A Quick Sky Map | the Astrology of March 2019 | we don't know if we are coming or going because we are both coming AND going, the ground shifts, surrendering to a new way of communicating, mining spiritual gold, relationship issues, practical action, building the dream, releasing limits, releasing control, tuning into a new frequency, wait for it ...

I don't usually post a monthly, but I want to free up some time this month to do some big-picture Age of Aquarius posts and finish...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of February 25th - karmic decisions, old love, old money, debts and inheritances, news, fast changes, unexpected love and money situations, fated encounters, moving past the rules as Venus leaves Capricorn with a BANG

Some major aspects for the week ahead are: MONDAY - Venus conjuncts the South Node | opposes the North Node Mercury trines the...

Full Moon in Virgo | February 19, 2019 - the Moon for butchers and bakers and candlestick makers, an ending and a beginning rolled into one, keeping our eyes on the prize and our thinking flexible

On Tuesday morning at 10:53AM EST, the Sun (at 0 degrees Pisces) opposes the Moon (at 0 degrees Virgo) giving us our annual...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of February 18th - wounds get triggered, life gets even more fishy, what needs fixing, what is good enough, exaggerations and a shifting storyline begins

Mercury is uber active this week, which makes us busy and attending to lots of details, errands, talks, meetings, commerce,...

North Node in Cancer, South Node in Capricorn | part 1 - facing our ghosts, the karma of our ancestors, dependency issues, the chickens come home to roost, nurturing ourselves, allowing ourselves to be vulnerable

On November 15, 2018 the North Node moved into Cancer and the South Node (of the Moon) moved into Capricorn. The North Node...

Mars into Taurus | taking care of the nuts and bolts of life, the touch that feels like love, stopping to smell the roses, physical work, results over time, stubborn determination, digging in until we are up to our knees in mud

Mars, needing a bit of a break, after a few weeks in Aries (a space he rules, but where it is go, go, go and push, push, push...

Mars conjunct Uranus | going out with a BANG

At 1:20AM EST Tuesday night Mars will conjunct Uranus at the final degree of Aries - the sign Aries rules. This energy is in...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of February 10th - shocking change, volatility, take a chance NOT a risk, break-ups, breakdowns, break-throughs, liberation, then stuff starts to stabilize and slow down

The following are some of this week's big aspects: SUNDAY - Mercury into Pisces, Moon/Mars/Uranus with Mars trine Galactic Center WEDNESDAY...

Chiron into Aries | February 18th, 2019 thru 2026 - healing the wounded masculine, our path to self-love, healing through action, our victim stories and wallowing is so last transit, no one is you and THAT is your super-power

Chiron was the first discovered (in 1977) and is the largest of the Centaurs - originally classified as asteroids and now called...

Mars Square the Nodes, Mercury Sextile Uranus, Sun conjunct BML | a fork in the road, moving past our fears, allowing ourselves to be vulnerable, liberating speech, a light on something in the shadows, innovative ideas

Today we have Mars (in Aries, but only for a little while longer) squaring the North and South Nodes, Mercury, at the very end...

Sun Sextile Jupiter, Mercury Sextile Mars | take action, make the call, take the call, write the email, get it started/going, partnership/contract revisions, a slow down (and surprise) is coming so get moving

Our imaginative and spiritual Pisces Moon meets up with Neptune (Pisces ruler) and sextiles Saturn while we sleep then she...