Today's Astrology Forecast for Creatives | a push away from what is no longer needed, intense emotions, going deeper, intimacy, vulnerability, tears, back into the financial/relationship issues from a new, stronger perch, more SCORPIO

Tender. by Black Proserpine

Some of this week's major aspects are:

SUNDAY - Venus re-enters Scorpio, the Sun squares Mars
MONDAY - Uranus squares the North and South Nodes
TUESDAY - Mercury trines Chiron and North Node
WEDNESDAY - Sun squares Neptune
THURSDAY - Mercury stations direct (!)
FRIDAY - NEW MOON in Sagittarius
SUNDAY - Chiron stations direct

I am going to need to do dailies again, because my Sundays are not my own this month!

On MONDAY morning the Moon (in Libra) is going to oppose Uranus (retrograde in Aries). This speaks of a surprising situation with another person. This could be exciting (good) or shocking (not so good). We could also kind of instinctively (Moon) rebel (Uranus) against anything that has us feeling cornered or restricted.

People's emotions will be unpredictable.

With Uranus squaring the Nodes of Fate now - it might be the best way to deal with a disruptive situation is 1. to do what is most nurturing, especially self-nurturing 2. to allow ourselves to be vulnerable - not in some idiotic way with someone we can't trust, but we don't have to know everything/be solid and perfect - we can let our guard down a little bit and just be ourselves.

It's Uranus's job to force us away from what is no longer needed. Keep that in mind now.

Note - as that South Node moves through Capricorn over the next year, and as Saturn moves through Capricorn and toward Pluto - we are releasing alot of things that used to stabilize us - patriarchy in its own way was stabilizing. This is happening both individually and as a collective. The things we used to count on may not be there and we need to figure out - and this is what the last few years has been about - how to move forward on shifting sands, how to have faith in ourselves and in each other and in life. We will find the people in our lives who we thought were very stable and secure are not as secure/stable as they used to be either.

Mercury is back in Scorpio today and Venus re-entered Scorpio on Sunday. This is alot of water energy and Scorpio water can be stagnant. It's been there for a long time. Intense emotions are likely. Regrets about things we didn't do or the things that didn't go our way. The dark Moon is moving into Scorpio this afternoon, too - after going void from 1:16PM EST to 2:55PM EST.

There is much energy available for healing wounds that are very old and very deep.

Many things are reaching a conclusion now. We are releasing. There are endings. If you need a good cry, have a good cry. Sweating helps, too, if you have access to a sauna or just get some intense exercise. Water is everywhere this week!

Today we have the Moon retracing the steps Venus just made on Friday and then she meets Venus at 0 degrees Scorpio this afternoon. This is excellent energy for real intimacy - relationship/financial.

xo all

Venus opposing Uranus | a conclusion with that financial/partnership situation, something unexpected, cleaning closets and inboxes, whatever we own owns us right back so dumping whatever we are not loving equals greater freedom

discodisco by gleymast

As Venus reaches 29 degrees Libra today she opposes Uranus at 29 degrees Aries.

Venus is still in her retrograde shadow - walking degrees she has walked before - and this is her third and final meeting with the future-leaning, freedom-loving, chaos and disorder providing Uranus.

This time she is strong in her home sign, although keep in mind she will be back in Scorpio on Monday (and a retrograde Mercury will be back in Scorpio tomorrow).

This aspect has been in play for awhile and now reaches an exact opposition. Squaring the North and South Nodes of Fate (Cancer/Capricorn) whatever we have going on is significant, even life-changing!

With Venus and Uranus at the powerful FINAL 29th degrees of the signs they occupy - this feels like the conclusion. They first opposed each other in mid-September and then again on Halloween - there could be a connection between those dates and what is happening now. Keep in mind though, both Venus and Uranus were in different signs then (Scorpio/Taurus), so the story has shifted.

Uranus is fast change and Venus rules our relationships, love, money, our values, resources, women and self-esteem. Something could wrap up now or change quickly on us. Oppositions appear to come from the outside and appear to be "outside" our control.

What houses do Libra and Aries rule in your natal chart?

EXAMPLE for Cancer/Cancer Rising - Venus in your 4th house vs Uranus in your 10th house speaks of a home/family/real estate/ home business situation. There could be an unexpected development or a conclusion regarding your living situation/people who live with you/your physical home/roots/mother possibly coming through authority/a public situation/you stepping into your own authority or greater responsibility. You have been back and forth with this situation. Your confidence is increased. You know your value now. You are making decisions/taking action from this stronger space. As Venus moves back into your 3rd house on Monday (and you may already be feeling this) you will be communicating, making decisions, signing contracts - from this stronger place. If you are doing this right - changes should offer greater freedom and have you leaning into your future. The North Node is in your sign Cancer - what can't you do?!

With the Moon in Virgo and making all kinds of aspects yesterday and today all of us could be stressed and BUSY.

Our focus might be on paperwork, getting organized, cleaning things up, our work, co-workers, our pets and our health. The Moon will be making nice with Pluto this afternoon - an especially good time to dump whatever is cluttering up our lives. Excellent energy to finish something, end an annoying or wasteful habit, cut the unnecessary crap from December's schedule because believe me we are going to be busy.

Tomorrow morning, after an early, short void, the Moon will move into Libra and Mercury will retrograde back into Scorpio. We will be more diplomatic and cooperative. Our thinking will shift from "big-picture" back into the details.

Back tomorrow with more on that.

xo all