Mercury into Leo | dramatic conversations, NEWS, using our outside voice, speaking from our heart, do people listen to us? does what we say matter? we will care about this now

Speak by Jean Fan Mercury (communications, information, our mental processes, siblings, local community, commerce, transportation)...

Full Moon in Capricorn | closures and commitments, security, power, control, painful losses, surprises, the results of working hard, hardly working or working hard at the wrong things, did we put our ladder against the wrong wall?

Today's Full Moon in Capricorn (12:53AM EDT last night) is a challenging one. Capricorn Full Moons are always heavy - our emotional...

Sun Opposite Saturn | limits, NO, a difficult direction, taking responsibility for our situation without judging ourselves

16.365 by Laauraa Once a year the Sun and Saturn line up in exact opposition. Today we have the Cancer Sun opposing Saturn (in...

Mars Stations Retrograde | back to the future, our summer of delays and BIG unexpected moves, he/she/that thing we thought we were finished with is BACK, reviews, revisions, fighting about THAT again, hurry up and WAIT

karanlIkta by siyahtapot Today we have Mars stationing retrograde at 9 degrees Aquarius. He will move backward (from our perspective...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of June 25th - don't buy that pricey thing you don't really need, progress slows or stops, report card time, limits, words get bigger and bolder, unexpected information requires a pivot

novooo by nikelena The big action this week is: MONDAY - Venus squares Jupiter TUESDAY - Mars stations retrograde WEDNESDAY...

Sun into Cancer | Summer Solstice - nostalgia, feeling vulnerable and how we feel about the vulnerability we see in others, moving past the decision, SUMMERTIME!

Sand wings. by Lileinaya The sun moves into the sign of Cancer on Thursday. At 0 degrees Cancer we start the Summer Solstice...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of June 18th - PAY ATTENTION, saying it out loud, putting it in writing, feeling dizzy, separating the illusion from reality, what we want is wanting us right back, a wake up call at the end of the week

words of love by oprisco OK, let's take a look at the week ahead! MONDAY - Neptune stations retrograde TUESDAY - Mercury trines...

New Moon in Gemini square Neptune | we don't know what we don't want to know, exposure, questions, choices, lies - changing our mind - listening before we speak, double checking EVERYTHING, tossing multiple ideas out there to see what sticks

the sandgiver by S-T-R-A-N-G-E At 3:43PM EDT the Gemini Moon meets the Gemini Sun at 22 degrees bringing us our annual New Moon...