What a week! FIVE planets/asteroids change signs and FATE plays its hand. With multiple challenging contacts with...

On July 23, 2021 at 10:37PM EDT, the Aquarius Moon will oppose the Leo Sun at 1 degree giving us this month's New Moon - our...
There is ALOT going on this week with multiple challenges, two inner planets changing signs and the first of TWO, big...
Today's Astrology Forecast | Saturday, July 17th, 2021 - power struggles, a blow to our ego, a need for balance within relationships, knowing that those things that stop are dead
Friday, July 16, 2021
The Moon continues her monthly journey through balance-seeking/partnership-focused Libra. She has herself a hell of a...
Today's Astrology Forecast | Thursday and Friday, July 15th - July 16th, 2021 - a dream for our home and family, old wounds, tense conversations, letting go of what we can't control
Wednesday, July 14, 2021
We wake on THURSDAY (EDT) to a void Moon - her last aspect late Wednesday night's trine to a retrograde Pluto. She is...
The Moon is in Virgo on TUESDAY - we are nourished/nurtured by being of service, dotting our i's and crossing our...
I will have to write dailies this week as Sunday got away from me! I will get them up the night before if possible. The...
Today's Astrology Forecast | Saturday, July 10th, 2021 - digging through the old crap, a void moon, as the sun goes down the lights come on
Saturday, July 10, 2021
We are moving through the energy of yesterday's New Moon - the Moon continuing her monthly journey through her home sign...
On Friday, July 9th, 2021, at 9:16PM EDT, the Cancer Moon meets up with the Cancer Sun at 18 degrees giving us...
Today's astrology Forecast | Thursday, July 8th, 2021 - the future reaches back and grabs us by the balls, again ... changes with our relationships, income, values and self-esteem
Thursday, July 8, 2021
The Moon comes home to Cancer this morning, preparing us for the New Moon tomorrow. The skies are dark. We are nourished/nurtured...
Weekly Astrology Forecast for Creatives | July 5th, 2021 thru July 11th, 2021 - what our heart wants, the confusion/illusion lifts, reality bites and we bite back, heading home
Sunday, July 4, 2021
Did we all survive last week's T-Square with Mars?! Count fingers/toes/shake around a bit. All there, I hope. Well,...
Today's Astrology Forecast | Thursday, July 1st, 2021 - the risk to be uncomfortable, what our heart wants now, reality checks, knowing how much ground to give
Thursday, July 1, 2021
The Moon is in Aries now - we are nourished/nurtured by action, physical movement, taking the initiative, time spent...
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