Whining Wednesday or what your gifts are trying to tell you

I think you can tell what people really think of you by the gifts they give you or don't give you.

So, when I was unChristmas-ing my house the other day I took a look at the gifts I was given and the thought that the people who know me best had put into them.

I mean we give our kids gifts that they 'want' - within reason and price and age appropriateness (of course this is because they tell us what they want- they drag us over to watch tv commercials, give us lists to mail and are smart enough to tell people what they want- we could learn alot from these short people we live with).

But we give most people what we think they want.

Anyhoo, I got 2 pocketbooks-both Fossil cross-bodies- one red and one black. So what is the message here? I need alot of places to keep all my loot? I need alot of places to keep my broken Sephora bronzers? Maybe people are thinking of me as an abundant, organized person... yeah, I think I will go with that one.

I got alot of things that smell nice- like soaps and lotions and candles.

(hmmm... this could be saying good or not so good things about me)

We got alot of packaged meat and cheese

(I am sadly serious here)

mostly from hubby's customers and when I say to hubby "look at all this meat" he says- "well when Jerry - you know, the dog trainer guy- gave me that box- he said you would really like it."

(huh?? I would really like it)

Me "What did he mean by that?"

Hubby "Huh, I guess there is something in there he thought you would like."

Me "I wonder if he thinks I'm fat?"

Hubby "No."

Me "Well, maybe not as a human, but if I were a dog and were wearing a collar, would I have a roll of fat that is squeezed out over the collar?"

Hubby "Um…"

Me "Would my collar have to be adjusted or could I wear it off the rack?"

Then we laughed and proceeded to eat all the Hickory out of Hickory Farms.

P.S. There is a little post script to this story because today hubby remembered that the customer who told him 'your wife will like this' had given him a bottle of wine (not a case of beef sticks and monteray jack)

so was probably referring to my drinking habit the cork.

1. Awesome Ipod/Iphone case by FannyAlioli
2. Adorable My Little Bird Ring by MGMart
3. Beautiful red infinity scarf by Mojospastyle
4. Blue halter dress by the amazing Larimeloom
5. You Are So Loved framed print by the incredible Jess Gonacha Swift.
6. Stunning burgundy earrings by CoolJewelryDesign.

Get Ready Set WIN Upcycled Vintage Clutch Giveaway! CLOSED

And the winner is Lee P! Chosen by random. org Min: 1 Max:734 Result: 498

Get Ready Set GO and Get Ready Set CLUTCH are the creations of mad genius, photographer, artist and knitter Rachel Demsick.

Her work is stunningly unique and so much fun. Her bags are vintage and upcycled so when you purchase something from one of her shops you are supporting sustainable living practices.

Rachel says she loves old books, new books, skeleton keys, campfires, converse sneakers, randomness, night-time and soft sheets and about a gazillion other things!

I have one of these amazing bags and get complimented whenever I use it! Mine has an elephant on it so I will never forget any of my travels!

When I saw this beautiful white, vintage clutch that Rachel has painted with these adorable birds I knew some lucky someone out there would just love to win it!


One lucky winner will receive this amazing GetReadySetCLUTCH upcycled vintage clutch!


Visit one (or both) of Rachel's amazing shops and take a look around and then pop back in here and let us know one of your favorite items - GetReadySetGO or GetReadySetCLUTCH

For additional entries:

(5) Twitter this post
(5) Blog about this contest; linking to this post
(5) Follow my blog

Let me know if you have done these things so I can give you additional entries. This contest is open to everyone.


MIDNIGHT on Sunday, January 17th! Good luck!! CLOSED