Today's Astrology Forecast | Thursday, June 30th, 2022 - a light on the womb wound, smart strategies that stabilize and give us more power and control

 The Moon is finishing up her journey through Cancer.  Today she trines (brakes off) a retrograde Neptune at 11:27AM...

the meaning of the astrology of the New Moon in Cancer | June 28th, 2022 - back to the womb, a fresh start driven by big motivations

On Tuesday, June 28, 2022 at 10:51PM EDT - the Cancer Moon meets the Cancer Sun at 7 degrees, giving us this month's New Moon - our...

Weekly astrology | June 27- July 3, 2022 - big new beginning with home and family, healing words, playing the long game, keeping your head, the god of war meets the god of death

  HUGE week ahead! I'm late getting to this, so let's dive right in. MONDAY - Mercury sextile Chiron, Mars sextile...

the astrology of Black Moon Lilith's square to Jupiter | Roe V. Wade and the New Moon in Cancer - part II

  We started this conversation about Black Moon Lilith's lengthy square to Jupiter and her connection to next week's powerful...

today's astrology forecast | Friday and Saturday, June 24-25, 2022 - the blocks push us toward a more simple and secure life, taking action on the new, not totally new dream

  On FRIDAY, the Moon continues her monthly journey through Taurus, the sign of her exaltation. At 6:14PM EDT she meets...

today's astrology forecast | Wednesday and Thursday, June 22nd - 23rd, 2022 - all part of falling in love with reality

   The Sun is in Cancer. The Moon is finishing up in Aries today - we are nourished/nurtured by action, physical movement,...

the astrology of Black Moon Lilith's square to Jupiter | removing the curse, a chance to heal childhood wounds and shame through self-acceptance - part I

  Black Moon Lilith isn't an asteroid or a planet.  She is the lunar apogee, a geometric point in space that...

weekly astrology forecast | June 20th to 26th, 2022 - talking and thinking big, intense desires, wanting something that makes us feel powerful then ... it's summer!

 We will feel the shift toward home/family/roots/tribe as the Sun crosses over the world axis at the Cancer Solstice on Tuesday...

Today's Astrology Forecast | June 16th, 2022 - what we value now, attracting the future, willing to be present for every step, better the carrot than the stick

  The Moon finishes up in sober Capricorn today. She trines Venus, sextiles Neptune, inconjuncts the Sun and finally goes...

Mars conjunct Chiron and the Cappy Moon | June 15th, 2022 - pushed to take action that both hurts and heals

  Just off her opposition with the Sun and square to Neptune, Luna moves into sober Capricorn. The sign of her detriment/exile...

the astrology of the Full moon in Sagittarius | June 14th, 2022 - the end of the lie, coming down to earth

  On June 14, 2022, at 7:51AM EDT, the Sagittarius Moon opposes the Gemini Sun, giving us this month's Full Moon, our annual...

venus and the north node | our values will determine our future - the huge energies of late July and early August are already in play

 We talked about Venus and the North Node in the weekly HERE, but this is REALLY going to matter in a few weeks, so let's dive...

weekly astrology forecast | June 13 -19th, 2022 - Full Moon in Sag, Mercury comes home, the seductive meets the strategic, slaying the dragon to enter the castle

 This is a BIG week!  We have TWO major alignments including a BIG Full Moon in Sagittarius, Mercury coming back into his...