the October Astrology of Trump, Covid and the United States | a major transformation to restore balance, part II - extremely dangerous time for Trump's health


Part I is HERE and the Trump covid announcement chart is HERE. I've written before about the ways Trump's chart and the covid virus interact so intimately with the U.S. birth chart called the Sibley Chart - see this post HERE.


For this chart we are looking at our usual cast of characters plus asteroids Hygiea, Pandora and Wuhan. We are also adding in asteroids Pholus, Henry, Lachesis and her sister Atrophis (for reasons we will get into here and in a later post).

Most of this stuff is already in play - aspects are strongest when applying (approaching exactness as they are now), but we are going to specifically look at October 13th the day Mercury is going to station retrograde in Scorpio (opposite Uranus), while the Sun (already debilitated in Libra and the ruler of Trump's chart) opposes a retrograde Mars (in Aries) and squares all that powerful Cappy stuff. This is the peak of the Mars retrograde and two days before a New Moon in Libra (23 degrees).


Cardinal T-Square formed from the ashes of a Cardinal Grand Cross when the Moon moves out of Cancer on Saturday night - uber powerful. 


Let's take a look.


This is a very dangerous time for Trump. His physical health, his power, his career. This is life and death. Bags are packed. The grim reaper is at the door. If any part of this man feels like giving up, like it is time for him to be "out of here" - he will be. I think he still has some control over what is going to happen, but not alot.


Let's move the hands of time ahead to October 13th -  asteroid Wuhan is now on the exact degree - 22 Capricorn - activated when Pluto and Saturn met here back in January when "time ran out"! He is exactly conjunct a newly direct Pluto and also conjunct Saturn and Jupiter. 22 degrees Capricorn is the Vertex (point of fate/destiny) in Trump's natal chart. This is also conjunct Trump's natal asteroid Pholus - the centaur who uncorked a bottle of wine and started a war, then died very fast after pricking his finger with a poisoned arrow - he's the genie out of the bottle aspect. We can't get him back in. 22 Cappy is conjunct the U.S. natal Pluto (whose return to its 1776 U.S. birth position is building) and opposes the U.S. natal Mercury/asteroid Henry exact conjunction and U.S. natal Vertex/Part of Fortune exact conjunction. 


It's like someone pouring gasoline on a fire.

Mars will be at 21 degrees Aries (21-22 degrees is especially very hot right now and if you have anything in your natal chart here, you will be feeling the heat, too, this month). This is the exact degree of Trump's Hygiea (illness) and Lachesis conjunction and tightly conjunct (20 degrees) the United States natal Chiron (our national wounding in our 4th house of home/country). 

In Greek mythology, Lachesis was one of the Three Fates - the sisters who were said to determine the destinies of men and Gods. Astrologically Lachesis is considered an indicator/measure for the length of life. Sometimes in an event chart or through transit she can indicate a death/termination, sometimes she can indicate an interruption that interferes with a planned outcome. Her sister, Atropos cuts the cord of life with her shears. Trump was born with asteroid Lachesis exactly conjunct asteroid Hygiea. Right now transiting asteroid Lachesis is conjunct Trump's 8th house (death, transformation) natal ruler Neptune. Transiting Neptune is conjunct asteroid Henry (we'll get into this in the next post) - both are squaring Trump's Sun/North Node/Uranus and his natal Moon/Wuhan.

(Trump was born with asteroid Atropos, the cord cutting sister, conjunct his natal Sun in the 10th house - maybe forecasting a public death, maybe to be cut down in his prime in some way or maybe we are just seeing the death of an important and public career. Transiting Atropos - where she is right now - is conjunct his natal asteroid Henry and the U.S. natal North Node)

On the 13th the Sun will oppose Mars from 21 degrees Libra - the sign of the Sun's debilitation and will conjunct Trump's natal Jupiter. Having the Sun on his natal Jupiter has been helping Trump during this illness, but now we reach this exact opposition to Mars - with Trump's conjunction waning - and the Sun will be squaring transiting Jupiter (plus Pluto, Saturn and asteroid Wuhan), so Jupiter cannot be as much help here.


He has kind of walked into a landmine. Now, transiting Jupiter is sextiling Neptune - exact on the 14th, so there's that, yes, but keep in mind Trump's natal Neptune is conjunct transiting Lachesis (the determiner of the length of life/goals) and Neptune rules his 8th house - there are probably things he doesn't want to be (that smooth sextile) sliding into here. On the other hand, prayers can help. The channels are open. The Gods/our ancestors/our past lives are listening/helping.

As the Sun opposes Mars, the Sun will be conjunct the natal Juno (in Libra) in the United States birth chart in the 10th house (leader). Trump was born with a painful Juno/Chiron conjunction in Libra (partnerships - certainly left over from his King Henry VIII days or the kingly energy he carries, I can't be sure obviously, but we'll talk about this in the next post).

So, the Sun opposes Mars (exactly) and squares all the Cappy energies. This is a cardinal T-Square with the missing leg in Cancer - filled in for all of us this weekend by the Moon in Cancer, but filled in for Trump as a more on-going transit by his natal Saturn/Venus conjunction in Cancer and for the United States through the U.S. birth chart's (keep in mind both charts are influencing each other) natal Mercury, Henry, Vertex, Part of Fortune. 

The North Node (more destiny, the future) will be on Trump's natal Sun and opposing his Moon. It will be on the United States natal Mars. Transiting Hygiea will be on the United States natal North Node (8th house) and Trump's natal Pluto (12th house).

Plus Trump has longer term health challenges we talked about in the last post. Both his 6th house and 12th house (health houses) rulers are stressed out. His 10th house ruler (career/power/station in life) is Venus and she's traveling through Virgo (conjunct Pandora) and answering to that stationing Mercury. Somebody around him had better know what they are doing. At the very least he could have some long term health complications from this. 


This is so much astro-babble and I could probably write three more paragraphs of it (but won't, don't worry if your eyes have glazed over). 


At the very worst we could be having his funeral at the next Full Moon at the end of the month. I hope to hell we are just looking at the death/transformation of his career. Either way we are probably looking at major changes for the United States (the death of the U.S. as we know it) - but we can already see this. 


His strong Uranian/Martian character (love him or hate him) has carried us to the brink of the Age of Aquarius. For better AND worse. We'll see what the next week brings us. He has withstood immense pressures before and survived. And, of course, so has the country,


Bottom line - bigger hands than ours, or Trump's (and his aren't very big if I remember correctly) are steering this ship. 


We have to trust our collective course.  


Also keep in mind, everything happening OUT THERE is also happening inside us. So take care of yourself. Use your power wisely. 

xo all - back with part III


This is where I will add a disclaimer that transiting Pluto is conjunct my natal Mercury, yes, STILL, (21 Cappy, so waning finally) in my third house - maybe I am 'thinking about death', and I am, and of course I can't look at a chart any other way but through my own eyes. It is rather obvious, to me, this is very serious, but again, these are my eyes/chart I am looking out with. And I have to admit having asteroid Wuhan on my natal Mercury, ruler of my 8th house, with my chart ruler retrograding through my 6th, I am wanting to appease these energies/give them something to do by writing (Mercury) about them :)

If you return to the Trump announcement post HERE - check out the astute (more mind-blowing asteroid stuff) comment by astrologer/reader Morgan re asteroid Hicks (aka Hope Hicks). Life is a puzzle inside a puzzle folks.

Today's Astrology Forecast | Friday, October 9, 2020 - intense conversations, power struggles, a need to get control of ourselves, a need to stop avoiding whatever it is we are avoiding, tests of power



The Moon in Cancer sextiled Venus and a retrograde Uranus early AM EDT, then trines Mercury (in fellow water sign Scorpio) at 8:02AM EDT. Later today - she will start her squares and oppositions - first squaring the Sun (8:39PM EDT) in Libra  and then opposing Jupiter (11:16PM EDT). 


The trine to Mercury can indicate intense conversations emotional conversations/information. Mercury is still in opposition to Uranus, so this might take us by surprise, but we have probably seen this coming.

This month's Third Quarter Square, which we talked about in the weekly HERE - Cancer/Libra - speaks of imbalances and unfairness between our safety/security/what we need/maybe a home situation and our relationships. Cardinal signs tell us this is a good time to start something new here and the square could push us into just that. 


In the meantime, a retrograde Mars is backing into his second square to Pluto. 


We had this square back in the middle of August, so maybe a situation from that time is back on our plate. Mars opposed Pluto from Libra back in March, so we are back here, too. We need to get control of ourselves. We need to be confronting our fears/no hiding. BUT we don't want to be escalating intense situations now - we won't win. Again this is cardinal energy - time to start something new. Take the bull by the horns, and keep in mind, that bull is us. We know what needs to be done and it's time to get on with it. We don't want to be manipulating/controlling other people now - this is going to bite us in the ass big time. Instead let's focus on what we need to do/what WE can control. 


If stuff has been pushed down and hidden in closets here is where it can come storming out. Keep in mind Pluto's ability for total transformation. And his ability to make everything feel like life and death. Maybe it actually is (like in Trump's case and I hope his people are on top of this) but most likely it isn't. 


It sure as hell gets our attention though.


With Pluto, we might not be able to win, but we can't hide either.

Keep in mind also that Mars is retrograde which means life is an inside job now. Slow down. Observe. Observation IS action. We want to be responding and not reacting. Let's not allow ourselves to be cornered into something that is not in our best interest. 

We are building toward (and it's in play RIGHT NOW) Mercury's retrograde station during a HUGE hulabaloo of other aspects on the 13th. 


This is where the transformed/massacred 21-22 degrees of Capricorn (folding lower timelines into higher timelines) again pulls in the Libra/Aries points (kill or cure). If we have planets/points near 21 degrees Libra, we will need to be standing up for ourselves, striving for balance, not being a people-pleaser (which is actually a selfish act, not a selfless one). If we have planets/points near 21 degrees Aries, we will need to pull back some of our fire to make room for other people or we will BURN THEM UP and ourselves in the process.

Keep in mind our Jupiter/Neptune way through this - prayer, meditation, compassion, forgiveness, apologies, RELEASE. And this does not been being a doormat/martyr - NO WAY.


These cardinal energies are pretty much DEMANDING this month we face our fears and act responsibly. We can walk away from confrontations. Respond and not react or shoot from the hip. We can value ourselves and act from that space of self-worth. After all we've been through these last few years we have it in us to do this. We can start from where we are. The cardinal Grand Cross - Mars in Aries, Moon in Cancer, Sun in Libra and the Cappy pile-up is in effect until Saturday night and then transforming into a tight Cardinal T-Square by next week. 


Focus on what you can control instead of what you can't.


How we use/misuse this power now is a test. Let's pass this thing. The world is counting on us.

xo all

back with the Trump watch

photo by the amazing sollenafotographie

Today's Astrology Forecast | Thursday, October 8, 2020 - a slow start, our focus shifts, love (or any lack ) hurts, when fixing doesn't fix it, why do we want what we want and what do we really need


The Moon is void until 11:45AM EDT (feel free to sleep in if you can, you won't miss much that amounts to anything) when she comes home to Cancer. Turning our attention to home, family, mother, security, home business, family business, real estate, renovation, ancestry, country, patriotism. She is unaspected - mostly a good thing with all the Libra/Aries/Cappy stress awaiting her out there - until early, early tomorrow morning (2:16AM EDT) when she sextiles Venus.

And speaking of Venus, at 6 degrees Virgo, she has now moved into an inconjunct with wounded healer Chiron. 


So, maybe the more we try to fix something, the less 'fixed' it is - the more it hurts. Or maybe the more we notice what isn't working. We talked abut our need during Venus in Virgo to not over-focus on what is "wrong" (especially within our relationship, finances) - this isn't about ignoring problems (not something Venus in Virgo is prone to do anyway), but more about realizing when they aren't totally fixable - situations have innate 'give and takes' built into them sometimes - some things we either have to live with or figure out we can't. Avoid over-giving/over-taking. Inconjuncts require adjustments and even then things aren't quite right.


Venus/Chiron speaks of our 'wants' being distorted by old/deep woundings.


Why do we want this? Why does our lack of this hurt? Chiron is in independent Aries - how can we give more of this (abundance, appreciation, love) to ourselves? The Moon is in Cancer - what do we need?

I am working on part II of the October Trump covid post where we'll add in the U.S. natal. It should be up tonight. 


The connections are cray-cray. 


Every day is DANGEROUS for Trump now that he has this virus. I don't believe for one second he is 'alright' as the Whitehouse is reporting. He isn't. We would assume he is getting the best possible care, but it seems like he might be driving the care he is getting. Doctors are reporting he has 'no symptoms', but are they getting this info from Trump or from testing? Who knows. Mercury is going to station retrograde Tuesday while the Sun squares Mars, kicking everything up a notch and even before that we have the Moon in Cancer forming a fast moving (but powerful with the Moon in her home sign) - Grand Cardinal Cross. Hopefully the people around him know what they are doing. 


xo all 

photo by the talented SUDOR

Today's Astrology Forecast | Wednesday, October 7, 2020 - startling information, unexpected results, decision time, not a day to sit on what we know or close our eyes



We wake with the Moon still in "busy and chatty" Gemini - she has trined the Libra Sun at 5:17AM EDT, she squares Neptune at 1:50PM EDT and finally goes void off a productive sextile to a retrograde Mars at 9:56PM EDT. She will be void until 11:45AM tomorrow.

The Moon/Sun waning trine will help us with today's big aspect - Mercury opposing Uranus (first of three). This is unexpected news/secrets being revealed. Decisions. 


We talked about this in length HERE (see Wednesday).


"Mercury in Scorpio is diving into the truth/secrets/a deeper level of information - Uranus is kind of a flash of 'genius' that illuminates what Mercury has dug up. Some unexpected truth could come out now. Disruptive results involving financial/intimacy/merged situations. Oppositions to Uranus can bring abrupt endings. With Mercury walking shadows degrees she/he will walk two more times we will have this aspect again on October 19th (with Mercury retrograde) and finally on November 17th, so this could be the start of a series of revelations. 

Watch your language/words now. Be clear-sighted about the information/stories you tell and what you are allowing yourself to absorb. With Uranus, language is intensified - pulls us into the future. Think twice.

For some people this aspect can also bring technology/transportation issues. Surprises through siblings or our local community"


The good news here is the waning Gemini/Libra trine - this is information shared kindly/lightly, conversations with partners. So maybe whatever we find out here - the Mercury/Uranus deep dive - either involves a partnership or is communicated to other people. Maybe the communication brings things into a greater balance. Maybe whatever we do with the information increases our income/security/changes our values. We Mercury about to go retrograde and walking shadow degrees this will be a process.


This is not a day to sit on what we know or shut our eyes. Uranus brings the unexpected, but he also brings the detachment to help deal with it/the space and perspective to see it more clearly.

With Mercury/Uranus having two more oppositions - the next on October 17th with the Moon unaspected in Scorpio and the final on November 17th when the Moon is sextiling Venus - we can see this matter will be ongoing and more info will come out/more decisions made - it's not a "one and done" kind of thing, but situations can end well with that November sextile if we share what we know now/see what we are being shown.


xo all 

photo by the talented machihuahua