer suit us. We can give life permission to not make any sense for a while. If we are confused we are probably doing something right.

See what house holds Gemini in your natal chart - this space will be communicating with you now.

On WEDNESDAY, Mars will sextile Uranus and Neptune will trine the North Node.

Mars (in Cancer) sextiling Uranus (in Taurus) encourages, and indicates opportunity through - change and innovation.

Doing something new or in a new way, particularly within a home, family, home business, family business situation (or theme of your natal Cancer house!). Neptune's trine (brakes off) the North Node in Cancer speaks of the need for release, compassion, maybe sacrifice, a "letting go and letting God", the serenity prayer - knowing what we can change and what we can't. This could also indicate assistance from behind the scenes or the release of something that undermines us.

Today's aspects can also give us the courage to forgive/the courage to apologize.

If courageous words are needed we can find them.

A time for taking action (sometimes uncomfortable action this week) and for things to fall into place. If an auspicious opportunity is presented now, the energy is available to take swift and decisive action. There won't be time to hedge our bets, manipulate the data into what feels comfortable or second guess ourselves - if our intuition says "make a move" then make a move.

On THURSDAY, Mars squares Chiron while Mercury sextiles Chiron.

Chiron aspects trigger old wounds. That guy in your face in the post office will actually be yelling at his controlling mother and you will actually be listening to your demanding brother. Everything will be taken out of context and relate back to something else. Powder kegs are hidden in the most unlikeliest of spaces now. Tread cautiously.

Our actions (in-actions)/other people's actions are triggering an old wound.

There is tension/frustration around a domestic issue (or your natal Cancer house theme). Keep in mind yesterday's sextile to Uranus encouraging us to try something new or something more liberating/forward leaning.

At the same time Mercury's sextile to Chiron in independent Aries favors "telling it like it is" somehow. We are encouraged to talk about it, even when the conversation gets uncomfortable. We might have to stand up for ourselves. The way through the square is with our words/ideas.

Lighten up.

Bottom line - this week moves things forward.

It won't be trouble free (it never is and if it was we wouldn't move forward!) - Mars square Chiron is going to hurt - buttons will be pushed, triggering other times we have been hurt/been afraid, had to be brave/had to initiate. Squares require us to change/pivot and with the Sun in flexible Gemini and an aspect to Uranus encouraging innovation and change - we have what it takes to move past this.

Remember Chiron in Aries is about empowering us through individual action - we are not always going to feel supported when Chiron is aspected..

Maybe the most challenging thing happening right now is we are all kind of on our own (even as we are all in this together) - as the patriarchy fails, the stuff we used to count on is not going to be as available to us. Other people will not be as available to us because we are all moving through the same/different sludge. It's sink or swim. Maybe to show us we can still swim. Maybe so we can actually appreciate other people/situations when we can depend on them later. Maybe so we finally get off our ass and do it/learn to do it ourselves.

Keep in mind I write about the dates when things are most exact - all these aspects are in play for days before and after.

The biggest news this week is probably the kick off to Gemini season coupled with he Sun's conjunction to Mercury - we start a new Mercury chapter. 

It is best in Gemini season to maybe suspend judgements for awhile (Geminis make the best - and funniest - cynics) and approach situations with curiosity.

Fresh information and conversations will come in and expand whatever we are dealing with. This can be stimulating if we've grown weary of Taurus's scrutiny and demand for truth.

Notice your own language this week. Watch for negative words when you mean positive things - like saying "this isn't bad" when you mean "this is good" or using the word "want" when you mean something more than being in a state of "not having".

Watch for your limiting beliefs to show up as you spin your stories now.

Limiting beliefs are the thoughts, stories and 'spells' that we invite, through our own words, into the deepest spaces inside us and sometimes expel out into the world as conversation that inhibit our potential and limit the choices we make in our life.

For most of us, there is less question about whether or not our words are powerful - we know they are - as there is about how to best use this power to improve our world.

I have always loved anagrams and cryto-quotes and similar kinds of word puzzles. I had a bit of an obsession with them as a kid actually - also mythology, astrology and Rumi.

(And yes, all these things work their way into this blog. I was also obsessed with my metal wheeled roller skates, Ellen O'Neal and Tiger Beat magazine - luckily for you, dear reader, I leave them out of these posts.)

Words are powerful.

I love how "word" and "lord" can be combined to create "world". And "uni" meaning one and "verse" meaning word or poem or song makes "universe". And a spell is a s-p-e-l-l.

And dog is God spelled backwards (maybe especially that one - sniffle).

You might be familiar with the Bible story of the Tower of Babel - which is the story of God's displeasure at humankind's progress after the great flood. Everyone speaking the same language and working together meant soon nothing would be out of humankind's reach. This worried God so much that he scattered everyone all over the planet and changed their one language into many as a way to dis-empower everyone.

One nugget to take from this story is that Babel babble = dis-empowerment.

We honor Mercury, especially during Gemini season, when we speak our truth, when we think through our thoughts before we say our words, when we say more and talk less. We dishonor Mercury when we babble.

We also dis-empower (and self-limit) ourselves.

So, consider the words you use before speaking this week. Maybe speak half as much as you usually do. Unless you don't usually speak all that much - in that case, speak twice as much. Avoid gossip. Avoid babble. No little white lies. Think about your random thoughts and the song lyrics that get stuck in your head. This would be a good time to sign up for a class or begin a course of study - it doesn't have to be some big, important thing. Mercury also rules Virgo and the little details, too, remember and we have Mars in Cancer so our body knows what to do - one foot in front of the other folks.

Back with the lunar reports.

xo all

photo by the talented sollena fotografie