the story gets serious ...

age by samlin

I'd say I've been feeling my age this week, but actually I have been feeling this woman's age

(although she can thread a damn needle and I can't seem to make a jump ring without dropping the wire even though I treated myself to two brand new pliers for my busy season and a tabletop magnifier although maybe that doesn't count since I have never actually attached it to the table and just keep pushing the box with my foot when it wanders too close to my chair)

OK- so here's the stuff to finish up the weekly forecast.

There is potential for violence and danger when Mars (war, action, initiation) engages either Pluto (power, control, destruction, rebirth) or Uranus (rebellion, sudden upheaval, revolution) and Mars has been and continues to engage both.

On Sunday, Mars square with Pluto is exact. Mars/Pluto is aggression, bullies, force. With Mars (Scorpio ancient ruler) in Libra (ruled by Venus) and Venus in Scorpio - although both planets are in spaces where they are not so comfortable and usually not as powerful, they are strengthened by each other now. For better or worse. It's important for us to make conscious choices and take conscious actions. And next week we have Mars opposing Uranus retrograde in Aries. Mars/Uranus is accidents, explosiveness, hair trigger tempers - combine it with Pluto and we get riots, mobs, things out of control. Nobody wants to be subservient anymore. Nobody wants to be ignored. There is righteous anger here. Mars in Libra can offer up manipulation, jealousy and insecurity. Dangerous weather. 

(if you were on a boat I would suggest dry land and a trip to the local pub - actually avoid the pub, too)

Snooze buttons are turned off. We're awake now, right? This is a time for real heroes (not action figure heroes, truly we need less action and more kindness and compassion) and for togetherness. It's really not us against them - there really is only us.

Since Mars will be retrograde for many months in 2016 we really want to be in a better space before we start backtracking and doing this all over again. One of my first astrology teachers (in the early 90's) said the 2010's would be like the 1960's married the American Revolution. It had all sounded so exciting back then and almost romantic. I had imagined a pot smoking Thomas Jefferson with flowers in his hair and the Beatles riding through the streets on horseback carrying muskets and proclaiming "the British are coming" ... uh, not so much ....

There are ways to make productive use of this energy though. So, we'll find them. If we are facing a challenge, Mars/Pluto will bring us the strength, willpower and courage to overcome great obstacles. Just don't take this too far - there is the potential to get hurt or hurt others.

Mars/Pluto can be the catalyst we need to get us "unstuck". It's very good energy to restore or rehabilitate older, previously strong structures (yes, including ourselves!).

Mars/Uranus gives us the courage to address inequality. It shows us we do not always have to do things the way we have done them in the past. New actions get momentum with this. The momentum creates freedom. Mars/Uranus brings us the courage to change.

And remember, we have the beautiful Sagittarius Sun in the middle of this - illuminating the good stuff if we take the time to look, the higher wisdom, the bigger perspective.

Truly, I think humanity has always struggled with the same problems we face today. What made the past different was just far fewer numbers and smaller scale. We made all the same mistakes then that we make now, but our errors carried less cumulative impact. 

The past is important (although I doubt earlier
cultures were appreciably more moral or ethical than ours
- probably more was just hidden out of sight). A rear-view mirror is essential for safely driving forward. 

But we can't move ahead looking backward. And we have to move ahead. There is no option to go back. We burned that bridge.

This weekend be safe. Stay away from fire (no actual bridge burning, please). Watch your temper. Give other people space. Be civil. Be kind. This would be a good time to practice gratitude for what we have. Neptune and Chiron in Pisces asks us to hold our hands and arms wide open to gather what comes and allow for those things that are leaving to slip away; to love our life as it changes .... so here we go. xo all

precision ....

"I have always cherished old things, used things, things marked by the passage of time and human events.

I think of my own self this way, as something much handled, much knocked about, as worn and polished with use and abuse.

As something serviceable, perhaps I should say. More serviceable for having had so many masters, so many wretched, glorious, haphazard experiences and encounters" ... Henry Miller

fingertip precision by earthhart

The Virgo Moon fills us with a need for precision, organization - a "want" to focus on the details. There may be limits, an ending, an authority figure in the doorway, a need to push ourselves harder. Wonderful energy for servicing others. Tonight she opposes Neptune and squares Saturn and the Sun forming a mutable t-square. What's real? What's not real? It can be hard to see/feel/know the difference now. We may all be up to our elbows in mud .... xo all

p.s. good news for those working through that "feeling sorry for ourselves/envy" thing - Venus in Libra conjuncting Juno will start to move us past this ... a rising tide really does lift all ships, there really is only one of us here ... 

At the deepest level, there is no giver, no gift and no recipient... only the universe rearranging itself.  - Jon Kabat-Zinn

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of November 29th - getting honest with ourselves | itching for a fight

How To Listen
Tilt your head slightly to one side and lift
your eyebrows expectantly. Ask questions.

Delve into the subject at hand or let
things come randomly. Don't expect answers.

Forget everything you've ever done.
Make no comparisons. Simply listen.

Listen with your eyes, as if the story
you are hearing is happening right now.

Listen without blinking, as if a move
might frighten the truth away forever.

Don't attempt to copy anything down.
Don't bring a camera or a recorder.

This is your chance to listen carefully.
Your whole life might depend on what you hear.
... Joyce Sutphen

completely honest by bright white kite

There are 24 shopping days until Christmas. How is this possible?

OK. We have a Sagittarius Sun so we are all burning Sagittarius fuel and feeling a bit like what it feels like to be a Sagittarius. There is expansion, passion and fire. We should all be standing a little taller now.

(yes, we might need the right boots - and what the hell, they are probably on sale)

This particular holiday season is influenced by Virgo where Sagittarius ruler Jupiter is hanging out. This will make it particularly busy - we need to stay organized, we will all be working, servicing others and attending to (and likely buying) practical things.

(I had an email from a customer asking me about a bracelet "does this have a function?" - at first I thought this was a very odd question, but then I knew Jupiter in Virgo!)

On Monday afternoon (and Tuesday) the Moon is in Leo - this would be a good time to take a creative risk. Enabling other people to shine more brightly puts the spotlight on us, too, somehow. On the other hand a lack of attention (or appreciation) can be challenging now (see yesterday's post).

Monday is the last hard aspect with Neptune and Saturn until mid January - we can use the next few weeks to work out how far off course our ships have drifted (dreams vs reality) and how to get ourselves back on track. The more major a course correction we need before the next storm hits, the more volatile the activity we are probably seeing now. If we are still blaming someone or something for our current situation - the sooner we let that crap go, the better, and faster, we get the outcome that moves us forward.

Then it's December 1st and the energy changes right away.

On Tuesday Mercury trines Uranus in Aries (brakes off) - this feels like information coming at us quickly and suddenly that allows us to see something (or ourselves) in a new light - Mercury squares (tension) Chiron in Pisces - this feels like, well, maybe ...ouch.

We may be compelled to speak up. We may hear about an out of the blue opportunity. Whatever happens, comes with the caution flag out (this isn't a stop, just a stop and think). New information can be freeing and painful.

The wound that’s triggered may be a result of us saying the wrong thing or discovering the right thing too late or at the wrong time. On the other hand any opportunity to see something in a new light is a good thing. And our triggered vulnerabilities brought to the surface is a good thing, too. We can't toss off those self limiting beliefs if we don't get them out of the closet and into the trash can. With Chiron involved we know whatever happens this information/opportunity is healing. Some kind of uncomfortable truth may be shown to us or a space where we have gotten carried away becomes clear. The results can lead to liberation and authenticity. And I realize that sounds airy fairy, but it's the best I have right now.

(did I say there were 24 shopping days until Christmas?)

EXAMPLE for Mercury in 11th house - we might be compelled to say something on Facebook that startles people about who we really are and we can't "unsay" it. The blow-back might force us to think about and deal with the way we hide who we are to "fit in" or "stay safe" in social spaces. 

On Wednesday the Virgo moon says "let's get this mess cleaned up". So we do. We could be dealing with paperwork or co-worker issues or something with a pet.

Mercury squares Jupiter. Venus (love, money, women, art) moves into Scorpio - making whatever is happening here more intense. What we want (Venus) will be deeper (Scorpio) - shallow stuff will not hold our attention now. People may want more from us than we can give. We might over promise. We could speak about what we believe in ways that are over the top. We might say something we don't even believe when we get caught up in this energy. Let's give others a break when they do this, too.

Thursday is the last quarter Moon in Virgo. Something is winding down.

Intense aspects at the end of the week with Mars (war, anger, initiation) squaring Pluto (power, control, destruction, rebirth) - both strengthened and working together. Something is building/itching toward a fight. I'll talk about this in a couple days - just know this will be added pressure, intensity, tempers flaring, crankiness, edginess as we build toward this ...  xo all

feeling sorry for yourself?

insecurities 2 by xxprettywhenucry
Asteroid Chiron (wounded healer) stationed direct today in Pisces.

This could intensify our recognition of the space we "go it alone" or are "treated worse/have less/receive less attention than other people" - it sometimes manifests as the space we "feel sorry for ourselves".

And I don't say this to trivialize it or to make it something less than something real. It's real. It can eventually manifest as physical illness.

It's time to call it out of the shadows and give it an armchair and a hot cup of cocoa.

Chiron's issues (shame, vulnerability, inadequacy, emotional pain) including health issues, will get some kind of movement now.

The irony with Chiron is that this is often the space we can heal others whether or not we can heal ourselves.

That thing we can do for others but can't seem to do for ourselves - the good advice we always give but don't follow - those spaces are connected.

For some of us instead of a foul mouthed Jiminy Cricket (anyone remember Jiminy Cricket?) sitting on our shoulder telling us how awful we are, we do the job ourselves. And then because it’s now part of our self structure, we will hang onto that conviction with a death grip (as if it were something precious ... because it is actually - it's part of our gift to the planet, but we have to transform it first).

The salve/cure is always empathy - cue Brene Brown. There could be a breakthrough moment with this now.

If you have any planets 16-21 degrees of the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) you have probably been working through something in your Pisces house since Chiron went retrograde in late June. You may not get what you need from others with this. Self nurture. Read some Brene Brown. Play some Adele. Give yourself a break.

sometimes we hear the music that is always there ....

"Sometimes it's okay. Sometimes it's not one desperate act after another. Sometimes we hear the music that is always there. As the old Irish homily goes: "The most beautiful music is the music of what happens." It is not necessary to run to a remote, quiet place to hear it. It is here already, always. The essence of eternity is how we experience the present. The witnesses are here in ourselves. The fullness of our inheritance denies nothing."
- Terrance Keenan

home by dechobek

This morning's void Moon advises us to avoid any store sales since impulse purchases won't fit or work right or will be of little use. Ack! That's probably drastic for some - but buying things we had previously planned to buy usually works best during void moons.The Moon moves into Cancer this afternoon so a focus on home, family, belonging, nurturing sounds about right.

It could make us (and others) a bit moody but today will be a bit of a breather for most. Take it.

Tomorrow and Sunday will be more intense so let's enjoy the leftovers while we can .....

xo all

(my car is in the shop ... again - I usually just swipe hub's truck but it's been making my shoulder/arm/hand issue worse, so I'm going to rent a small car for the weekend and take myself to a movie this afternoon and go with Kella and Chris to take Sully to see Santa tonight - enjoy your day everyone!)

FULL MOON in Gemini | taste as much as you can ....

"Taste as much of this as you can. Swallow what you need and spit out the rest." - Taizan Maezumi

thanks by kariiissa

With the Sun in Sagittarius we know without following the moon that tonight's Full Moon is in Gemini (Sagittarius polarity sign). It is the culmination of June's New Moon in Gemini, so something from that time is finishing. Also energy from the New Moon two weeks ago is reaching its peak now. The Gemini/Sagittarius polarity is mutable. It's flexible, adaptable and thrives on change.

Mutable signs are restless and prepare us for the change of seasons. They are the breakdown and break away before the breakthrough.

Gemini is ruled by Mercury.

(who also rules Virgo - Mercury was the messenger of the Gods and the Messenger God)

and Mercury rules our 3rd house of day to day communication and language. It also rules siblings, neighbors, local travel, early education, transportation - movement. Its polarity sign is Sagittarius, where our Sun (and Saturn and Mercury) is hanging out right now, rules the 9th house of the larger world aspects of movement. So big picture thinking and processes, philosophy, higher education, foreigners, long distance travel, etc.

During a Full Moon we always have the Moon and Sun in their polar positions (that's what creates the full moon!) so the energy we are working with is the play between the two signs in this case Gemini and Sagittarius.

Tonight's Full Moon is a bit more complicated than usual though.

With Mercury conjunct Saturn (exact yesterday) and squaring Neptune tomorrow and Mercury ruling Gemini - this Full Moon feels like the kick off (wait why do we say kick off, does anything actually start with a kick off?) to the Saturn/Neptune journey (first exact line up on Friday) we will be going through together in 2016. Actually, we are well into the journey now - some of it was just playing out behind the scenes.

Full Moons illuminate something, they show us what we are holding on to. In Gemini this is about communication and learning, opinions and options. Gemini is the sign of change; it holds the space of the crossroads.

The Saturn/Neptune square asks us what we really believe in now. Or maybe it shows us what we really believe in now by what happens to us and what we do with what happens to us.

Saturn represents discipline, time and rules - he reigns over the material world; the things that give life structure. Saturn tells Neptune to, "sit up straight, obey authority, get a job, to pull himself up by his bootstraps." Neptune rules the metaphysical world. He represents our dreams, our imagination, the things that give life meaning. He asks Saturn to feel, to have a heart, to show compassion, to understand that not everyone has bootstraps to pull up.

We all carry both these archetypes and they work out their energies and move their stories forward through us.

On their own neither of these big boys would give us a functioning world. They need each other. And individually we need to balance both these parts of ourselves. We need Saturn's structure to bring the dream to life and we need the dream (Neptune) to give our life meaning and purpose.

Neptune is all over this Full Moon, so things may not be quite as they seem. With Gemini there is always a choice, a spotlight on some new information. If we are unsure what is real or where to look for balance - check your natal chart. Where is 2-6 degrees Sagittarius? Focus on that.

If you have planets 2-6 degrees Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini or Virgo you will feel this New Moon strongest.

As always, get out and walk in it - this one is challenging - don't go walking into a tree or a ditch or something. You don't have to be able to see it, don't worry about clouds, it's there, you'll feel it.

And Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the U.S.

xo all

REMINDER on Friday the Saturn/ Neptune square is exact at 7 deg Pisces. If something's dissolving, please just let it go. If something vague and imaginative needs to be firmed up - work on that - baby steps.

the light of late November ....

Praise Song
Praise the light of late November,
the thin sunlight that goes deep in the bones.
Praise the crows chattering in the oak trees;
though they are clothed in night, they do not
despair. Praise what little there's left:
the small boats of milkweed pods, husks, hulls,
shells, the architecture of trees. Praise the meadow
of dried weeds: yarrow, goldenrod, chicory,
the remains of summer. Praise the blue sky
that hasn't cracked yet. Praise the sun slipping down
behind the beechnuts, praise the quilt of leaves
that covers the grass: Scarlet Oak, Sweet Gum,
Sugar Maple. Though darkness gathers, praise our crazy
fallen world; it's all we have, and it's never enough.
 - Barbara Crooker

autumn neighborhood by gnato

After this week we will know what we are dealing with from the Saturn/Neptune square - it will unwind itself over the next 10 months, but the issues will be on the table. They probably already are. A square always means there is work ahead.

Mars is active today - we are taking action, maybe with a key person. The Moon is in Taurus. We won't be rushed. Others won't be rushed by us either. Settle down. We are craving security and the comfort of things we can see, smell, touch and taste - a great day to get things ready for Thanksgiving, if you are in the U.S. Tomorrow (Mercury square Neptune) we could see traffic delays, information and agreements dissolving, wet weather, etc so get your stuff done today if you can.

Vesta connects with the south node (now in Pisces) allowing us to disconnect (dissolve) from things and people that do not fit/work anymore. Remember, Jupiter is in Virgo so everything expands through discipline and details now. Baby steps people. If we can relax and put important decisions on hold for another week or two all the better. We’ll be facing issues around what roles we’re playing and which ones we’re releasing. It's a process. Simplicity is a strength now. There are opportunities for those who have a precise plan and a way of executing it, so we'll take a broad view of future possibilities that may take some time to come to fruition. November and December are foundation building time. Balance.

Back tomorrow with the Gemini Full Moon! xo all

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of November 23rd - Neptune Saturn Square | Full Moon Gemini | NOTE If you are hosting Thanksgiving dinner, think about lots of wine (or wait maybe no wine!) and plastic knives and forks, yes, things could get that dicey!

just a dream by Amr Elshamy

OK,this week we have the first of the exact squares between Saturn in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces (two more in 2016), a Full Moon in Gemini and Chiron stationing direct - if you are getting together with family members who hold dissenting beliefs for Thanksgiving ... well, good luck with that. Lots of paths that have diverged in the wood, maybe much longer ago than we would want to admit will be made clear now.

We start the week - Monday - with an opposition between Venus in Libra and Uranus in Aries. An opposition is exactly what it sounds like. So we have Venus (love, money, women, art) all snuggly in Libra (balance) the sign she rules. Suddenly she is at odds with Uranus (independence, freedom, rebellion, stuff from 'out of the blue') in Aries (initiating energy, action, anger, war) where he has recently been freed from his south node tie up.

This could indicate a sudden change (inspiration, perspiration or disintegration) for Venus ruled stuff - love, money, relationships, women, art. Expect the unexpected here. With Uranus, this stuff could flip on us again, so know that whatever happens - if it's good - enjoy it, appreciate it, be grateful. If it's not what we had hoped for - let's not overreact - think Libra and balance, be diplomatic. We will get through it. With Uranus changes just lead to more changes. And Uranus in Aries is answering to Mars who is a bit uncomfortable in Libra. If last week was a bit of a clusterf*ck for you - this aspect could bring a conclusion of sorts.

it all matters ....

echo of small things by karezoid

"It all matters. That someone turns out the lamp, picks up the windblown wrapper, says hello to the invalid, pays at the unattended lot, listens to the repeated tale, folds the abandoned laundry, plays the game fairly, tells the story honestly, acknowledges help, gives credit, says good night, resists temptation, wipes the counter, waits at the yellow, makes the bed, tips the maid, remembers the illness, congratulates the victor, accepts the consequences, takes a stand, steps up, offers a hand, goes first, goes last, chooses the small portion, teaches the child, tends to the dying, comforts the grieving, removes the splinter, wipes the tear, directs the lost, touches the lonely, is the whole thing. What is most beautiful is least acknowledged. What is worth dying for is barely noticed."
 .... Laurie McBride | We Are Called To Rise

Mercury enters Sagittarius and information speeds up. Opportunities may present themselves now (yes with Saturn here they will come with the price tag of hard work - we get to decide what is worth it or maybe life forces our hand) - communications involving learning or teaching, ethics or travel (all Sagittarius ruled things). Our Sag house wakes up now and with Saturn here we will be made to walk our talk. The stuff Saturn has been sitting on since September gets some movement. Great energy to be "salesy", yes, the "s" word. Others can be convinced if we really believe in what we are saying, writing or peddling. There is also truth to be said/heard now - with Jupiter in Virgo it could sting - be kind and compassionate (Neptune in Pisces). A fact vs. fiction wake up call is here/coming.

The BIG idea can provide the enthusiasm that gets us thinking/moving/dreaming and the small things (and steps) will move us forward. (back up your computer this weekend always a good idea before or after Mercury changes signs). xo all

.... we are still going, you and I

a hopeful transmission by c a martin
"If you're reading this, if there's air in your lungs on this November day, then there is still hope for you. Your story is still going. And maybe some things are true for all of us. Perhaps we all relate to pain. Perhaps we all relate to fear and loss and questions. And perhaps we all deserve to be honest, all deserve whatever help we need. Our stories are all so many things: Heavy and light. Beautiful and difficult. Hopeful and uncertain. But our stories are not finished yet. There is still time, for things to heal and change and grow. There is still time to be surprised. We are still going, you and I. We are stories still going." .... Jamie Tworkowski

The Moon is hanging with Neptune in Pisces today - procrastination and escape will be so easy. Our moon lives in imagination where all our possibilities are kept alive simply because we never choose to live them out. Keep that in mind now as we settle down and get to work. Venus is in a tricky spot. If we do not know what we want, probably better to wait if we can. We've got the Moon squaring Mercury - so logic and emotion are at odds. I dreamed a great idea last night, but this morning it just feels like a whole lot of work. I'll just sit with it and focus on the tasks at hand (Virgo!). First Quarter Moon means challenges to what we started at the New Moon - that's ok, we got this thing- just building bigger muscles, right?

xo all

... our default setting

"Just as many machines reset themselves to their original settings after a power outage, human beings reset themselves to something altruistic, communitarian, resourceful and imaginative after a disaster, we revert to something we already know how to do. The possibility of paradise is already within us as a default setting."

- Rebecca Solnit

LOVE this quote from environmental writer Rebecca Solnit ... Today, Neptune stations direct squaring Saturn and things get a little fuzzy (or fuzzier!). Remember our expansion comes through Virgo - careful - I might even say cautious, small, measured steps, attention to detail - we need to pay attention to how we say things and what we say - words change worlds now folks.

xo all

Saturn in Sagittarius Square Neptune in Pisces for Creatives | the Dreams vs Reality Transit - Part III

OK to recap from Part I and Part II now that Saturn has moved into Sagittarius (and this started loosely when he stuck his head in last winter, but more strongly recently when he unpacked his bags and kicked off his shoes and lasts through the end of 2017) he is squaring Neptune in Pisces (Sagittarius naturally squares Pisces - think pie chart here).

This square will be exact three times over the next 10 months, due to Neptune and Saturn retrogrades  - Nov 26, 2015 at 7 degrees, June 17, 2016 at 12 degrees and Set 10, 2016 at 10 degrees. And remember even when an aspect is not exactly exact it may be still close enough, often for long periods, to be felt.

Squares are tense aspects - they push us into a new action (oppositions push us into a new decision, trines remove obstacles, sextiles show opportunities, etc). Everyone is going to work with this square before Saturn leaves Sagittarius at the end of 2017. Here's a post with info on Saturn in Sagittarius that could be helpful, too.

This is the big deal transit of 2016.