Halloween havoc - putting October to bed, good-night October, don't let the door hit ya' ....

halloween by kathrinska The skies are madcap today with TWO planets moving through tense aspects with Uranus and then changing...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of October 29th - NOVEMBER is here and we are setting our course for 2019 and into 2020 - boldness, optimism, enthusiasm, choices, surprises and shake-ups with love or money, big news and information, another emotional week, the FATE train is pulling up to the station folks - ANYTHING is possible

tree's dreams by Anna1Anna Here are the major aspects I see for the week ahead: MONDAY - the Sun sextiles Saturn, Mercury conjuncts...

Weekend Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Venus meets the Sun - a karmic crossroads, the light falls on a new chapter, fate is playing its hand

B by la-child On FRIDAY, Venus (retrograde in Scorpio) meets the Sun at 3 degrees kicking off a new Venus chapter - this one...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of October 22nd - the Full Moon in Taurus, the surprise that isn't really a surprise, we either own it or we don't, our karma and destiny is knocking, change is good, major turning point, life has your back, game on

Fairy tale about a girl who became a tree by laura-makabresku Hopefully you took advantage of the dreamy Pisces weekend because...

Weekend Astrology Forecast for Creatives | October 20th-21st - good vibes, harmony, peace, wetsuits and access to all that nice Pisces mojo

Some One by arayo That Mars square Mercury with Mercury trining Neptune is still in play and we need to WATCH OUR LANGUAGE. We...

Mercury Trine Neptune, Mercury Square Mars | avoiding hotheads and raging drivers, letting information reveal itself in its own good time, probably not the best time to announce any sherlockin', don't shoot the messenger, don't get shot, keeping a cool head, forgive, be compassionate, step back, let it go, let it be

Sherlocking by iNeedChemicalX While we slept Mercury moved into a sweet trine with dreamy Neptune. I woke at five, then, what...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of October 15th - important conversations and mind-changing information, disruption, the rising feminine won't go away, we are re-evaulating what matters, power imbalances, arguments, forgiveness, compassion, if we get through this week without burning any bridges we didn't want to burn we are doing pretty freakin' good plus a peek ahead to later in the month and the change we have been waiting for

*** by ankazhuravleva MONDAY -Mercury conjuncts Venus (retrograde), Mercury squares Black Moon Lilith TUESDAY - Sun opposes Eris WEDNESDAY...

Sun Square Pluto, Mercury Sextile Saturn | power games and power struggles, playing chicken, use your grown up voice, just the facts Jack, speak decisively and honestly, grace under pressure, channel E.F. Hutton

Red Chief by anyaanti The Moon moved into Sagittarius while we slept. Normally the Moon's first change of sign after the New...

Mercury Square the Nodes from Scorpio |what is beneath the words, stuck in a loop, hearing what we might not want to hear, walking our talk, the unavoidable facts, uncomfortable conversations that are worth having, seeing the patterns - MAKING A PLAN

in.my.head by lunariya Yesterday's astrology was so gnarly that although I wrote about it in the weekly HERE (Mars square Venus,...

New Moon in Libra | October 8, 2018 - power imbalances, hard truths, holding ourselves together, planting the seeds of the old fruit, almost time to rebuild

The Catcher by Wonder Milky Girl Some of today's post I am going to pull from MONDAY in the weekly, but some of it will be new....

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of October 8th - dealing with loss, control issues, surprising news mid-week, the angry feminine energy (men carry feminine energy, too) isn't going away, fear of losing what we love, losing what we love, things outside our control are making us cray-cray, planting something new from the seeds of the old fruit

s by marina kochetyga Some important aspects this week are: SUNDAY - Sun conjunct Ceres MONDAY - New Moon in Libra TUESDAY -...

Astrology Forecast for Today | October 6th - focusing on the details, getting things done, paperwork, getting organized, pet therapy, drifting off course, knots untying, solutions that look better than they actually are or maybe our problem just dissolves, fragile emotional states, lack of boundaries, maybe time for a primal scream

nothing by Nira Gonzalez We looked at some bigger picture stuff yesterday, today let's focus in on the details - sometimes it...

Venus Stations Retrograde | relationships and money and women and what we value and how we value ourselves gets re-assessed, maybe life feels like a high stakes poker game, what are we willing to bet? what do we love NOW? and are we too focused on what isn't ours?

Drive. Through the Shadow. by A. Finch Venus stations retrograde today at 10 degrees Scorpio. I wrote about it HERE This retrograde...

Mercury Square Pluto, 3rd Quarter Square Moon | power struggles, facing the truth, words are power, news and information, honoring ourselves, hard to cooperate, growing ourselves up, eating the damn apple

autumn by Art-de-Viant The sensitive Cancer Moon (people with planets/points around 9 degrees of the cardinal signs - Aries,...