Full Moon in Capricorn | closures and commitments, security, power, control, painful losses, surprises, the results of working hard, hardly working or working hard at the wrong things, did we put our ladder against the wrong wall?

Today's Full Moon in Capricorn (12:53AM EDT last night) is a challenging one. Capricorn Full Moons are always heavy - our emotional Moon, challenged in cold-as-ice Capricorn, is opposed by the Sun in the Moon's sign of Cancer - and this one is particularly hard-core.

The Sun at 6 degrees Cancer opposes the Moon at 6 degrees Capricorn, conjuncts Saturn (ruler of this Full Moon through his rulership of Capricorn) squares (tension/frustration/pain) wounded healer Chiron and trines (brakes off) "shocking and unexpected" change maker Uranus.

This whole thing sounds very much like Sun opposite Saturn which we talked about yesterday - and which of course, is still in play here.

In Capricorn the Moon is cold and practical, reserved and quiet. We might not feel like howling at the moon with this one. Strikes could be deadly, but they will likely be controlled.

This is about the Cancer/Capricorn polarity AND the themes of our natal Cancer/Capricorn houses.

Family vs. work. The security that comes from nurturing ourselves, nurturing others or being nurtured vs the security that comes from having work in the world and money coming in. Our nest at home vs our place in the world. Summer vs. winter. Preparing for birth vs preparing for death "winter is coming". Childhood vs old age. Vulnerability vs self-sufficiency. Mom vs dad.

There is so much contradiction and conflict here, but like all polarities this is really just two sides of the same coin - something labeled SECURITY.

We can't own a coin without owning both sides.

But we can only look at (focus on) one side at a time. The other side is in the shadows - so we have to flip back and forth and balance this stuff out with our time, attention and resources. There isn't really an end to this or a way to "win" here.

We just do the best we can with what we have.

Spend too much time with one side of the coin and the other side gets all gunky like those pennies stuck in our car cupholder that have had coffee dripped on them. Now matter how shiny the other side looks that gunky side means we never get to actually spend the money

(yes, this could be one of my strange metaphors that don't get us anywhere - except maybe out to the car with a squirt bottle of vinegar and a cup of soapy water).

Being about Cancer (home, family) and Capricorn (work, responsibilities in the world) or our own needs and the needs of other people - any imbalances here will probably show up now to allow us to realign what isn't working.   

Also imbalances with authority and authority figures and the way we use and mis-use our own authority/responsibility.

The Capricorn Full Moon throws a light on what power can do and also on the finality of choices we've already made. 

This Moon pulls us back to the January New Moon and the work we set into motion then (ie New Year's resolutions) - how is that working for us? 

Both Cancer and Capricorn are concerned with issues of SECURITY, both value TIME and are guardians of the legacy of our ancestors.

Full Moons bring culminations, so maybe something ends now.

Full Moons bring things to light. Capricorn themes (and your personal Capricorn/Cancer house themes) will be highlighted - tradition, structure, work, obligations, responsibility, authority, ambition, limits, boundaries, restrictions, goals. Old Man Saturn will win this round. Chiron will make sure we feel the loss/culmination. Uranus will catch us by surprise and push us toward a different future. There probably won't be any space to turn away and shield our eyes.

Remember the Achilles heel with Capricorn and Saturn is that this energy often values stability over everything else. Its strength is in being 'un-moveable'. But stable things grow stagnant. Being un-moveable is not a good or realistic way to move through a life that is so changeable. The trine to unpredictable and freedom-loving Uranus will mitigate this somewhat or just push things Saturn's way, but at the end of the day old man Saturn (not quite as changed by his journey 6 months ago across the Galactic Center as I might have hoped ... not quite yet) won't be messed with. Rules, limits, boundaries, responsibilities will be enforced.

There are many changes ahead this summer (and re-plays) as an out-of-bounds, retrograde Mars journeys back and forth across the South Node of Fate through 3 eclipses and multiple Super Moons releasing us from lifetimes of ancestral karmic contracts. We have Chiron back and forth across Pisces and Aries. We have Uranus back and forth across Aries and Taurus.

We are still physically, mentally and emotionally hanging onto an old reality that doesn't exist anymore (Age of Pisces/patriarchy/top down authority).  

We just can't see that yet.

And with Ceres (I am more and more coming to see her as ruling Taurus, ground zero for lightning strikes and Uranus is answering to her now) moving into Virgo TODAY, where she will stay throughout the summer (until September 6th) - this is also the updating of everything we think we know about our physical body and our health as we release attachments to old familial DNA patterning and the deep-rooted beliefs that keep us limited and stuck.

For today, this Moon is very grounded. Walk in it .. if you dare :)

xo all

Note, if we are not liking the results we are seeing now the trine to Uranus could make it easier to bounce off in an entirely new direction and get some traction fairly quickly.

Sun Opposite Saturn | limits, NO, a difficult direction, taking responsibility for our situation without judging ourselves

16.365 by Laauraa

Once a year the Sun and Saturn line up in exact opposition. Today we have the Cancer Sun opposing Saturn (in Capricorn) at 5 degrees.

We could hear a "no" now, we could say "no", hit a limit, have to deal with some kind of burden. A light shines on WHY we are being blocked and what obligations remain. We are being pushed in a difficult direction.

Saturn/Sun can also limit self-expression or bring father/authority issues. The opposition comes from something outside ourselves (appears to) - the action of another person or a situation it seems we cannot control. At the same time we can see the way our own actions/thoughts have set ourselves up here.

This energy might not feel good. Saturn can be depressing because it is quite literally like a weight pressing down on us.

I am not going to write again about the need to "step into our responsibility", work hard, do the right thing, yada-yada. We know this. We are just as likely to get off course by stepping into someone else's responsibility, working too hard, taking on too much or neglecting the other muses. Saturn isn't everything (he hasn't been the "buck stops here" limit since the invention of the telescope, we have to keep this in mind) and he doesn't run every show as much as he (as we) would like to.

We are building toward tomorrow's Full Moon in Capricorn. Let's give ourselves a break (Cancer!).

We can take responsibility for the situation we find ourselves in without judgement.

Just hold space for yourself. Look without attachment at the current situation. Resolve to move forward in a more responsible manner in whatever area of life we feel this pressure. And remember that "in a more responsible manner" will have different meanings for different people!

People pleasing is a kind of grandiosity thinking/belief system that creates Saturnian challenges.

My natal Sun/Saturn conjunction means I do not often encounter Saturnian limits outside myself - I am much more likely to encounter a person/situation ready to hand off their own overloaded bag to me and/or to spend my time figuring out new ways to overburden/limit/stress myself out.

(On Sunday I went to a birthday party for my nephew which was decorated in an explorer theme. I had loaned my sister-in-law a few props for the party - vintage suitcases, vintage globes, etc. As the party was wrapping up, a good friend of my sister-in-law asked me if she could borrow one of the vintage suitcases - my favorite one - for an upcoming show. She is a very talented and commercially successful artist.

She had the suitcase in her hand when she asked and I had my hands filled with presents I was boxing up. She said she had searched for a suitcase like this and they cost around $85.00. Now instead of saying, "yes, they are hard to find and that is probably about what I paid for it. Unfortunately it is a favorite and irreplaceable and I don't lend it out" instead of thinking about why I should risk my $85 suitcase to someone who doesn't value it enough to purchase her own - I said "sure".

Later on I heard her talking about how she wished she could take the hot air balloon my brother had made with her for her show, but it wouldn't fit on the plane but a suitcase would be an easy thing to take on a plane (on a plane!). That night, when I was home and had time to think, ie ruminate, I was totally annoyed with myself that I had given so little thought to lending out something I cared about and couldn't replace if something happened to it and annoyed with her for asking and "putting me on the spot".

I was busy Monday and Tuesday and by Tuesday night when I slowed down - and with the Sun approaching his opposition to Saturn, which I was feeling, but not thinking about - I called my sister-in-law to get her friend's number to rescind my "yes"; to tell her "no". Sometimes 'stepping into our responsibility and living up to our obligations' is about our responsibility and obligation to ourselves - to putting ourselves first.

I am grateful to this woman for this experience - which I obviously needed "to put me on the spot" - even though it has been very uncomfortable (and, of course, a minor situation, but I would rather learn by the pebble than the rock). Next time, when the situation isn't a minor situation, I will do better. I will do better. How many times should I write that to make it stick?! Maybe I need a suitcase tattoo. And how appropriate this is about a suitcase and I am really wanting to travel since cancelling my trip! Did I write about that?!)

We also have an all day Void Moon.

The best use of today's energies could be working - probably alone! - on a project/goal. In the collective we will see corporate/conservative "wins" (Saturn wins this one) like we are seeing with the Supreme Court rulings over the last couple days.

xo all

As we build toward Thursday's Full Moon conjunct Saturn this is an excellent time to see the planet Saturn in the night sky. More info on that HERE.