Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of February 12th - there is MAGIC afoot, life gets LOUD, keep a notepad handy for those inventive flashes of genius, the lights go out, clarifying information, surprising news, how do we want to advance?

les chaise volantes by moumine

On MONDAY, the Moon continues her journey through Capricorn - knuckle down, get to work, avoid distractions.

At 2:22PM EST (11:22AM PST - that's a whole bunch of master number elevens and twenty-twos) the Moon will conjunct Pluto (this happens once a month) possibly making us more ambitious and likely opening up a brief window for deep transformation.

One of the things (2008-2024) Pluto in Capricorn has been teaching us is about taking personal responsibility for the ways we have given in to an image of ourselves as less strong/less capable than other people - the ways we have given our power away by not stepping into our responsibilities/gifts.

Our emotional Moon (yes, even in serious Capricorn our Moon has emotions!) hooks us into this energy now. We become aware of how we feel about how things are going in our visible, physical world. Maybe key into how you are feeling around this time of day.

If this day is kind of blah, don't worry - things are about to get a whole lot more interesting!

And actually by 6:42PM EST the Moon will sextile Jupiter - things could feel lighter and more pleasant already.

On TUESDAY, the Moon begins the day void of course and then moves into Aquarius at 10:11AM EST.  

We will start to feel the build-up to Thursday's New Moon Solar Eclipse.

The Sun (in Aquarius) will sextile (opportunity) Uranus (in Aries and the ruler of Aquarius) and Mercury will square Jupiter. This sounds like Mardi Gras and actually it is the first day of Mardi Gras and with these aspects we won't have to be in New Orleans to feel it!

Life will be LOUD and interesting

(seriously check your volume, Jupiter will turn it up and no one wants to hear about your great idea while you are breaking the sound barrier).

If something interesting doesn't happen today or we don't have a new idea - we might seriously have to check our pulse! #kidding, #notkidding

We could meet someone new who has an important impact on us - so be out and about. Opportunities/ways to shine will come through the expression of our uniqueness now.

The fly in the ointment here could be thinking the rules don't apply to us, overlooking details or just thinking we know more than we do. Write your new ideas down because Mercury is fleet-footed and this energy is fast-moving!

This positive energy will last at least until Thursday's New Moon so have some fun with it! Do something different!

On WEDNESDAY, Tuesday's buzz continues! The Moon sextiles (opportunity) Mars (in Sagittarius) in the morning - giving us the passion, drive and energy to go after what we want. Time to take action.

Venus is moving toward Thursday's exact sextile with Saturn and it is Valentine's Day, so love (Venus) could be geared toward what is most stable and traditional (Saturn). Especially good for May-December romances/couples with age differences and relationships that get better with age. The opportunity (sextile) comes from what is real and has been worked at. We could be ready to commit.

This could also be about a reward (love/money) that has been a long time coming (someone's ship is coming in!) or a long-lasting (Saturn) benefit (Venus) that comes from what is started/impacted by this influence. Taking love seriously and working on our relationships and or finances can pay off.

(let's see if anything sobering happens again with Bitcoin/the cryptos this week)

On THURSDAY we have the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aquarius at 27 degrees. This one almost exactly opposes last summer's Great American Eclipse which was at 28 degrees Leo and could connect us back to events from that time.

The Sun and Moon are conjunct both Mercury (information, communications, ideas, thinking, siblings, neighborhood) and Juno (commitments, partnerships, contracts) - so they get eclipsed, too! Venus will sextile Saturn - again reminding us of our commitment/where we have given our word. And the whole thing squares Jupiter (in Scorpio) and sextiles Uranus (the eclipse ruler!).

Anytime we get an aspect to the eclipse ruler during an eclipse it is a big deal and this aspect is the opportunistic sextile!

And yes, I am using a whole lot of exclamation points in this post - wth - maybe it's just that kind of week or maybe it's about my second cup of a very strong new tea (I am starting to wonder if this is actually tea?!).

I will write a BIG post by sign this week, but likely this New Moon Solar Eclipse (partial eclipse) will involve some clarifying or new or surprising information/decision that pushes things forward, brings something to light or eclipses something out. It will likely involve a commitment/contract - verbal or written, maybe partnership related. And something about this whole thing will be liberating or won't follow traditional rules. Or something like that.

With Uranus there is no way of really knowing where this is taking us.

And keep in mind Jupiter tends to make things seem bigger/better than they actually are, BUT he is also usually around when the bigger/better actually happens, too. This will all play out over the next 6 months. And I say, "play out" - but remember this is our life, this isn't something that is happening to us, this is something we are actively co-creating and participating with!!!

(yes, a triple !, I blame the "tea")

The Moon goes void at 4:05PM EST, so maybe close up shop early.

Remember what the eclipse is doing - we are like a computer that has been rebooted after a software update.

If we keep on trying to do what we’ve always done (with that Aquarius/Leo storyline), we’ll stay on a deleted timeline (that old program), unable to move forward.

We'll talk about this in the New Moon post.

Also keep in mind Aquarius has a two-planet rulership - both Saturn (ancient ruler) and Uranus (modern ruler). 

Everything with Aquarius is a two step process. 

And it's an air (mental) sign. 

So first we have to think things through - that's Saturn. In all things Aquarian, if we don't have a 'base of knowledge' - if we don't know what we are actually doing - we aren't going to succeed. 

But if we stay too long at that first step - if thinking things through turns into over-thinking - we won't succeed either because there is a second part.

The second part - the Uranian part, is where we do the thing we never did before - we jump out of the airplane. We can't succeed if we don't jump, but we do so at our own peril if we never learned how to fold the damn chute! 

Both parts need to be working together to succeed.

Also remember Aquarius success is different than Capricorn success. Aquarius rules advancement, not achievement (that's Capricorn), and there is a reason Aquarius follows Capricorn. 

Our New Moon intentions will be focused on "how do we want to advance?" not what do we want to achieve. See the difference?

FRIDAY kicks off the Chinese Year of the Dog with the Moon in dreamy and imaginative Pisces. Saturday is a big day with the Sun and Mercury forming a superior conjunction and taking us back to their conjunction on December 17th. 

I'll write more about all of this in the weekend's post.

xo all - back in a couple days with the New Moon Solar Eclipse by sign

Weekend Astrology Forecast for Creatives | have some waffles while waffling, deconstruction, an adventure maybe followed by a hangover

The life cycle of a waffle by sandas04

I wrote about this weekend's aspects in the weekly HERE but let's take a look at the Moons, too.

On FRIDAY morning the waning Moon (in Sagittarius) will square Neptune (in Pisces). Energy focused on releasing time-worn and thread-bare (and yes, I have always wanted to write timeworn and threadbare!) situations/materials would be time well-spent.

We will face less obstacles helping along whatever needs to be "de-constructed" than we will building something new now.

If something/someone maybe a situation/bad habit needs to be weaned - this is a good aspect for that.

Dissolving is easier than holding stuff together today. But, I said that already.

Compassion, forgiveness, healing, imagination, meditation are all favored activities. Our boundaries will be leaky. The morning's energy could lead to foggy thinking so this is not a good time to make an important decision.

By mid afternoon - around 3:30PM EST - the Moon will sextile (opportunity) Mercury in futuristic and humanitarian Aquarius. This would be great for an inspiring brain storming session. A good time to take action toward our Sagittarius or Aquarius goals regarding communications, promotion, politics, weddings. media, group projects, internet projects, travel, foreign or legal issues.

On SATURDAY, the Moon is void most of the day (11:38AM EST through 9:21PM EST) - this is not a good time to start something new (if you want something to come of it) but with the Moon's last aspect a trine to unpredictable Uranus it is good energy for embracing change and trying something else.

It's Saturday - a day to explore! People will not want to be tied down. The Void Moon coupled with Uranus tells us to keep plans flexible.

Venus will ingress into Pisces (see the weekly for more info) until March 5th. A good use of the next month would be to push ourselves to create a new imaginative project every day. Imagination not given some kind of 'form' could ooze off in unintended directions (this can be a good thing, but can also create alot of ooze to clean up later).

Coloring pages would be a good idea before more practical left-brained activities or writing a page every day or taking a photo everyday. Of course, if you are already doing this stuff you are going to have to really pump it up!

There is no way to control our Venus when she is answering to Neptune (ruler of Pisces) - it is best to give her some intentional time - art, meditation, time spent in or near water, healing work, imagination - so our Venusian resources - love, money, our values and self-esteem are not as subject to Neptune's 'drifting away' tendencies. Of course these things can drift in as easily as out, but then after they drift in they usually drift right back out again!

Our intuition will be heightened now. We will be more attractive to and have a greater relationship (Venus) with our 12 house blind-spots and whatever we have put away and don't want to look at - keep this in mind. Addiction/escapist tendencies can increase. Back-burnered creative projects (and the stuff we used to love) can move to the front burner now, at least for awhile. Boundaries thin, we become more porous. We will be looking at other people, particularly within partnerships, through a more rose-colored, idealistic lens. Keep this in mind.

On SUNDAY, the Moon in Capricorn conjuncting Saturn in the morning will focus us on more practical, traditional matters. Time will feel precious or pressured. We could be naturally more guarded and reserved. Some alone time will be a good idea for many people. Serious issues will seem even more serious. Whatever we can do today to contribute to a more solid base (whatever those words mean to you) would be a good use of our time. Call your dad.

Jupiter (in Scorpio) squares the Sun (in Aquarius) at 18 degrees. I write about this in the weekly HERE in relation to that issue from the 4th - this is also a time for assessments of character that can lead to success. Our egos are tested. Avoid taking on too much.

We will gather the facts together knowing we are in between eclipses and we don't know what we don't know. Yes, we are waffling now because it is a time for waffling and actually it's Sunday so maybe a time for waffles while waffling - it is not a time for firm decisions.Yes to waffles. No to jumping into things unless we are tethered to a rope and the rope has been tested for durability like they used to test those suitcases in the Samsonite luggage commercials and the knot on that rope has been tied by a sailor with 20 years experience and his 2.5 magnifying lenses. And even then ....

With so many planets in Aquarius, Jupiter aspecting the Sun, Venus moving into her exaltation in Pisces, Mars conjuncting the star Antares at the very heart of the Scorpian (the sign Mars co-rules) - there is alot happening in the build-up toward the February 15th New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aquarius conjunct Mercury and Juno (so yes, they are getting eclipsed, too!).

Extreme events can happen in between eclipses and not everything in our pan will turn out to be gold flakes. We will talk about this more next week.

That Cappy Moon will continue on Monday morning so be ready to get to work!

xo all - enjoy your weekend!