weekly astrology forecast | June 26, 2023 to July 2nd, 2023 - reminiscing, new potentials can come into view, stability, healing, reality, lots of conversations and information, big opportunities and something shocking

LOTS of good aspects this week, LOTS of Mercury, so expect to be busy with much conversations, communication and information. Look at next Saturday's sextiles to expansive Jupiter - plan to do something with THAT! Expect the unexpected - and a LONG STORY to begin - with love and money ...

MONDAY - Mars square Uranus, Mercury inconjunct Pluto, Mercury enters Cancer

TUESDAY - Mercury sextile North Node and trine the South Node, Mercury square Ceres

WEDNESDAY - Sun trine Saturn

THURSDAY - Venus trine Chiron

FRIDAY - Mercury trine Saturn, Neptune stations retrograde

SATURDAY - Sun conjunct Mercury, Mercury sextile Jupiter, Sun sextile Jupiter

SUNDAY - Venus squares Uranus

MONDAY - The squares - tension/frustration hit early in the week. Mars in fiery "me-me-me" Leo squares liberating/chaotic Uranus in practical Taurus as Mercury makes a quick inconjunct - rock and a hard place - with powerful Pluto, on his way out of his home sign of Gemini joining the Sun in emotional Cancer by the end of the day. The Moon in Libra makes her first quarter square with the Cancer Sun. 

Let's start with that First Quarter Square - a challenge with the New Moon in Gemini story we started back on June 18th. The Moon in Libra - and remember the Sun is answering to her - is seeking relationship, balance, peace. The Sun in Cancer isn't opposed to any of these things, but is primarily responding to a need for security/safety. Can be needy/moody. If mama ain't happy ain't nobody happy. A square speaks of tension/frustration, the need for action. This might be a good time to put ourselves in the other person's shoes. Cooperate. Compromise. Really LISTEN. Don't be a whiny baby. 

The square from Mars/Uranus in Leo/Taurus sort of has a similar vibe. Mars in Leo is loud/proud needs appreciation/attention. Uranus in Taurus is shaking up our 'stuck' energies. The 'shake-up' could come through a humbling/need for humility. This isn't about not shining/not being ourselves, but we might need to dial something down a notch, so no one gets hurt

This is also an 'accident prone' energy and with Mercury leaving Gemini - drive safely. Slow your roll a bit. 

This is also the day Mercury leaves his home sign of Gemini off that inconjunct with a retrograde Pluto in Cappy. Old power struggles, career/ambitions - whatever comes up, again, there is the need for some give and take with this and the knowledge that things won't be perfect no matter what we do. Communications can go wonky and there could be misunderstandings. 

Mercury then moves into Cancer where he/she will hang his hat until July 11th. We will be feeling what people are saying now. Our own words will be impacting other people emotionally, too. For the next couple weeks - this transit will be FAST - we will be thinking/talking/writing/dealing with Cancerian issues more often - home, family, real estate, renovation, home business, ancestry, the past, mothers, country, safety, security, as well as our personal Cancer natal house theme. We could be more nostalgic. 

TUESDAY - Mercury in Cancer trines the South Node and sextiles the North Node while squaring Ceres. The square is tension/frustration and requires ACTION/creates movement. Nurturing within relationships/partnerships that is out of balance will trigger STRAIN (likely with old familial connections). An argument. Passive-aggressive crap. Emotions can run high. Someone says something that sets someone else off or some news/information does. With Mercury in Cancer it can be easy to talk like a child, so again, don't be a whiny baby. 

Mercury's interactions with the Nodes of Fate at the same time, tell us something IMPORTANT is happening now. Pay attention. With Mercury trining (brakes off) the South Node it will be easy to fall into unconscious verbal patterns/ideas that are keeping us stuck. The same old verbal mud/dead conversations/toxic crap. Again, there can be alot of reminiscing. Not a bad thing, just don't dwell on old troubles. 

We want to be leaning into that North Node sextile with Taurus. Keep the conversation/your words focused on WHAT YOU DO WANT. That stable/flourishing/simple future. Take the high road. 

This aspect enables the smooth release of something complicated, third party, dead as we move toward something more simple, stable, growing. The square from Ceres - in our relationship house/our shadow stuff that we project onto other people - can be what pushes us to action, so these smooth aspects don't just drift on by us. 

Any Mercury/North Node contact could bring information/conversations that point us in a NEW direction, so pay attention - something with secure/stable POTENTIAL could come into view. 

WEDNESDAY - the Sun trines that retrograde Saturn - good energy for focus, getting something accomplished. With Mercury applying to a solar conjunction and a Saturn trine, too, it could be a good time for family conversations/communications or discussions/contracts/commitments around home or real estate. The Moon will be in intense/deep Scorpio and making her own trines to Mercury, the Sun and Saturn giving us a Grand Water Trine. Things we are committing to now/obligations and responsibilities we take on will be lasting. 

THURSDAY - Venus in Leo trines Chiron in Aries. Following in the steps of Mercury and Mars from last week, now Venus makes a smooth/easy aspect with the wounded healer - remember she is walking steps she will walk two more times during her retrograde this summer, so whatever we have going on now won't be a one-and-done. Good for actual healing, good for receiving attention/appreciation that feels good if we OWN IT. Our wounds/vulnerability is what MAKES us attractive and we are attracted to the shiny egoic/public wounds of others. 

FRIDAY - Now, Mercury trines Saturn which is likely all the same thing as the Sun/Saturn. Focus. Speak up. Good for sober communication. Grown-up conversations. Getting things done. Check Wednesday for more info. 

This is also the day Neptune stations retrograde at 27 degrees Pisces. Collectively a retrograde Neptune means more realism, less imagination (with Saturn in Pisces, too, we could say our imaginings become more real), our illusions are highlighted and then dimmed. It should help us to see straight. Our blurry visions will gradually come into focus as the tide goes out. We can revise/review our dreams.

On the other hand if we are depending on an illusion/those rose-colored glasses to get us through something/to make life bearable - Neptune retrograde can make things almost too real/too naked/less buoyant. 

Because again ... the tide goes out and we can see those colorful rocks at our feet are actually plain old rocks after all.

If we are directly impacted by this retrograde (if we have planets or points in this 'red zone' of 27-24 degrees the mutable signs - Pisces, Gemini, Virgo or Sagittarius) - certain situations can intensify.

If our boundaries have become too thin, if we are too pie-in-the-sky idealistic about something, if we are believing in things that have no basis in reality, if we are escaping/indulging in addictive behaviors - we won't be able to avoid the ramifications of this stuff any longer. This can also be about the theme of our Pisces natal house.

If we have drained ourselves through too much Neptune - delusion, escape, self-sacrificing, compassion fatigue, turning the other cheek - and are exhausted - we will need to figure that out. Sometimes things have to get worse before they get better. The elephant behind the sofa will be standing on the coffee table. There we see him NOW. 

And with Chiron in Aries (and the North Node headed in that direction), we are the ones who will have to make things better for ourselves. 

Keep in mind as always with Neptune - there is powerful magic here. Pray, meditate, listen to music. Neptune rules not only what we have put away, but what is behind us. Our ancestors, and every good decision we've ever made in every life we've ever lived - is lined up to assist us through these times. Just ask. Neptune will be retrograde until December 5th. 

Now look at SATURDAY. Mercury catches up with the Sun in Leo just in time for them to both trine beneficial Jupiter in Aries. Good news. Good luck. Plan something FUN for this day, please :)

On SUNDAY, it is Venus's turn to square Uranus in Taurus. This is surprises and disruptions with our finances, relationships, values, self-esteem, our Leo natal house theme, children, romance, recreation. Squares push us to action through tension and frustration. 

This is a BIG part of Venus's summer retrograde. We will be here two more times. This is our first pass, and, with Sun/Mercury at the same time, likely some challenging information/communication comes to our attention that we will be working with for the next few weeks. The next time Venus makes this square will be in early August. She will be retrograde and about to meet the Sun, so whatever this is we have going on now with our relationships and our money or with some Leo theme is VERY IMPORTANT. We will be dealing with it, in some form, until the end of September and the first pass is THIS WEEK.

xo all

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