Today's Astrology Forecast | December 6, 2019 - taking ourselves seriously, honoring what we value while still moving forward, courage and confidence, smooth pavements and roadblocks

The Moon continues moving through assertive and independent Aries today - squaring Venus at 5:57PM EST (tension  around what we need to do to get what we want and the rules/limits blocking us, a need to adjust our sails) and trining the Sun at 8:04PM EST.

This month's waxing trine (brakes off) with the Sun at 14 degrees Sagittarius and the Moon at 14 degrees Aries, is sandwiched between today's square to Venus (love, money, our values, self-esteem, beauty) and tomorrow's squares to Saturn and Pluto, all in "serious as a heart attack" Capricorn. If you are making important decisions now, I hope you are taking them seriously. 

The trine moves things forward through courage (Aries) and confidence (Sagittarius) or maybe through initiative (Aries) and faith (Sagittarius) or maybe this is really the same thing.

A trine is a 120 degree aspect in astrology. Two planets (or points) are forming one side of a triangle. They are working in harmony, stimulating each other toward increased activity and SUCCESS.

We want (and always have) some of these in our natal birth chart. They are our subtle super powers. We can't see through a wall, but maybe we can see when someone is bullshitting us. We can't leap tall buildings with a single bound, but maybe we can leap over obstacles without getting mired in indecision.

Or we could think of them like a tool we are carrying in our pack for this lifetime. We need a screwdriver. We pull it out without thinking, we use it, it works, we put it back. It's something that's there. And it's helpful.

Once a month, during the Moon's waxing (growing) cycle, the Sun and the Moon reach 120 degrees apart and form a trine.

So although Aries always trines Sag - courage and confidence, initiative and faith always work hand in hand - here is the time in the lunar cycle (and this is brief, but powerful energy and we will only get this particular trine once a year) when we get access to the tools we need to move this month's very particular New Moon energies FORWARD.

Of course, this year, all the Cappy energy, which is impacting ALOT right now (but not EVERYTHING) is squaring the Moon, because Capricorn squares Aries, so it creates a need, even with that smooth-flowing trine - to take certain limits/rules/authority/responsibilities into account now. With Venus there could be financial/resource limits or maybe a partner isn't on the same page with us, with Saturn rules/tradition/authority, with Pluto power - maybe somebody else is calling the shots or holds all the cards - or maybe it just look/feels like they are. We are approaching Sunday's square between the Sun and Neptune - everything is not exactly as it seems now. Stay open and flexible. Don't get to wedded to your beliefs.

At the same time we have the Sun moving through an awkward inconjunct to a retrograde Vesta moving through the middle of Taurus. Here is a rock and a hard place. The Sag Sun wants those greener pastures/to expand his reach, but here is this thing that we once were devoted to/held sacred/kept us up at night - this thing that must still be honored. Maybe it's a resource. Maybe it's what we have earned/valued.

With the Sun trining an Aries Moon (brave action) at the same time, we don't exactly want to let this stop us dead in our tracks, we want to keep moving with courage and confidence, but we don't toss the baby out with the bathwater and we DON"T (those approaching lunar squares to Saturn and Pluto) NOT - yes, I love double negatives -  take this seriously. So, take this seriously, don't move into something stupid, just to move.

What are our values? What's most important?

Maybe we can't have the adventure and keep all those benjamins in our piggy bank (for example), so what's it gonna be?

Mars is in Scorpio - very strong, in a sign he once ruled - and the Aries Moon is answering to him.

Let's keep moving forward.

Let's keep digging for truth, looking under rocks and shaking things out.

Tomorrow, Mercury, will reach fresh territory for the first time in nearly two months, we will know what we are looking for when we see it.

xo all

photo by the amazing oprisco

Today's Astrology Forecast | December 5, 2019 - a long void moon followed by a second wind, nurtured by men, pushing through obstacles and moving forward

Our Moon in imaginative, spiritual and escape-prone Pisces went void off a trine to Mercury (at the final degrees of her 'third time's the charm' re-walk through Scorpio) at 3:14AM EST.

She will be void until 2:44PM EST when she moves into the 'fresh start' energy of Aries. So wrap things up early in the day, focus on practiced production rather than on starting anything brand new. Expect some wonk and do-overs. That closing trine - brakes off - to Mercury, deep in Scorpio, makes this a good day for deep communications (intimate/financial) or digging through the underpinnings of something.

In Aries, the Moon will have us nurtured/comforted through interactions with men, independent action, initiation, our passions/anger and impulsivity.

She will square Jupiter at 4:08PM EST. Life gets busier - is this possible, yes it is! - we get involved, push through obstacles, make adjustments and make things happen. Aries/Capricorn squares are the old making way for the new or the new making space for the old. Jupiter adds confidence and enthusiasm. We could feel some over-confidence, but maybe that's what we need now!

We have Pluto, Jupiter, Venus, Ceres and the South Node - all in Capricorn with Saturn and answering to Saturn. We have Uranus in Taurus (answering to Venus who's answering to Saturn, and even if we see Uranus as answering to Ceres, as I sometimes play around with, Ceres is also in Capricorn and answering to Saturn), so Saturn is dispositing Uranus. We have Mercury headed into Sagittarius in just a few days (answering to Jupiter who's answering to Saturn), so Saturn will disposit Mercury, too. Yes, it is Saturn's world and we just get to live in it!

It might feel like the heavens have decided we should skip the holidays and rush right into 2020 "New Year - join a gym and work extra hours to pay off the bills" mode. Maybe this is why so many people felt the need to put their holiday decorations up so early this year!

All this Saturn is not necessarily a bad thing (did I actually just write that?!), but it is all rather extreme what with Saturn being our daddy/authority figure and ruling the way we use and misuse our own authority, responsibilities and commitments. Alot of attention is tossed on what power/authority can (and cannot) do now, also on the finality/repercussions of choice we've already made.

Keep in mind though we still have the Sun in sunny Sagittarius for the next couple weeks (before he moves into, you guessed it Capricorn ... and although, yes the Sun in Sagittarius is answering to Jupiter who is answering to Saturn, the Sun is above getting disposited, although certainly some Cappy flavoring is added, but we will never  feel this anyway with all the other old-man Saturnian energy we are having to deal with), we are still fueled through optimism/through a focus on the greener grass over there.

Until a few days ago Jupiter was in his home sign of Sagittarius for the last year. Everyone was given opportunities in 2019 even as we've dealt with these Cappy endings. Jupiter in his home sign lived up to his end of the bargain even though I feel (and I may not be seeing this clearly or maybe I am seeing it perfectly clearly because transitting Neptune has been sitting on my natal Jupiter for what feels like forever) his squares to Neptune dissolved some of our "luck". Still, the opportunities have been there. And if we are feeling like we didn't take advantage/notice them, there are still some twists and turns ahead, folks, our "luck" has certainly not run out!

The Sun in ONLY halfway through Sagittarius. Is the glass half-full or half-empty - that is up to us! The field may have narrowed, but there are still open doors and doors still opening. Optimism and courage in the pursuit of something that expands our reach is still driving everything. Mars is nearing the middle of Scorpio - the ancient ruler of Scorpio, he is the strongest right now that we are going to see him for many, many months - it is a time to be moving things forward.

I don't want to see us beating our heads against the wall, but nothing is really 'dead in the water' while Mars is still in Scorpio!

Once the Moon gets passed the square to Jupiter and conjunction with Chiron tonight (maybe an old pain is triggered when we push too hard, this doesn't mean we give up, we can move past this quickly!) - we will almost certainly start to get a second wind.

xo all

photo by the talented DeBally

Today's Astrology Forecast | December 4, 2019 - intuition, connection, partnership challenges, connecting with our goals and ambitions, turning on the light

The Pisces Moon squared the Sagittarius Sun - this month's waxing square - while we slept (EST). This is tension/frustration/the need to adjust between our dreams and wisdom. The Pisces Moon answers to Neptune, in his home sign, and the Sagittarius Sun answers to Jupiter in serious Capricorn - our decisions/beliefs are important and we can probably feel the weight of them.

Looking ahead the Sun (and later in December, Mercury) is going to square Neptune - so even as we finish up Mercury's final walk over his retrograde degrees - he starts walking fresh territory in just three days - there could still be some adjustments needed with our thinking and our beliefs. Hands still in play. Big changes ahead with the eclipse. We still don't know what we don't know.

The Moon then meets Neptune (10:18AM EST) - deep emotions, creativity, spirituality, connection, we might want to escape from any challenging situations brought on by the waxing square, but let's see if we can't go with the flow here instead, offer connection instead of judgement. This afternoon the Moon will move through some opportunistic sextiles with Saturn (3:14PM EST) and Pluto (9:41PM EST). Focus, work, this is good energy to get things done, connect with our goals, authority and responsibilities in creative ways.

Venus (also in serious Capricorn) is going to square Juno, so there is some tension between love/money/our values/self esteem and our contracts/relationship agreements. With Venus in ambitious Capricorn (not her usual loving self) and Juno in diplomatic and partnership-focused Libra, love can be difficult. 

The Pisces Moon will increase our intuitive powers - pay attention to your dreams and imaginative meanderings, watch for signs. At the same time, with all the Cappy energy today, we will likely be connecting with our goals, career situations, authority. It's good - as long as we take things seriously and know there will be some adjustments needed (the squares).

The big news today probably happens while we sleep - that Sun square Moon - and even though we spend most of the day with the Moon having moved on - keep in mind the Sun will still be at 11 degrees Sagittarius (where they met at 1:58AM EST) keeping this energy active until tomorrow, we might have to stand up for what we believe in now or adjust our beliefs.

Sag/Pisces can amp up the creativity and imagination, but also the "lala" factor, so it would be a good day - especially now with this powerful Cappy stellium - to face the stuff we might usually try to avoid. Slay the boogeyman, who only really exists in the dark anyway ...

xo all
(working on a December post so we can see further ahead!)

photo by the talented emptyredhead

Today's Astrology Forecast | December 3, 2019 - third time's the charm, three strikes you're out, endings/beginnings, committing our hearts and resources and wallets, being strategic, following our passions

It's all good news for our Pisces Moon today as she sextiles Jupiter at 2:25AM EST (our dreams getting grounded in Jupiter's new earthy terrain), sextiles a retrograde Uranus at 8:43AM EST (change is good, creative opportunities with resources), trines Mars at 9:50PM EST (going deep, merging, moving forward) and finally sextiles Venus at 10:26PM EST (opportunities with love/money through imagination, connection, compassion).

We also have Mercury (yes, still in Scorpio and covering his retrograde degrees for the third time) sextiling Pluto at 21 degrees Capricorn. Truth. Powerful conversations and ideas. We had this on October 19th and November 9th, so another third time's the charm/or three strikes you are out kind of thing. Good for communications with authority/steeping into our own power via important words. This could also be about another kind of Mercurian situation - a sibling issue, local community issue or transportation issue. Mercury in Scorpio is already answering to Pluto, so whatever we have been digging through gets intensified now.

At the same time Venus sextiles Mars - the girls and the boys can play nice in the sandbox. Opportunistic connections. What we want and what we have to do to get what we want are working together now.

Keep in mind Venus had to cross the South Node to get to Mars - so RELEASING old relationships/resources/financial commitments could be part of the picture here.

If we can access that Mars in Scorpio - what we are really passionate about - what we really want to be doing right now? who we really want to be doing it with? - we can move mountains through right action (and powerful language - the Mercury/Pluto sextile).

We have to see the truth though (maybe what is finished?) - THEN we have the power to attract what we want/need into our life through words and initiative. Know if we are experiencing an ending now/getting a no - it is undeniable there is something BETTER coming when we release this "thing we used to love's" stranglehold on us. If something is over - let it go. The NEW is right around the corner. 

Pallas is conjunct the Sun (at 10 degrees Sagittarius) shining a light on important patterns and strategies. The Sagittarius Sun fuels us with optimism and a look at the grand vision/greener pastures. Pallas can provide the wisdom to help us get there.

The Moon is waxing (growing) and unencumbered today. Socialize, make business contacts, get things out into the world. Take action. Speak your truth.

There is really NOTHING STOPPING US TODAY other than ourselves ie we aren't being truthful by refusing to see the obvious or refusing to release something that is over.

xo all

photo by the talented Tooga