Today's Astrology Forecast | Thursday, July 1st, 2021 - the risk to be uncomfortable, what our heart wants now, reality checks, knowing how much ground to give



The Moon is in Aries now - we are nourished/nurtured by action, physical movement, taking the initiative, time spent alone, time spent with men, passion, anger. She trines Venus in fiery Leo at 7:22AM EDT (we might get a preview of the upcoming Mars/Venus new cycle) then goes on to square the Sun at 5:10PM EDT and finally sextile a retrograde Saturn at 9:15PM EDT.


The square to the Sun is this month's  Last Quarter Square - Aries/Cancer. Aries squares can make us antsy/add pressure to take action, get something moving. The Sun in Cancer is focused on security/home/family - making things safe. This is tension/frustration between the new/the initiative/the action and the comforting/familiar. 


(the key to working with Aries/Cancer and I am a Moon in Cancer married to an Aries Moon, so trust me on this one, is to thoroughly engage/initiate/challenge and THEN thoroughly absorb/empathize/connect with the other person's position - some ground must be given, but all ground cannot be given)

Keep in mind the Aries Moon is answering to Aries ruler Mars, who moves into his exact opposition to a retrograde Saturn today. Our movements/passions meet opposition/limits/rules - a reality check. With Saturn retrograde there are old rules/responsibilities/commitments that we are reminded of now. This isn't about giving up and this isn't about trying to power through regardless (which won't work) - Saturn and Mars are old friends/can work well together, but will require our efforts be practical, paced, focused on the future. 

Mars is in Leo commanding (demanding?) attention/appreciation. Needing to take actions we are passionate about. That are heartfelt/make us proud. The Moon in Aries will have us feeling all the ways this is and isn't happening. 

The thing that makes this different than other Mars/Saturn oppositions (reality checks) is we have a square to Uranus - exact this weekend - so any limits/restrictions will feel doubly oppressive. These are fixed signs so if not mastered something might break before it bends. We don't want to toss babies out with bathwater, but needed changes are probably not going to be stopped. What commitments/responsibilities/goals need to be adjusted? What does out heart want now? How can we have more freedom within our relationships, within our work, within our lives? And on the flipside, where do we need to be more responsible/committed for these new energies, that will ultimately be more liberating, to take root?


Seed more in the weekly HERE

xo all

artwork by the talented MartenArt

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