Today's Astrology Forecast | Wednesday, June 23, 2021 - the luckiest day of the year thing this time with its roots in the past, healing old losses, renewed optimism, faith, examining what we want and why we want it, cutting cords


The Moon is in high-flying Sagittarius now. We are nourished/nurtured through our beliefs, education, religion, the big picture, what is foreign to us, mentors, wisdom, ADVENTURE. 


She sextiles a retrograde Saturn at 5:25AM EDT, opposes Mercury at 10:50AM EDT and finally goes void at 10:08PM EDT off a square with Neptune. She is void until Thursday morning when she sobers up in serious Capricorn. So, a bit of a mixed-bag emotionally with the possibility of some crossed wires mid-morning.

The good news - this is the day the Sun trines a retrograde Jupiter. This is a thrice a year aspect, sometimes called by astrologers "the luckiest day of the year". I'm not sure about that, but certainly with Jupiter so magical (even retrograde) in Pisces, there is real connection/spiritual support here. With the Sun in home, family and security focused Cancer we could be feeling a real contentment in these areas (also our natal Cancer house theme) as well as greater confidence, optimism and faith.


This is also the day, always the fly in the ointment, Venus, nearing the end of her travels through Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn. This is exact in the evening, but has been building all week. How this plays out for us will have alot to do with our natal placements and energies, but this could be something about our resources vs their resources, mom vs dad, child vs parent, home (inner life) vs work (outer life). Power struggles are possible. Oppositions are like Full Moons so they can bring results/endings/sometimes loss. Feelings of jealousy could get stirred up. Maybe we are wanting what we can't have. Maybe we are wanting more power. Merging and/or purging are sometimes needed advice for Plutonian struggles. 


With beneficial Venus's next aspect a biquintile (one gift interacting with another gift/double quintile) to beneficial Jupiter who is trining the Sun - no doubt the Sun/Jupiter will help us through the Venus/Pluto. Maybe the biquintile's "double gift" is a chance to "un-do" (that retrograde Jupiter) an old and almost-magnetic reaction based on a past loss (can be past life/ancestral, too, with Pisces). See an example below. We all have something like this going on.


Certainly Venus is asking us to examine what we want and why we want it. 

xo all


Here's an example. Many people have something like this going on/playing out : a young man we'll call Bob has an ancestor, who may or may not have been Bob in a prior life, it really doesn't matter because either way he carries this story in his DNA/karma - whose head was unjustly cut-off by a mad king (in this case King Henry VIII). In this lifetime, right on time within this man's chart's connection to that life's chopping block, Bob had his own head cut off by another mad king - his larger-than-life boss. Losing this job 'felt' like Bob's actual head was cut off and this is even how he described it. This happened in the fall of 2019.


Now we are, all of us,  living at a level past where we always died before, and after much reconstructing of his life and much letting go, Bob, having come full circle, sort-of, finds himself back in the same position again, this time under the employ of another mad king (named Elon Musk, I am not kidding


with his head on a sort-of 'forever' chopping block BUT with an opportunity right now to leave the circus for something maybe less circus-y. Maybe this week's energies will conspire to bring situations/events that require/ask him to examine what he wants and why he wants it and maybe he'll decide another dance with the mad king is what he wants, magnetized by familiarity chaos/Uranus has a strong power over us or maybe this time he'll be the one to use the ax. 


King Henry VIII, by the way, had a 22 degree Cappy Uranus - a degree wiped out by January 2020's Saturn/Pluto conjunction, also home to Bob's 21 degree Cappy Moon.

artwork by the talented avvart

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