Today's Astrology Forecast | June 16th, 2022 - what we value now, attracting the future, willing to be present for every step, better the carrot than the stick



The Moon finishes up in sober Capricorn today. She trines Venus, sextiles Neptune, inconjuncts the Sun and finally goes void at 2:41PM EDT off a conjunction with Pluto. She is void for about three hours and then moves into airy/detached Aquarius.

This is also the day the Sun trines Saturn and squares Neptune (part of this week's New Moon story, the Sun taking about a month to do what the Moon does in a couple, days - we talked about this HERE) and Venus meets the North Node (a BIG part of this summer's - NEW FUTURE - energies - we talked about this HERE). 

We can see how the Moon in Cappy - us being goal-oriented, unemotional, serious - think of the 'traditional' dad in a traditional 'mom/dad' scenario with all his power/responsibility -  is totally tied into everything else that is happening. 

Venus meets the North Node now - this is the way forward. 


Taurus - something more stable, comfortable, less complicated, simple, those new seeds we are putting in the ground, using what we already have, taking care of our bodies, taking care of our resources and our money, the Earth and what we value. Your Taurus house theme.


The Sun's square to Neptune is the challenge/what is standing in our way - the lie, the old dream, the nostalgia for what was, the illness, the addiction, the escape. 


The trine (smooth flow) to stable Saturn in Aquarius - the new reality, new rules, new responsibilities. Saturn is saying "no" to certain options and this is being reinforced by the Moon in Cappy inconjunct the Sun in Gemini. Some doors are closed.

That's OK, even if it looks like it isn't. 


Because some doors are OPEN. This summer is about a radical NEW REALITY, but Venus (right now where Mars, Uranus and the North Node will be later) is saying it's really already here. Look around you. Uranus and Saturn will both be retrograde by the time Mars gets there and the North Node is always retrograde. What seeds are you planting? What are you nurturing? Black Moon Lilith is in Cancer and, so is Ceres. This is challenging, but also a whole lot of STRENGTH. Five planets are in their home signs. 



Think about what makes the most sense/cents. What is the most practical, but also the most beautiful? Venus is in a nice alignment with Neptune and in her home sign of Taurus, this isn't about settling. This is about attracting what are actually the most important things. The things we can't live without. In some ways this is about survival, yes, but if we are lined up with our values we can flourish. The flower in your garden needs rich soil, sunlight and water. Room to grow. That's really it. What do you need? The answer is something similar.

(think about how good it feels to buy something you really want, but then think about the follow-up feeling later if you've bought something you really can't afford or hadn't put enough effort into somehow, the 'thing' can never live up, always disappoints - we need to know what we really value now/what really matters)

Venus is at 22 degrees when she meets the North Node in Taurus - she's looking for love/money in all the right places!


A master number. The iChing hexagram for 22 is one of my favorites and very suited to Venus in her home sign - it is called "beauty".


The iChing hexagram is a stack of six lines built from the ground up like a flower in the garden would grow. In each of the iChing's 64 hexagrams the pattern of broken and solid lines - which represent a unique interaction of yin and yang - tell a story. 


One of my favorite stories for beauty is "making your feet beautiful, putting away the carriage and going on foot".


This one is about not looking for a shortcut. "We are not expecting to travel quickly, to be whisked away from the dust of the open road in a isolated carriage. We are willing to be present for every step. We are not laying claim to any special status. There is a humbleness here and honest commitment to the journey. Without the carriage our trip won't be fast, but we will have the chance to discover the landscape on the way. There are things we would have missed in the carriage. We focus on that and not on the speed of our journey, our windblown hair, our tired feet."

When Mars and Uranus reach the North Node at the end of July/beginning of August they will be at 18 degrees - the iChing hexagram "corruption". I am going to talk about this in another post, but I would rather make my decisions/lean into my path NOW. Deal with reality now. Make contacts. Get things going now and next week when Venus trines Pluto and Mercury sextiles Jupiter. 


You probably do, too.

So, think about what makes the most sense/cents. Venus/North Node/Beauty - this is the carrot.  


Venus in Taurus is about enjoying life and Venus is sextiling Neptune (and Neptune is retrograde, so connecting to the part of the old dream that is still valuable). This isn't about settling, but we might need to broaden our concept of what 'success' looks like.  


The old definitions are already dead, killed off by Pluto on Saturn in January 2020. Keep this in mind, too.

xo all

artwork by the amazing Christobaldo1971

Mars conjunct Chiron and the Cappy Moon | June 15th, 2022 - pushed to take action that both hurts and heals



Just off her opposition with the Sun and square to Neptune, Luna moves into sober Capricorn. The sign of her detriment/exile (as the ruler of Cappy's polarity sign of Cancer). Now we are nourished by stability/work/having a goal/having control/a few bucks in the bank/cans in the cupboard.


Today she will square both Mars and Chiron as they meet each other in Aries.


People with planets/points near the middle of the cardinal signs (Aries, Libra, Cancer and Cappy) will be feeling this strongest.


We talked about Mars/Chiron in the weekly HERE.


"Very old wounds are triggered around men, masculinity, our ability to take care of ourselves/to be ourselves. Painful actions might be necessary. Situations can force us to confront a wound/weakness/vulnerability. We might be pushed to assert ourselves. It won't be comfortable. We might need to find constructive ways to deal with very old anger this week."


Mars in Aries can activate an existing wound around our ability to take action via ambition/passion. If our Martian ability to go after what we want is injured, we will be hard pressed to even know what we want. This is a childhood/past-life/ancestral wound that clamps down on our exuberance/vitality (this is something we are collectively working on this year, particularly this summer).


Chiron also speaks of physical wounds/illnesses. Mars can be a trigger for dormant energies and kick things off, but is also about initiating new action, so if you are already dealing with something physical trying something new can help. This would be a time to be careful with your head since Aries rules the head. If you know something can bring on a headache/allergy/injury avoid it now. Wear a helmet - when appropriate obviously, maybe not to bed, although I don't know what you are doing in bed, and Mars is the ancient ruler of Scorpio, so maybe that helmet makes sense there, too.


Action and pain are linked and that square from the cold Capricorn Moon doesn't look like a soft space to fall. Cappy is about rules, limits, authority and Aries is our instinctual nature, so it could be just doing what we do/the way we do it triggers someone else. Keep in mind, Mars is in his home sign now, so we have access to courage/initiative/youthful passion.


The bottom line with all of this - we are going to have to push through this. 


The hurt comes from the action, but so does the HEALING.


We are learning to be assertive, not aggressive or wimpy. The Cappy Moon is helping us by wringing some of the emotion out of the situation/keeping us sober and clear-headed. The square will force us to deal with the Mars/Chiron pushing us to be more passionate/independent/brave/stand up for ourselves/learn we can take care of ourselves. 


xo all 

 artwork by the talented ArthurHenri

the astrology of the Full moon in Sagittarius | June 14th, 2022 - the end of the lie, coming down to earth



On June 14, 2022, at 7:51AM EDT, the Sagittarius Moon opposes the Gemini Sun, giving us this month's Full Moon, our annual Full Moon in Sagittarius.


Full Moons brings things to light, to a conclusion or point of fullness/peak energy.

At any Full Moon in Sag - we OPEN OUR MINDS to a higher ground/broader view with a new WISDOM and at the same time welcome the choices and changing attentions of Gemini. 


Sagittarius is our mutable fire sign and rules such things as travel, freedom, adventure, legal situations/justice, higher education, faith, religion, prayer, optimism, problem solving, truth seekers, boldly going where no man has gone before, the quest, the luck that comes from courage/faith - it also rules carelessness, taking shortcuts, thinking we are right, making assumptions, exaggeration, overconfidence, impatience and superficial fluff.

Sagittarius is a mutable sign. The mutable signs prepare us for the change into the next season. We put on the sweater. We put away the sweater. We adjust. Mutable signs are service signs and Sagittarius is in service through the exploration of Truth - this could be legal truth or political truth but its most especially spiritual truth - its highest purpose is enlightenment and expanding what is known. 


We can see how this is all playing out in the United States with a quick glance at the CNN headlines.


Let's unpack the chart!

The Moon opposes the Sun - 23 degrees Sagittarius vs Gemini. The Moon is squaring Neptune in Pisces, sextiling Saturn in Aquarius and widely trining the Mars/Chiron conjunction in Aries - all separating. The Moon is trining Eris in Aries - applying. Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius and so ruler of this lunation is in Aries, sextiling Mercury and squaring Black Moon Lilith.

Neptune is the focus of a T-Square with the Sun and Moon, fogging up the line between Gemini and Sagittarius. The square to Neptune speaks of what is standing in our way. The fog, illusions, lies, our own escapist tendencies, addictions, situations that require healing (health, spiritual, forgiveness, compassion). Squares to Neptune can be exhausting/draining - show if we require more rest, sleep, time in water, connection with others, even a vacation. 


At their best, they can dissolve very old tendencies/situations/habits. In this case, with the square to a Sagittarius Full Moon - Neptune can dissolve beliefs that are no longer serving us, exaggerated hopes/optimism that are not realistic, greed, sloppy/impatient propensities that lead to failure.

Know-it-alls will find out they don't.


There could be an illusion/dream/lie we NEED TO SNAP OUT OF and the Full Moon's bright light WAKES US UP.

The trine to Mars/Chiron EXACT (within seconds) is about our wounded masculine. Connecting to the Full Moon this might speak of an inability to even know what we want, a shut-off vitality from childhood/fear of following our passion (this is some of what we are working with this summer, too, with Black Moon Lilith in Cancer). If action/risk wasn't safe - maybe we have drawn too quickly a line in the sand between what we can and cannot do/accomplish/be. Jupiter's applying square to Black Moon Lilith in Cancer is echoing the wounded child, wounded/wounding mother theme. Maybe lies we were told in childhood (maybe by well-meaning adults) that formed who we are and what we believe that are no longer helpful if they ever were. This might come up in big ways over the next couple weeks and has already been in play, will be in play through other energies this summer. 

Mercury is sextiling Jupiter from Gemini, walking these degrees for the third time. This is part of the SOLUTION. The information, conversations, communications that are coming in now aren't brand new. Maybe we are talking about/thinking about old situations or working with revised information, BUT we (through Mercury) have taken the information back to Taurus - seen what is stable/solid and what isn't - and returned the information to Gemini to be dispersed/discarded/decided. We are dealing with whatever we are dealing with from an older and wiser perspective. The revised information/facts may be challenging to us, but, have, in a sense, been audited. 

The Full Moon's sextile (opportunity) to serious Saturn in Aquarius is the way through the Neptune square. There is solid ground here somewhere. Reality is supportive. Dad/authority/older people/someone who knows more than we do about this are supportive/helpful. The opportunity comes through taking something seriously, growing up, being responsible, being accountable. BEING REALISTIC. Rules and limits are HELPFUL/healthful. Sagittarius is about expansion, so maybe something now needs to be reeled in order to stabilize it. A bold Sagittarius vision may need to be narrowed down. Saturn rules time which is on our side here, so don't rush.


Sagittarius tends to like shortcuts, but Saturn is not allowing any corner-cutting.

To bottom line this one for us on a collective level - something is concluding/peaking/coming to light, that will dissolve an old belief/exaggerated hope and lean us into REALITY. The vision dissolves and is replaced by something more stable/not so big/not so flashy. THIS IS A GOOD THING.


Coming down to Earth is supported.  


xo all 


Health situations (including mental health) are tricky with a Full Moon square Neptune, so take care of yourself. Things definitely can conclude now and over the next couple weeks, but might also seem to be expanding. Give that Neptune something to do - make art, listen to music, dance, meditate/medicate (if appropriate and within reason because effects could be amplified), get into water, get enough sleep/rest. Lean into Saturnian authority/professionals now. Take serious/sober action.

venus and the north node | our values will determine our future - the huge energies of late July and early August are already in play


We talked about Venus and the North Node in the weekly HERE, but this is REALLY going to matter in a few weeks, so let's dive a little deeper.


As I write this on Monday, June 13th, Venus is at 18 degrees Taurus. 


She is sandwiched between Uranus at 16 degrees and the North Node (our best path forward) at 22 degrees. This is all happening in Taurus, so Uranus and the North Node are answering to HER. 


On August 1st, Mars will meet the North Node AND Uranus at 18 degrees, so he will be then where Venus is right now


(Uranus will meet the North Node on July 31st

That Mars/Uranus/North Node conjunction will be speaking to Black Moon Lilith in Cancer (she will be conjunct Venus and squaring Chiron) - our wounded child/family/tribe - and Chiron in Aries - our wounded masculine. Ceres will be with the Leo Sun. The Sun will be trining Jupiter. Mercury will be opposing Saturn and squaring the conjunction, so we'll have a T-Square pointed at the Mars/Uranus/North Node. THIS IS A BIG DEAL. Big things will be happening. The next day, August 2nd, Venus will sextile - opportunity - the North Node AND Uranus from 18 degrees Cancer.

From Cancer, on August 2nd, Venus will be sextiling (opportunity) the North Node. In Cancer, she will pull in home and family situations and be answering to the Moon. The Moon will be in Libra so pull in relationships/partners, fairness, justice and balance issues and she will be answering to Venus. This mutual reception (both in each other's signs) will give both energies access to themselves, strengthen them, but they have to go through the other feminine energy. 


This will all be happening while Mars is merged with the North Node and Uranus in Taurus and answering to Venus, too. And Venus and Mars will be sextiling each other! Whew! We really want to be in the right place when all this is happening.

I don't know what is going on in your own life, but the summer blockbusters and our future security is being set up NOW. 

OK, so back to the present. Venus has already passed over Uranus. Changes with our finances/our stability. Sometimes this will bring chaos/disorder. Sometimes good opportunities come out of the blue that bring change/anxiety. Remember Venus is in her own sign. She is strong/stable. And even though Uranus in Taurus is answering to her, Uranus has shaken her up. This doesn't have to be a bad thing and with Uranus in Venus's sign, unless we had something totally stuck in the mud and needing to be liberated by any means possible, it really shouldn't be.

Then, Venus meets up with Pallas - our wise warrior/justice energy. 


Everything happens for a reason. So, we NEED Venus to meet Pallas (merge the seductive Venus and the strategic Pallas) AFTER she has been shaken up and BEFORE she merges (as us) onto this NEW ROAD.

What this means to us is we need to strategize, recognize patterns, figure out what will make the most sense/cents. Picture the smart and savvy general at the war table making his plans. Now, this isn't just any Pallas, this is Pallas in TAURUS. So, these strategies should be grounded in reality. This is about making real moves and not just having big ideas. Plans/solutions should be simplified and based on ESSENTIALS. This is about real things we can TOUCH. Taurus is fixed and fertile earth - this is about what we want to GROW. 

Pallas meeting Venus tells us we need to SMARTEN UP!

(and note what Venus does this week, Pallas is doing next week)

Also in order for Venus to meet the North Node of Fate - she has to square Saturn and sextile Neptune. 


There is no way around this stuff. 


Even with travel restrictions lifting, she can't just sneak off to a Motel 6 and meet up with the North Node on the sly.

Both Saturn and Neptune are retrograde, so there are connections to old responsibilities/old limits/old paternal story-lines and old dreams, old ghosts, old needs for forgiveness/compassion/connection. All three of these planets - Venus, Saturn and Neptune are in their home signs, so they are all strong, able to function as they intend to. The kings of their castles. There is a reason for this, too. Life is HELPING US.

The square to a retrograde Saturn speaks of tension/frustration coming through our Aquarius natal house. Rules. Limits. This is Venus/Saturn, so what we want is RESTRICTED. We might have to work within certain limits/boundaries/rules. We might have to step into a responsibility we have been avoiding or let go of an old goal or lose something that used to stabilize us. We might have to work hard. Have patience. Venus can't beat Saturn. To get on the NEW ROAD we might have to change what we want. 


Maybe whatever this is, we are somehow strengthened - made ready for the path ahead, by WHAT WE CANNOT HAVE.


For Venus, the way onto the NEW ROAD/best path forward is the Neptunian sextile. This one isn't a problem. This one is an opportunity, but it NEEDS TO BE TAKEN.

Sextiles are active aspects and require action.

Now, Neptune is retrograde, so this opportunity has its roots in the past, too


So, maybe this is an old dream. 


When Neptune goes back, he can go WAY BACK, so maybe this connects to a past life dream or an ancestor's dream. And now here is an opportunity to integrate dreams with reality. We might have to return to a situation that asks for our forgiveness or compassion. We might be using our intuition/prayer. There could be some undefined need/longing here that we won't want to ignore. Dissatisfaction with what we have/can't have or maybe an inability to acquire more material resources - can awaken us to something BIGGER THAN OURSELVES, something more healing, more spiritual, more CONNECTING. 


Taurus (where Venus is) is fixed earth. Pisces (where Neptune is) is mutable water. These are very different energies, but are magical together. Reality and the dream. Making the dream real. An inner journey. 


This opportunity is coming through your Pisces house


What is the theme of the house Neptune rules in your natal chart (the house with Pisces on the cusp)? What is going on there? What needs to happen that is more simple/more sustaining? What needs to be forgiven? What is the unfinished business? What is the old dream?

Saturn rules karma and Neptune what is behind us, our ancestors, past lives - there are alot of old chickens coming home to roost over the next two months. Old books are being balanced - some of them long ago burned, lost to time, gathering dust on even dustier shelves. 


Bottom line - this is all about the ending of the old complicated sh*t "THAT WE JUST CAN'T DO ANYMORE" and the flourishing of a newer, more simple way of operating. Neptune is past Saturn - a space beyond limits and boundaries. This is like heaven and earth working TOGETHER to guide the shape of things to come, to make the solid world more ethereal and bring the ethereal realms down to Earth. There is something really important, a whole lots of somethings, personally and collectively, we need to get right.

Anyhoo, I wanted to pop this up since I am going to say something quite different in the Full Moon post, but these aspects, with their connection to late July's and early August's HUGE energies are something we want to pay attention to.


I hope this is helpful.

xo all

artwork by the talented NomeEdonna