Today's Astrology Forecast | Wednesday, September 29th, 2021 - making commitments, feeling able, dissolving resistance, feeling all the feels, lines get blurry, slippery slopes

  The Moon continues her journey through her home sign of Cancer. She squares Mars (in Libra) at 4:16AM EDT (actions with other...

Today's Astrology Forecast | Tuesday, September 28th, 2021 - what do you need from other people, what do they need from you, keeping the peanuts in the peanut butter

  The Moon is void until 9:34AM EDT when she comes home to Cancer - now we are nurtured/nourished by home, family, real...

Mercury Retrograde in Libra | through October 18th - rethinking our relationships, renegotiating contracts, changing our mind, shadow work, avoiding passive aggressive traps

 The weekend's wonderful weather (yes, autumn weather, I am officially de-pooled) kept me unplugged, so this week it will be...

the astrology of the Full Moon in Pisces | September 20th, 2021 - a culmination, something gets cleared up, optimistic information but check the fine print, let go and let God then make welcome what shows up

  This month's Full Moon is an ending at almost the very end of the very last sign. An end at the end of the end. In imaginative/dreamy,...