Part I of this series is here.
If we are plugging along doing the best we can and it still feels like we are spinning our wheels...
Hey YOU, yeah you over there, the world needs your THIS | Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of February 23rd
Sunday, February 22, 2015
We kick off the week with the Sun in Pisces squaring Saturn in Sagittarius - something requires an adjustment or we hit a bump...
time is the means ..... part I
Thursday, February 19, 2015
"Furthering" is the I Ching principle
(one of the meanings of the I in I Ching is "the easy")
of the innately beneficial nature...
NEW Moon in Aquarius/Pisces Tonight - well begun is half done
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Tonight's New Moon is a bit of a question mark with some astrologers calling it an Aquarius New Moon and others calling it a Pisces...
NEW MOON Ramp Up to BIG Energy SHIFT | Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of February 16th
Sunday, February 15, 2015
The Moon starts the week in its Balsamic Phase - this supports reflecting and finishing up.
With the Moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn...
how "we are in business to make a profit" is like living to eat ...
Thursday, February 12, 2015the crooked nook 1 |
(and I have done some serious retching this winter - trust me, it ain't pretty people although on the plus side I still sound a little bit like Demi Moore)
in fact it makes me throw up in my mouth a little.
(yes, it's going to be one of those posts)
This is not the same as saying "to stay in business we must make a profit" which is quite obvious and makes the profit a necessity rather than a goal.
Think of profit like food.
We need food to survive, but we are not surviving so we can eat .. I hope.
Mercury Moves Direct ... when you have exhausted all possibilities, remember this .. you haven't ... Edison (Aquarius)
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
I tell myself, "that's it! Not one more astrology post until you write 5 posts about something else!", then I write another...
Astrology Forecast for Creatives - Week of February 9th - today: production and groundhog day style do-overs
Monday, February 9, 2015
Ugh - I've had no internet since Saturday night. Bypassing my router, which didn't work yesterday, is suddenly working, so fingers...
Full Moon in Leo, February 3rd - time to ROAR!
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
rachelle levingston - lion
Think about what a Full Moon looks like - it's the brightest moon; a completely lit circle. There is...
if you can stand to read one more pricing post - the "as within, so without" pricing guide for makers
Monday, February 2, 2015I had two Etsy shop owners ask me pricing questions last week and I linked them to some great articles (* see links at end) but wanted to say something here about the spiritual laws we are working with.
(yes, spiritual laws, this is my decade of Rumi after all - yes, I'm working with decades instead of years now - the years are moving way too fast ...)
Many people are given the advice to raise their prices and often this advice is given by someone outside our business
(I do not discount the advice of outsiders - sometimes the very person who we might be responding to with "well, that's easy for you to say" is exactly the person who needs to say it. Of course just because we don't discount outsider advice, doesn't mean we blindly follow it either.)
Astrology Forecast for Creatives - Week of February 2nd - shine on
Sunday, February 1, 2015
maya quote by jessica sprague
The big news this week is Tuesday's full moon in where's my spotlight? larger than life Leo which...
SNEAK PEAK - Punch Drunk : Recycled Wine Cork Jewelry
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Here's a sneak peak at my new jewelry line with recycled corks and recycled steel. I've named these little babies Punch Drunk....
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